Failures of Reaganomics

Sure, I'm gonna give you my bank account number. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh come on sj. Take the bet. You're the one running your mouth about whether or not ABiker actually served in the Navy. Don't you want to win 5,000 dollars?
You're almost as funny as biker bitch.

He's a little confused. He thinks servicing sailors in men rooms in bars is just like actualy serving in the Navy.
Dpeaking of living in a fantasy world.
Carter: Misery Index. Desert One. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
Reagan: Lower inflation, lower unemployment, more jobs created post war than ever before, fall of Berlin Wall, last landslide re-election in presidential history.

Why does the Left so hate on a man who's been dead for years and out of office for over 30? Because Reagan loved America. Reagan believed in American values. Reagan didnt act with one eye on the polls to see what his standing was. Reagan didnt believe America was the problem, but the solution. Reagan didnt believe government was the solution but the problem.
For those unforgivable sins failure must be manufactured out of success.
He makes their guy look so bad they have to do something. It's a Hail Mary pass to try to get the votes in November.
Sounds like going to the USO was as close as you came to combat. How could we not be grateful and impressed?

I served 5 years in the Army, none of it in combat, all of it in the US, and during that time 14 guys in my unit died. One lost a leg. With what we did, building M4T6 bridges, you could be grateful and impressed, even if no one had been hurt or killed.
and cash for clunkers. How did that work out? That's lib-economics 101, just stimulate yourself into prosperity!

off topic!!
WTF? So Reaganomics is still killing us but failed tax and spend liberal programs are off topic? The only thing you are "protecting" is your narrow world view.

Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Reaganomics was merely crony capitalism/wealth redistribution from the tax payers to the arms manufacturers on a grand scale. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt, & where did it get us? Arms manufacturers being permanently affixed to the gov't teet & owning politicians through their lobbyists is where.

There was a lot more to it that that, but everything you just said is correctly consistent with the facts.
Reaganomics was merely crony capitalism/wealth redistribution from the tax payers to the arms manufacturers on a grand scale. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt, & where did it get us? Arms manufacturers being permanently affixed to the gov't teet & owning politicians through their lobbyists is where.

In all fairness, Reagan lived in a fantasy world and while he cheerfully wrecked the economy for the benefit of his cronies, he also cut deals that helped America. It took the Cheney--Rumsfeld crowd, the New Right, and austerians to drop anything that might benefit America and adopt a complete rape-and-pillage approach to capitalism. It takes the new Republican Party with a relentless drive to impoverish all but the 400 families, usher in the new age of inherited wealth, and destroy American society as well as economy to truly realize the dream of restoring the conditions of the ninth century. Serfdom anyone?

Dpeaking of living in a fantasy world.
Carter: Misery Index. Desert One. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
Reagan: Lower inflation, lower unemployment, more jobs created post war than ever before, fall of Berlin Wall, last landslide re-election in presidential history.

Why does the Left so hate on a man who's been dead for years and out of office for over 30? Because Reagan loved America. Reagan believed in American values. Reagan didnt act with one eye on the polls to see what his standing was. Reagan didnt believe America was the problem, but the solution. Reagan didnt believe government was the solution but the problem.
For those unforgivable sins failure must be manufactured out of success.

TOTALLY FALSE! Reagan opposed American values.

Try looking at THIS >> - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.

And THIS >

and THIS > The Briggs Initiative - CNN iReport

and THIS >> National Taxpayers Union - History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates (1987-2014)
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.
In all fairness, Reagan lived in a fantasy world and while he cheerfully wrecked the economy for the benefit of his cronies, he also cut deals that helped America. It took the Cheney--Rumsfeld crowd, the New Right, and austerians to drop anything that might benefit America and adopt a complete rape-and-pillage approach to capitalism. It takes the new Republican Party with a relentless drive to impoverish all but the 400 families, usher in the new age of inherited wealth, and destroy American society as well as economy to truly realize the dream of restoring the conditions of the ninth century. Serfdom anyone?

Dpeaking of living in a fantasy world.
Carter: Misery Index. Desert One. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
Reagan: Lower inflation, lower unemployment, more jobs created post war than ever before, fall of Berlin Wall, last landslide re-election in presidential history.

Why does the Left so hate on a man who's been dead for years and out of office for over 30? Because Reagan loved America. Reagan believed in American values. Reagan didnt act with one eye on the polls to see what his standing was. Reagan didnt believe America was the problem, but the solution. Reagan didnt believe government was the solution but the problem.
For those unforgivable sins failure must be manufactured out of success.

TOTALLY FALSE! Reagan opposed American values.

Try looking at THIS >> - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.

And THIS >

and THIS > The Briggs Initiative - CNN iReport

and THIS >> National Taxpayers Union - History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates (1987-2014)
American values are not whatever the Politburo defines them as, comrade.
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

You people think that Reagan had lower taxes?


Tell ya what.............Google is your friend, and you can check out the tax rates of both to see where they were at.

Sorry GOP, but there were lower tax rates under a Democrat (i.e. Clinton) than there were under a Republican (i.e. Reagan).
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

You people think that Reagan had lower taxes?


Tell ya what.............Google is your friend, and you can check out the tax rates of both to see where they were at.

Sorry GOP, but there were lower tax rates under a Democrat (i.e. Clinton) than there were under a Republican (i.e. Reagan).
You're full of shit too.

Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

You people think that Reagan had lower taxes?


