Fair Trial? .....or Fascist Trial?

Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment.........

You're a filthy disgusting liar.
The last resort of someone who cannot address the topic at hand is to descend to personal attacks only.

Pot, meet kettle. However, as yours and tefty looney are brainless parrots, who peddle lies, you get what you deserve.

You both know you are lying, and don't care. So neither one of you deserve our time. You are dishonest to the core, and have no arguments .

We DO point that out. But the rest of the nonsense you post is nothing more than the yapping of hyenas.
We all know, even the Trumpbots know, that the fix is in. There will be nothing fair about the senate trial as long as McConnell has any say in the matter.
You arent dishonest enough to suggest that the democrats that proposed and voted for impeachment in the house were fair and impartial, are you?

Would you be confident with the 'evidence' presented by the democrats in the house with taking their impeachment articles to a trial, and if so, how so? Every single person when asked directly if they had evidence of wrong doing said the exact same thing...no. Yet the democrats voted to impeach anyway. So...why SHOULD the Senate take those accusations seriously?

He's serious and the senate should end this partisan lib donkey show.
It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

You are ranting, Snookums.

A fair trail is exactly that. We hear from RELEVENT witnesses. If Trump were innocent, he'd be demanding that Mulveny, Guliani, Bolton and the rest of his musketeers testify.

Too bad. Libs couldnt produce any evidence or credible witnesses in the house. Why now? Nope. Shut em down.
You are right
Maybe they should wait for Trump to finish his lawsuits blocking release of those credible witnesses

Poor little stalinist doesn't understand the separation of powers and the co equal branches of government concept the Founders set up.

Take a civics class so you can understand.
It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

You are ranting, Snookums.

A fair trail is exactly that. We hear from RELEVENT witnesses. If Trump were innocent, he'd be demanding that Mulveny, Guliani, Bolton and the rest of his musketeers testify.

Too bad. Libs couldnt produce any evidence or credible witnesses in the house. Why now? Nope. Shut em down.
You are right
Maybe they should wait for Trump to finish his lawsuits blocking release of those credible witnesses

Nadler denied R witnesses in house. Libs can pound sand.
The ones that the orange "chosen one" refused. But good news! They have a chance to testify in the Senate!
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment.........

You're a filthy disgusting liar.
The last resort of someone who cannot address the topic at hand is to descend to personal attacks only.

It worked for her in Junior High, why not now?
But of course, that Junior High was in Russia
Yes, I've suspected that for awhile. We've got a few Russian trolls here, let them run for a bit and it becomes clear.

You should know. You're known to be one of pootins lead trolls here.
It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

You are ranting, Snookums.

A fair trail is exactly that. We hear from RELEVENT witnesses. If Trump were innocent, he'd be demanding that Mulveny, Guliani, Bolton and the rest of his musketeers testify.

Too bad. Libs couldnt produce any evidence or credible witnesses in the house. Why now? Nope. Shut em down.
You are right
Maybe they should wait for Trump to finish his lawsuits blocking release of those credible witnesses

Nadler denied R witnesses in house. Libs can pound sand.
The ones that the orange "chosen one" refused. But good news! They have a chance to testify in the Senate!

Nadler denied selected witnesses in house. Nope. Libs can pound it.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Fuck you libtard... You dont know what a fair trial is.... You want another house like rail road job...
A fair trial isnt where the accused can block witnesses and withhold documents. That is a fascist trial.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Fuck you libtard... You dont know what a fair trial is.... You want another house like rail road job...
A fair trial isnt where the accused can block witnesses and withhold documents. That is a fascist trial.

That's the beauty of this country, tainty. We have coequal branches of government. I understand that you are ignorant of the concept, and too stupid to understand it anyway, but were you capable of understanding you wouldn't have made such an idiotic claim.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Fuck you libtard... You dont know what a fair trial is.... You want another house like rail road job...
A fair trial isnt where the accused can block witnesses and withhold documents. That is a fascist trial.

That's the beauty of this country, tainty. We have coequal branches of government. I understand that you are ignorant of the concept, and too stupid to understand it anyway, but were you capable of understanding you wouldn't have made such an idiotic claim.
It is obviously a weakness where the accuse can block justice. But I expect the Founders could not have dreamt of a creature like donny getting power. You are a grown up of sorts. How can you defend this ?
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Fuck you libtard... You dont know what a fair trial is.... You want another house like rail road job...
A fair trial isnt where the accused can block witnesses and withhold documents. That is a fascist trial.

That's the beauty of this country, tainty. We have coequal branches of government. I understand that you are ignorant of the concept, and too stupid to understand it anyway, but were you capable of understanding you wouldn't have made such an idiotic claim.
It is obviously a weakness where the accuse can block justice. But I expect the Founders could not have dreamt of a creature like donny getting power. You are a grown up of sorts. How can you defend this ?

No, what the Founders never figured would happen was the development of a political class whose sole purpose was to be reelected.
A fair trial isnt where the accused can block witnesses and withhold documents. That is a fascist trial.

Thats what the Dems did in the House, refused GOP witnesses and cut of their questions. Fucking asshole
Trump has barred people from testifying and refused access to documents. He knows that he wont be found guilty so we have to assume he is just doing damage limitation. He is a scoundrel. He can call any witness that he wants but he knows it wont help him.
A "fair" trial from Nancy's point of view is one where only democrat operatives are trotted out to testify, none of whom actually witnessed anything, and some (like Schiff) indulging in blatant perjury in order to bring down Trump. No questions can be asked about the Biden influence peddling that is at the heart of the whole shebazz, no questions can be asked about the collusion between Democrats and the FBI, and no questions can be asked that actually explain how we have arrived at this point.

In other words -- she wants the same sort of kangaroo court as conducted in the house that follow the Stalinist principle "find us the man, and we'll find the crime". If it isn't quite literally Trumped up, she isn't interested.
A "fair" trial from Nancy's point of view is one where only democrat operatives are trotted out to testify, none of whom actually witnessed anything, and some (like Schiff) indulging in blatant perjury in order to bring down Trump. No questions can be asked about the Biden influence peddling that is at the heart of the whole shebazz, no questions can be asked about the collusion between Democrats and the FBI, and no questions can be asked that actually explain how we have arrived at this point.

In other words -- she wants the same sort of kangaroo court as conducted in the house that follow the Stalinist principle "find us the man, and we'll find the crime". If it isn't quite literally Trumped up, she isn't interested.

Bingo. You're the winner.

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