False accusations

It is past time to start charging the left with a crime when they make false accusations against a politician just to ruin their chance to run in an election.
The left??? Are you out of touch with the threads and posts attacking HRC, President Biden and the only political party which used a pejorative like "RINO"?
That's your words, not mine. I've just stated a FACT that politicians can lie
on the floor and CANNOT be punished for it legally.

I thought you were brighter than that. :smoke:
That's from Article I of the US Constitution.

The speech and debate clause.
It's all an outgrowth of NYTimes v. Sullivan. If someone is a "public figure" (very broadly defined), then in order to prevail on a defamation claim you have to prove that either the speaker knew for a fact that the accusation was false, or exercised reckless disregard for the truth.

This has proven to be an almost insurmountable challenge for public figures who are slandered, and coupled with the enormous costs of filing and pursuing a defamation claim, the net result is that you can lie about a politician, slander him to hell and gone, and get away with it.

And of course, what is said in Congress is immune, so Democrats always take advantage of that route.
It is past time to start charging the left with a crime when they make false accusations against a politician just to ruin their chance to run in an election.
It sure would save the politician money and time, not having to sue over the slander and so rarely winning a judgement in their favor. But, hey. I don't care if they have to spend their money to get into a position of power and money making at the public's expense, fighting charges that are so often true. They sue at the drop of a hat, even when there are multiple witnesses and recordings that charges are true. Then they pay for it with campaign donations or PAC money.
It is past time to start charging the left with a crime when they make false accusations against a politician just to ruin their chance to run in an election.
There are just too many various minor issues to correct with America's political system. Trump's remedy of takinig down government was right in principle by clumsily handled.

Even if Trump had followed through by leading his coup attempt, it doubtful whether the majority of the people would have stood with Trump.

There's a need to take down America's completely corrupt government or federal political system, but the answer on how to accomplish that is still a mystery.

Especially now, that after the coup attempt precautions are in effect to prevent a people's movement from succeeding.
To change that, you have to amend the US Constitution.

Good luck with that.
I just remember Dingy Harry on the floor saying that Romney wasn't paying his taxes for 10 years when Romney was running
for the presidency, the msm ran with that and took away the momentum Romney had. A total lie

When asked about the lie three years later in an interview Dingy said, "Romney didn't win did he?".
Dingy was a class act, the best the democrats had
It sure would save the politician money and time, not having to sue over the slander and so rarely winning a judgement in their favor. But, hey. I don't care if they have to spend their money to get into a position of power and money making at the public's expense, fighting charges that are so often true. They sue at the drop of a hat, even when there are multiple witnesses and recordings that charges are true. Then they pay for it with campaign donations or PAC money.

Devin Nunes' COW?
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