Facebook is run by fascist censors, apparently; what is wring with my post?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The post is below in response to a question about why some are concerned about EO13603.

in regard to the EOs in question. I have read them, and a link to the May 2013 EO 13603 is here:
Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness | The White House

A Forbes review of the EO is here:
Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives - Forbes

A Snopes libtard defense of EO13603 is here ( snopes.com: Executive Order 13603 -- National Defense Resources Preparedness ) and they even admit that Obama's

powers he gave himself are nothing new except that he gave himself all the previous EO war time powers, and secondly applied them to non-emergency peace time situations, in other words ANY TIME HE WANTS HE CAN RULE BY DECREE.

He also gave himself the authority to have complete control over human labor WITHOUT COMPENSATION, so President Obama can order YOU to go to Alaska and work a salt mine, literally, and not receive ANY pay for doing so, i.e. you are a slave at the whim of the government's direction now.

This response was deleted about 20 times without explanation, notification, or any kind of justification.

Face book really sucks these days, and with Zuckerface going full bore whore trying to force through Congress his 'Indentured Servant' immigration bill, I despise the stupid prick.
Did you post that in a group? Maybe the group leader deleted it.

It was a response to a friends thread, so no, I don't think it was he who did it. I think FB moderates my friends threads for some reason....well, he is a bit of a radical libertarian, lol.
Did you post that in a group? Maybe the group leader deleted it.

It was a response to a friends thread, so no, I don't think it was he who did it. I think FB moderates my friends threads for some reason....well, he is a bit of a radical libertarian, lol.

I tend to not post anything politically, social, religiously, or racially "controversial" on Facebook anyway. You never know when you may have to go for a job interview, get a new client, etc.

I save that for forums like these....................... :)
Nosebook was created by a pervert voyeur to spread his psychosis around. I have yet to figure out why anyone pays any attention to it.

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