Face it Libs..It’s our lowest class using marijuana...that’s the problem.

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This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
That sounds like something a statist would say. JS

Think about...these are the same people bitching and whining nonstop about minimum wages and or how they don’t get enough free shit from taxpayers...right?
They have their children on macaroni and cheese and Top Ramen diets yet always have their sack of weed, Modello and $7 pack of cigarettes...right?
.GOV has to demand better of these people and protect taxpayers through legislation...right?
This really isn’t all that complicated...unless you’re a stoner yourself.
I totally get that. People are like that with ALL vices. Picking on a flower just seems partisan to me.
BTW i love modello
I am also a stoner. We talked about this earlier. Did you already forget? Did you burn that brain cell? :D

The problem with these substances has nothing to do with class and everything to do with addiction, both emotional and physical. Some people are just more susceptible to addiction.

I drink, probably to excess sometimes, but I don't drink every day or when I'm alone. I toke from time to time, but usually on trips or when others are doing it. I smoke 5-6 cigars a year, but have never smoked a cigarette. I've taken Xanax for fear of flying, but never felt the desire to abuse it. Same thing with Codeine.

Addiction susceptibility crosses class lines, it's just people not as well off don't usually have the support structures to get help.

Now when it comes to me, my main concern has been MMO's like World of Warcraft.

4 years clean!
I know the feeling, 40 years of strategy gaming....Still can't stop CIV VI addiction..
Liberals think that if they become pot addicts they will all turn into Robert Durst and become millionaires.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
That sounds like something a statist would say. JS

Think about...these are the same people bitching and whining nonstop about minimum wages and or how they don’t get enough free shit from taxpayers...right?
They have their children on macaroni and cheese and Top Ramen diets yet always have their sack of weed, Modello and $7 pack of cigarettes...right?
.GOV has to demand better of these people and protect taxpayers through legislation...right?
This really isn’t all that complicated...unless you’re a stoner yourself.
I totally get that. People are like that with ALL vices. Picking on a flower just seems partisan to me.
BTW i love modello
I am also a stoner. We talked about this earlier. Did you already forget? Did you burn that brain cell? :D

The problem with these substances has nothing to do with class and everything to do with addiction, both emotional and physical. Some people are just more susceptible to addiction.

I drink, probably to excess sometimes, but I don't drink every day or when I'm alone. I toke from time to time, but usually on trips or when others are doing it. I smoke 5-6 cigars a year, but have never smoked a cigarette. I've taken Xanax for fear of flying, but never felt the desire to abuse it. Same thing with Codeine.

Addiction susceptibility crosses class lines, it's just people not as well off don't usually have the support structures to get help.

Now when it comes to me, my main concern has been MMO's like World of Warcraft.

4 years clean!
I know the feeling, 40 years of strategy gaming....Still can't stop CIV VI addiction..

LOL, I am playing it right now.......
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?

Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
it's a pretty asanine assumption that all people who smoke are low lifes and/or liberals.
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?

Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
it's a pretty asanine assumption that all people who smoke are low lifes and/or liberals.

What’s asanine is to pretend the MAJORITY of abusers aren’t lowlife Liberals...no? Look bud...you’re a stoner...you don’t have to sell me on your level of legitimacy.
I like to acknowledge the greater percentages...don’t you?
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
No. It is just right wing socialism on a national basis.
We need to take away all federal funding from these marijuana sanctuary states!

We have a Commerce Clause. The Power to Prohibit got repealed as a Bad idea, last millennium.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
That sounds like something a statist would say. JS

Think about...these are the same people bitching and whining nonstop about minimum wages and or how they don’t get enough free shit from taxpayers...right?
They have their children on macaroni and cheese and Top Ramen diets yet always have their sack of weed, Modello and $7 pack of cigarettes...right?
.GOV has to demand better of these people and protect taxpayers through legislation...right?
This really isn’t all that complicated...unless you’re a stoner yourself.
You get what you pay for, right wingers. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?

Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
require employers to hire anyone that wants a job in right to work States!
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
Famous pot smokers:
Steve Jobs , Ben Franklin, The Beatles, Rick Steves, NBA executive Phil Jackson,
Bill Maher, Seth MacFarlane, Martha Stewart, David Letterman, etc etc etc

Are they all low class?
I swear Trump humps are the dumbest people on earth.

You’ll bust your asses trying to depict the likes of Steve Jobs as you poster child....haha...only you fools buy that shit. This is your boy right here....
we just legalized weed in California this year; buy on rumor sell on news.
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?

Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
it's a pretty asanine assumption that all people who smoke are low lifes and/or liberals.

What’s asanine is to pretend the MAJORITY of abusers aren’t lowlife Liberals...no? Look bud...you’re a stoner...you don’t have to sell me on your level of legitimacy.
I like to acknowledge the greater percentages...don’t you?
don't see a need to. you're out to stereotype in a manner you're comfortable with and as soon as someone disagrees with you, you pull a classic liberal tactic (funny, bash liberals then use their methods) to simply call the other side names to discredit them.

nothing i say will change your mind. no references of people i know who make 6+ figures w/o issue who smoke daily.

think what you want. i'll be sure to do the same for your opinion.
We have two guys fighting about who has the best red nuke button, & your having a fit over pot smokers.
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?

Look everybody

Reefer Madness
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
I thought you guys used Early Times and 1Xdistilled vodka.
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