Failures of Reaganomics

You're not only dumb, you're nuts, as you've been consistently showing in the motorcyclist thread, as well as this one. Oh look, you got a thanks from Rottweiller. HA HA HA. As if you weren't bad off enough already.
Dude, I've lost count of how many times you've put your foot in your mouth. You're really not cut out for this debating stuff. Maybe you should take up knitting.

Dude , I have HANDED YOU YOUR ASS, HANDS DOWN, in this thread, even if you're too much of a fuckin idiot to know it.

Now, here's my suggestion for what to do with Reagan in 2014. I say we build a big statue of him, and put it on the White House front lawn (dressed in a circus clown outfit) :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You get the prize for posting the most childish comments of anyone else on the board. That one has to be up there in the top 3.
Reagan sold weapons to terrorists. That's all that anyone needs to know about him.

Fuck Ronald Reagan, may he burn in Hell forever.

As opposed to Barack Obama who gave weapons to terrorists (specifically, Al Qaeda in Syria) and then arranged for those who ran the weapons to be murdered so that there would be nobody to testify in front of Congress?

Reagan received the approval is Israel (who actually brokered the deal) and then he used the money to collapse communism. There's a reason Reagan is considered by liberal scholars to be one of the five greatest presidents ever.
Is Reagan sucking dicks in senile Hell for selling weapons to the jihad? Yes.

Have a nice day.
dude, i've lost count of how many times you've put your foot in your mouth. You're really not cut out for this debating stuff. Maybe you should take up knitting.

dude , i have handed you your ass, hands down, in this thread, even if you're too much of a fuckin idiot to know it.

Now, here's my suggestion for what to do with reagan in 2014. i say we build a big statue of him, and put it on the white house front lawn (dressed in a circus clown outfit) :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
you get the prize for posting the most childish comments of anyone else on the board. That one has to be up there in the top 3.

Reagan sold weapons to terrorists. That's all that anyone needs to know about him.

Fuck Ronald Reagan, may he burn in Hell forever.

As opposed to Barack Obama who gave weapons to terrorists (specifically, Al Qaeda in Syria) and then arranged for those who ran the weapons to be murdered so that there would be nobody to testify in front of Congress?

Reagan received the approval is Israel (who actually brokered the deal) and then he used the money to collapse communism. There's a reason Reagan is considered by liberal scholars to be one of the five greatest presidents ever.

Anybody that would consider Reagan to be a great president would hardly be a "scholar" of any classification. Actually, Reagan was "Great".

1. For illegal alien invaders wanting amnesty.

2. For queer teachers wanting to teach in California public schools.

3. For Muslim terrorists in Lebanon.

4. For the rich wanting to be richer (while the poor get poorer)

5. For state terrorists in Iran.

He couldn't even get the endorsement of his own kids, let alone a scholar.
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Dude, I've lost count of how many times you've put your foot in your mouth. You're really not cut out for this debating stuff. Maybe you should take up knitting.

Dude , I have HANDED YOU YOUR ASS, HANDS DOWN, in this thread, even if you're too much of a fuckin idiot to know it.

Now, here's my suggestion for what to do with Reagan in 2014. I say we build a big statue of him, and put it on the White House front lawn (dressed in a circus clown outfit)

I find it remarkable that you declare victory in every thread when in fact you get your ass handed to you in every thread.

The fact is, Reagan's policies were some of the most successful in U.S. history and you're furious about that because it is a blueprint for getting people off of the government plantation (and you clearly love the freebies you have been able to bilk your fellow citizens out of). You're so angry because you fear the day you are required to hold a job and provide for yourself.

I'm going to block you now because you're an angry and immature asshole who is dumb enough to think he can convince people he is a "republican" while screaming for the most radical left-wing policies and parroting the extreme left-wing talking points.

