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Fairness Doctrine


Question for you. You say the first thing on the Democrat agenda is to raise the minimum wage, why?

Seriously, why? We have so many much more important things to deal with like Iraq, or national security or even immigration. (Even though i know their plan is one i wont like). Why start with the minimum wage?

Good question, Avatar. As dmp already mentioned, market forces across this country should determine what the minimum wage is. Individual states have the right to raise the minimum wage to meet their own needs, so why is there a need for the federal government to mandate a minimum wage? If California needs to raise the minimum wage to get workers to meet their employment needs, why should Arkansas or South Dakota have to pay the same minimum wage when those states might not have the same employment needs as California?

Looks to me like the Democrats played politics again to garner votes, and it worked like a charm for them.
He may at some point. But I think the initial issues they're going to deal with is raising the minimum wage, which Bush says he might be able to get on board with. It's only fair, after all, since Congress keeps raising their own paychecks and many states have already done so with none of the ill effects predicted by the alarmists.

Since liberal talk show hosts cannot attract listeners, their shows do not make a profit for the radio stations, and they cannot attract sponsors to buy ads on their show - libs have to find someway to FORCE stations to carry their shows
Jillian, by pushing this "minimum wage issue", the Demo crates think, and rightly so, that they'll reel in a bucket load of votes, from those very same people, that the benefits of an increase in the minimum wage THINK will help.

THAT, is WHY the Demo crates will push such a bill. So, you see, it DOES put "money" in pockets of Congress, just kind of a "back door" route. It's just the way those sneaky bastards(read Democrat)do things.:fifty:
Jillian, by pushing this "minimum wage issue", the Demo crates think, and rightly so, that they'll reel in a bucket load of votes, from those very same people, that the benefits of an increase in the minimum wage THINK will help.

THAT, is WHY the Demo crates will push such a bill. So, you see, it DOES put "money" in pockets of Congress, just kind of a "back door" route. It's just the way those sneaky bastards(read Democrat)do things.:fifty:

Dems had a chance to raise the minimum wage but truned it down. Republicans wanted to tie it to tax cuts to offset the increase.

So Dems told those "suffering masses" on minimum wage "Hey, you are not getting a raise, but you can go to bed at night knowing the damn rich are not getting anymore tax cuts."

You gotta love liberal compassion!
He may at some point. But I think the initial issues they're going to deal with is raising the minimum wage, which Bush says he might be able to get on board with. It's only fair, after all, since Congress keeps raising their own paychecks and many states have already done so with none of the ill effects predicted by the alarmists.

Actually New York raised the minimum wage and businesses in my area are now moving across the border to Pennsylvannia, where the cost of doing business is lower. New York State lost revenue, jobs as well and population. Meaning that we will have fewer Representatives in Congress after the 2010 election... So the claim that there are no "ill effects" isn't quite right.

Oh, and no economist worth his salt thinks the minimum wage is a good idea. It's all done for political expediency and has no basis in reality to justify it.

The minimum wage is subject to the law of supply and demand. When you raise the price of a good or service without increasing its supply, demand is reduced.

That means that increasing the minimum wage will reduce the demand for anyone paid the minimum wage. Meaning a cut in jobs. When the minimum wage was first enacted into law during the Great Depression, the immediate result was that many blacks in the South lost their jobs and were replaced with machines. I think that proves my point.

Increasing the minimum wage will also help to increase the amount of money in circulation. As a result, the cost of goods and services will then go up. So what happens? You eventually end up back where you started, having to raise the minimum wage.
Oh, back to the Fairness Doctrine. Yes, I wouldn't put it past the Democrats to get that passed.

It's interesting that networks and news and talk shows that have a liberal slant to them are able to last long without government funding. PBS is a good example. Without tax payer dollars, it would fold like a chair. Air America is another example.

On the other hand, conservative talk shows seem to do well in the market.

So, now we must have more government intrusion on our First Amendment right to free speech to make up for this? Isn't McCain-Feingold bad enough?We have to limit conservative political speech in order to make way for liberal political speech?

If liberals can't do well in the market of ideas, perhaps it's time for them to look at what they stand for. Forcing people to conform to your way of thinking by the Fairness Doctrine, foisting your ideas on people through judicial fiat instead of popular mandate, forcing people to pay for programs that represent the interests of the Democrat campaign contributors e.g. big labor, big education, and the Trial Lawyers... This is the party that is looking out for the common person?
Oh, back to the Fairness Doctrine. Yes, I wouldn't put it past the Democrats to get that passed.

It's interesting that networks and news and talk shows that have a liberal slant to them are able to last long without government funding. PBS is a good example. Without tax payer dollars, it would fold like a chair. Air America is another example.

On the other hand, conservative talk shows seem to do well in the market.

