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Failure of the Welfare State

If you want to dispute the FACT that the wealthy get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans,

just say so, in a mature manner.

Otherwise, stay quiet.

Sure: I want to dispute your contention the wealty get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans.

Outside of Huffpo and sources as dubiously objective Barney Frank and Barak Obama, I cannot find anything (including the Ryan-Romney budget) that defines what new taxes "the wealthy" will pay.

By the way, speaking of good ol' Barack....when was the last time he had a budget?
If you want to dispute the FACT that the wealthy get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans,

just say so, in a mature manner.

Otherwise, stay quiet.

Sure: I want to dispute your contention the wealty get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans.

Outside of Huffpo and sources as dubiously objective Barney Frank and Barak Obama, I cannot find anything (including the Ryan-Romney budget) that defines what new taxes "the wealthy" will pay.

By the way, speaking of good ol' Barack....when was the last time he had a budget?

And WHY aren't there calls for Dingy Harry Reid to be recalled and replaced?

OVER 1000 days and counting...Obama is in violation as well.
Budget was out when it was due this year- Non starter AGAIN with do nothing no compromise "un-American" (TIME) GOP...

But thanks for the mindless Pubcrappe...
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Yup, 1 of 38 alternative projects went into bankruptcy. Subsidize Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Big Health. What tools of greedy rich/corps. Thanks for the Depression, fools. See sig pp3...Pubs are a proven disaster, and you proven morons.

Are you so phenomenally stupid that you fail to recognize the the liberal pols hand out just as much money, if not more, to those groups you list? Or are you intentionally obtuse, if so, what purpose would willful ignorance serve?

Wrong, dupe. Pubs have stopped the cuts so far- but it's THEIR policy. And when China doesn't dominate new industry, you can thank Obama.

This is the TRIUMPH of Welfare State and intelligent PLANNING. Dupes wouldn't understand. Pubs would have had a full blown depression.

Hey, 'tard! China already dominates many industries. I see every day when the planes come through, packed to the gunwales with goods and when they go back, often carrying only dunnage. Go try and buy much of anything "Made in America", especially for a price most mortals can afford.
But, really, the trade inequity should be discussed on its very own thread...
If you want to dispute the FACT that the wealthy get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans,

just say so, in a mature manner.

Otherwise, stay quiet.

Sure: I want to dispute your contention the wealty get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans.

Outside of Huffpo and sources as dubiously objective Barney Frank and Barak Obama, I cannot find anything (including the Ryan-Romney budget) that defines what new taxes "the wealthy" will pay.

By the way, speaking of good ol' Barack....when was the last time he had a budget?

JFC Faux etc doesn't tell you morons anything LOL. Except it will cut the deficit. BTW, that will be in 2036!! Pure idiocy for the dupes.

Wiki, Ryan Plan...

The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal was presented as the Republican budget proposal for 2013 in March 2012.[6] The proposal focuses includes plans to reform Medicare, cap discretionary federal spending at $1.029 trillion and cut the highest individual tax rates.[7]

Dumbazz dupes!LOL:cuckoo::badgrin:
Are you so phenomenally stupid that you fail to recognize the the liberal pols hand out just as much money, if not more, to those groups you list? Or are you intentionally obtuse, if so, what purpose would willful ignorance serve?

Wrong, dupe. Pubs have stopped the cuts so far- but it's THEIR policy. And when China doesn't dominate new industry, you can thank Obama.

This is the TRIUMPH of Welfare State and intelligent PLANNING. Dupes wouldn't understand. Pubs would have had a full blown depression.

Hey, 'tard! China already dominates many industries. I see every day when the planes come through, packed to the gunwales with goods and when they go back, often carrying only dunnage. Go try and buy much of anything "Made in America", especially for a price most mortals can afford.
But, really, the trade inequity should be discussed on its very own thread...

CHINA is the NEXT world power. NWO says so...Our electeds will make it so.
If you want to dispute the FACT that the wealthy get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans,

just say so, in a mature manner.

Otherwise, stay quiet.

Sure: I want to dispute your contention the wealty get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans.

Outside of Huffpo and sources as dubiously objective Barney Frank and Barak Obama, I cannot find anything (including the Ryan-Romney budget) that defines what new taxes "the wealthy" will pay.

