Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
But you said itā€™s a pity infowars hasnā€™t been gotten rid of. So you want it censored/disappeared?
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.
As my grandmother used to say.
Iā€™m not interested in what your grandmother used to say.
Clearly you donā€™t want to admit that you - yet again - were desiring people be censored because you donā€™t like what they say. And you a teacher. SMH.
And HEY!!!! Don't you be disrespecting my grandmother. Smarter than either one of us, she was.
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no.

Then you can exercise your right to not read what you consider complete and utter hogwash, but you donā€™t get to make that decision for everyone else.
I guess it depends on how it's presented. If it is presented to the public as REAL NEWS, I think we all have a certain obligation to see if it actually is.
Tom Cookā€™s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jonesā€™s podcasts saying they will ā€œnot tolerate hate speechā€ on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ā€˜Hate Speech,ā€™ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
Remember SCOTUS just made it ok for businesses to reject customers for moral/religious reasons. iTunes has a moral objection to liars like Jones....but go ahead and send him your money.....he's gonna need it.

The conservatives cheered the supreme court when they did that.

Liberals didn't. Liberals further warned that it won't stop with that case. That the supreme court has opened the door. Yet the conservatives didn't listen.

They've been screaming about capitalism, free markets and private ownership of everything with no regulations for decades.

Well they got it.

They were just too stupid to realize that all supreme court rulings apply to everyone equally. They somehow believe they're special and no one would ever apply the standards conservatives demand to be applied to everyone. Everyone but themselves that is.

Now that that ruling has been used by private business to enforce the rules they set out in their TOS declarations that the users agreed to follow when they set up their account, the conservatives are screaming about free speech. It's interesting. Those who said a private business has full right to do business with people they choose and not everyone are now trying to demand that businesses do business with everyone and not only those they choose.

If it wasn't so sad and pathetic, it would be funny.
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
But you said itā€™s a pity infowars hasnā€™t been gotten rid of. So you want it censored/disappeared?
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.
As my grandmother used to say.
Iā€™m not interested in what your grandmother used to say.
Clearly you donā€™t want to admit that you - yet again - were desiring people be censored because you donā€™t like what they say. And you a teacher. SMH.
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no. I don't care how many times you tell me the sky is green, you are wrong and if you are on the airwaves trying to convince millions of people that the sky is green, I would be happy to brand you as fake news.

Teachers actually care about the truth.
Teachers like you clearly donā€™t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you donā€™t like a website, donā€™t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
it's the fact they can get away with it when it happens to people most people detest that gives them the balls to go after more people, more mainstream people.

Jones is a nutter, but the best way to expose nutters is to let them keep talking, not by making virtual martyrs out of them.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
Its the EQUIVALENT of burning books.
Who cares if he says crazy shit? There are MILLIONS of people on youtube saying crazy shit.
Its just more of that double standard partisan BULLSHIT.
Like people defending that racist asian chick. Did you know a black woman did the same tweet as that girl and replaced white with black and another with jews? Wanna know what happened? They deleted them.
But since she is a leftist, they dont give a shit.
Its not about content. Its not about racism. ITS ABOUT POLITICS
Book Burning.
You didn't answer my question. CAN you still access InfoWars from an Apple phone? Or don't you know?

Since the person you're replying is too much of a coward to answer your very easy question I just pulled out my iPhone and brought infowars.com up on my phone.

Yes everyone can get the hate and conspiracy filled infowars.com on an iPhone.

It's just a lie that no one can get Inforwars.com on an iPhone. These people are so way out of control.

You sure you mean this Alex Jones, hard-hitting truth seeker Alex Jones

Truth to power speaking Alex Jones? Nah, that's fake news
Maybe the leftist loons can comprehend this highly doubtufl thouggh.



So Candace is back, Twitter acted quickly before checking it the power tripping shadow banning k...ts who can't debate .

Imagine if you weren't famous like CANDANCE how hard it would have been to get back onto twitter..

Candace Owens on Twitter
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no.

Then you can exercise your right to not read what you consider complete and utter hogwash, but you donā€™t get to make that decision for everyone else.
I guess it depends on how it's presented. If it is presented to the public as REAL NEWS, I think we all have a certain obligation to see if it actually is.
There. You just put your finger on what trumpanzees are intellectually incapable of doing.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
Its the EQUIVALENT of burning books.
Who cares if he says crazy shit? There are MILLIONS of people on youtube saying crazy shit.
Its just more of that double standard partisan BULLSHIT.
Like people defending that racist asian chick. Did you know a black woman did the same tweet as that girl and replaced white with black and another with jews? Wanna know what happened? They deleted them.
But since she is a leftist, they dont give a shit.
Its not about content. Its not about racism. ITS ABOUT POLITICS
Book Burning.
You didn't answer my question. CAN you still access InfoWars from an Apple phone? Or don't you know?

