False accusations

Devin Nunes continues Twitter cow lawsuit

Devin Nunes Can't Sue Twitter Over Cow and Mom ...

Unlike the Congressman, Devin Nunes' Cow Account Won ...
False accusations happen on all sides and the fact is no one is innocent in this political game of smear…

Worst invention in the history of humanity was or is the internet because so much nonsense can be spread and impossible to rebuke once it take hold!
It makes it easier to divide people from being able to reason an consider the "other side." Was the 20 election a shit show? Of course it was. We had blacks voting mail in. Here in Miss and I know an election's turnout was totally impossible without covid. I saw it happen live. LOL

But did AZ GA and Wisc and PA illegally count votes for a DEM? LOL. no.

And that's why today there are reports of Sen Lee and Rep Roy having second thoughts of supporting Trump's efforts even before Jan 6ths shit show.
It makes it easier to divide people from being able to reason an consider the "other side." Was the 20 election a shit show? Of course it was. We had blacks voting mail in. Here in Miss and I know an election's turnout was totally impossible without covid. I saw it happen live. LOL

But did AZ GA and Wisc and PA illegally count votes for a DEM? LOL. no.

And that's why today there are reports of Sen Lee and Rep Roy having second thoughts of supporting Trump's efforts even before Jan 6ths shit show.
As I wrote the internet is everyone worst enemy and worst invention ever in my personal opinion.

Did Biden win the 2020 election?


Was there voter fraud?

Of course…

Was there enough to change the outcome?


Now here is where I will give my personal opinion and it is this I feel states might have done some things illegally with mail-in voting by how it was allowed but the USSC did not care about it, so I am fine with the outcome even if I believe Biden is a huge damn mistake the Democrats have done since Jimmy Carter…

States did change the rules because of Covid and the question is we’re all those changes legal and again the USSC didn’t want to hear the cases, so the argument is dead and Trump lost…
States did change the rules because of Covid and the question is we’re all those changes legal and again the USSC didn’t want to hear the cases, so the argument is dead and Trump lost…
Courts have continually ruled that illegality in an election nullifies those votes that can be identified as illegal at the time they were cast. But because of the nature of our "secret ballot" it becomes impossible to retroactively nullify votes.
Plus the punishment for illegality in an election is to punish those breaking the law, not to nullify the votes cast, as long as they were done an a manner presumed legal at the time they were cast.

Actually you don't. All we need is a SCOTUS decision that immunity only applies to official business, ie actual bills being debated or proposed.

That's not what the clear text of Article I says, so the conservatives on the court won't limit "speech and debate". And the liberals ideologically wouldn't limit "speech and debate". Which leaves nobody on the USSC to put a limitation on the definition.
That's not what the clear text of Article I says, so the conservatives on the court won't limit "speech and debate". And the liberals ideologically wouldn't limit "speech and debate". Which leaves nobody on the USSC to put a limitation on the definition.

Well I stand corrected, there is already a court decision stating exactly what I said it should:

In United States v. Brewster, 408 U.S. 502 (1972), the Court distinguished between “purely legislative activities,” which the Speech and Debate Clause protected, and merely political activities, which it did not.

Carry on commie.


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