By the way, speaking of good ol' Barack....when was the last time he had a budget?

Romney Tax Plan Without Unspecified Base Broadeners; Baseline: Current Law; Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Cash Income Level, 2015
It is the oldest lesson in the human experience. If you teach someone to do something for themselves then you engender self-reliance. If you give them everything that they need, you breed reliance and dependency. The left only has to look to the American Indians and the reservations to see what their entitlement mind set brings. But no, let's continue to 'give' and hope for a different outcome.

The south side of Chicago is a war zone. Hundreds of millions of dollars has done nothing to stem the tide of poverty, out-of-wedlock births and crime. Yet, we hear the same things today we have heard since LBJ... We must provide for those who do not have. What we must do is to provide a means to work your way out of the cycle of poverty... if you do not take the way out, then you're on your own.

Another EXCELLENT thread by Political Chic!

Of course, liberals don't want people to become independent or they won't need liberal politicians anymore. When each person gets $20,610, or $61,830 for a family of three, why would they take a job like the rest of us when it would mean a cut? I don't know if those figures even include the free medical through Medicaid, free cell phones or other giveaway programs. The more children, the more benefits.

Those who work at low paying jobs still make out well and have no incentive to find a higher paying job. If you look at what people are given, on top of their wages, you realize that many are better off than the tax payers who get soaked to pay for their benefits. When they get help with rent, food, schooling, utilities and Medicaid, they end up with more disposable income than most since their paychecks are free and clear because their bills are paid by tax payers. Of course, they are more comfortable on the doles and the liberals need it that way.

A person earning $50,000 or more won't qualify for aid and yet have to pay all their bills, which doesn't leave a lot of disposable income.

I just don't think we should keep increasing aid to the point where they are better off on the doles than the rest of us who make it on our own. We should help long enough for people to get on their feet, but as it is, they keep having more kids to increase benefits rather than try to elevate themselves. The government keeps adding more to the pot, as if they're worried some will leave the liberal plantation. We have 4th and 5th generations of welfare recipients who know how to work the system because they learned from their parents and the more government gives away, the more people will do what they have to in order to qualify.

I couldn't agree more. Accepting public assistance should impart a deep feeling of shame and personal failure. The kind of shame that encourages the recipients to resolve to see that they improve their situation and never, ever fall so low as to need the accept coerced charity again.

So what's your plan? End the social safety net so we can have poverty like Africa, or India, or a few other places around the world?

Where is poverty disappearing because the government refuses to help anyone?
#87-Your electeds, not mine, dupe LOL

Don't you people EVER get tired of being made fools of by your A-hole lying heroes.....
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Of course, liberals don't want people to become independent or they won't need liberal politicians anymore. When each person gets $20,610, or $61,830 for a family of three, why would they take a job like the rest of us when it would mean a cut? I don't know if those figures even include the free medical through Medicaid, free cell phones or other giveaway programs. The more children, the more benefits.

Those who work at low paying jobs still make out well and have no incentive to find a higher paying job. If you look at what people are given, on top of their wages, you realize that many are better off than the tax payers who get soaked to pay for their benefits. When they get help with rent, food, schooling, utilities and Medicaid, they end up with more disposable income than most since their paychecks are free and clear because their bills are paid by tax payers. Of course, they are more comfortable on the doles and the liberals need it that way.

A person earning $50,000 or more won't qualify for aid and yet have to pay all their bills, which doesn't leave a lot of disposable income.

I just don't think we should keep increasing aid to the point where they are better off on the doles than the rest of us who make it on our own. We should help long enough for people to get on their feet, but as it is, they keep having more kids to increase benefits rather than try to elevate themselves. The government keeps adding more to the pot, as if they're worried some will leave the liberal plantation. We have 4th and 5th generations of welfare recipients who know how to work the system because they learned from their parents and the more government gives away, the more people will do what they have to in order to qualify.

I couldn't agree more. Accepting public assistance should impart a deep feeling of shame and personal failure. The kind of shame that encourages the recipients to resolve to see that they improve their situation and never, ever fall so low as to need the accept coerced charity again.

So what's your plan? End the social safety net so we can have poverty like Africa, or India, or a few other places around the world?