So, now we must have more government intrusion on our First Amendment right to free speech to make up for this? Isn't McCain-Feingold bad enough?We have to limit conservative political speech in order to make way for liberal political speech?

If liberals can't do well in the market of ideas, perhaps it's time for them to look at what they stand for. Forcing people to conform to your way of thinking by the Fairness Doctrine, foisting your ideas on people through judicial fiat instead of popular mandate, forcing people to pay for programs that represent the interests of the Democrat campaign contributors e.g. big labor, big education, and the Trial Lawyers... This is the party that is looking out for the common person?

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to KarlMarx again."

If I could double or triple rep that post I would. Well said! Huzzah!
The Rise of Hate Radio
Liberal blogger Greensmile at The Executioner's Thong has bravely tackled the issue no one else will - the dark allure of hate radio. After flitting around the subject like a giggly teen at the mall, he ultimately came to the obvious conclusion that Rush Limbaugh is Hitler. While I find Greensmile's innocent, special-needs-child opinion on politics cute and adorable, I'm afraid he only managed to scrape the surface of hate radio's hypnotic control over the sheeplike Red State masses, and the irreparable damage it is doing to our democracy.

In the old days, your average Cro-Magnon con would crawl out of his bourgeois cave in the suburbs every morning and give a friendly wave to his progressive neighbor, who was out of work but enjoying the day relaxing in his hammock and listening to the ball game. He'd catch the bus to his job, put in a full 8 hour shift, then shuffle home with the portion of his paycheck the benevolent government allowed him to keep. He'd wave to his progressive neighbor - who was still relaxing in his hammock - and then prepare to do some yardwork.

The conservative enjoyed his yardwork, even with the 95 cents per foot Lawn Modification Fee he paid each year to provide free landscaping for his unemployed neighbor. He'd open his garage to retrieve his lawnmower, and then suddenly remember that he hocked it to pay off the Lawn Tax. No matter, he could hardly afford the 50 cents a gallon gas tax the state imposed in order to provide free hammocks for his unemployed neighbor anyway. So he'd trim his lawn by hand, with a pair of scissors. It wouldn't be too difficult, for although he was expected to pay property tax on all of his land, he was only allowed to make improvements on 10% of it - pending an environmental review and a $200 lawn modification permit.

So our complacent conservative would drop to his knees and prepare to clip the remaining two blades of grass he was still legally permitted to cut, when a man from the city's Bureau of Lawn Management would appear and slap him with a $500 fine for damaging the breeding grounds of the endangered three-toed lawn frog, which lived about 15 miles away but needed a 50 mile radius of undeveloped land or else it got really cranky. He'd also get nailed with a $200 fine for violating a local ordinance against allowing his lawn to grow too long, a $150 fine for leaving his garage door open, plus a $25 sin tax on the scissors to keep his disadvantaged neighbor supplied with those fruity cocktails with the tiny umbrellas in them. The con might get a little miffed. Perhaps he would even feel the urge to complain. But then his friendly neighbor would chide him for being selfish and greedy.

"Have you no compassion, you heartless repug?" he'd ask.

So, our cro-mag con would quietly resign himself to paying his fair share. He'd drink a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon, beat up his wife, then pass out on the floor of his cave until it was time to obediently catch the bus back to work again.

Voila! Democracy!

Then along came conservative talk radio. Our cro-mag, wife-beating con now flicks on his little Hate Box and hears Rush Limbaugh bloviating about how the city of Santa Monica is imposing a new Eyebrow Tax in order to build wheelchair ramps next to dumpsters so handicapped homeless people can dine in style. He hears Sean Hannity yammering about a new Spam Tax in Seattle to fund free gender modification surgery for Sen. Patty Murray. The repug begins to get the idea that he's not alone, that there are others out there who share his political views and are as insane as he is. He starts asking questions. He gets involved in politics. He buys an SUV and joins conservative hate groups like the Klu Klux Klan and the Catholic Church. He demands lower taxes and less wasteful government spending - the exact opposite of what our Founding Fathers intended. He may even begin to read subversive literature from reknowned fascists like Ayn Rand and Barry Goldwater.

Previously unable to string two coherent ideas together, our cro-mag con now revels in arguing with us - not with knowledge bestowed upon him by brilliant UC Berkeley professors or progressive politicians, but with little soundbites of hate injected into his puny primitive brain by a right-wing demagogue of choice. Desensitized by the trademark animalistic violence of conservative talk radio, he no longer listens to the calming, soothing wisdom of his progressive neighbor. Instead, he knocks the poor man out of his government-issued hammock, calls him "lazy", and tells him to "get a job". If he's especially pathetic, our cro-mag con might start his own conservative blog, and use it as a platform to espouse his twisted political ideals.

From there, it's only a hop, skip and a goosestep to blowing up abortion clinics for Jesus.

