Failures of Reaganomics

Dpeaking of living in a fantasy world.
Carter: Misery Index. Desert One. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
Reagan: Lower inflation, lower unemployment, more jobs created post war than ever before, fall of Berlin Wall, last landslide re-election in presidential history.

Why does the Left so hate on a man who's been dead for years and out of office for over 30? Because Reagan loved America. Reagan believed in American values. Reagan didnt act with one eye on the polls to see what his standing was. Reagan didnt believe America was the problem, but the solution. Reagan didnt believe government was the solution but the problem.
For those unforgivable sins failure must be manufactured out of success.

TOTALLY FALSE! Reagan opposed American values.

Try looking at THIS >> - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.

And THIS >

and THIS > The Briggs Initiative - CNN iReport

and THIS >> National Taxpayers Union - History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates (1987-2014)
American values are not whatever the Politburo defines them as, comrade.

They sure aren't stopping the Briggs Initiative, strengthening illegal immigration, running from Muslim terrorists, amnesty for illegal aliens, etc. and other Reagan "values"
TOTALLY FALSE! Reagan opposed American values.

Try looking at THIS >> - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.

And THIS >

and THIS > The Briggs Initiative - CNN iReport

and THIS >> National Taxpayers Union - History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates (1987-2014)
American values are not whatever the Politburo defines them as, comrade.

They sure aren't stopping the Briggs Initiative, strengthening illegal immigration, running from Muslim terrorists, amnesty for illegal aliens, etc. and other Reagan "values"

It's the Bilderberg Group. And the Club of Rome. Go blame them.
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

You people think that Reagan had lower taxes?


Tell ya what.............Google is your friend, and you can check out the tax rates of both to see where they were at.

Sorry GOP, but there were lower tax rates under a Democrat (i.e. Clinton) than there were under a Republican (i.e. Reagan).

Reagan lowered top tax to 28%. Lowest under Clinton was 39.6%
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

I KNOW what Conservatism is, and I simply post it. As for who paid what back when , that OLD "no one paid those rates" is as phony as a $3 bill. I KNOW the people who paid those rates, and if your only defense is to hide behind distortions of law, you're on shaky ground.

Fact still remains, you cut taxes, you get fatter fat cats, and less and less national security. That;s what we've been getting since Reagan's days, and giving the liberals just what they want. More immigration, more Muslim appeasement, more crime, etc

You understand that when Reagan cut rates payments by high income individuals went UP, right? The gov't got MORE money from rich people with the new lower rates.
As for the rest of it, you are a stinking liar. Not even mildly credible.

Right!! Collect less tax $, so we get more tax $. Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head) :lol:

Be advised. Never rely on statistics from a Reaganist administration. Got that ?

Now you may post a shred of evidence to show that I somehow lied about anything. Go ahead.
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American values are not whatever the Politburo defines them as, comrade.

They sure aren't stopping the Briggs Initiative, strengthening illegal immigration, running from Muslim terrorists, amnesty for illegal aliens, etc. and other Reagan "values"

It's the Bilderberg Group. And the Club of Rome. Go blame them.

Change the subject when you can't deal with the charges. Ho hum. What else is new ? Yawm ***
Yeah. Tax and spend programs are off topic. The TOPIC is low tax and low spend Reaganist programs. And tax ans spend programs are not just "liberal". They are also Conservative, as in the 91-92% top bracket tax of the Eisenhower administration and the 77% top tax of Nixon and 70% of Gerald Ford.

Reagan and HIS low tax low spend idiocy (which helps the liberals you complain about) does not define conservatism. It defines PSUEDO-Conservatism, which never did anything but keep Ronny from having to pay too much tax, on his fat movie star gross income. (and you fall for it)
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

I KNOW what Conservatism is, and I simply post it. As for who paid what back when , that OLD "no one paid those rates" is as phony as a $3 bill. I KNOW the people who paid those rates, and if your only defense is to hide behind distortions of law, you're on shaky ground.

Fact still remains, you cut taxes, you get fatter fat cats, and less and less national security. That;s what we've been getting since Reagan's days, and giving the liberals just what they want. More immigration, more Muslim appeasement, more crime, etc
I hide behind distortions of law and you know people that payed a 90% tax rate huh? You don't think we spend enough on national security? Godamn, you are out there.
They sure aren't stopping the Briggs Initiative, strengthening illegal immigration, running from Muslim terrorists, amnesty for illegal aliens, etc. and other Reagan "values"

It's the Bilderberg Group. And the Club of Rome. Go blame them.

Change the subject when you can't deal with the charges. Ho hum. What else is new ? Yawm ***

Change the subject when dealing with a lunatic.
Still want to maintain that payments by the top earners did not increase? Or are you sticking with "the evidence all got cooked so can't be trusted"? Which makes a convenient out.
Tax and spend policies are off topic so you went on a tax and spend rant? No one was paying those 90% rates, people with that kind of money utilized the many loopholes. Reagan helped close many while reducing rates. And you don't get to define what conservatism is.

I KNOW what Conservatism is, and I simply post it. As for who paid what back when , that OLD "no one paid those rates" is as phony as a $3 bill. I KNOW the people who paid those rates, and if your only defense is to hide behind distortions of law, you're on shaky ground.