Where is poverty disappearing because the government refuses to help anyone?

no, but making a permanent underclass who have no incentive to get out? Yeah that's working well. I mean how manypoverty programs have the liberals had since the 60s and they still need more? how about letting people know there is a limit and then you have to perform and lets get rid of the beauracries and get the money to the people that need it, is that ok with you?
If you want to dispute the FACT that the wealthy get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans,

just say so, in a mature manner.

Otherwise, stay quiet.

Sure: I want to dispute your contention the wealty get huge tax cuts in the Romney/Ryan budget plans.

Outside of Huffpo and sources as dubiously objective Barney Frank and Barak Obama, I cannot find anything (including the Ryan-Romney budget) that defines what new taxes "the wealthy" will pay.

By the way, speaking of good ol' Barack....when was the last time he had a budget?
ROTFL i see so according to you giving millionaires 6trillion in tax cuts does not equal giving them tax cuts.
Romney's Economic Plan Isn't Concerned About the Poor - or the Middle Class | Crooks and Liars
Romney tax plan would balloon deficit: report | Reuters
^Mitt Romney’s tax plan would cut taxes for millionaires by 2 times larger than what the Bush tax cuts cut.
^His plan would increase taxes for 40% of Americans with income below 100,000
^His tax plan would also increase the deficit by 600billion every year
^Romney also proposes/supports eliminating Medicare and Medicaid.
Thanks for the Depression and the the stupidest wars ever, and 9/11 for that matter, incompetent, greedy Pubs and silly dupes. AND screwing up the recovery. Only brainwashed morons can't see the truth.
Great job making college and training as expensive and difficult as possible, producing the worst upward mobility and rich poor gap EVER. Pub dupes!! Absolute idiocy...
That's a lie. The Depression started when Americans realized an Alinsky model, God-damn-America religious zealot with a cop-killing Weatherman promoter and his wife for cohorts.

It worsened when Obama went to Europe on a tirade to tell the rest of the world what sewer rats Americans are.

That's why the economy can't recover and people will remain jobless while Obumble is in office. He surrounds himself with enlarge-the-government types, and we can't afford another four years of them giving freebie 100% guaranteed gummint loans to relatives and buddy pals, and that's that.
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Thanks for the Depression and the the stupidest wars ever, and 9/11 for that matter, incompetent, greedy Pubs and silly dupes. AND screwing up the recovery. Only brainwashed morons can't see the truth.
Great job making college and training as expensive and difficult as possible, producing the worst upward mobility and rich poor gap EVER. Pub dupes!! Absolute idiocy...
That's a lie. The Depression started when Americans realized an Alinsky model, God-damn-America religious zealot with a cop-killing Weatherman promoter and his wife for cohorts.

It worsened when Obama went to Europe on a tirade to tell the rest of the world what sewer rats Americans are.

That's why the economy can't recover and people will remain jobless while Obumble is in office. He surrounds himself with enlarge-the-government types, and we can't afford another four years of them giving freebie 100% guaranteed gummint loans to relatives and buddy pals, and that's that.

Budget was out when it was due this year- Non starter AGAIN with do nothing no compromise "un-American" (TIME) GOP...

But thanks for the mindless <Freudian Stage I ad hominem omitted>...
It really sucks that John Boehner doesn't just lay over and play dead while Obama and his freewheeling cabinet spenders play the American taxpayers for all they're worth on crazy money for people whose only work for it is making scare-the-elderly phone calls for Democrats as payback.

neener, neener, neeeeeeeener. :lmao:
Trickle down economics has failed. The corporate welfare monopolistic corporatocracy we live in is killing America.
No, creeps who send someone with dry eye syndrome to a flash attack website as a method of delivering a hidden ad hominem attack are killing America.
Trickle down economics has failed. The corporate welfare monopolistic corporatocracy we live in is killing America.
No, creeps who send someone with dry eye syndrome to a flash attack website as a method of delivering a hidden ad hominem attack are killing America.

If you are suggesting there was anything improper awith that website you are wrong, and may I suggest staying off the computer or not clicking on links if flash gives you aproblem because it is everywhere. Also how could one tell if you were serious with such a rhetorical hyperbolic distorsion of facts?
Trickle down economics has failed. The corporate welfare monopolistic corporatocracy we live in is killing America.
No, biggie government uber alles is killing America. It's gotta go.

I can agree with that, but it is transnational corporations that are benefiting from big government. (ie corporastocracy)

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