Trump Fake News?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
We hear Trump bellow daily about what he calls "fake news." His definition is any news that takes issue with him, criticizes him or fails to praise what he considers his accomplishments to be.

But, how about the constant "fake news" coming out of Trump & Company.

Some examples: (May not be exact quotes, but close enough.)
"Mexico will pay for the wall."
"We will repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, probably within one hour."
"The biggest inauguration crowd in history."
"I did not know about the $130,000 paid to Stormy."
"The only reason Hillary won the popular vote was voter fraud."
'Russia did not interfere in our election."
"You need an I.D. to buy groceries."
"U.S. Steel is opening new mills."

We hear Trump bellow daily about what he calls "fake news." His definition is any news that takes issue with him, criticizes him or fails to praise what he considers his accomplishments to be.

But, how about the constant "fake news" coming out of Trump & Company.

Some examples: (May not be exact quotes, but close enough.)
"Mexico will pay for the wall."
"We will repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, probably within one hour."
"The biggest inauguration crowd in history."
"I did not know about the $130,000 paid to Stormy."
"The only reason Hillary won the popular vote was voter fraud."
'Russia did not interfere in our election."
"You need an I.D. to buy groceries."
"U.S. Steel is opening new mills."

View attachment 208474
  • Mexico is paying for the wall. Banks don't allow people to send money to Mexico as often as they used to. Money coming from Mexican nationals working in the US made up 30% of the Mexican GDP
  • We tried to repeal the thing, but John McCain said no.....and you assume Trump knew this would happen and didn't count on his vote
  • The issue with the size of the crowd is essentially a setup by the Obama Administration.....Obama says his was's still debatable
  • He did not know....however you're probably confusing Stormy Daniels with another hoe that was the topic of discussion on that Michael Cohen recording
  • Most of the votes came from CA and NY.....2.8 million from states that are, on the record, letting illegals vote in their elections now
  • According to the latest report from the DoJ has no evidence that Russia changed one single vote in thew 2016 election
  • You need an I.D. to buy beer in a grocery store *idiot*
  • U.S. Steel IS opening new mills.....officially did this last week
We hear Trump bellow daily about what he calls "fake news." His definition is any news that takes issue with him, criticizes him or fails to praise what he considers his accomplishments to be.

But, how about the constant "fake news" coming out of Trump & Company.

Some examples: (May not be exact quotes, but close enough.)
"Mexico will pay for the wall."
"We will repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, probably within one hour."
"The biggest inauguration crowd in history."
"I did not know about the $130,000 paid to Stormy."
"The only reason Hillary won the popular vote was voter fraud."
'Russia did not interfere in our election."
"You need an I.D. to buy groceries."
"U.S. Steel is opening new mills."

View attachment 208474
  • Mexico is paying for the wall. Banks don't allow people to send money to Mexico as often as they used to. Money coming from Mexican nationals working in the US made up 30% of the Mexican GDP
  • We tried to repeal the thing, but John McCain said no.....and you assume Trump knew this would happen and didn't count on his vote
  • The issue with the size of the crowd is essentially a setup by the Obama Administration.....Obama says his was's still debatable
  • He did not know....however you're probably confusing Stormy Daniels with another hoe that was the topic of discussion on that Michael Cohen recording
  • Most of the votes came from CA and NY.....2.8 million from states that are, on the record, letting illegals vote in their elections now
  • According to the latest report from the DoJ has no evidence that Russia changed one single vote in thew 2016 election
  • You need an I.D. to buy beer in a grocery store *idiot*
  • U.S. Steel IS opening new mills.....officially did this last week
The brainwashing of the right is complete!
We hear Trump bellow daily about what he calls "fake news." His definition is any news that takes issue with him, criticizes him or fails to praise what he considers his accomplishments to be.

But, how about the constant "fake news" coming out of Trump & Company.

Some examples: (May not be exact quotes, but close enough.)
"Mexico will pay for the wall."
"We will repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, probably within one hour."
"The biggest inauguration crowd in history."
"I did not know about the $130,000 paid to Stormy."
"The only reason Hillary won the popular vote was voter fraud."
'Russia did not interfere in our election."
"You need an I.D. to buy groceries."
"U.S. Steel is opening new mills."

View attachment 208474
  • Mexico is paying for the wall. Banks don't allow people to send money to Mexico as often as they used to. Money coming from Mexican nationals working in the US made up 30% of the Mexican GDP
  • We tried to repeal the thing, but John McCain said no.....and you assume Trump knew this would happen and didn't count on his vote
  • The issue with the size of the crowd is essentially a setup by the Obama Administration.....Obama says his was's still debatable
  • He did not know....however you're probably confusing Stormy Daniels with another hoe that was the topic of discussion on that Michael Cohen recording
  • Most of the votes came from CA and NY.....2.8 million from states that are, on the record, letting illegals vote in their elections now
  • According to the latest report from the DoJ has no evidence that Russia changed one single vote in thew 2016 election
  • You need an I.D. to buy beer in a grocery store *idiot*
  • U.S. Steel IS opening new mills.....officially did this last week
The brainwashing of the right is complete!
Sorry if the facts upset you. :290968001256257790-final:
We hear Trump bellow daily about what he calls "fake news." His definition is any news that takes issue with him, criticizes him or fails to praise what he considers his accomplishments to be.

But, how about the constant "fake news" coming out of Trump & Company.

Some examples: (May not be exact quotes, but close enough.)
"Mexico will pay for the wall."
"We will repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, probably within one hour."
"The biggest inauguration crowd in history."
"I did not know about the $130,000 paid to Stormy."
"The only reason Hillary won the popular vote was voter fraud."
'Russia did not interfere in our election."
"You need an I.D. to buy groceries."
"U.S. Steel is opening new mills."

View attachment 208474
  • Mexico is paying for the wall. Banks don't allow people to send money to Mexico as often as they used to. Money coming from Mexican nationals working in the US made up 30% of the Mexican GDP
  • We tried to repeal the thing, but John McCain said no.....and you assume Trump knew this would happen and didn't count on his vote
  • The issue with the size of the crowd is essentially a setup by the Obama Administration.....Obama says his was's still debatable
  • He did not know....however you're probably confusing Stormy Daniels with another hoe that was the topic of discussion on that Michael Cohen recording
  • Most of the votes came from CA and NY.....2.8 million from states that are, on the record, letting illegals vote in their elections now
  • According to the latest report from the DoJ has no evidence that Russia changed one single vote in thew 2016 election
  • You need an I.D. to buy beer in a grocery store *idiot*
  • U.S. Steel IS opening new mills.....officially did this last week
The brainwashing of the right is complete!

Trump calls CNN fake news but the reason he is so mad at them is he is good friends with the president of CNN and he thought that would give him a free pass with them. When it did not, it especially hurt his feelings. So in reality, Trump is mad at CNN because they won't kiss his ass like Fox and Rush do.

CNN President Explains One Personal Reason Donald Trump Hates The Network So Much | HuffPost

"He (TRUMP) thought CNN should give him a pass because we were friends. He thought CNN should be like Fox News and just give him glowing coverage all the time.”
We hear Trump bellow daily about what he calls "fake news." His definition is any news that takes issue with him, criticizes him or fails to praise what he considers his accomplishments to be.

But, how about the constant "fake news" coming out of Trump & Company.

#JOURNALISM: 2019: A Year the News Media Would Rather Forget. Corrections went out of style, bombshells fizzled, and too much of what we watched and read felt like insider propaganda. Well, only because it was.

“By almost any measure this was one of the worst years in the history of commercial news media.”


Fake News Fools No One!

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