Face it Libs..It’s our lowest class using marijuana...that’s the problem.

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The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?
sure they do.....
Booze beats pot by a mile for low life actions, go to any event personal or public & if any one messes it up it will be a drunk. glad we have laws to help control it. but would never vote to out law it. because its none of my business what you do with your own body
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?

Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.

Get out of my business you fu
"Medical marijuana" is nothing more than a stalking horse for complete legalization. Should we "legalize" opioids, too?
Should we outlaw alcohol? No medicinal benefits (except red wine), causes many thousands of deaths every year, addicting, the list goes on. Alcohol has ruined a hell of a lot more lives than pot ever has.

Why should we ADD to the list of readily available substances whose detrimental effects far outweigh their benefits? Besides, marijuana is particularly susceptible to injestion by children.

Head in ass much? Marijuana has been readily available at least since the 60's and probably a lot longer than that. You need to get out more and off the computer. As for kids that is parental responsibility and bad parenting is everywhere left and right and someone who doesn't have a clue who the left and right are.
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?

LOL that a broke loser like you owns any property is a mighty 'coincidence'

If you really own rental properties in shit areas- then you should have known the shit you were getting yourself into- rather than blaming your shitty decision on pot.
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
Famous pot smokers:
Steve Jobs , Ben Franklin, The Beatles, Rick Steves, NBA executive Phil Jackson,
Bill Maher, Seth MacFarlane, Martha Stewart, David Letterman, etc etc etc

Are they all low class?
I swear Trump humps are the dumbest people on earth.

Charles Manson, Willie Nelson who lives in a trailer and can't pay his taxes, Ariel Castro, the now famous for being broke Johnny Depp! Dennis Hopper, Bill "my little humidor" Clinton. Jeffrey Dahmer and William Bonin, serial killers used pot to lure their victims and used pot with the victims before killing them.

I swear, potheads just lose the ability to think.

Ben Franklin never smoked pot. Steve Jobs used drugs until his company threw him out on his ass until he cleaned up and came back with cancer. Oops, does't pot prevent cancer? I guess not.

You with a 100% certainty that Ben Franklin never smoked pot?

I do have a freezer full of right wing heads as trophies.
That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?

LOL that a broke loser like you owns any property is a mighty 'coincidence'

If you really own rental properties in shit areas- then you should have known the shit you were getting yourself into- rather than blaming your shitty decision on pot.

The only property this loser owns is the the lot his shed is on. Probably steals his internet from a neighbor.
Liberals think that if they become pot addicts they will all turn into Robert Durst and become millionaires.

Well, what do the Republicans think they'll turn into from smoking pot? I always get mine from a very conservative, veterans of U.S. wars, biker clubs. The leader, a retired full bird Colonel.
That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?
sure they do.....

It doesn’t make any sense to you that filthy lowlifes are the primary users of Marijuana huh?

Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population), according to the survey. This is similar to their 20 percent share of all cigarette use, but considerably higher than their 8 percent share of all alcohol use.

Similarly, Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use and 27 percent of all cigarette use, compared to only 13 percent of all alcohol use and 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.”
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
Last edited:
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Another case of Big Government Contards deciding that they need to save Americans from themselves.

Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

You need to get out of your shed a little more and see the world.
god you're fucktarded.


Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?
sure they do.....

It doesn’t make any sense to you that filthy lowlifes are the primary users of Marijuana huh?

Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population), according to the survey. This is similar to their 20 percent share of all cigarette use, but considerably higher than their 8 percent share of all alcohol use.

Similarly, Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use and 27 percent of all cigarette use, compared to only 13 percent of all alcohol use and 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.”

FAKE NEWS snowflake.
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?

Oh god not another slum lord.
That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?

Oh god not another slum lord.
I am sure his land baron tyrant Dixie style is most grievous...
god you're fucktarded.


Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?
sure they do.....

It doesn’t make any sense to you that filthy lowlifes are the primary users of Marijuana huh?

Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population), according to the survey. This is similar to their 20 percent share of all cigarette use, but considerably higher than their 8 percent share of all alcohol use.

