Fake Senate ACA Replacement Already Blocked!

Should be interesting to see how many Republican Senators hold their noses and vote for Trumpcare

I think Collins and Murkowski will vote against it making it 50-50 with Pence breaking the tie

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Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
You have no point. Or your point is old and tired. Go ahead, you guys are in power. We can't stop you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
Only a piece of low life lying shit like you would have the cajones to call someone else a liar.
And calling someone a liar for their opinion? You can't talk to people like this. I talk to them just for fun. Just to see their stupid little reactions. Intellectual Dishonesty at it's best.
You're a liar. You just did it again. You didn't just offer your opinion, you lies about me.

"Oh you guys worship Trump, McConnell, Ryan or whoever is in charge. But if one of them gets out of line, like Paul Ryan, he will be thrown under the bus so fast and be labeled a RINO by the rest of you."

Mischaracterizations are lies.
Sorry if I believe you are the right wing nut job you represent yourself as. It's my fault.
Should be interesting to see how many Republican Senators hold their noses and vote for Trumpcare

I think Collins and Murkowski will vote against it making it 50-50 with Pence breaking the tie

They are weighing if it will cost them more if they don't vote to repeal or if they do. They'll probably vote repeal and then just blame Cruz and Rand Paul for voting against it. Those guys are in safe seats so they can vote against repeal and still get re elected. But that could hurt them the next time they run for the GOP nomination. But it might make them seem more centrist and less radical right. Decisions decisions.
Should be interesting to see how many Republican Senators hold their noses and vote for Trumpcare

I think Collins and Murkowski will vote against it making it 50-50 with Pence breaking the tie

They are weighing if it will cost them more if they don't vote to repeal or if they do. They'll probably vote repeal and then just blame Cruz and Rand Paul for voting against it. Those guys are in safe seats so they can vote against repeal and still get re elected. But that could hurt them the next time they run for the GOP nomination. But it might make them seem more centrist and less radical right. Decisions decisions.

Cruz is just posturing

Paul may vote against it as a true TeaTard
Oh wow that was a good one retard. Please erase that waste of a post and I'll delete mine. Stop wasting everyones time with nothing but bullshit. At least end your post with something we can work with. For example the fact that the GOP will either ruin the healthcare reforms/gains Obama made in the ACA or they will break their promise and not repeal Obamacare. They will essentially make the ACA the law of the land when they had the power to fix it. All because of a few guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I love it!!! Reminds me of when we wanted Single payer and we couldn't get it because of one or two blue dog democrats.

Who's Blocking Health Care Reform Now? Blue Dogs? Senate Dems? House Progressives? Or the White House Itself? | Black Agenda Report

Blame this guy for what's wrong with the ACA darrell issa - Google Search

A true asshole.
The bullshit is all yours, don't try to pin it on me. Nor can you jerk me around to where you want to go.
That's the problem with you guys. I walked into someone's home and they were watching Fox. I tried to explain to them why Trump will be a horrible president and they didn't listen to a word I said. All they did was start screaming republican talking points (hillary lied, benghazi, obama's a muslim)

Screaming with their hands over their ears. I don't care anymore. I'm successful. Clearly you guys are not. Sitting around waiting for Trump to make things great again and meanwhile he's going to cut your ss and medicare. Fucking idiots. You were idiots during Reagan, Bush and you are still idiots.

You go into somebody's home and start telling them what to watch on TV and what their politics should be? Maybe you shoulda kept your effing mouth shut.
Free speech.

Being an asshole. Is that who you really want to be? If so, congrats.

I notice conservatives don't mind being the loud mouth at a party talking about Pelosi and Obama but the minute a liberal like me speaks up you guys turn into fucking snowflakes biggly.
Should be interesting to see how many Republican Senators hold their noses and vote for Trumpcare

I think Collins and Murkowski will vote against it making it 50-50 with Pence breaking the tie

They are weighing if it will cost them more if they don't vote to repeal or if they do. They'll probably vote repeal and then just blame Cruz and Rand Paul for voting against it. Those guys are in safe seats so they can vote against repeal and still get re elected. But that could hurt them the next time they run for the GOP nomination. But it might make them seem more centrist and less radical right. Decisions decisions.

Cruz is just posturing

Paul may vote against it as a true TeaTard

If they don't get Trumpdon'tcare now they never will.

Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

They need to move on to tax reform for the rich after the 4th of July. Soon the 2018 midterms will be coming and they won't have time for voters to forget what assholes they are. They know when it's too late
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?
Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

It's a result of no profit motive and efficiencies and cost savings across the board.
The private insurance companies cut is about 5 percent, significant but it would seem not significant enough to make that much of a difference.
How the hell would a complete ignoramus like you know what is or isn't constitutional?
Go play with your little red pecker, junior.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Hey Brummelben. Aren't all Republicans hypocrites? Want proof? He's calling you out for your spelling and he just wrote this to me:

You didn't just offer your opinion, you lies about me.