Since the person you're replying is too much of a coward to answer your very easy question I just pulled out my iPhone and brought infowars.com up on my phone.

Yes everyone can get the hate and conspiracy filled infowars.com on an iPhone.

It's just a lie that no one can get Inforwars.com on an iPhone. These people are so way out of control.
It was irrelevant.
I have to assume you dont understand what that means..
Tom Cookā€™s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jonesā€™s podcasts saying they will ā€œnot tolerate hate speechā€ on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ā€˜Hate Speech,ā€™ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
They're not getting rid of InfoWars, more's the pity. There is no Nazi purge here. His sensationalist drivel is still there for all to enjoy.

yeah , better double check that , their links ot youtube etc are gone ............ If they do come back it's because WE THE PEOPLE fight to get them back....

LISTEN TO DRUDGE maybe you can learn something..

Matt Drudge: Time Is Not Forever!
Matt Drudge predicted the death of free speech in America would come soon. Now the day of mass censorship has arrived with Alex Jones chosen as ā€œpatient zeroā€ by the deep state.

infowars on Twitter
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Wait until we get to say the same thing to assholes so stupid , you all can't even see the stripping of your own free speech. If you all only knew how gawd dam fkn stupid you are........... Just as the stupid fks who marched themselves right to the doors of death known as gas chambers...... The same scenario took place then, the same is going on in Europe. YOU FKRS are so gawd dam pathetic and so dumbed down you don't even realize how stupid you are to the rest of the world. As the rest of the tries waking up stupid fks like you , they will be abel to fight and protect what is right where as idiots like you , you all will be knocking on your own deaths door.

Yes your all that stupid.
Hate is an emotion so liberals are all dialed into it. Speech is a fact and thus a problem for them
Can Verizon discontinue my phone service because I say things that they donā€™t like?
Can Verizon discontinue my phone service because I say things that they donā€™t like?

not yet LOL Give it time they can shut your phone down , tech. they already can when it's fits what they need to hide.

At certain events theyc an block ppl from taking photos if apple so chooses or is ordered to.
I see a fat pig who made millions peddling conspiracy theories on the backs of 3,000 murder victims after 9/11. Like I said, when some one who matters gets ā€œcensoredā€ Iā€™ll worry. Alex Jones has made millions peddling crazy lies. Fuck him, fuck his family I hope they all go broke and starve. As for stupid people, itā€™s you morons who believe his bullshit about chem trails being geoengeneering to make the climate better for the Alejandro when they come and needle AJā€™s line about the government slowly killing is all off by poisoning our food with preservatives. Sing called stupid and ignorant by your type is an honerable thing.

it's the fact they can get away with it when it happens to people most people detest that gives them the balls to go after more people, more mainstream people.

Jones is a nutter, but the best way to expose nutters is to let them keep talking, not by making virtual martyrs out of them.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
Its the EQUIVALENT of burning books.
Who cares if he says crazy shit? There are MILLIONS of people on youtube saying crazy shit.
Its just more of that double standard partisan BULLSHIT.
Like people defending that racist asian chick. Did you know a black woman did the same tweet as that girl and replaced white with black and another with jews? Wanna know what happened? They deleted them.
But since she is a leftist, they dont give a shit.
Its not about content. Its not about racism. ITS ABOUT POLITICS
Book Burning.

I have to disagree. Alex Jones is a piece of shit. Whatever. Apple donā€™t want to post his crap fine, he can take it some place that will. What ever happened to the right to refuse service on a private forum?
Tom Cookā€™s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jonesā€™s podcasts saying they will ā€œnot tolerate hate speechā€ on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ā€˜Hate Speech,ā€™ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
George Orwellā€™s 1984 comes to mindā€¦ LOL
it's the fact they can get away with it when it happens to people most people detest that gives them the balls to go after more people, more mainstream people.

Jones is a nutter, but the best way to expose nutters is to let them keep talking, not by making virtual martyrs out of them.
No, I don't think it works that way. Exposing nutters by letting them keep talking just gives them the chance to grow their audience and their following. Best they don't have such a large soap box to lie from, from the start.
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
Its the EQUIVALENT of burning books.
Who cares if he says crazy shit? There are MILLIONS of people on youtube saying crazy shit.
Its just more of that double standard partisan BULLSHIT.
Like people defending that racist asian chick. Did you know a black woman did the same tweet as that girl and replaced white with black and another with jews? Wanna know what happened? They deleted them.
But since she is a leftist, they dont give a shit.
Its not about content. Its not about racism. ITS ABOUT POLITICS
Book Burning.

I have to disagree. Alex Jones is a piece of shit. Whatever. Apple donā€™t want to post his crap fine, he can take it some place that will. What ever happened to the right to refuse service on a private forum?
I stated earlier i support their right to do it, i just dont agree with it.

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