Facebook is already blocking links to so called fake news stories.

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Fakey's energy would be better spent on how the MSM had hiLIARy's campaign review "news stories" in advance of publishing. That's a FAKE NEWS Conspiracy.
Clinton is gone: good.

The American public is now aware of the far right and alt right's law of 'fake news' and will not put up with it.
Would you call this fake news?
'fake analysis' leading to a 'fake news' assertion. Next.
As their tactics keep getting outed, the Regressive Left is getting more and more creative in their attempts to control freedom of expression.

The last meme was "we're not going to let conservative speakers on campus, because they represent a security danger to our students".


Now it's "we'll protect you by determining unilaterally what is and what isn't fake news, and by keeping all fake news off of our site for you".

Give 'em credit, they're always thinking.
As their tactics keep getting outed, the Regressive Left is getting more and more creative in their attempts to control freedom of expression. The last meme was "we're not going to let conservative speakers on campus, because they represent a security danger to our students". :rolleyes-41: Now it's "we'll protect you by determining unilaterally what is and what isn't fake news, and by keeping all fake news off of our site for you". Give 'em credit, they're always thinking..
From a purveyor ^^^ of fake analysis. The poster fails to, one, give examples, and two, anything that may mitigate those examples. Mac is an extremist for the far right nothing more.
As their tactics keep getting outed, the Regressive Left is getting more and more creative in their attempts to control freedom of expression. The last meme was "we're not going to let conservative speakers on campus, because they represent a security danger to our students". :rolleyes-41: Now it's "we'll protect you by determining unilaterally what is and what isn't fake news, and by keeping all fake news off of our site for you". Give 'em credit, they're always thinking..
From a purveyor ^^^ of fake analysis. The poster fails to, one, give examples, and two, anything that may mitigate those examples. Mac is an extremist for the far right nothing more.
And there ya go.

Ol' Mac never has to name names. They jump right in and make it personal.
Facebook Already Blocking Links to “Fake News”

Facebook is already blocking links to so-called “fake news” stories, despite the Washington Post being forced to admit that its own definitive article on “fake news” was based on shoddy research.
If there isn't strength in alternative media the big corporate msm wouldn't be trying to block these sources and call these good sources fake new. The population control freaks know the masses are waking up to their games and they don't like it.
Think people Hitler did this back in the day , so he could control what people thought.
When people can't choose their own thoughts, you can consider yourselves living in a dictatorship.

The Elites/Government have subliminal ways they are doing these things, just like those who don't think the guns are being taken, yes they are the only reason half the trendy bimbo's don't' think they are is because they aren't busting people's doors down taking them, or they haven't called for a mass " give up your gun party".
Bravo for FB.

Now they should shut down their entire server and do society a big favor.

But how would I find out where that woman who I went to grade school with ate lunch every day? How would I follow the political rantings of that guy who is friend's with my neighbor whose name escapes me? What about my friend's wife who is depressed every day and needs to tell all her Facebook friends how she feels, how would I follow her? Facebook can't shut down their server because I need to know all this stuff. In fact I have the Facebook app installed on my iPhone so I can get instant updates during dinner with my family, while I'm driving and while I'm sitting in a bar with friends catching up.
Hopefully they'll block Infowars
Fakey's energy would be better spent on how the MSM had hiLIARy's campaign review "news stories" in advance of publishing. That's a FAKE NEWS Conspiracy.
Clinton is gone: good.

The American public is now aware of the far right and alt right's law of 'fake news' and will not put up with it.
Translation: The Prog Establishment is blowing a dog whistle to Low Info types such as yourself.
The fact is the American public realzies that you guys really are low enough to spread 'fake news' and 'fake history.' You are being called out every time from now on, snowflakette.
the american public just managed to install donald trump. i do not think that that is a sign of some kind of awareness.

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