Failures of Reaganomics

Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.

Did our debt get downgraded under Reagan? No.
Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

It wasn't our debt that got downgraded, it was our credit rating.

And our credit rating was downgraded because of the failure of the GOP to raise the debt ceiling so that this country could pay what we owe.
Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.

And your brain resides in your colon.

Cons were outraged by Bush's spending.

But Bush isn't Reagan and Bush's policies were not supply side.

They were ass end up.

Obama is no better.
Reagan this...

Reagan that....



You'd think he was a king.

He did a good job given all that was going on.

He didn't always do the best thing and sometimes he did the wrong thing.

The OP was about Reaganomics....does Reaganomics include his position on amnesty ?

Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.

And your brain resides in your colon.

Cons were outraged by Bush's spending.

But Bush isn't Reagan and Bush's policies were not supply side.

They were ass end up.

Obama is no better.

I'll bite. How were BushII's policies not supply side or differing from Reagan's?
Moron cons are sooooo outraged by deficit spending until it comes to Raygun tripling the national debt. Then it's a "good job". Your slime runeth over.

And your brain resides in your colon.

Cons were outraged by Bush's spending.

But Bush isn't Reagan and Bush's policies were not supply side.

They were ass end up.

Obama is no better.

I'll bite. How were BushII's policies not supply side or differing from Reagan's?

The Supply Side: Was George W. Bush a supply-sider?

Bartlett's... facts show that Bush missed the fundamental insight about supply-side economics, which is the importance of getting marginal rates down. As Bartlett notes, "Bush himself was responsible for watering down the supply-side elements."

Doubling the child credit, in particular, is the opposite of a supply-side policy. Bartlett writes, correctly, "the vast bulk of Bush's tax cuts in dollar terms involved rebates and tax credits that had no supply-side effects whatsoever."


The article goes on to discuss how Bush didn't really get the marginal rates down.
hmmm. Well W's tax cuts lowered to top rate from 39 to 35% and the second round cut taxes on passive income. But far be it from me to defend him. I agree with the link that he was a charlatan and watered down supply sider (some irony there, though Reagan didn't drink either).

But, frankly, given that wealth is now more concentrated than since the 1890s, and perhaps even more so now, and rates are hardly 70% on the top, and the developed economies are battling deflation, I think supply side's days of efficiency are done. We need "demand side economics."

ps, I like Bartlett though. I'll check out the book.
hmmm. Well W's tax cuts lowered to top rate from 39 to 35% and the second round cut taxes on passive income. But far be it from me to defend him. I agree with the link that he was a charlatan and watered down supply sider (some irony there, though Reagan didn't drink either).

But, frankly, given that wealth is now more concentrated than since the 1890s, and perhaps even more so now, and rates are hardly 70% on the top, and the developed economies are battling deflation, I think supply side's days of efficiency are done. We need "demand side economics."

ps, I like Bartlett though. I'll check out the book.

The tax cuts saved the country from the second Great Depression. BUt he signed on to Democrat pork like rebate checks and other crap proven not to work.
Wealth concentration is worse now than it was under Bush.
hmmm. Well W's tax cuts lowered to top rate from 39 to 35% and the second round cut taxes on passive income. But far be it from me to defend him. I agree with the link that he was a charlatan and watered down supply sider (some irony there, though Reagan didn't drink either).

But, frankly, given that wealth is now more concentrated than since the 1890s, and perhaps even more so now, and rates are hardly 70% on the top, and the developed economies are battling deflation, I think supply side's days of efficiency are done. We need "demand side economics."

ps, I like Bartlett though. I'll check out the book.

The tax cuts saved the country from the second Great Depression. BUt he signed on to Democrat pork like rebate checks and other crap proven not to work.
Wealth concentration is worse now than it was under Bush.

That seems like a bit of a stretch. Can you provide some argument for your claim about saving us from the 2nd great depression.

Additionally, it would seem his desire to fight a war was a big factor in our debt.
hmmm. Well W's tax cuts lowered to top rate from 39 to 35% and the second round cut taxes on passive income. But far be it from me to defend him. I agree with the link that he was a charlatan and watered down supply sider (some irony there, though Reagan didn't drink either).

