Facebook Goes Full Fascist Mode

I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

It is a fucking social media platform. It is not your political platform.

If you cannot understand that the US Constitution does not guarantee you can steal bandwidth on someone's privately owned property, that is on you. Not them.

Don't like FaceBook? Create your own social media. of course, that would require you to take responsibility for your own work and life. We know that won't happen. You thrive on playing the victim.
It is a political platform for Chinese communist propaganda for Democrat propaganda., and we were told that when we signed up we were told it is a forum to communicate with your friends and family and share pictures... I’m not sure what you don’t understand.. i’m happy that it’s private I also think they should inform its users that it is a left-wing communist propaganda machine and should be entered campaign finance laws.

You keep talking about violations of campaign finance laws. What is FaceBook doing that violates campaign finances laws?
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

Have you ever read the rules for FaceBook?
I have.. can you show where it says do tell your friends where we are meeting?
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

It is a fucking social media platform. It is not your political platform.

If you cannot understand that the US Constitution does not guarantee you can steal bandwidth on someone's privately owned property, that is on you. Not them.

Don't like FaceBook? Create your own social media. of course, that would require you to take responsibility for your own work and life. We know that won't happen. You thrive on playing the victim.
It is a political platform for Chinese communist propaganda for Democrat propaganda., and we were told that when we signed up we were told it is a forum to communicate with your friends and family and share pictures... I’m not sure what you don’t understand.. i’m happy that it’s private I also think they should inform its users that it is a left-wing communist propaganda machine and should be entered campaign finance laws.

If they promoted the authoritarian nonsense you believe, like taking away people's votes and deciding (on your own) who stays in office and who gets deported, you would be calling them heros.

FaceBook, for the overwhelming majority of users, is a social media platform for sharing laughs, pictures and news in their lives. That is how I use it. But then, I have actual friends and family I want to stay in touch with.

Farsebook was for me to stay in contact with family and friends in Australia, Canada and France and was never for political opinions.

If I want political opinions I come here and not look for it from friends and family.

Anyone that believe Farsebook should allow them to spew whatever they want because they believe the First Amendment allows them, well we both know Jits is delusional...
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

Farsebook states it rules and if you refuse to obey their rules that they can change at any given time then that is on you and not them.

Who says you have to even use them or twatter?

Fact is WinterBorn is correct and you are just arguing just to argue and I swear at times I think you are a woman with all the complaining you do!
Ohhh where does it say I can’t post the location of a rally? I’ll wait till you find that lol

It doesn't have to say it. It is, once again, a privately owned business. If you don't like it, find another or create your own.
Well they can enjoy lawsuits for the rest of there existence, this is why we have a Justice system protect speech.. you can side with Communist China propaganda and fascism all you want congratulations. Lol all it does is create confrontation with proud Americans
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

It is a fucking social media platform. It is not your political platform.

If you cannot understand that the US Constitution does not guarantee you can steal bandwidth on someone's privately owned property, that is on you. Not them.

Don't like FaceBook? Create your own social media. of course, that would require you to take responsibility for your own work and life. We know that won't happen. You thrive on playing the victim.
It is a political platform for Chinese communist propaganda for Democrat propaganda., and we were told that when we signed up we were told it is a forum to communicate with your friends and family and share pictures... I’m not sure what you don’t understand.. i’m happy that it’s private I also think they should inform its users that it is a left-wing communist propaganda machine and should be entered campaign finance laws.

If they promoted the authoritarian nonsense you believe, like taking away people's votes and deciding (on your own) who stays in office and who gets deported, you would be calling them heros.

FaceBook, for the overwhelming majority of users, is a social media platform for sharing laughs, pictures and news in their lives. That is how I use it. But then, I have actual friends and family I want to stay in touch with.
And the owner promotes it as a public forum, but denies the rights of a public forum. I get you side with communism.. I don’t care a Facebook exist as long as it says it’s a left wing platform it should fall under campaign finance laws.. then let’s see how well it performs lol hehe
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

It is a fucking social media platform. It is not your political platform.

If you cannot understand that the US Constitution does not guarantee you can steal bandwidth on someone's privately owned property, that is on you. Not them.

Don't like FaceBook? Create your own social media. of course, that would require you to take responsibility for your own work and life. We know that won't happen. You thrive on playing the victim.
It is a political platform for Chinese communist propaganda for Democrat propaganda., and we were told that when we signed up we were told it is a forum to communicate with your friends and family and share pictures... I’m not sure what you don’t understand.. i’m happy that it’s private I also think they should inform its users that it is a left-wing communist propaganda machine and should be entered campaign finance laws.

You keep talking about violations of campaign finance laws. What is FaceBook doing that violates campaign finances laws?

Does Facebook influence elections? MIC DROP
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

Farsebook states it rules and if you refuse to obey their rules that they can change at any given time then that is on you and not them.

Who says you have to even use them or twatter?

