Failures of Reaganomics

another idiotic Left-wing straw man

there can be no such thing as the failure of Reaganism

the loser Left TODAY insists a MINORITY OF REPUBLICANS in BOTH chambers of Congress for all of obama's first 2 years; and the republican majority of just the House; has been able to "obstruct, hold hostage....etc" the "brilliant" Chicago community activist and the oh-so caring Progressives in the Jackazz Party

Reagan had a Dem-majority House for all 8 years; and the Senate in dems hands as well for at least 2 years

idiots and hypocrites

the loser Left as you can see is still making the same excuses for things Dems went along with 30 years later
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.

another idiot lying to himself

obama; not Republicans or the Tea Party; LITERALLY told Republicans to "go sit in the back of the bus" and "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES"

those arent the words of somebody looking to compromise
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.

another idiot lying to himself

obama; not Republicans or the Tea Party; LITERALLY told Republicans to "go sit in the back of the bus" and "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES"

those arent the words of somebody looking to compromise

"I won"
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.

another idiot lying to himself

obama; not Republicans or the Tea Party; LITERALLY told Republicans to "go sit in the back of the bus" and "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES"

those arent the words of somebody looking to compromise

Reagan imposed his will till he lost the senate. Take a course, buy the book, I'm tired of u dickweed.
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.
The Tea Party isn't a political party, you idiot, they're citizens. They're not in office, they have no power to do anything other than voice their opinion. They can't pass legislation and they can't stop legislation. You need to educate yourself instead of parroting the liberal talking points so you don't sound so damn stupid. No offense.
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.
The Tea Party isn't a political party, you idiot, they're citizens. They're not in office, they have no power to do anything other than voice their opinion. They can't pass legislation and they can't stop legislation. You need to educate yourself instead of parroting the liberal talking points so you don't sound so damn stupid. No offense.

they're a bloc in the House, dipshit.
Never said he was perfect. He should have brought back Ike's "Operation Wetback". That's Ike in your Avi, right Jake?

He did just the opposite of OW, Jack. He gave the invaders amnesty & EMTALA. He couldn't have been more unlike Ike. When Ike was grinding his way across Germany on his way to Berlin and VICTORY in World War II (as the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe), Reagan was in Hollywood making movies about it.

Patton did most of the heavy lifting and would have arrived in Berlin ahead of your Soviets. Acting on advice of Soviets, Ike ordered Patton to divert to the imaginary German " national redoubt" Berlin split in half because Ike was duped by the Soviets. Until Reagan liberated them, the East Germans would live as slaves to your Soviets for generations -- because of Ike.

First, I don't give a rat's ass about your idiotphone.

Second, Ike made the European effort effort in World War II happen. Reagan made a movie and not even a very good one)

Third, Reagan liberated NOBODY. He happened to be around when the curtain fell. You couldn't be that stupid...............could you ?
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.
The Tea Party isn't a political party, you idiot, they're citizens. They're not in office, they have no power to do anything other than voice their opinion. They can't pass legislation and they can't stop legislation. You need to educate yourself instead of parroting the liberal talking points so you don't sound so damn stupid. No offense.

they're a bloc in the House, dipshit.
Some elected officials share in the Tea Party's philosophy but for you to say they're a political party shows how fucking stupid you are.
Personally I believe that the biggest fucking lowlifes on the planet are those who lie about military service. You can rob a bank, cheat the IRS, but lie about military service? Absolutely despicable

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Shut the hell up about your damn idiotphone.

Now who are you saying is lying about military service ? It better not be me, cause if it is, you're dogfood. One thing I won't tolerate is some assclown saying I lie about my military service.
Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

My definition of Reaganomics is EVERYTHING HE DID. What anybody else defines it as, that's THEIR business.
Amazing how the office of the Presidency changed since Reagan. Reagan got all that done with a Democrat Congress. Obama, with a 2 year veto-proof majority and 6 year control of the Senate, is all but powerless against a few Conservative Congressmen

All what done ? All he did was reduce taxes. Cut services to Americans, unleash a Mexican invasion upon America, sic queer teachers on California schools, and screw up US hospital ERs. He got all that done.
Hussein is in his second term. How's the economy doing? If lefties would stop blaming previous administration and look at the freaking mess that this Country is in under Obama it might improve their mental health.

It's not going to get any better, until the Mexican invaders get sent home, and US jobs become available for Americans, who will spend their money in American stores (AKA US economy), instead of sending them out of the US in remittances ($25 Billion/year to just Mexico alone)

Actually Bush was just as bad on all this, and lots of current Republicans are a mess.
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another idiotic Left-wing straw man

there can be no such thing as the failure of Reaganism

the loser Left TODAY insists a MINORITY OF REPUBLICANS in BOTH chambers of Congress for all of obama's first 2 years; and the republican majority of just the House; has been able to "obstruct, hold hostage....etc" the "brilliant" Chicago community activist and the oh-so caring Progressives in the Jackazz Party

Reagan had a Dem-majority House for all 8 years; and the Senate in dems hands as well for at least 2 years

idiots and hypocrites

the loser Left as you can see is still making the same excuses for things Dems went along with 30 years later

This is between the pre-Reagan Eisenhower Conservatism, and post-Reagan Conservatism. Has nothing to do with the left. You 're not on track even minimally.
Reagan had a majority leader who forced his extreme wing to make compromises.

I'm no fan of Obama, but Jesus Christ and Moses couldn't get along with the tea party.
The Tea Party isn't a political party, you idiot, they're citizens. They're not in office, they have no power to do anything other than voice their opinion. They can't pass legislation and they can't stop legislation. You need to educate yourself instead of parroting the liberal talking points so you don't sound so damn stupid. No offense.

they're a bloc in the House, dipshit.
The "block" is the Republican party, not the TEA Party.
Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.
Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.

Did our debt get downgraded under Reagan? No.
Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.
Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.

Did our debt get downgraded under Reagan? No.
Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

Shrub Jr. left office with a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009 and a wrecked economy for Obama to clean up. Obama has cut that deficit in half and brought the economy out of the worst recession since the 1929 Great depression, that the cons also created. Your scum runeth over.
comparing Reagan to Obama is ludicrous given the OP. Obama is still a neoliberal who favors free trade w/o tariffs. Again, I'd hardly say neoliberalism failed us in the 80s and 90s, but what Obama really means in terms of neoliberalism is that his admin illustrates Reagan's economics aren't working anymore.

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