Fact still remains, you cut taxes, you get fatter fat cats, and less and less national security. That;s what we've been getting since Reagan's days, and giving the liberals just what they want. More immigration, more Muslim appeasement, more crime, etc
I hide behind distortions of law and you know people that payed a 90% tax rate huh? You don't think we spend enough on national security? Godamn, you are out there.

Let me get this straight. You are saying that what we spend right now on national security is adequate ?
It's the Bilderberg Group. And the Club of Rome. Go blame them.

Change the subject when you can't deal with the charges. Ho hum. What else is new ? Yawm ***

Change the subject when dealing with a lunatic.
Still want to maintain that payments by the top earners did not increase? Or are you sticking with "the evidence all got cooked so can't be trusted"? Which makes a convenient out.

Reagan numbers to show Reagan results. Want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

EARTH TO REAGANISTS: Receiving less taxes does not make you receive more taxes. Pheeeeeww! I can see they've got YOU programmed. Brooklyn Bridge on sale, this week only. :lol:
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EARTH TO REAGANISTS: Receiving less taxes does not make you receive more taxes. Pheeeeeww! I can see they've got YOU programmed. Brooklyn Bridge on sale, this week only. :lol:
Earth to planet Protectionist, the theory was that less of a burden on the marketplace would help the marketplace (hard to swallow, I know) and that would stimulate growth, which means more moolah coming in. Everything I've seen says it worked and the opposite has the opposite effect.
Gee, I wonder, was the US economy any different when Reagan was in office compared to the present?
Had all those manufacturing jobs left the country when Reagan was in office? Was there real pent up demand from the high interest rate, high energy cost from the end of the 70ties when Reagan was is office?

Yea, arguing how Reagan policies would be so effective now in an economy that hardly resembles what Reagan had to work with........sure doesn't make any sense to me.

But go ahead. Re write some more history about how GREAT the GIPPER was. But what difference does it make?
Gee, I wonder, was the US economy any different when Reagan was in office compared to the present?
Had all those manufacturing jobs left the country when Reagan was in office? Was there real pent up demand from the high interest rate, high energy cost from the end of the 70ties when Reagan was is office?

Yea, arguing how Reagan policies would be so effective now in an economy that hardly resembles what Reagan had to work with........sure doesn't make any sense to me.

But go ahead. Re write some more history about how GREAT the GIPPER was. But what difference does it make?

No, Zeke, you toothless stumpbroke. The economy is exactly the same. Reagan had internet too, right?
See, the magic of economics, Zekey, is that it works because it describes reality, unlike your posts. When you deliver lower taxes that incetivize hard work people work hard and the whole economy benefits. When you rein in government regulation, companies can concentrate on producing better, cheaper products and better ways to sell them, rather than worrying about the latest OSHA reg. So of course Reagan's ideas would produce a better economy. It could hardly produce a worse one than Obama has done.
EARTH TO REAGANISTS: Receiving less taxes does not make you receive more taxes. Pheeeeeww! I can see they've got YOU programmed. Brooklyn Bridge on sale, this week only. :lol:
Earth to planet Protectionist, the theory was that less of a burden on the marketplace would help the marketplace (hard to swallow, I know) and that would stimulate growth, which means more moolah coming in. Everything I've seen says it worked and the opposite has the opposite effect.

Because everything you've seen is Reaganist propaganda, shown and repeated so often, it doesn't seem like propaganda, but it is. Kind of like the 2004 election year BS we got from the Bush crowd, about jobs being created. HA. What a joke that was.
Explanation available on request.

What brings more money in to the govt, is bringing more money into the govt (AKA tax increases - with loophole closure)
EARTH TO REAGANISTS: Receiving less taxes does not make you receive more taxes. Pheeeeeww! I can see they've got YOU programmed. Brooklyn Bridge on sale, this week only. :lol:
Earth to planet Protectionist, the theory was that less of a burden on the marketplace would help the marketplace (hard to swallow, I know) and that would stimulate growth, which means more moolah coming in. Everything I've seen says it worked and the opposite has the opposite effect.

Because everything you've seen is Reaganist propaganda, shown and repeated so often, it doesn't seem like propaganda, but it is. Kind of like the 2004 election year BS we got from the Bush crowd, about jobs being created. HA. What a joke that was.
Explanation available on request.

What brings more money in to the govt, is bringing more money into the govt (AKA tax increases - with loophole closure)

You've bought into the Democratic propaganda. Your mind is controlled by others.
Earth to planet Protectionist, the theory was that less of a burden on the marketplace would help the marketplace (hard to swallow, I know) and that would stimulate growth, which means more moolah coming in. Everything I've seen says it worked and the opposite has the opposite effect.

Because everything you've seen is Reaganist propaganda, shown and repeated so often, it doesn't seem like propaganda, but it is. Kind of like the 2004 election year BS we got from the Bush crowd, about jobs being created. HA. What a joke that was.
Explanation available on request.

What brings more money in to the govt, is bringing more money into the govt (AKA tax increases - with loophole closure)

You've bought into the Democratic propaganda. Your mind is controlled by others.