Fact is WinterBorn is correct and you are just arguing just to argue and I swear at times I think you are a woman with all the complaining you do!
Ohhh where does it say I can’t post the location of a rally? I’ll wait till you find that lol

It doesn't have to say it. It is, once again, a privately owned business. If you don't like it, find another or create your own.
Well they can enjoy lawsuits for the rest of there existence, this is why we have a Justice system protect speech.. you can side with Communist China propaganda and fascism all you want congratulations. Lol all it does is create confrontation with proud Americans

There you go, lying about what I said again.

I have not sided with anyone. I have simply pointed out that your claims that they violated your freedom of speech is bullshit.

Proud Americans? That certainly is not you. You are like a toddler, throwing temper tantrums when you don't get your way. And it is especially funny because you don't try to improve your situation. You just whine about it and blame others.
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
A privately owned business that gets government leeway for specifically being a public platform. If they want to be a publisher instead fine. But lose the government perk.
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
They said nothing about getting sued. And no judge would side that decision. Why are you promoting fascism?

I am not promoting anything of the sort. Whether they said anything or not, it could be a factor.

But the bottom line is, it is a privately owned business and they write the rules for its use.
it’s a public forum, if not they should have a warning that they are a left leaning site that doesn’t agree with the constitution. Kinda ridiculous we can see the left gather to protest but the right can’t. And also they could be sued for campaign finance law violations.

It’s not about getting sued it’s about promoting a very dangerous communist, fascist propaganda, that we should be warned about.. if not let us tell our friends where we are meeting.

How does it not agree with the constitution??

Freedom of speech does not mean you can say anything you want on a privately owned system. You are welcome to say whatever you want, but you do not have a guaranteed right to co-opt someone else's property to do it.
That’s not how the site advertised, and it’s currently getting sued by far more constitutionalist, then people suing for libel, lol

Are you saying it’s far more dangerous to gather than it is to shut down free-speech?

And if it is advertised as a public forum and they’re promoting fascist ideas why do you support that? Asking for a friend .. mic drop

Nobody is shutting down free speech. You are still free to say whatever you want. That you think you can demand the use of someone's privately owned business to promote your free speech is just another sign you do not understand.

Just like this forum. You can get banned for saying shit. (you know all about that) You still have freedom of speech, but people are not required to use their property to promote or spread it.
This site has rules you must read. Facebook doesn’t say hey if you are for the constitution we will ban you lol.. we will shadow ban you, we will delete your post if we feel like it’s
Supports freedom.

Again you are to slow.

Facebook should clearly have a warning we don’t like America. Before we sign up .. that’s all

It is a fucking social media platform. It is not your political platform.

If you cannot understand that the US Constitution does not guarantee you can steal bandwidth on someone's privately owned property, that is on you. Not them.

Don't like FaceBook? Create your own social media. of course, that would require you to take responsibility for your own work and life. We know that won't happen. You thrive on playing the victim.
It is a political platform for Chinese communist propaganda for Democrat propaganda., and we were told that when we signed up we were told it is a forum to communicate with your friends and family and share pictures... I’m not sure what you don’t understand.. i’m happy that it’s private I also think they should inform its users that it is a left-wing communist propaganda machine and should be entered campaign finance laws.

You keep talking about violations of campaign finance laws. What is FaceBook doing that violates campaign finances laws?

Does Facebook influence elections? MIC DROP

Influence is not campaign finance. Otherwise, maybe you should focus on churches that tell their congregation how to vote.
Facebookburning, Twitter, et. al. Are ALL violating their commitment under the Telecommunications Act that they are platforms, not content providers.
They have violated the terms of their licensing.. Time to yank it!

How have they violated the terms of their licensing?
Well they are controlling the content then they are considered publishers and follow the laws.. your wrong all around
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
A privately owned business that gets government leeway for specifically being a public platform. If they want to be a publisher instead fine. But lose the government perk.

Just like political forums, FaceBook has the right to control the content on their platform.
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
A privately owned business that gets government leeway for specifically being a public platform. If they want to be a publisher instead fine. But lose the government perk.

Just like political forums, FaceBook has the right to control the content on their platform.
That makes them
Facebookburning, Twitter, et. al. Are ALL violating their commitment under the Telecommunications Act that they are platforms, not content providers.
They have violated the terms of their licensing.. Time to yank it!

How have they violated the terms of their licensing?
Well they are controlling the content then they are considered publishers and follow the laws.. your wrong all around

I see you learned to read and copy. This forum is not a publisher, but they control the content. There is far less control here than on most. Should they be considered publishers too?
Thou Shall Not Fall Out of Line.
This CV event has exposed the fascists among us.
I use it to keep in touch with friends around the world, anyone know of another similar platform yet?

Does email escape you? Texting? Phone calls?
I haven't noticed any fascism on FaceBook. I see political posts from both sides.

I also see friends and family from all over the world able to communicate easily. I see solid information posted and nonsense challenged and debunked.

I don't see problem with using the social media according to their rules. They own the platform.
They are deleting post about rallies coming up, to PROTEST, to ASSEMBLE.

And? It is a privately owned business. They can do as they please. Perhaps they are worried about liability.
A privately owned business that gets government leeway for specifically being a public platform. If they want to be a publisher instead fine. But lose the government perk.

Just like political forums, FaceBook has the right to control the content on their platform.
That makes them

Ok. If you say so.

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