YOU have gotten you dumb ass HANDED TO YOU and YOU KNOW it. And I'm going to hand it to you again > RIGHT NOW, dumb shit

Those who praise Ronald Reagan as a good president rarely, if ever mention his numerous (and very serious) failures. Rarely do we hear from them any mention of immigration AMNESTY, Briggs Inititative, Iran-Contra, the Lebanon Marine barracks fiasco, or the worst job growth and GDP growths since 1950.

To boot, the combination of significant tax cuts and a massive increase in Cold War related defense spending 91981-1988) resulted in large budget deficits, an expansion in the U.S. trade deficit, as well as the stock market crash of 1987, while also contributing to the Savings and Loan crisis. The ultimate cost of the Savings and Loan crisis is estimated to have totaled around $150 billion, about $125 billion of which was consequently and directly subsidized by the U.S. government. John Kenneth Galbraith called it "the largest and costliest venture in public misfeasance, malfeasance and larceny of all time."

In order to cover new federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion, and the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation. Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.

Also, I'm 68 years old, have worked and paid taxes for 50 years, providing for myself and family. I'm a registered Independent, an Eisenhower REAL Conservative, and I wouldn't be caught dead being a Republican, as Republicans are nowadays. ANd you are just a psuedo-conservative Reaganist, who with your idiotic low tax policies, you deny the govt the funds it needs to enact real NATIONAL SECURITY, and you thereby help the radical left-wingers to get just what they want.

By stopping the hiring of ICE agents, CBP officers, immigration court & jail personnel, and building the Mexican border fence, La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF and MECHA all thank you very much.

And by preventing the funds to supply federal courts and all those bullied and coerced by Muslim Brotherhood front groups (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc), these groups all thank you, as do the ACLU, SPLC, NAACP, et al ultra libs whom you empower, while you don't even know the meaning of being a Conservative (CONSERVING America's values, principle, and culture and providing for National Security)

And the only reason why you're blocking me , is because you can't handle seeing me kick the crap out of you on these pages any longer.
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No Protectionist. You and the left got your asses handed to you by Reagan, hence the pathological and lingering anal reaction.

Reagan belongs on Mt. Rushmore.
No Protectionist. You and the left got your asses handed to you by Reagan, hence the pathological and lingering anal reaction.

You should have waited until Post # 166 got finished, so you'd know that YOU just got YOUR ass handed to you too. Welcome to the club. Post # 166. READ BABY! READ!
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No Protectionist. You and the left got your asses handed to you by Reagan, hence the pathological and lingering anal reaction.

You should have waited until Post # 166 got finished, so you'd know that YOU just got YOUR ass handed to you too. Welcome to the club. Post # 166. READ BABY! READ!
I did. That's what I meant by pathological and lingering anal reaction. Over a quarter century and you're still whining. That is one hell of a legacy!:D
We need another "failure" like Reagan, otherwise the US will turn into the shit hole envisioned by Obama.

You know...............I was on active duty for the U.S. Navy during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub).

I felt safer walking around places overseas when Clinton was in office. Under Reagan, those who didn't like the policies of Reagan were bombing USO's.
If you were that much of a coward and thought that US foreign policy should be dictated by keeping the US armed forces overseas safe, you should have probably never enlisted. You were not sent abroad to be kept out of harms way. You could have just as easily been a failure at home.

Quick question.......................I served over 20 years for this country, and was in no less than 4 war zones.

What have either of you done for this country, and when have either of you been in a situation where you could have lost your lives?

I'm guessing that neither of you had to sacrifice anything to support this country.

Kinda sad that I had to put my ass on the line so that greedy fuckers like you could make money and then say that people like me (who live on a government pension) are takers.

Tell ya what...................if you think that I'm such a useless person, spend at least 6 months overseas in a deployment that you have no control over.

I'm guessing you won't make it more than 2 months, and eventually, you're going to ask your parents to ask their representative why we have to go to war.

I've been there.......................I don't want anyone else to go there......................why do those in power keep sending us there?
You know...............I was on active duty for the U.S. Navy during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub).