Similarly, Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use and 27 percent of all cigarette use, compared to only 13 percent of all alcohol use and 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.”
Your math is not exactly stellar is it? (or your ability to provide a citation for your 'facts'

http://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-con...-Marist Poll_Weed and The American Family.pdf
According to the Marist Poll- indeed a majority of regular pot smokers do make less than $50,000 a year (52%) but 48% make more than $50,000 a year. So roughly half are middle class or above.

And 32% of regular pot smokers are college educated.
That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?

Oh god not another slum lord.

Not only a slum lord- but one who knowingly bought his shitty property in shitty neighborhoods and blames his choice of shitty tenants on pot.

So much for taking personal responsibility
The GOP knows full well that just like cigarettes, alcohol and other “substances” it’s our most dependent, lowest grade predominantly using and often times abusing marijuana.
If the GOP wasn’t on a mission to Make America American Again and rebuild a higher class society legalization of marijuana wouldn’t be a problem.
This is just another case where government has to save Liberals from themselves...isn’t it?
Poor white people in rural areas smoke it. Rich white people snort coke, but you don't have a problem with that I guess.

Sessions hates the KKK because some of them smoke weed.

Do you actually have a point to make, or are you drunk or high?

That's kinda the point bud...it's really not about skin color...it's a lowlifes thing to do...always has been...white trash, beaners and ghetto beasts are the abusers...you know, the same folks that require me to spoon feed them. If it was a past time that only doctors and attorneys were into we wouldn't be having this conversation. You starting to get it yet?
god you're fucktarded.


Take away the ability for lowlifes to suck the taxpayer tit and I won’t give two shits about what people do in their homes...ask me to fund your filth and you can go fuck yourself....I’m all up in your business.
I'll tell you what, how about you just STFU anyhow since I've smoked weed for forty years and worked the whole time....Now get out of my ass and wipe off yer nose...

Haha...sure you did.
“I worked at that gas station for 40 years...and damnit...I was the best attendant that ever worked there.”
Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

You need to get out of your shed a little more and see the world.
It’s those pro gamer, lowlife stoners living in mamma’s shed and converted garages...right?

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?
sure they do.....

It doesn’t make any sense to you that filthy lowlifes are the primary users of Marijuana huh?

Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population), according to the survey. This is similar to their 20 percent share of all cigarette use, but considerably higher than their 8 percent share of all alcohol use.

Similarly, Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use and 27 percent of all cigarette use, compared to only 13 percent of all alcohol use and 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.”

FAKE NEWS snowflake.

Haha...sure it is.
For the record...We respect you filthy fucks more when you admit to being the trash you are...it’s when you pretend to be stand-up that you lose credibility.
god you're fucktarded.


Wow you really are a broke user.

Lots of type A folk smoke pot as an alternative to drinking alcohol- to turn down things at night before sleeping.

I know of dozens of people who have smoked for decades and are successes in their field and have raised families and bought homes.

But the contards of course want to impose their morality on everyone in the country. Happened during Prohibition. Happened during the 'Drug War'

Weird how it always seems to work out....brain dead stoners looking for justification seem to only know billionaires that habitually smoke weed while I don’t know of anyone truly legitimate that does...weird huh?

Well you seem to know the brain dead stoners- since you are saying you know what stoners do.

And what are you smoking exactly- since I never mentioned billionaires?

I know people who have successful lives who smoke- just as I know people who have successful lives who drink.

I guess the stoners you know are just the lower class you hang out with.

I own a number of rental properties...we’re always evicting tenants of SFR’s in shit areas for not paying rent...they turn the homes into filthy shitholes and they all tend to smell like weed farms....weird huh?
Yet my tenants in nicer areas take good care of the property, are rarely evicted and the homes never smell like weed....all coincidence I’m sure...right?

Oh god not another slum lord.

Not only a slum lord- but one who knowingly bought his shitty property in shitty neighborhoods and blames his choice of shitty tenants on pot.

So much for taking personal responsibility

They're are probably meth heads not pot heads.
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