Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

it's the fact they can get away with it when it happens to people most people detest that gives them the balls to go after more people, more mainstream people.

Jones is a nutter, but the best way to expose nutters is to let them keep talking, not by making virtual martyrs out of them.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
But you said it’s a pity infowars hasn’t been gotten rid of. So you want it censored/disappeared?
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.
As my grandmother used to say.
I’m not interested in what your grandmother used to say.
Clearly you don’t want to admit that you - yet again - were desiring people be censored because you don’t like what they say. And you a teacher. SMH.
Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
Count me in - TOTALLY ECSTATIC!!! Long overdue! Way past time to take out the right wing trash! Bigly!!!
The problem is what would you feel if the media giants decided to suppress something or someone you supported?

Why do you feel comfortable with giant corporations deciding who gets to see what?
Who would you rather decide what is on their platforms?

if they call themselves an open forum, let people watch what they want to watch.
Remember your support for businesses choosing who they serve and who they don't serve? Well.................

Only in very specific situations as you keep forgetting.

Again social media sites are unique as they claim they are only platforms, and the content provided is not really theirs (only kind of is) to avoid liability.

They also claim to be areas of exchange for ideas.
Nope....they are a private business....SCOTUS says they can reject customers for religious/moral reasons. Can't get much more moral than booting Jones and InfoWars.

SCOTUS made that decision in ONE case only and it was because of an improper lower court decision in ONE case. It did not set up precedent for anyone to reject anyone else on the basis of their beliefs. If that were so, ANTIFA would be constantly sued.
Maybe Mr Jones can take some time and reflect, in a calm and measured way, on the dangers of promoting hate and lies ?

He may come back a better man.
Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
Count me in - TOTALLY ECSTATIC!!! Long overdue! Way past time to take out the right wing trash! Bigly!!!

OK let's take out the left wing trash as well!! Oh yeah we did that in the last election!!! Go Trump!! :113: And we did it without whining and banning people. You know...The AMERICAN way!! :113:
So bascially you want media giants to decide who gets to say things to large audiences....
If it is untestamented garbage, why should it be given a large audience?
Since when is that what we want to see? listen to? Oh, I get it, the National Enquirer thing. Well, folks can still go to InfoWars.com and enjoy him. I'm sure after all these years of being front and center on all those giant sites, Jones has quite a large following. They can still follow him. I am apparently missing the problem here.

The problem is what would you feel if the media giants decided to suppress something or someone you supported?

Why do you feel comfortable with giant corporations deciding who gets to see what?
what would you feel if the media giants decided to suppress something or someone you supported?
I remember when CBS cancelled the Smothers Brothers. It sucked. I survived and the counter movement did not die.

Were they cancelled for political reasons?
Yes they were. but we survived.....just like we are surviving with the SCOTUS decision about businesses getting to turn down customers for religious/moral reasons. Now you don't like it?

Again zero proof.

Once again the Left tries a one size fits all solution to a complex problem, and then gets all uppity when their inflexibility is pointed out.
They're not getting rid of InfoWars, more's the pity.

What do you mean by ‘getting rid of’?
Have the powers that be shut down his site? Can people still go to it, click on it, whatever people do?
Can’t you answer the question? You said it’s a pity it hasn’t been got rid of.
I’m asking you to clarify what you mean by that.
Are you again calling for censorship, for it to be banned?
I'd like people to be smart enough to put the idiot out of business by not watching him, but like I said about the horses....I live with a bunch of idiots.
The problem is what would you feel if the media giants decided to suppress something or someone you supported?

Why do you feel comfortable with giant corporations deciding who gets to see what?
Who would you rather decide what is on their platforms?

if they call themselves an open forum, let people watch what they want to watch.
Remember your support for businesses choosing who they serve and who they don't serve? Well.................

Only in very specific situations as you keep forgetting.

Again social media sites are unique as they claim they are only platforms, and the content provided is not really theirs (only kind of is) to avoid liability.

They also claim to be areas of exchange for ideas.
Nope....they are a private business....SCOTUS says they can reject customers for religious/moral reasons. Can't get much more moral than booting Jones and InfoWars.

Actually what SCOTUS said was religious beliefs had to be respected by the lower deciding bodies when making rulings.

Try reading the actual decision.
If it is untestamented garbage, why should it be given a large audience?
Since when is that what we want to see? listen to? Oh, I get it, the National Enquirer thing. Well, folks can still go to InfoWars.com and enjoy him. I'm sure after all these years of being front and center on all those giant sites, Jones has quite a large following. They can still follow him. I am apparently missing the problem here.

The problem is what would you feel if the media giants decided to suppress something or someone you supported?

Why do you feel comfortable with giant corporations deciding who gets to see what?
what would you feel if the media giants decided to suppress something or someone you supported?
I remember when CBS cancelled the Smothers Brothers. It sucked. I survived and the counter movement did not die.

Were they cancelled for political reasons?
Yes they were. but we survived.....just like we are surviving with the SCOTUS decision about businesses getting to turn down customers for religious/moral reasons. Now you don't like it?

Again zero proof.

Once again the Left tries a one size fits all solution to a complex problem, and then gets all uppity when their inflexibility is pointed out.
Zero proof of what?
There is nothing complex about Alex Jones. Really.
Book Burning, circa 2018.

