Facebook Goes Full Fascist Mode

LMAO!!! Turns out you plagarized Wikipedia!! lol

I have been telling people for over a decade that Wikipedia is not a reliable "source". Try using it in any college report, and it will be immediately be bounced.

However, it is an awesome place to locate sources. That is how I use it, I look in there for a claim, then go to the actual source and verify it there. And quite a few times I discovered the source actually had nothing (or little) to do with the Wiki article. Or was taken way out of context.

As an original source, Wikipedia is a huge no. But it can be good as a source for sources.

But anybody that goes around making claims and can not give a reliable reference to I generally ignore. YouTube, Wikipedia, Alex Jones, Stormfront, Fars, PressTV, none of those are real references.
LMAO!!! Turns out you plagarized Wikipedia!! lol

I have been telling people for over a decade that Wikipedia is not a reliable "source". Try using it in any college report, and it will be immediately be bounced.

However, it is an awesome place to locate sources. That is how I use it, I look in there for a claim, then go to the actual source and verify it there. And quite a few times I discovered the source actually had nothing (or little) to do with the Wiki article. Or was taken way out of context.

As an original source, Wikipedia is a huge no. But it can be good as a source for sources.

But anybody that goes around making claims and can not give a reliable reference to I generally ignore. YouTube, Wikipedia, Alex Jones, Stormfront, Fars, PressTV, none of those are real references.
Otay.. I agree. Good luck getting the indoctrinated to, they have no clue as to what the hell you're talking about. True story, dude! Welcome to 2020! OT: It should have been "Buck Rogers in 2020"
Otay.. I agree. Good luck getting the indoctrinated to, they have no clue as to what the hell you're talking about. True story, dude! Welcome to 2020! OT: It should have been "Buck Rogers in 2020"

Here is something that most reasonable people who know me understand, but the fanatics and idiots never will.

I am actually not even talking to them. When I make a posting with some pinhead that worships StormFront or ANTIFA, or is all into conspiracy theories, I am almost never actually talking to them. I am trying to be a voice of reason to those others who might be reading the thread, and hope they realize that the other person is talking a load of coprolite.

Here is something I learned long ago about fanatics, they are a contagious mental disease. And they love spreading their broken ideas to as many people as they can. I simply try to inject reason in the hopes that some that may fall for their line of coprolite might actually realize it is coprolite.

I realized a long time ago that those that are that mentally damaged are beyond help, so it is useless to interact with them. I actually do not talk to them, but their garbage filled nonsensical and frequently wrong if not outright fraudulent claims.

When come moron like the one in question makes a claim like lynching is good and should be done more often, there is absolutely no reason for me to ever interact with them again. But I can hope those who are not lost can see the other side presented as I do and realize which side should be listened to.

And if somebody agrees with them, well that is somebody I will likely be ignoring later on as well.
Otay.. I agree. Good luck getting the indoctrinated to, they have no clue as to what the hell you're talking about. True story, dude! Welcome to 2020! OT: It should have been "Buck Rogers in 2020"

Here is something that most reasonable people who know me understand, but the fanatics and idiots never will.

I am actually not even talking to them. When I make a posting with some pinhead that worships StormFront or ANTIFA, or is all into conspiracy theories, I am almost never actually talking to them. I am trying to be a voice of reason to those others who might be reading the thread, and hope they realize that the other person is talking a load of coprolite.

Here is something I learned long ago about fanatics, they are a contagious mental disease. And they love spreading their broken ideas to as many people as they can. I simply try to inject reason in the hopes that some that may fall for their line of coprolite might actually realize it is coprolite.

I realized a long time ago that those that are that mentally damaged are beyond help, so it is useless to interact with them. I actually do not talk to them, but their garbage filled nonsensical and frequently wrong if not outright fraudulent claims.

When come moron like the one in question makes a claim like lynching is good and should be done more often, there is absolutely no reason for me to ever interact with them again. But I can hope those who are not lost can see the other side presented as I do and realize which side should be listened to.

And if somebody agrees with them, well that is somebody I will likely be ignoring later on as well.
If I'm the "Lynching moron" in question? There's a lot of traitors and morons around that absolutely need that, sorry.

I agree with the "valid source" thing, but there's a shit-ton of anti-American cocksuckers that need to go away. That's reality.

I'm open to proposals as to how to make anti-American pieces of shit go away. Enlighten me.
Something less Aktion T-4, pls.
Facebook started out as a competitor or successor to Myspace.com which at that time more or less allowed people to have their own web pages without registering their own domain names.

There were a lot of unmaintained and "ugly" profile pages, and Facebook went more the professional dating route. The want real pics, real name, real face. Look up the guy's mug shot find out if he's ever been arrested before you date him, that sort of thing.

Same thing at LinkedIn: they want your day-job work résumé linked to an "appropriate" night-life dating profile, or else those Nazis aren't even hiring these days.

gay lovers.gif
LMAO!!! Turns out you plagarized Wikipedia!! lol

I have been telling people for over a decade that Wikipedia is not a reliable "source". Try using it in any college report, and it will be immediately be bounced.

However, it is an awesome place to locate sources. That is how I use it, I look in there for a claim, then go to the actual source and verify it there. And quite a few times I discovered the source actually had nothing (or little) to do with the Wiki article. Or was taken way out of context.

As an original source, Wikipedia is a huge no. But it can be good as a source for sources.

But anybody that goes around making claims and can not give a reliable reference to I generally ignore. YouTube, Wikipedia, Alex Jones, Stormfront, Fars, PressTV, none of those are real references.
Otay.. I agree. Good luck getting the indoctrinated to, they have no clue as to what the hell you're talking about. True story, dude! Welcome to 2020! OT: It should have been "Buck Rogers in 2020"

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