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Exxon/Mobil Paid No Federal Income Tax in 2009

if a business shows no net profit, why would they pay any income taxes?

If a business pays out most of what it earns to stockholders, taxes are collected on the gains of those stocks.

If a business buys equipment, taxes are paid on the equipment.

A business pays employees, taxes are collected on that.

If a business contracts work out to another company, taxes are collected

don't worry folks the money that exxon made and spent caused many millions of tax dollars to flow into government's itchy little hands.


How does that old song go? "WHOOMP, THERE IT IS!"
Running around screaming "it's a lie" doesn't make the truth any less truthful. I have fairly characterized your views. I have also exposed their problems, problems which you refuse to address despite ample opportunity.
You are an empty gourd. Sorry.

Thanks for the obfuscation it's just too bad that you lack the ability and integrity to be honest. Which in the end is all that you have exposed.
So, care to show me when and where I expressed "they ought to just open their coffers to the U.S. government and let it all hang out." as my view?? It's ok you and I both know that you can't which is why you avoided addressing your own words.

Your MIScharacterization as you dishonestly assign a belief to me that I do not hold and have not expressed in any form is not doing anything fairly.

The big difference between you and I is that I posted YOUR words to show how you were being dishonest and in contrast to that all you have done is made the unsupported claim that I was being dishonest.
I showed the proof, you made an unsubstantiated claim. How typical.

Here are your exact words:
More strawmen arguments, imagine that. LOL I pay my taxes and am proud to be an American. I may not like everything that MY government spend my tax dollars on but I feel it is my duty to pay my share. I believe that what these American corporations do to make these profits when they exploit every loophole and move offices overseas to AVOID PAYING TAXES is bad for America.

I don't see how people can try to justify or rationalize that and pretend that it's a good thing.
You feel it is your duty (and everyone else's) to pay as much money in taxes as they can. You have no basis for this belief. I have already pointed out that corps have a fiduciary duty not to do this and minimize their tax liability. And your response is to call me a liar.
But there. Now you've been exposed for the hypocrite, fraud, and ignoramus you are.
Live with it.
Running around screaming "it's a lie" doesn't make the truth any less truthful. I have fairly characterized your views. I have also exposed their problems, problems which you refuse to address despite ample opportunity.
You are an empty gourd. Sorry.

Thanks for the obfuscation it's just too bad that you lack the ability and integrity to be honest. Which in the end is all that you have exposed.
So, care to show me when and where I expressed "they ought to just open their coffers to the U.S. government and let it all hang out." as my view?? It's ok you and I both know that you can't which is why you avoided addressing your own words.

Your MIScharacterization as you dishonestly assign a belief to me that I do not hold and have not expressed in any form is not doing anything fairly.

The big difference between you and I is that I posted YOUR words to show how you were being dishonest and in contrast to that all you have done is made the unsupported claim that I was being dishonest.
I showed the proof, you made an unsubstantiated claim. How typical.

Here are your exact words:
More strawmen arguments, imagine that. LOL I pay my taxes and am proud to be an American. I may not like everything that MY government spend my tax dollars on but I feel it is my duty to pay my share. I believe that what these American corporations do to make these profits when they exploit every loophole and move offices overseas to AVOID PAYING TAXES is bad for America.

I don't see how people can try to justify or rationalize that and pretend that it's a good thing.
You feel it is your duty (and everyone else's) to pay as much money in taxes as they can. You have no basis for this belief. I have already pointed out that corps have a fiduciary duty not to do this and minimize their tax liability. And your response is to call me a liar.
But there. Now you've been exposed for the hypocrite, fraud, and ignoramus you are.
Live with it.

Blah balh blah is right where your spin is concerned.

Furthermore, my belief that I feel it is my duty to "pay my share" is NOT the same thing as paying " as much in taxes as they can" so once again you DISHONESTLY try to rephrase my comments to suit YOUR spin.

Me calling you a liar, which is the case and has been proven by you as you once again rephrase my words to suit your needs, has nothing to do with your argument about their fiduciary duty.
Furthermore, I have specifically quoted comments that you made where you tried to falsely attribute comments to me that i did not say to show you as dishonest. This is just another example of your dishonesty as you now try to falsely claim that me calling you a liar was directed at you for your fiduciary duy claim.