But, frankly, given that wealth is now more concentrated than since the 1890s, and perhaps even more so now, and rates are hardly 70% on the top, and the developed economies are battling deflation, I think supply side's days of efficiency are done. We need "demand side economics."

ps, I like Bartlett though. I'll check out the book.

The tax cuts saved the country from the second Great Depression. BUt he signed on to Democrat pork like rebate checks and other crap proven not to work.
Wealth concentration is worse now than it was under Bush.

That seems like a bit of a stretch. Can you provide some argument for your claim about saving us from the 2nd great depression.

Additionally, it would seem his desire to fight a war was a big factor in our debt.

No too difficult to say that Reagan GAVE US a second depression, by dumping 2.8 million illegal aliens on us, which grew in to many millions more, taking jobs away from millions of Americans. I'll bet those unemployed (many of them 2+ years) Americans don't see much difference between their plight and the depression.

If you don't have a job, and can't get one, it's a depression for you.
The tax cuts saved the country from the second Great Depression. BUt he signed on to Democrat pork like rebate checks and other crap proven not to work.
Wealth concentration is worse now than it was under Bush.

That seems like a bit of a stretch. Can you provide some argument for your claim about saving us from the 2nd great depression.

Additionally, it would seem his desire to fight a war was a big factor in our debt.

No too difficult to say that Reagan GAVE US a second depression, by dumping 2.8 million illegal aliens on us, which grew in to many millions more, taking jobs away from millions of Americans. I'll bet those unemployed (many of them 2+ years) Americans don't see much difference between their plight and the depression.

If you don't have a job, and can't get one, it's a depression for you.

Keep trying.
Those who praise Ronald Reagan as a good president rarely, if ever mention his numerous (and very serious) failures. Rarely do we hear from them any mention of immigration AMNESTY, Briggs Inititative, Iran-Contra, the Lebanon Marine barracks fiasco, or the worst job growth and GDP growths since 1950.

To boot, the combination of significant tax cuts and a massive increase in Cold War related defense spending 91981-1988) resulted in large budget deficits, an expansion in the U.S. trade deficit, as well as the stock market crash of 1987, while also contributing to the Savings and Loan crisis. The ultimate cost of the Savings and Loan crisis is estimated to have totaled around $150 billion, about $125 billion of which was consequently and directly subsidized by the U.S. government. John Kenneth Galbraith called it "the largest and costliest venture in public misfeasance, malfeasance and larceny of all time."

In order to cover new federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion, and the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation. Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.

Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work | United for a Fair Economy

FDIC: The S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment. (Houghton Mifflin, 1992).

Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio: History as Told through the Collection of the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum: Lou Cannon: 9781891620843: Books (see page 128)

We never did get a metric for success or failure from the OP. Seems to me that things are more nuanced than successful or unsuccessful (failed).

But that seems to be the way things work.

Make it up as you go.

As someone who lived through the Reagan years, I thought they were more than just mildly good...they were actually very good....for most people.
Nobody in the free world, not to mention the Reagan administration ever thought that the democrat party would conspire to undermine the US economy but it seems that's what they did. Democrat congressperson Barney Frank was chairperson of the powerful "House Banking Committee" which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae during president Bush's 2nd term and he told Americans on at least one occasion that "Fannie was doing fine" while it was on the verge of collapse. What happened? The democrat majority never asked and the liberal media didn't care.
Okay, can you provide links that prove your statements?

I'm guessing that you can't.

Please provide links.
Links? Hell, I was there. I watched the Soviet Union unravel. I saw the economy expand. I saw him stand up to domestic blackmailers like PATCO and international thugs like Qadaffi. I saw a revitalized America on the heels of Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter. In short, I saw America succeed while those who opposed it failed.

Now, if it was a link about the feeble whining of his hapless detractors you wanted, here you go:

The Soviet Union was still standing when Reagan left office. It didn't collapse until three years after he left office. And Qadaffi kicked his ass. So did Hezbolla. Reagan made the USA look like push over punks. There was no peace during the Reagan era. American's were constantly being kidnapped, murdered and blown up by terrorist while at the same time he conducted a secret illegal war in Central America.

