Facts are Poll: 1.8 million Americans have turned down jobs due to unemployment benefits


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Based on this poll:
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This is what that costs the rest of us!
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Now add the income-restricted child tax credit that starts today to this mess and see how much longer people stay home. We are creating a dependency class that will not go away. Working Democrats are too naive to recognize what is happening and what the ultimate goal truly is.
Now add the income-restricted child tax credit that starts today to this mess and see how much longer people stay home. We are creating a dependency class that will not go away. Working Democrats are too naive to recognize what is happening and what the ultimate goal truly is.

On the bright side, my son just got accepted for a job that a year-and-a-half ago wouldn't have even called him back because they had so many applicants with years more experience than him. It was funny and sad; he put in the application, got a request for an interview two hours later, had the interview by phone the next morning, and was hired by mid-afternoon. That's how desperate some places are for employees who want to work.
Yep. The utility company I work for is having serous issues filling our summer meter reader positions. $20 an hour to drive around in a van 40 hours a week. If they do well, we hire about 25% of the summer workers permanently in the fall. Nobody wants the jobs.
Is it just my state? Our laws are when somebody offers you a reasonable paying job and you refuse it, you lose your benefits. You can't use childcare, going to school, having to go in instead of working for home (and most of the others) are all disqualifications for unemployment benefits. If you say you have medical limitations, you still lose unemployment because that's a matter for SS disability to deal with and not unemployment.
Let em pay more and the workers will come. Any decent place to work has ZERO issues finding beyond great workers. The rest of the employers are subpar. I hope they struggle.
Let em pay more and the workers will come. Any decent place to work has ZERO issues finding beyond great workers. The rest of the employers are subpar. I hope they struggle.
Exactly right. There are reasons people don’t take these jobs. They are shitty low paying jobs.
Is it just my state? Our laws are when somebody offers you a reasonable paying job and you refuse it, you lose your benefits. You can't use childcare, going to school, having to go in instead of working for home (and most of the others) are all disqualifications for unemployment benefits. If you say you have medical limitations, you still lose unemployment because that's a matter for SS disability to deal with and not unemployment.
Let em pay more and the workers will come. Any decent place to work has ZERO issues finding beyond great workers. The rest of the employers are subpar. I hope they struggle.
Exactly right. There are reasons people don’t take these jobs. They are shitty low paying jobs.
So you can get paid to sit home and play Xbox or work....losers sit home. Losers like you
Let em pay more and the workers will come. Any decent place to work has ZERO issues finding beyond great workers. The rest of the employers are subpar. I hope they struggle.
You always say the stupidest things in support of your stupid friends the Democrats.
Exactly right. There are reasons people don’t take these jobs. They are shitty low paying jobs.

Maybe, but unemployment has their own metrics on what is a shitty paying job or not. If you refuse anything reasonable, you lose your benefits if you declined a job offer.
Is Exploitation of labor something you’re proud of?

The state (or private insurance companies) make the rules, not me. I'm just telling you what they are in my state. I really thought it was that way for most states. If you lost your job making $12.00 an hour, and refuse a job that starts at $11.00, the state looks at that as pretty comparable to what you were making even though it's not good money. The problem today is that as long as government is paying people more or nearly the same to stay at home than work, we are going to continue to have a labor shortage even at nearly 6% unemployment.

My cousin is a remodeler. I was talking with him about getting replacement windows for one of my rental units. He said the window companies are 8 to 10 weeks behind. They can't find workers. I also need some gutter work done. I called a guy who does handy man kind of work. He said I'll be lucky to see him here in about two months. He too can't find workers.

Wages didn't go lower because the pandemic. If anything, they are higher. But like I said, as long as government is paying them an acceptable stipend to stay at home, they're going to stay home.
Speaking as a Democrack, we're turning down jobs cuz we need more compensation for our miseducation, drug & alcohol intake, and we need more benefits.
Now add the income-restricted child tax credit that starts today to this mess and see how much longer people stay home. We are creating a dependency class that will not go away. Working Democrats are too naive to recognize what is happening and what the ultimate goal truly is.


The Biden Administration is finally giving working Americans and the middle class some genuine assistance and tax relief and like the good little brainwashed sheep that you truly are, you start bleating neo-con bullshit about government programs to help low income Americans creating a "dependency class".

Republicans believe that unless people are on the verge of starving, they won't work. In short, poor people are lazy and will stay home unless they're about to starve. That's an insult to every American worker who ever lived. Republicans REFUSE to raise the minimum wage. Keep em hungry.

Every other first world country in the world except the USA, ensures a living wage for the working classes. Every other first world country has income supports for low wage workers. The USA is the ONLY first world country which has no child tax credits for low income workers.

Dumb Butthead Americans keep repeating the lies the Republicans have fed you for generations - the ones that have put your economy in the crapper time and time again, all to the benefit of their rich donors, while working Americans are worse off every year.

The Biden Administration is finally giving working Americans and the middle class some genuine assistance and tax relief and like the good little brainwashed sheep that you truly are, you start bleating neo-con bullshit about government programs to help low income Americans creating a "dependency class".

Republicans believe that unless people are on the verge of starving, they won't work. In short, poor people are lazy and will stay home unless they're about to starve. That's an insult to every American worker who ever lived. Republicans REFUSE to raise the minimum wage. Keep em hungry.

Every other first world country in the world except the USA, ensures a living wage for the working classes. Every other first world country has income supports for low wage workers. The USA is the ONLY first world country which has no child tax credits for low income workers.

Dumb Butthead Americans keep repeating the lies the Republicans have fed you for generations - the ones that have put your economy in the crapper time and time again, all to the benefit of their rich donors, while working Americans are worse off every year.

What the Democrats are doing now is paying people more to stay home instead of working. Even those who are making better money are getting paid enough to live comfortably even if it's less money involved. How is that NOT creating a dependency class?

After the Obama recession and jobs started to become available, workers who ran out of benefits had a hard time finding jobs. Employers look down on people who take an advantage of a situation like that and opted to hire those who only used unemployment as a life raft, and got to work as soon as possible. You are letting a kid eat as much candy as they can ignoring the long-term effects that will hurt them in the end.

As for increasing the minimum wage, where is it? The Democrats have the white house, the House, and the Senate. So why do they not bring it up? Because Biden said he wouldn't sign it. Even in his dementia, he knows the harm that doubling the minimum wage would have on the entire country.

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