I felt safer walking around places overseas when Clinton was in office. Under Reagan, those who didn't like the policies of Reagan were bombing USO's.
If you were that much of a coward and thought that US foreign policy should be dictated by keeping the US armed forces overseas safe, you should have probably never enlisted. You were not sent abroad to be kept out of harms way. You could have just as easily been a failure at home.

Quick question.......................I served over 20 years for this country, and was in no less than 4 war zones.

What have either of you done for this country, and when have either of you been in a situation where you could have lost your lives?

I'm guessing that neither of you had to sacrifice anything to support this country.

Kinda sad that I had to put my ass on the line so that greedy fuckers like you could make money and then say that people like me (who live on a government pension) are takers.

Tell ya what...................if you think that I'm such a useless person, spend at least 6 months overseas in a deployment that you have no control over.

I'm guessing you won't make it more than 2 months, and eventually, you're going to ask your parents to ask their representative why we have to go to war.

I've been there.......................I don't want anyone else to go there......................why do those in power keep sending us there?
How do we know you're not making that up? Got some proof or do we just have to take your word for it?
If you were that much of a coward and thought that US foreign policy should be dictated by keeping the US armed forces overseas safe, you should have probably never enlisted. You were not sent abroad to be kept out of harms way. You could have just as easily been a failure at home.

Quick question.......................I served over 20 years for this country, and was in no less than 4 war zones.

What have either of you done for this country, and when have either of you been in a situation where you could have lost your lives?

I'm guessing that neither of you had to sacrifice anything to support this country.

Kinda sad that I had to put my ass on the line so that greedy fuckers like you could make money and then say that people like me (who live on a government pension) are takers.

Tell ya what...................if you think that I'm such a useless person, spend at least 6 months overseas in a deployment that you have no control over.

I'm guessing you won't make it more than 2 months, and eventually, you're going to ask your parents to ask their representative why we have to go to war.

I've been there.......................I don't want anyone else to go there......................why do those in power keep sending us there?
How do we know you're not making that up? Got some proof or do we just have to take your word for it?

Actually, I do have proof.

Send me your bank account number, and I'll send you an uncensored (meaning that my SSN as well as my discharge code) copy of my DD214.

Why do I say that? Because I don't really believe that you're anything other than a sock.

However........................I DO have the proof (you can check the Amarillo VA), and I DO have a copy of my DD214 that proves what I've said.

Wanna go for the gold and see who is right?

If you lose, you owe me 5,000 dollars.

If I lose, I owe you 5,000 dollars, as well as bragging rights on this forum and will also tell those who meet me in the VA how you've bested me.

Interested in the bet?
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No Protectionist. You and the left got your asses handed to you by Reagan, hence the pathological and lingering anal reaction.

You should have waited until Post # 166 got finished, so you'd know that YOU just got YOUR ass handed to you too. Welcome to the club. Post # 166. READ BABY! READ!
I did. That's what I meant by pathological and lingering anal reaction. Over a quarter century and you're still whining. That is one hell of a legacy!:D

And you don't know why people are still upset about Reagan > NOW in 2014 ?? You really don't know ?

Try looking at THIS >> - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.

And THIS >

and THIS > The Briggs Initiative - CNN iReport

and THIS >> National Taxpayers Union - History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates (1987-2014)
Quick question.......................I served over 20 years for this country, and was in no less than 4 war zones.

What have either of you done for this country, and when have either of you been in a situation where you could have lost your lives?

I'm guessing that neither of you had to sacrifice anything to support this country.

Kinda sad that I had to put my ass on the line so that greedy fuckers like you could make money and then say that people like me (who live on a government pension) are takers.

Tell ya what...................if you think that I'm such a useless person, spend at least 6 months overseas in a deployment that you have no control over.

I'm guessing you won't make it more than 2 months, and eventually, you're going to ask your parents to ask their representative why we have to go to war.

I've been there.......................I don't want anyone else to go there......................why do those in power keep sending us there?
How do we know you're not making that up? Got some proof or do we just have to take your word for it?

Actually, I do have proof.