Fascism is in their genes

It's a shame their intelligence level is so low, so low they can't comprehend what this means. One doesn't have to like infowars to see where this is headed.

I see a fat pig who made millions peddling conspiracy theories on the backs of 3,000 murder victims after 9/11. Like I said, when some one who matters gets “censored” I’ll worry. Alex Jones has made millions peddling crazy lies. Fuck him, fuck his family I hope they all go broke and starve. As for stupid people, it’s you morons who believe his bullshit about chem trails being geoengeneering to make the climate better for the Alejandro when they come and needle AJ’s line about the government slowly killing is all off by poisoning our food with preservatives. Sing called stupid and ignorant by your type is an honerable thing.

it's the fact they can get away with it when it happens to people most people detest that gives them the balls to go after more people, more mainstream people.

Jones is a nutter, but the best way to expose nutters is to let them keep talking, not by making virtual martyrs out of them.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
So yet again, you want people you don’t agree with shut down?
I'm not against eliminating access to fake news sites. If you like watching them, more power to you.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
But you said it’s a pity infowars hasn’t been gotten rid of. So you want it censored/disappeared?
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.
As my grandmother used to say.
I’m not interested in what your grandmother used to say.
Clearly you don’t want to admit that you - yet again - were desiring people be censored because you don’t like what they say. And you a teacher. SMH.
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no. I don't care how many times you tell me the sky is green, you are wrong and if you are on the airwaves trying to convince millions of people that the sky is green, I would be happy to brand you as fake news.

Teachers actually care about the truth.
This nation is headed for one of two things clearly......

1). Revolt / Civil war
2). Acceptance of oppression, loss of liberty and eventually what the left so enamors....subjugation

I've tried to tell of the dangers of Media Super Powers like Google & Facebook etc for years.....it's always been a non issue to most people.

People go right on supporting them no matter what. Sure does make tyranny super easy.

The time of voting with your wallet is nearing a conclusion....that's when tyranny really begins.
Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775

Book Burning, circa 2018.

Fascism is in their genes

It's a shame their intelligence level is so low, so low they can't comprehend what this means. One doesn't have to like infowars to see where this is headed.
I never watch Alex Jones but this is wrong. And the left applauds...
It's a shame their intelligence level is so low, so low they can't comprehend what this means. One doesn't have to like infowars to see where this is headed.

I see a fat pig who made millions peddling conspiracy theories on the backs of 3,000 murder victims after 9/11. Like I said, when some one who matters gets “censored” I’ll worry. Alex Jones has made millions peddling crazy lies. Fuck him, fuck his family I hope they all go broke and starve. As for stupid people, it’s you morons who believe his bullshit about chem trails being geoengeneering to make the climate better for the Alejandro when they come and needle AJ’s line about the government slowly killing is all off by poisoning our food with preservatives. Sing called stupid and ignorant by your type is an honerable thing.

it's the fact they can get away with it when it happens to people most people detest that gives them the balls to go after more people, more mainstream people.

Jones is a nutter, but the best way to expose nutters is to let them keep talking, not by making virtual martyrs out of them.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
So yet again, you want people you don’t agree with shut down?
I'm not against eliminating access to fake news sites. If you like watching them, more power to you.
I’ve never watched or read infowars or Alex Jones, if you are referring to these, but neither do I believe they should be banned or censored since no one is forced to read them, people have the CHOICE.
Thank you for at last admitting that there is yet more you want banned/censored. You are quite the little fascist!
Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775

Book Burning, circa 2018.

Fascism is in their genes

It's a shame their intelligence level is so low, so low they can't comprehend what this means. One doesn't have to like infowars to see where this is headed.

I see a fat pig who made millions peddling conspiracy theories on the backs of 3,000 murder victims after 9/11. Like I said, when some one who matters gets “censored” I’ll worry. Alex Jones has made millions peddling crazy lies. Fuck him, fuck his family I hope they all go broke and starve. As for stupid people, it’s you morons who believe his bullshit about chem trails being geoengeneering to make the climate better for the Alejandro when they come and needle AJ’s line about the government slowly killing is all off by poisoning our food with preservatives. Sing called stupid and ignorant by your type is an honerable thing.
Who forced you to read it??
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
But you said it’s a pity infowars hasn’t been gotten rid of. So you want it censored/disappeared?
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.
As my grandmother used to say.
I’m not interested in what your grandmother used to say.
Clearly you don’t want to admit that you - yet again - were desiring people be censored because you don’t like what they say. And you a teacher. SMH.
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no. I don't care how many times you tell me the sky is green, you are wrong and if you are on the airwaves trying to convince millions of people that the sky is green, I would be happy to brand you as fake news.

Teachers actually care about the truth.
Teachers like you clearly don’t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you don’t like a website, don’t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
The point is one person's hate group is another's darling. Let the markets decide.
The market has decided. They got shutdown for breaking the market's rules.

No, that is not the market. This is censorship carried out by a couple of Oligarchs squashing the 1st Amendment rights of someone who makes them squeamish. The market works by people either paying attention to or ignoring the speaker.

Clown shoes knows nothing about markets, you're wasting bytes.

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