I's lies about you? Is you black?
You know dam well that "he" is a "she".
Seriously? When I think of iceweasel I think it's a dude I'm talking to. Maybe I want to bang her? I treat ChrisL differently because I know she's a hot woman I want to bang. I always thought iceweasel was a guy. I didn't think women could b such assholes but then again there's politichic and koshure girl.
Go play with your little red pecker, junior.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Hey Brummelben. Aren't all Republicans hypocrites? Want proof? He's calling you out for your spelling and he just wrote this to me:

You didn't just offer your opinion, you lies about me.

I's lies about you? Is you black?
You know dam well that "he" is a "she".
Seriously? When I think of iceweasel I think it's a dude I'm talking to. Maybe I want to bang her? I treat ChrisL differently because I know she's a hot woman I want to bang. I always thought iceweasel was a guy. I didn't think women could b such assholes but then again there's politichic and koshure girl.

Maybe a tranny? Maybe just a Sybil.
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?
Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

It's a result of no profit motive and efficiencies and cost savings across the board.

No profit motive and efficiencies and cost savings...Medicare!!?? Spoken like someone that truly has no fricken clue.

Medicare is the most efficient payer in the HC world. It's the gold standard.

Explain why that's not the case.

Issue was not whether Medicare is an efficient payer, you sated there were no profit motives, there were efficiencies and cost savings. Hopefully you realize Medicare is probably the most widely hacked system in the U.S., if not, look it up. As far as cost savings, you evidently don't know how Medicare works...how about looking that up too.

Profit motive for the govt, dope.
I know exactly how it works. It's you who cannot articulate any relevant point.
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?
Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

It's a result of no profit motive and efficiencies and cost savings across the board.
The private insurance companies cut is about 5 percent, significant but it would seem not significant enough to make that much of a difference.

The private insurance companies cut is about 5 percent, significant but it would seem not significant enough to make that much of a difference.

Yes, only the entire profits of the health insurance industry.
I guess you're stupid enough to think they have the authority to rewrite legislation also, when Article 1 says ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS ARE RESERVED TO CONGRESS..

So then what's the point of the Supreme Court if not to judge the constitutionality of legislation?
So, if you ban money as a means of expressing our political values, that would mean politicians would instead focus on those with the most access to media outlets. Is this just kicking the can?

Money doesn't express political views. It buys time that is then used to express political views. What it means is that politicians have to spend their time with voters, since the vote is what they're campaigning for.
Yes, only the entire profits of the health insurance industry.

This is what always gets me...Conservatives talk about how insurance company margins are just 4-5% like it some kind of excuse for us to continue paying these people to do what amounts to nothing more than paper-pushing.
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?
Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

It's a result of no profit motive and efficiencies and cost savings across the board.
The private insurance companies cut is about 5 percent, significant but it would seem not significant enough to make that much of a difference.

That's what they always say. Don't tax the rich. It won't make a difference. Yea right.

When the cost goes from 5 billion to 10 billion, that 5% adds up. Might not seem like that much right now but 5% is a lot. 5% a year?
Yes, only the entire profits of the health insurance industry.

This is what always gets me...Conservatives talk about how insurance company margins are just 4-5% like it some kind of excuse for us to continue paying these people to do what amounts to nothing more than paper-pushing.

If we want to make a real impact, we should tax the good looking. They get all the perks and admiration for what? An accident of birth. Fight the power!
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I guess you're stupid enough to think they have the authority to rewrite legislation also, when Article 1 says ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS ARE RESERVED TO CONGRESS..

So then what's the point of the Supreme Court if not to judge the constitutionality of legislation?

There were several things in ACA that were declared unconstitutional as written and it should have been killed and sent back to congress to fix. Instead Roberts took it upon himself to declare that the BLACK LETTER PENALTIES, included in the bill and found unconstitutional, were suddenly a constitutional tax. Which was of course bullshit also, because he invented a direct tax on people who chose not to buy insurance, and direct taxes, with the exception of income taxes, are themselves unconstitutional.

Then in a later ruling the court once again ignored black letter language, that appeared 13 times throughout the bill, that said only people who signed up on State exchanges were eligible for subsidies, didn't really mean what it said. Suddenly everyone was eligible.

So that's two examples of the court assuming Article 1 powers and rewriting legislation, not just deciding their constitutionality.

Yes, only the entire profits of the health insurance industry.

This is what always gets me...Conservatives talk about how insurance company margins are just 4-5% like it some kind of excuse for us to continue paying these people to do what amounts to nothing more than paper-pushing.

If we want to make a real impact, we should tax the good looking. They get all the perks and admiration for what? An accident of birth. Fight the power!

I think we should also tax the tall people too. And yes, I am 0 for 2.

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