Send me your bank account number, and I'll send you an uncensored (meaning that my SSN as well as my discharge code) copy of my DD214.

Why do I say that? Because I don't really believe that you're anything other than a sock.

However........................I DO have the proof (you can check the Amarillo VA), and I DO have a copy of my DD214 that proves what I've said.

Wanna go for the gold and see who is right?

If you lose, you owe me 5,000 dollars.

If I lose, I owe you 5,000 dollars, as well as bragging rights on this forum and will also tell those who meet me in the VA how you've bested me.

Interested in the bet?
Sure, I'm gonna give you my bank account number. :lol: :lol: :lol:
How do we know you're not making that up? Got some proof or do we just have to take your word for it?

Actually, I do have proof.

Send me your bank account number, and I'll send you an uncensored (meaning that my SSN as well as my discharge code) copy of my DD214.

Why do I say that? Because I don't really believe that you're anything other than a sock.

However........................I DO have the proof (you can check the Amarillo VA), and I DO have a copy of my DD214 that proves what I've said.

Wanna go for the gold and see who is right?

If you lose, you owe me 5,000 dollars.

If I lose, I owe you 5,000 dollars, as well as bragging rights on this forum and will also tell those who meet me in the VA how you've bested me.

Interested in the bet?
Sure, I'm gonna give you my bank account number. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh come on sj. Take the bet. You're the one running your mouth about whether or not ABiker actually served in the Navy. Don't you want to win 5,000 dollars?
Reagan sold weapons to terrorists. That's all that anyone needs to know about him.

Fuck Ronald Reagan, may he burn in Hell forever.

As opposed to Barack Obama who gave weapons to terrorists (specifically, Al Qaeda in Syria) and then arranged for those who ran the weapons to be murdered so that there would be nobody to testify in front of Congress?

Reagan received the approval is Israel (who actually brokered the deal) and then he used the money to collapse communism. There's a reason Reagan is considered by liberal scholars to be one of the five greatest presidents ever.

Anybody that would consider Reagan to be a great president would hardly be a "scholar" of any classification. Actually, Reagan was "Great".

1. For illegal alien invaders wanting amnesty.

2. For queer teachers wanting to teach in California public schools.

3. For Muslim terrorists in Lebanon.

4. For the rich wanting to be richer (while the poor get poorer)

5. For state terrorists in Iran.

He couldn't even get the endorsement of his own kids, let alone a scholar.

You left out highway robbers. He gave small town cops, sheriffs and county patrolmen authority to confiscate your cash when it had trace elements of a drug on it when detected by a drug sniffing dog, or reacting the same way as detecting a drug scent with a command from it's handler.
Very few people die from cancer the second they are diagnosed.
Reagan's policies, which would destroy our economy in the long run, did not begin to rear their ugly consequences until Senior Bush was in office.
Very few people are stupid enough to buy that. I'm not even sure you do. First we are told by the leftwing propagandist that Reagan's policies (aka trickle down economics) doesn't work. Now it's that it hurt us in the long run and didn't start until GHW Bush was in office. Which is it?

Look, it's obvious to anyone that even remotely knows what's going on that things are not working. The economy is still limping along when historically we would have bounced back long ago. You people want to blame Reagan, I guess because the Bush bashing is falling on deaf ears at this point, and want to ignore the fact that the big government tax and spend and regulate, regulate, regulate business has a detrimental effect on the economy. We get it.

The economy needs a healthy business climate to prosper. It's a no brainer and even countries like China figured it out and as capitalism increases so does their economy. Not that we should be China (just so you don't play that game) the point is that when business increases the economy improves. You can deny it all you want but it but it's a fact proven all over the world, especially here.

If liberal policies worked we would have surely seen it by now. And the longer we go down this road the worse it gets and finding alternative explanations helps no one.
"Reagan," Vice President Dick Cheney famously declared in 2002, "proved deficits don't matter." Unless, that is, a Democrat is in the White House. After all, while Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt and George W. Bush doubled it again,

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