Fair Trial? .....or Fascist Trial?

Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Fuck you libtard... You dont know what a fair trial is.... You want another house like rail road job...
A fair trial isnt where the accused can block witnesses and withhold documents. That is a fascist trial.

That's the beauty of this country, tainty. We have coequal branches of government. I understand that you are ignorant of the concept, and too stupid to understand it anyway, but were you capable of understanding you wouldn't have made such an idiotic claim.
It is obviously a weakness where the accuse can block justice. But I expect the Founders could not have dreamt of a creature like donny getting power. You are a grown up of sorts. How can you defend this ?

They never would have envisioned lbj, bush, o getting power. Those are your real abusers of power and never ending wars without declarations. Trump is way above those three buffoons. You wouldn't understand.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
So in that case we get to select all of the witnesses....and reject all of yours and we force people to not answer questions....and allow hearsay and opinion to be entered into the record and taken as factual evidence to clear Trump of all charges.
We all know, even the Trumpbots know, that the fix is in. There will be nothing fair about the senate trial as long as McConnell has any say in the matter.
The irony of your statement is hard to believe....but considering you and your friends on the left's conduct the last 3 years...I can come to the conclusion that you folks are capable of anything imaginable.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
Pelosi knows McConnell won’t conduct a fair trial, hence her warranted reluctance to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
McConnell has already bragged about not being impartial and about coordinating the rules with the accused

Ever see a jury coordinating with the defendant on the rules about how they should deliberate?

Excuses, excuses. excuses. Its not a typical jury trial, that's where the defendants actually committed a crime. This is an "impeachment" where its a political hoax where the defendant has not committed a crime, and the House committees broke their own rules to do the impeachment in kangaroo court fashion. So now the senate has their turn to make the rules up as they go, but to the benefit of the accused. Net-net not convicted or removed, its just a partisan political show.
"It's not a typical jury trial"....so the Senate is not the jury?
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
So perfect she’s scared to death about sending them to the senate.

The idiot democrats have been cruising their clown car all over town. Pelosi just wrecked it.

These things take time
May take till almost the election

Impeached President Trump will have his day

Yeah, and he will crush you like cardboard!
Will be fun to watch!

Yes some would vote for a President who shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Most REAL Americans are repulsed by Impeached President Trump

What the hell does a pootin bitch, like you, know about being a real American. You're a stalinist, the very antithesis of what it means to be an American.
I guess that when one cannot argue the topic, one goes to personal attacks only. :71:
So perfect she’s scared to death about sending them to the senate.

The idiot democrats have been cruising their clown car all over town. Pelosi just wrecked it.

These things take time
May take till almost the election

Impeached President Trump will have his day

Yeah, and he will crush you like cardboard!
Will be fun to watch!

Yes some would vote for a President who shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Most REAL Americans are repulsed by Impeached President Trump

What the hell does a pootin bitch, like you, know about being a real American. You're a stalinist, the very antithesis of what it means to be an American.
I guess that when one cannot argue the topic, one goes to personal attacks only. :71:

^^^ realizes Dem's already lost the halfpeachment trial.
So perfect she’s scared to death about sending them to the senate.

The idiot democrats have been cruising their clown car all over town. Pelosi just wrecked it.

These things take time
May take till almost the election

Impeached President Trump will have his day

Yeah, and he will crush you like cardboard!
Will be fun to watch!

Yes some would vote for a President who shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Most REAL Americans are repulsed by Impeached President Trump

What the hell does a pootin bitch, like you, know about being a real American. You're a stalinist, the very antithesis of what it means to be an American.
Liberals are the REAL Americans
Have been since we founded this great nation
It was the Liberals who founded this country...the con-servatives lined up as Tories to help the British and kill their fellow Americans.
We all know, even the Trumpbots know, that the fix is in. There will be nothing fair about the senate trial as long as McConnell has any say in the matter.
The irony of your statement is hard to believe....but considering you and your friends on the left's conduct the last 3 years...I can come to the conclusion that you folks are capable of anything imaginable.
Well put
It just struck me a little while ago. I guess I was a little slow before reading the stories in the news before the truth of it sunk in.

As you know there are a lot of stories and links in this forum about Pelosi wanting "a fair trial."

What do we think of when we normally think of a fair trial? What is it that normally comes to mind when we say someone deserves a fair trial? Well, you think about the defendant getting a fair trial, correct? We know that in the Old South black people did not get a fair trial, and in the old west sometimes people would get hung and not get a fair trial, so whenever we talk about a fair trial we are always talking about the defendant getting a fair trial.

But that is not the case with Pelosi. In fact she wants the exact opposite. She does not want a fair trial for the defendant Donald Trump. She wants a guilty verdict in advance. Anything other than a guilty verdict for her will mean the trial was not fair. Can there any thing more fascist than that? Can there be anything more Nazi than that?

You are ranting, Snookums.

A fair trail is exactly that. We hear from RELEVENT witnesses. If Trump were innocent, he'd be demanding that Mulveny, Guliani, Bolton and the rest of his musketeers testify.
Absolutely...and Moscow Mitch would make sure they were all going to testify and anyone else he deems important. A jury foreman who wants to know the truth gets people to testify, he doesn't prevent people from testifying......unless he's well aware of how guilty the IMPOTUS is.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
So perfect she’s scared to death about sending them to the senate.

The idiot democrats have been cruising their clown car all over town. Pelosi just wrecked it.

These things take time
May take till almost the election

Impeached President Trump will have his day

Yeah, and he will crush you like cardboard!
Will be fun to watch!

Yes some would vote for a President who shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Most REAL Americans are repulsed by Impeached President Trump
What's your definition of "REAL American"? Lemme guess -- anyone who opposes President Trump.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same
So perfect she’s scared to death about sending them to the senate.

The idiot democrats have been cruising their clown car all over town. Pelosi just wrecked it.

These things take time
May take till almost the election

Impeached President Trump will have his day

Yeah, and he will crush you like cardboard!
Will be fun to watch!

Yes some would vote for a President who shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Most REAL Americans are repulsed by Impeached President Trump
What's your definition of "REAL American"? Lemme guess -- anyone who opposes President Trump.

Nah, anyone who furthers the cause of his twin heroes, pootin and obummer.
Pelosi conducted a perfect impeachment

She expects McConnell to do the same

Nancy Pelosi and her Communist Party abused their power to impeach based on nothing, for the purpose of influencing the 2020 election. Now she is obstructing congress by interfering with the Senate in adjudicating the sham impeachment.

The DOJ needs to investigate the attempt to corrupt the 2020 election by the Communist party.

Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"!

This is the only impeachment in history that is not bipartisan. Not one American supported it, only the Communists.

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