Facebook ordered to give user data to Federal court (opinions?)


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
BBC News - Facebook fights 'largest ever' US court data request

Ok, so a quick run down of the entire topic.

As many right-wingers have known for ages, and as many leftists don't seem to care.....

The original case investigated fraudulent claimants of US federal disability benefits, whose Facebook accounts apparently showed that they were in fact healthy.

There are hundreds of fraudulent claims being made for disability benefits in the state of New York. I would say those caught, are just a small fraction of those actually doing it, and of course there are likely a million or more doing it nation wide.

Nevertheless.... The court has now ruled that Facebook is like a landlord, and has to comply with search and seizure.

The ruling defined Facebook as a "digital landlord".

A judge said this definition meant the company must comply with search warrants.

That seems odd to me... but what do I know? What you think?


The web giant was ordered to hand over information from the 381 accounts, which the court said contained "evidence of criminality".

After an appeal was denied, Facebook complied with the request but protested that it violated the Fourth Amendment of the US constitution, which protects against "unreasonable searches and seizures".

Facebook also voiced concerns about the lack of date restrictions on the warrant, which it argued allowed the US government to keep the data indefinitely, and the range of data requested, which it said would contain private material which bore no relation to the trial.

So because of people abusing the system, collecting disability benefits, when they clearly are not disabled....

Now the government can scoop up facebook data.... all facebook data... and keep it indefinitely.

Here's a thought... let's cut disability benefits back to only those clearly disabled to begin with?

I'm not sure how to consider this.... What do you all think?

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