Because of conservative talk radio, America is more divided than ever. The level of political discourse has never been lower, thanks to the actual participation of conservatives in political discourse. Sadly, until the hatemongering Rush Limbaughs of the airwaves are silenced, we will continue to inch closer to the brink of a fascist slave state.

That's not the democracy my ancestors fled to Canada to avoid fighting for. That's not the America I want to live in.

Oh, back to the Fairness Doctrine. .....If liberals can't do well in the market of ideas, perhaps it's time for them to look at what they stand for. Forcing people to conform to your way of thinking by the Fairness Doctrine, foisting your ideas on people through judicial fiat instead of popular mandate, forcing people to pay for programs that represent the interests of the Democrat campaign contributors e.g. big labor, big education, and the Trial Lawyers... This is the party that is looking out for the common person?
Amen, brotha!
Yeah...that's it... raising the minimum wage benefits Congres... sure it does. *rolling eyes*

It sure doesn't benefit the economy, or the working man, long-term. The working man might have a little more in his pocket for awhile, but then, companies raise prices to accomodate their increased expenses, so their extra dollars aren't worth as much. The government rakes in extra revenue, because an x% tax of $6.85/hour is greater than x% of $5.15/hour.

If the government was TRULY interested in putting money in the hands of working families, it would cut taxes. Tax cuts put more of the working man's paycheck directly into his hands, yet there is no need for price increases, since businesses do not have the increased wages expense. Government ends up benefitting, too, with increased revenue from a stimulated economy.

Government makes money, either way. That's its specialty. But, raising minimum wage is a POWER play. #1) They get the votes from people who don't understand the full implications of the min wage increase on the economy, and whom are brainwashed by their unions. #2) They make BUSINESSES pay for putting money in the working man's pocket, instead of making the GOVERNMENT pay.
The Rise of Hate Radio
Liberal blogger Greensmile at The Executioner's Thong has bravely tackled the issue no one else will - the dark allure of hate radio. After flitting around the subject like a giggly teen at the mall, he ultimately came to the obvious conclusion that Rush Limbaugh is Hitler. While I find Greensmile's innocent, special-needs-child opinion on politics cute and adorable, I'm afraid he only managed to scrape the surface of hate radio's hypnotic control over the sheeplike Red State masses, and the irreparable damage it is doing to our democracy...

Can't rep you again. :(

Great piece. :)
I'd like to see Jilly dispute that one with something other than smoke, mirrors, and claiming to be a victim.

Here's the typical conversation I have with my fellow college-age people.

Me: *says something about how taxes are still too damn high*
Them: You can't lower taxes!
Me: And why not?
Them: Because the government needs the funding.
Me: Uh, I could argue against that until the stars fall from the sky, but it's beside the point. When you lower taxes, people have more money and spend more money. Companies make more money. They hire more people and give their current employees raises. More money being made means...more taxes to collect. In fact, here's a famous economic equation called the Laffer Curve. Now, here are the numbers from the Bush tax cuts. See here where we actually got more tax money after lowering taxes? It's all right here in black and white. Lowering taxes increases tax revenue.
Them: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YOU CAN'T LOWER TAXES!
Here's the typical conversation I have with my fellow college-age people.

Me: *says something about how taxes are still too damn high*
Them: You can't lower taxes!
Me: And why not?
Them: Because the government needs the funding.
Me: Uh, I could argue against that until the stars fall from the sky, but it's beside the point. When you lower taxes, people have more money and spend more money. Companies make more money. They hire more people and give their current employees raises. More money being made means...more taxes to collect. In fact, here's a famous economic equation called the Laffer Curve. Now, here are the numbers from the Bush tax cuts. See here where we actually got more tax money after lowering taxes? It's all right here in black and white. Lowering taxes increases tax revenue.
Them: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YOU CAN'T LOWER TAXES!

Appropriately named the Laffer curve... :)
Yeah...that's it... raising the minimum wage benefits Congres... sure it does. *rolling eyes*

It's called 'class warfare' Jillian. Congress raises the minimum wage and then tells all the unwashed masses how they went to bat for the 'little guy.' Never mind that minimum wage doesn't actually benefit anybody. The 'little guys' will take the Democrats at their word and vote for them, despite rising inflation and unemployment.

It's the same reason we have a progressive income tax and keep hearing "tax cuts for the rich" all the time. It's taking advantage of wealth envy.
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It's called 'class warfare' Jillian. Congress raises the minimum wage and then tells all the unwashed masses how they went to bat for the 'little guy.' Never mind that minimum wage doesn't actually benefit anybody. The 'little guys' will take the Democrats at their word and vote for them, despite rising inflation and unemployment.

It's the same reason we have a progressive income tax and keep hearing "tax cuts for the rich" all the time. It's taking advantage of wealth envy.

you mean never mind the fact that raising the mimimum wage hurts the little guy

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