Eye Witness At Las Vegas Shooting States “There Were 7 Confirmed Shooters”


Sep 28, 2017
Rikki’s Story
Before we get into this story. This is not made up, it’s not fake news, it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a story from someone who was there that night as she experienced it. This is important to note because her intentions in releasing this story are not anything other than wanting to explore the truth and how things could have changed so much based on the minute by minute play of what happened as she ran down the strip that night to safety.

Rikki’s Story
Before we get into this story. This is not made up, it’s not fake news, it’s not a conspiracy theory,

Yes, it is, and don't create thread titles in all caps, please.
Rikki’s Story
Before we get into this story. This is not made up, it’s not fake news, it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a story from someone who was there that night as she experienced it. This is important to note because her intentions in releasing this story are not anything other than wanting to explore the truth and how things could have changed so much based on the minute by minute play of what happened as she ran down the strip that night to safety.


WHen losers have to think it's always a conspiracy to them.That is their simple bail out of possible logics or common sense. They only see what CNN, ABC, NBC, HUFF PO, WAPO tell them to see.

See how nice and simple that was to explain American dumbasses. lol
I knew it, I heard it was a bus load of seniors from a local assisted living facility. You just don't piss off seniors.
You know, civilians generally aren't involved in firefights with guns, so they wouldn't have any kind of decent reference to work from.

Besides, it says in the article that she heard it from someone else, which happened to be a security guard.

Well................we already know that the Vegas gunman had registered at several hotels in the area, all of them were sighted in on the music festival.

My opinion? She probably heard a security guard talking on the radio to someone else about how he was registered in several different hotels.

If there had actually been another shooter and they had shot into the crowd as well, we would have known about it, because they would have had to break out a window if they were over 2 stories above the ground, and if they were at 2 stories or less, they wouldn't have had the angle required to hit the concert.
It was a car full of Elvis fans who have never gotten over the space alien abduction of Elvis.
The open question is did he have accomplices inside the room and did they escape? Stunts that were less lethal but every bit as psycho have been used in the past to manipulate the commodities and other capital markets.
I knew it, I heard it was a bus load of seniors from a local assisted living facility. You just don't piss off seniors.

They're still mad about that flooded nursing home, and somebody is going to pay for that wet doily she was crocheting.
The open question is did he have accomplices inside the room and did they escape? Stunts that were less lethal but every bit as psycho have been used in the past to manipulate the commodities and other capital markets.

Actually, if he had 4 days to set up, he could have very easily done it by himself. All he would have to do is bring in trunks of luggage (probably 4 or 5, which wouldn't really raise suspicions in Vegas if you have a multi day stay and a high roller), and do it over a day or two.

Then, when you start setting up in the room, wait until the last day, and put "do not disturb" signs on the door, spend your time setting up and ordering room service, and then, when you feel the time is right, take a sledgehammer to the windows and break them out and commence shooting.

Now, I'd be willing to agree that he may have had help if this had been done on one or two days, but he was there over half a week.
Fox and friends reported minus 5 shooters, when asked to explain they claimed it wasn't shooters but Martians and they couldn't count them because they come and go at rapid speeds. Trump supporters and voters agree that makes perfect sense and their president isn't a moron and neither are they.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt
This case is no where near over , and it isn't fair for anybody's post to be stuck in conspiracy when none of these MODS have FBI case files on hand so how in the hell do they know what is a conspiracy or not.



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This case is no where near over , and it isn't fair for anybody's post to be stuck in conspiracy when none of these MODS have FBI case files on hand so how in the hell do they know what is a conspiracy or not.

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Good point. There’s so little known about this incident that every theory practically fits the foil hat version of “conspiracy theory”. What’s so foil hattery about conspiring anyway? People do it all the time.
The open question is did he have accomplices inside the room and did they escape? Stunts that were less lethal but every bit as psycho have been used in the past to manipulate the commodities and other capital markets.

Actually, if he had 4 days to set up, he could have very easily done it by himself. All he would have to do is bring in trunks of luggage (probably 4 or 5, which wouldn't really raise suspicions in Vegas if you have a multi day stay and a high roller), and do it over a day or two.

Then, when you start setting up in the room, wait until the last day, and put "do not disturb" signs on the door, spend your time setting up and ordering room service, and then, when you feel the time is right, take a sledgehammer to the windows and break them out and commence shooting.

Now, I'd be willing to agree that he may have had help if this had been done on one or two days, but he was there over half a week.

Don't necessarily disagree with you myself but the local sheriff who has seen all of the evidence appears to.
The open question is did he have accomplices inside the room and did they escape? Stunts that were less lethal but every bit as psycho have been used in the past to manipulate the commodities and other capital markets.

Actually, if he had 4 days to set up, he could have very easily done it by himself. All he would have to do is bring in trunks of luggage (probably 4 or 5, which wouldn't really raise suspicions in Vegas if you have a multi day stay and a high roller), and do it over a day or two.

Then, when you start setting up in the room, wait until the last day, and put "do not disturb" signs on the door, spend your time setting up and ordering room service, and then, when you feel the time is right, take a sledgehammer to the windows and break them out and commence shooting.

Now, I'd be willing to agree that he may have had help if this had been done on one or two days, but he was there over half a week.

Don't necessarily disagree with you myself but the local sheriff who has seen all of the evidence appears to.

Rikki’s Story
Before we get into this story. This is not made up, it’s not fake news, it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a story from someone who was there that night as she experienced it. This is important to note because her intentions in releasing this story are not anything other than wanting to explore the truth and how things could have changed so much based on the minute by minute play of what happened as she ran down the strip that night to safety.


WHen losers have to think it's always a conspiracy to them.That is their simple bail out of possible logics or common sense. They only see what CNN, ABC, NBC, HUFF PO, WAPO tell them to see.

See how nice and simple that was to explain American dumbasses. lol

Rikki’s Story
Before we get into this story. This is not made up, it’s not fake news, it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a story from someone who was there that night as she experienced it. This is important to note because her intentions in releasing this story are not anything other than wanting to explore the truth and how things could have changed so much based on the minute by minute play of what happened as she ran down the strip that night to safety.


WHen losers have to think it's always a conspiracy to them.That is their simple bail out of possible logics or common sense. They only see what CNN, ABC, NBC, HUFF PO, WAPO tell them to see.

See how nice and simple that was to explain American dumbasses. lol


you nailed it.

when they cant refute facts of what eyewitnesses saw and heard,since it does not go along with the official version and shoots down the governments official narrative,and makes them think and they dont want to believe their government lied to them,they dismiss what witnesses have to say.:lmao::rofl::haha:

they dont want to hear facts that contradict the governments version of events of course so they insult knowing they are backed up against the wall.:haha:
I want first star off and say I feel very bad for all the people who were killed and got wounded,on that note,THIS is the place mark davis wants to move the OAKLAND Raiders on top of all the already dozens of obstacles he has to face to get there?

Not happening.I

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