Thanks for the spin however, once again you expose your own dishonesty.
No Nancy, I mean Clancy...you yourself just stated "And you think the Government is any better?" indicating that you KNOW that Corporations are nothing but SCUM.

I, however, believe and KNOW that the Government IS better.

WHO is the government other than you and me and your fellow American citizens...not a bunch of old farts in a corporate dungeon somewhere thinking up new ways to bilk the good folks from their money.

What has the Big Corp done for you lately? What has Big Miner done for you lately?

Aww Nancy? That's cute.

I'd take Corporation Greed over Government Greed any day. :eusa_hand:

Actually nowadays Government is made out of Elitists, meaning they don't give a darn flying shit about you or me.. They care about their own Special Interests, their own damn Greedy Agendas. Which in the end, hurts us more than Corp Greed.

What has the Big corp done for me? Actually, I work at a Local Ice Rink which indeed is a Franchise, they have provided Money for Gas, Money for my Lunch and Breakfast today and let's not forget money to pay off my new Truck.

You've been completly taught to hate all Corporations, and the only alternative you prefer or seem to think is "better" is Government.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
Thomas Paine
You really are a piece of work you know that?

There you go flapping your gums about "you've been completely taught to hate all corporations" when you know good and damn well that its YOU and YOUR ilk who have been TAUGHT and SOLD the meme to hate ALL government. Just turn to FOXNews right now and you're sure to see that lecture being given within 3 minutes.

Big Corp, is not our friend. I can't think of one industry who has the people's interest in mind. The people being, of course, the citizens of this great nation. I'm not talking about their shareholders or even their employees, but the people in general...the population.

Corporation care NOT for these people. Corporations and/or their shareholders only care about THEMSELVES...all else be damned. Big Corp has proved this over and over and over again.

Firstly, they want to do what they want, when they want, whenver they want. Secondly, they don't want to pay for it. Thirdly, they don't want to be regulated. So everyone and the government, should just let them do whatever the hell they want, regardless of the social or health consequences it may have. All in the name of Big Business...or capitalism.

No...I do NOT agree with this. NEVER will. Its not right in any way shape or form. And your TAUGHT HATRED to the GUB'MUNT is so ENTRENCHED into your thick hide that you can't see the forrest for the trees because you're so mad with hatred towards "The Evil Gub'Mint."

I commend and support businesses that are level-headed and are fair and are temperate, but I DAMN those who aren't.

Lets look at what happened recently. First some poor Miner shmucks got killed in VA. Now some drillers got their asses blown up in LA. WHO'S to blame for this one? The Industries that did their damndest to ignore all the social and health concerns in order to MAXIMIZE their profits? OR the "Evil Gub'Mint" who's BEEN trying to get them regulated to do things more properly, safely and end-up more costly to said industries.

What do YOU think?

WOW so now out of sheer desperation and dishoensty you are actually trying to rationalize and to equate taking every tax deduction I qualify for to companies doing everything they can including creating shell companies to hide income to avoid paying taxes on that income.

How is taking deductions equivalent to hiding income to keep it from being taxed?? Funny I thought republicans/righties were against tax evasion?? LOL

If companies are hiding money, then they need to be prosecuted. Please post lists of actions against companies for doing what they are doing.
There are none. They are doing nothing illegal, therefore no prosecutions. Is it illegal to create shell companies? Is it illegal to shelter income offshore?
No, there is nothing illegal about it. So comparing one way of doing business to assure minimum tax liability to another way to insure minimum tax liability seems like a pretty good comparison to me.

Where did I say that they committed a crime?? I clearly said I didn't like what they were doing to avoid paying taxes on income and your repsonse was to dishonestly try to compare deductions to hiding income to keep it from being taxed.
The only real comparison between the two is that both reduce the amount of money paid to the government on income. You take one attribute that makes them similar and try to claim that they are the same.
Your dishonest comparision is like saying that a fish and a sub are the same because they both travel through the water.
RWers CANNOT help themselves but to be DISHONEST. Its just a part of who they are...its in their very fiber.

In other news....

President Obama appoints several tax cheats to his cabinet. Most notably, Tim Geitner... a tax cheat... is appointed to the head of the IRS.
Shouldn't you be kissing Timmeh's ass crack and licking between his toes then...you Money Worshipper?
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It's not true that Democrats hate all corporations. They only hate the ones that make money. The others they rush to give bailouts to.

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