Facebook refuses to remove despicable picture from Black Panther page

In the rare event that a white cop does run into a black criminal within a white area. A black police officer needs to be called in and the white officer needs to go back to the department.

It isn't worth this level of violence anymore to feed into their "racism" religion of the black community.

Are you ready for the change you voted for? Obama latest agenda is to move blacks and Syrians into suburbia and affluent neighborhoods by way of HUD. He wants to spread the love.......
I just posted a reply on my Facebook page that says the animal with the knife should have 15 bullets pumped into his head then fed to the hogs. Maybe Zuckerburg will see it and reply.

Zuckerberg is a schmuck

Like Obama, Fuckerberg has had a big wall built around his property, wonder who he's afraid of?

Again, real Americans. I deleted (or as they call it deactivated) Fakebook long ago

Yes the thing with Facebook and increasingly Twitter, if someone posts that Transgenders are fucking freaks who need psychological help, that'll get deleted for hurting the poor bedwetting Snowflakes feelings, but a picture of some piece of crap beheading a police officer and the caption stating that the Black Supremacists are going to do whatever it takes to protect their Racist Community, well that's okay according to Fuckerberg.

This is the moral degeneracy and bastardisation of society that Leftists have created.

When the pendulum swings in total, and it's shortly within 10 months to make it's completion, the Leftists should be aware that no mercy is going to be shown to them or their feral pets.

The police and ALL law enforcement on our respective Continents are with US and are against THEM the Leftists, most police and law enforcement are naturally Right-Wing or at least sympathetic to the Rightists, they always have been since at least the early 1920s here in Europa and they always will be.
Little by little I think it's beginning to sink in what's coming in this country.

EXCLUSIVE: Facebook refuses to remove sickening cartoon of police officer having his throat slit from Black Panther page Dallas cop killer Micah Xavier Johnson ranted on just days before massacre
  • Facebook refused to remove gruesome cartoon of cop having his throat slit
  • Gruesome image shows man dressed in black slashing the officer's neck
  • Image was posted on the 'Black Panther Party Mississippi' Facebook page
  • It was reported but Facebook ruled it does not 'promote graphic violence'
  • Dallas cop killer Micah Xavier Johnson posted a rant on the page five days before he shot 12 police officers, killing five

Facebook has refused to remove a sickening cartoon of a police officer having his throat slit from a Black Panther page used by Dallas cop killer Micah Xavier Johnson.

The gruesome image shows a man dressed in black slashing a uniformed officer's throat with a knife as blood spills out of the cop's neck.

It was posted on the 'Black Panther Party Mississippi' page, which Johnson posted a twisted rant on just days before he embarked on his massacre.

The cartoon carries the words 'as a R.B.G. killer panther I pledge to defend my black community by any means necessary'.

Read more: Facebook refuses to remove cartoon of cop having throat slit
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Zucchini, founder of Facebook, is an Obutthurt supporter.
The article in the British newspaper revealed that Obama personally thanked Zuckerburg and Facebook for helping Libya overthrow Qaddafi among other valuable services.
Here's the link to the New Black Panther facebook page, and the photo is not there.

The New Black Panther Party

Interesting that you feel such a need to defend these racist bastards.
Maybe it would be best if you just left this thread.

Interesting that you cannot provide a link. Once you provide a link to the actual facebook page, I'll be on your side regarding this situation.
Hold your horses and pugs. I'll find it.
I just posted a reply on my Facebook page that says the animal with the knife should have 15 bullets pumped into his head then fed to the hogs. Maybe Zuckerburg will see it and reply.

Zuckerberg is a schmuck

Like Obama, Fuckerberg has had a big wall built around his property, wonder who he's afraid of?

Again, real Americans. I deleted (or as they call it deactivated) Fakebook long ago

Here's the link to the New Black Panther facebook page, and the photo is not there.

The New Black Panther Party

Interesting that you feel such a need to defend these racist bastards.
Maybe it would be best if you just left this thread.

Interesting that you cannot provide a link. Once you provide a link to the actual facebook page, I'll be on your side regarding this situation.
Hold your horses and pugs. I'll find it.

There are only about 50 articles on Google about this...and a screen shot of the image on FB....good grief
Here's another dandy on their page:

Once again, where is the link to the actual facebook page?

Happy now ?

Black Panther Party Power Movement

It only accepts links from the Fag rag Pink News and The Morning Star which is a British Communist rag.

Morning Star (British newspaper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any other link presented to it, it won't accept, it just likes Gays, Trannies and Commies oh and Camel Jockeys.
Looks like this group is arming up for more than just protests:

Black Riders Liberation Party: N.Y. Chapter
June 28 at 1:57pm ·
Please click on and read this.. General T.A.C.O speaks - on Freddie Gray -
BLACK RIDERS - New Generation Black Panther Party for Self-Defense! Black Power! All Power to the People! RBG 4 LIFE!!

A New Generation Black Panther Talks About Baltimore and Black America | VICE
We spoke with General T.A.C.O. (which stands for "Taking All Capitalists Out") about Freddie Gray, gang truces, and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Here's the link to the New Black Panther facebook page, and the photo is not there.

The New Black Panther Party

Interesting that you feel such a need to defend these racist bastards.
Maybe it would be best if you just left this thread.

Interesting that you cannot provide a link. Once you provide a link to the actual facebook page, I'll be on your side regarding this situation.
Hold your horses and pugs. I'll find it.

There are only about 50 articles on Google about this...and a screen shot of the image on FB....good grief
I have just decided to de-activate my Facebook account. Terrorist sympathizer Zuckerburg just can't be tolerated anymore.
Looks like this group is arming up for more than just protests:

Black Riders Liberation Party: N.Y. Chapter
June 28 at 1:57pm ·
Please click on and read this.. General T.A.C.O speaks - on Freddie Gray -
BLACK RIDERS - New Generation Black Panther Party for Self-Defense! Black Power! All Power to the People! RBG 4 LIFE!!

A New Generation Black Panther Talks About Baltimore and Black America | VICE
We spoke with General T.A.C.O. (which stands for "Taking All Capitalists Out") about Freddie Gray, gang truces, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

It'd be easy to deal with this scum, easy to round them all up and get them off the street and deal with them, they're a menace to American society, they're Domestic Terrorists, they should be dealt with in the historical way that this type of dangerous subversive has always been dealt with.
Here's another dandy on their page:

Once again, where is the link to the actual facebook page?

Happy now ?

Black Panther Party Power Movement

It only accepts links from the Fag rag Pink News and The Morning Star which is a British Communist rag.

Morning Star (British newspaper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any other link presented to it, it won't accept, it just likes Gays, Trannies and Commies oh and Camel Jockeys.

What are you blabbering about? I can't help it if you and your crotch sniffing brigade mainly post on threads concerning others sexual preferences.

Shouldn't you be off posting about Muslim gang rape, or out policing bathrooms?
Here's another dandy on their page:

Once again, where is the link to the actual facebook page?

Happy now ?

Black Panther Party Power Movement

I've never heard of this group, and there is no photo of your original pic that you posted in the OP, so maybe facebook already removed it.

I think this group is very misguided and should be considered a hate group.

Here's when the Daily Mail article was published: PUBLISHED: 00:18 EST, 9 July 2016 | UPDATED: 07:38 EST, 9 July 2016

They are very reputable, and I'll take their word on this. Likely the picture was finally removed.

Read more: Facebook refuses to remove cartoon of cop having throat slit
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