Yes, Nixon began the downfall, Reagan's poses kept the Soviets in power LONGER, remember his "the bombing starts" joke? Spent the US into the the 21st century, paved the way for the Taliban, that was Ronnie.

National Debt Graph by President

And of course Ronnie cut COLAs for military retirees; maybe "cavalry men" were an exception. :D
Reagan made us a debtor nation, a huge contributor to our health care mess (thank Nixon for that too), gas prices, jobs, raped the middle class to enrich his 1% buddies - easily one of the worst presidents in our history but the RWs love him.
Links? Hell, I was there. I watched the Soviet Union unravel. I saw the economy expand. I saw him stand up to domestic blackmailers like PATCO and international thugs like Qadaffi. I saw a revitalized America on the heels of Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter. In short, I saw America succeed while those who opposed it failed.

Now, if it was a link about the feeble whining of his hapless detractors you wanted, here you go:

The Soviet Union was still standing when Reagan left office. It didn't collapse until three years after he left office. And Qadaffi kicked his ass. So did Hezbolla. Reagan made the USA look like push over punks. There was no peace during the Reagan era. American's were constantly being kidnapped, murdered and blown up by terrorist while at the same time he conducted a secret illegal war in Central America.

Yes, Nixon began the downfall, Reagan's poses kept the Soviets in power LONGER, remember his "the bombing starts" joke? Spent the US into the the 21st century, paved the way for the Taliban, that was Ronnie.

National Debt Graph by President

And of course Ronnie cut COLAs for military retirees; maybe "cavalry men" were an exception. :D

Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..
The Soviet Union was still standing when Reagan left office. It didn't collapse until three years after he left office. And Qadaffi kicked his ass. So did Hezbolla. Reagan made the USA look like push over punks. There was no peace during the Reagan era. American's were constantly being kidnapped, murdered and blown up by terrorist while at the same time he conducted a secret illegal war in Central America.

Yes, Nixon began the downfall, Reagan's poses kept the Soviets in power LONGER, remember his "the bombing starts" joke? Spent the US into the the 21st century, paved the way for the Taliban, that was Ronnie.

National Debt Graph by President

And of course Ronnie cut COLAs for military retirees; maybe "cavalry men" were an exception. :D

Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..

The reagan debt lives on, Clinton lowered the rise, but it zoomed up again under Bush.
Yes, Nixon began the downfall, Reagan's poses kept the Soviets in power LONGER, remember his "the bombing starts" joke? Spent the US into the the 21st century, paved the way for the Taliban, that was Ronnie.

National Debt Graph by President

And of course Ronnie cut COLAs for military retirees; maybe "cavalry men" were an exception. :D

Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..

The reagan debt lives on, Clinton lowered the rise, but it zoomed up again under Bush.

As I have already pointed out: Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..
Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..

The reagan debt lives on, Clinton lowered the rise, but it zoomed up again under Bush.

As I have already pointed out: Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..

Facts are facts. Reagan cut human needs programs, military benefits, yet, the debt skyrocketed. I found it hard to believe at first, he wasn't Bush II's father, the two seem so much alike. Uninsterested in learning, always ready for the cameras with idiot grins.

Reagan's guy, Haig, on three American nuns and one Catholic layworker, sexually battered and brutally murdered in El Salvador:

"They weren't JUST nuns"

No thought of any action against the regime, Reagan's slime aways groveled to fascist dictators.
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The reagan debt lives on, Clinton lowered the rise, but it zoomed up again under Bush.

As I have already pointed out: Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..

Facts are facts. Reagan cut human needs programs, military benefits, yet, the debt skyrocketed. I found it hard to believe at first, he wasn't Bush II's father, the two seem so much alike. Uninsterested in learning, always ready for the cameras with idiot grins.

Reagan's guy, Haig, on three American nuns and one Catholic layworker, sexually battered and brutally murdered in El Salvador:

"They weren't JUST nuns"

No thought of any action against the regime, Reagan's slime aways groveled to fascist dictators.

As I have already pointed out: Revisionist history based on hyper partisan (far left) politics is always a bad idea..

Don't you know that telling half a truth is worse than a lie?

Who was in charge of Congress under Reagan?

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