Tell ya what.............Google is your friend, and you can check out the tax rates of both to see where they were at.

Sorry GOP, but there were lower tax rates under a Democrat (i.e. Clinton) than there were under a Republican (i.e. Reagan).
You're full of shit too.


I noticed that there was no link.

Are we supposed to trust a graph that you made yourself?

Link to something that has real information (and not a blog) if you please.
You people think that Reagan had lower taxes?


Tell ya what.............Google is your friend, and you can check out the tax rates of both to see where they were at.

Sorry GOP, but there were lower tax rates under a Democrat (i.e. Clinton) than there were under a Republican (i.e. Reagan).
You're full of shit too.


I noticed that there was no link.

Are we supposed to trust a graph that you made yourself?

Link to something that has real information (and not a blog) if you please.
Google is your friend, remember?
You're full of shit too.


I noticed that there was no link.

Are we supposed to trust a graph that you made yourself?

Link to something that has real information (and not a blog) if you please.
Google is your friend, remember?

That's the last you'll hear from him on it. Recall Clinton raised marginal rates on the top tax earners. Reagan collapsed all the different brackets back down to 3. That is tht winning formula: lower and flatten rates across the board while removing special deductions.
You're full of shit too.


I noticed that there was no link.

Are we supposed to trust a graph that you made yourself?

Link to something that has real information (and not a blog) if you please.
Google is your friend, remember?

You're right.............Google is my friend.

That's one of the ways that I know this country had a surplus under Clinton, and it was pissed away under George Jr. (aka Shrub).

I mean................we had a surplus and Jr. gave it away with his tax cuts.

He also started a war (with Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11), and further cut taxes on the rich in the middle of a war.

I mean.....................who cuts taxes in the middle of something that is very costly to the nation (i.e. a war)?

The only thing Jr. did for this country is to make the rich richer, and the poor, poorer.

I'd really like to see Cheney, Jr. or RumsFAILED work with the budget that those they sent into battle have to work with.

I'm guessing they would quit after a week or so.
I noticed that there was no link.

Are we supposed to trust a graph that you made yourself?

Link to something that has real information (and not a blog) if you please.
Google is your friend, remember?

You're right.............Google is my friend.

That's one of the ways that I know this country had a surplus under Clinton, and it was pissed away under George Jr. (aka Shrub).

I mean................we had a surplus and Jr. gave it away with his tax cuts.

He also started a war (with Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11), and further cut taxes on the rich in the middle of a war.

I mean.....................who cuts taxes in the middle of something that is very costly to the nation (i.e. a war)?

The only thing Jr. did for this country is to make the rich richer, and the poor, poorer.

I'd really like to see Cheney, Jr. or RumsFAILED work with the budget that those they sent into battle have to work with.

I'm guessing they would quit after a week or so.

When totally pwned you revert to full retard.
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

You people think that Reagan had lower taxes?


Tell ya what.............Google is your friend, and you can check out the tax rates of both to see where they were at.

Sorry GOP, but there were lower tax rates under a Democrat (i.e. Clinton) than there were under a Republican (i.e. Reagan).
Google isn't the only search tool available but I've looked it up. Disagreement with your ill informed rants doesn't equal ignorance. Yes, Reagan lowered taxes and Clinton fought it but had to do business with the Republican's budget, thanks to Newt.
I noticed that there was no link.

Are we supposed to trust a graph that you made yourself?

Link to something that has real information (and not a blog) if you please.
Google is your friend, remember?

You're right.............Google is my friend.

That's one of the ways that I know this country had a surplus under Clinton, and it was pissed away under George Jr. (aka Shrub).

I mean................we had a surplus and Jr. gave it away with his tax cuts.

He also started a war (with Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11), and further cut taxes on the rich in the middle of a war.

I mean.....................who cuts taxes in the middle of something that is very costly to the nation (i.e. a war)?

The only thing Jr. did for this country is to make the rich richer, and the poor, poorer.

I'd really like to see Cheney, Jr. or RumsFAILED work with the budget that those they sent into battle have to work with.

I'm guessing they would quit after a week or so.
This is great! When you thought taxes were lower under Clinton, lower taxes are a good thing. Then when I proved that taxes were HIGHER under Clinton, lower taxes suddenly became a bad thing. Your attempt to save face is making you look very stupid.
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

I KNOW what Conservatism is, and I simply post it. As for who paid what back when , that OLD "no one paid those rates" is as phony as a $3 bill. I KNOW the people who paid those rates, and if your only defense is to hide behind distortions of law, you're on shaky ground.

Fact still remains, you cut taxes, you get fatter fat cats, and less and less national security. That;s what we've been getting since Reagan's days, and giving the liberals just what they want. More immigration, more Muslim appeasement, more crime, etc
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

I KNOW what Conservatism is, and I simply post it. As for who paid what back when , that OLD "no one paid those rates" is as phony as a $3 bill. I KNOW the people who paid those rates, and if your only defense is to hide behind distortions of law, you're on shaky ground.

Fact still remains, you cut taxes, you get fatter fat cats, and less and less national security. That;s what we've been getting since Reagan's days, and giving the liberals just what they want. More immigration, more Muslim appeasement, more crime, etc

You understand that when Reagan cut rates payments by high income individuals went UP, right? The gov't got MORE money from rich people with the new lower rates.
As for the rest of it, you are a stinking liar. Not even mildly credible.

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