FALSE! I am a registered Independent, and I wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat. My politics began in the 1950s, during the Republican administration of the guy in my avatar, when the top (individual) tax was 91-92%. This was in the interest of having a BIG, STRONG Govt, with a BIG STRONG National Defense, including military, Immigration control, FBI, CIA, DEA, prison system, local police, etc, not the small weak govt advocated by Reagan, that allows all these to waste away.

The tax policies of the REAL National Security minded Conservatives of the 1950s is where my mind is (THEN & NOW).. And please don't give me that tired, aged rap about "effective" tax rates. We've heard it 1000 times and refuted it that many as well.
Because everything you've seen is Reaganist propaganda, shown and repeated so often, it doesn't seem like propaganda, but it is. Kind of like the 2004 election year BS we got from the Bush crowd, about jobs being created. HA. What a joke that was.
Explanation available on request.

What brings more money in to the govt, is bringing more money into the govt (AKA tax increases - with loophole closure)

You've bought into the Democratic propaganda. Your mind is controlled by others.

FALSE! I am a registered Independent, and I wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat. My politics began in the 1950s, during the Republican administration of the guy in my avatar, when the top (individual) tax was 91-92%. This was in the interest of having a BIG, STRONG Govt, with a BIG STRONG National Defense, including military, Immigration control, FBI, CIA, DEA, prison system, local police, etc, not the small weak govt advocated by Reagan, that allows all these to waste away.

The tax policies of the REAL National Security minded Conservatives of the 1950s is where my mind is (THEN & NOW).. And please don't give me that tired, aged rap about "effective" tax rates. We've heard it 1000 times and refuted it that many as well. state that you are registered as an Independent, yet you also state in the same sentence that you wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat.

You DO realize that there are only 2 parties in the U.S. political system that mean anything, and one is Democrat and one is Republican.

You ALSO realize that if you wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat, that kind of means that you're voting for the Republicans by proxy, right?

Independent my ass.............................when I vote, it's usually a combination of Democrats and Republicans. Whoever has the best stand on the issues and can convey their views in a clear, concise way, will usually get my vote.
You've bought into the Democratic propaganda. Your mind is controlled by others.

FALSE! I am a registered Independent, and I wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat. My politics began in the 1950s, during the Republican administration of the guy in my avatar, when the top (individual) tax was 91-92%. This was in the interest of having a BIG, STRONG Govt, with a BIG STRONG National Defense, including military, Immigration control, FBI, CIA, DEA, prison system, local police, etc, not the small weak govt advocated by Reagan, that allows all these to waste away.

The tax policies of the REAL National Security minded Conservatives of the 1950s is where my mind is (THEN & NOW).. And please don't give me that tired, aged rap about "effective" tax rates. We've heard it 1000 times and refuted it that many as well. state that you are registered as an Independent, yet you also state in the same sentence that you wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat.

You DO realize that there are only 2 parties in the U.S. political system that mean anything, and one is Democrat and one is Republican.

You ALSO realize that if you wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat, that kind of means that you're voting for the Republicans by proxy, right?

Independent my ass.............................when I vote, it's usually a combination of Democrats and Republicans. Whoever has the best stand on the issues and can convey their views in a clear, concise way, will usually get my vote.

NO, because I wouldn't be caught dead voting for a Republican either, especially with so many of them becoming Hispanic voter ass-kissers, being small govt Reaganists, and embracing amnesty for illegal aliens. So might you say because I don't vote for the Republican, that I'm therefore voting for the Democrats by proxy ?

I also sometimes don't vote at all, which is just as much the right of every American as voting is. Problem is most often, both the R and the D have a bad stand on some issues too important to allow them to get a vote.
Because everything you've seen is Reaganist propaganda, shown and repeated so often, it doesn't seem like propaganda, but it is. Kind of like the 2004 election year BS we got from the Bush crowd, about jobs being created. HA. What a joke that was.
Explanation available on request.

What brings more money in to the govt, is bringing more money into the govt (AKA tax increases - with loophole closure)

You've bought into the Democratic propaganda. Your mind is controlled by others.

FALSE! I am a registered Independent, and I wouldn't be caught dead voting Democrat. My politics began in the 1950s, during the Republican administration of the guy in my avatar, when the top (individual) tax was 91-92%. This was in the interest of having a BIG, STRONG Govt, with a BIG STRONG National Defense, including military, Immigration control, FBI, CIA, DEA, prison system, local police, etc, not the small weak govt advocated by Reagan, that allows all these to waste away.

The tax policies of the REAL National Security minded Conservatives of the 1950s is where my mind is (THEN & NOW).. And please don't give me that tired, aged rap about "effective" tax rates. We've heard it 1000 times and refuted it that many as well.

The explanation for tax rates has not been refuted. Effective rates were probably lower than today.
The 1950s also saw most markets with at most 3 TV stations. Maybe we should go back to that?
Over the last 30 years taxes on the rich have been lowered again and again, and this has led to the transfer of trillions of dollars in wealth from the middle class to the rich to the point that the top 1% now get 23% of the total income in America.

Raise the minimum wage and tax capital gains as income.

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