False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

of course the 9/11 apologists wont admit they have been proven wrong that it was an inside job.

Yes, thats right, the whole world is wrong and you are right. When the world doesnt agree with your wacky ideas, its because they just cant admit being wrong. All the people who lost family members and friends on 9/11 wont admit it was an inside job simply because they dont like the idea of being proven wrong. Every school science teacher who disagrees with your silly notions about metal not weakening from heat, is only doing so because they dont want to be proven wrong. They ALL know your right, they just wont come out and admit it because of their pride. Yes, im sure you are right about this.

You guys are amazing.
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of course the 9/11 apologists wont admit they have been proven wrong that it was an inside job.

Yes, thats right, the whole world is wrong and you are right. When the world doesnt agree with your wacky ideas, its because they just cant admit being wrong. All the people who lost family members and friends on 9/11 wont admit it was an inside job simply because they dont like the idea of being proven wrong. Every school science teacher who disagrees with your silly notions about metal not weakening from heat, is only doing so because they dont want to be proven wrong. They ALL know your right, they just wont come out and admit it because of their pride. Yes, im sure you are right about this.

You guys are amazing.
these morons are a very small minority
only about 4.7% of the population believe the bullshit they do
of course Eots will C&P a bunch of people that he cant even prove a danmed thing about as if they believe the same thing he does
but the one constant i have seen from troofers is they LIE and they LIE a LOT
of course the 9/11 apologists wont admit they have been proven wrong that it was an inside job.

Yes, thats right, the whole world is wrong and you are right. When the world doesnt agree with your wacky ideas, its because they just cant admit being wrong. All the people who lost family members and friends on 9/11 wont admit it was an inside job simply because they dont like the idea of being proven wrong. Every school science teacher who disagrees with your silly notions about metal not weakening from heat, is only doing so because they dont want to be proven wrong. They ALL know your right, they just wont come out and admit it because of their pride. Yes, im sure you are right about this.

You guys are amazing.

YOUR the one that has the arrogant attitude that the whole world is wrong and you are right kid.if you werent so afraid of the truth you and read alternative news sources and looked at those canada vidoes you wont look at,you would know there are people in high levels of government around the wolrd who know it was an inside job.half of new york knows it was an inside job,even the mainstream media that you worship admitted that in time magazine.
of course the 9/11 apologists wont admit they have been proven wrong that it was an inside job.

Yes, thats right, the whole world is wrong and you are right. When the world doesnt agree with your wacky ideas, its because they just cant admit being wrong. All the people who lost family members and friends on 9/11 wont admit it was an inside job simply because they dont like the idea of being proven wrong. Every school science teacher who disagrees with your silly notions about metal not weakening from heat, is only doing so because they dont want to be proven wrong. They ALL know your right, they just wont come out and admit it because of their pride. Yes, im sure you are right about this.

You guys are amazing.

YOUR the one that has the arrogant attitude that the whole world is wrong and you are right kid.if you werent so afraid of the truth you and read alternative news sources and looked at those canada vidoes you wont look at,you would know there are people in high levels of government around the wolrd who know it was an inside job.half of new york knows it was an inside job,even the mainstream media that you worship admitted that in time magazine.
and where is the proof that half of New York thinks it was an inside job?
that is just another lie from morons like you

great video there Eots.further proof there is an awakening going on about the truth of it being an inside job.further proof that people from all over the world know it was an inside job with that guy saying there were people from all over the world there that day.theres definetly an awakening going on around the country.last sunday night on HARDBALL with chris matthews,they even flashed across a message at the bottom of the screen-NEW POLL SHOWS 62% WANT BUSH ADMINISTRATION INVESTIGATED FOR ILLEGALITIES.

so much for the 9/11 apologists false claims that only 5% of the nation think it was an inside job.they were even announcing on FOX NEWS that his popularity as president was only at 10%,an all time low for any president in the HISTORY of the united states.Not even that other bastard dick nixon had a lower approval rating.and this is all coming from the corporate controlled media they worship as the truth.they ALSO Bush was booed in washington at Obama's inaguration when they announced Bush at the podium.LOL.you can find those videos fo them dooing that of course at youtube.com
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Love how 9/11 was an inside job to get us to go to war in Iraq

Hundreds of people would have been involved and everyone has kept mum about it

Then we go to war you think they would have planted a nuke in Iraq somewhere to make us look better

We fail at conspiracy follow throughs
just wanted to type in something here for Big D because it was one of the things that you mentioned over at that other 9/11 thread about a month ago BEFORE I said I would stop responding to your posts and like I said back then,I said i would address all your points you brought up in the posts PRIOR to when i said that and this was one fo them.I had it all written down back then so no since and writing it all down to just go to waste.if you want any replys to this BIG D,you'll have to ask EOTS to address it for you.but here is a post of yours you made back there BEFORE I said I would stop addressing you that I meant to respond to back then but didnt.you said back then.
1.there has been no record of this.
well of course theres been no public record of it,their not going to make a public record of it,thats why its a conspiracy.Their not going to like advertise it in the new york times.As I said before,they have made a living for years on keeping secrets from the population of the world.
2.they wouldnt put their reputation on the line and take such pride in their work and wouldnt let thsi happen.of course they dont want to jeopordize their reputation.thats why they keep quiet and dont seek the truth because the government will label them a nutcase and prevent them from GETTING future work.3.a good number of them are not even americans and therefore cant control what they say.well these people you refer to either work for the US government or work for international funded organizations.It doesnt matter what nationality you are,anybody from overseas can get government contracts.these contries get all their funding from the government of the USA.follow the money.Its funded by them.
Love how 9/11 was an inside job to get us to go to war in Iraq

Hundreds of people would have been involved and everyone has kept mum about it

Then we go to war you think they would have planted a nuke in Iraq somewhere to make us look better

We fail at conspiracy follow throughs

wtf are you talking about ..there are many operations that remained unspoken of for decades before being leaked or declassified so what you say is not in keeping with historical reality and you are assuming that planting nuclear devices in Iraq would of had the same effect as 911..it would not have...again there are other now declassified operations ..but if there where not yet admitted it would be easy to say well why didn't they just... blah blah.. blah...and call it debunked



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9etwimDFpeg]YouTube - History Channel Admits Army Tested Bioweapons on Americans[/ame]
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can't view you tube at work


did we find any WMD's in Iraq?

If it truly were this huge conspiracy so we can go to war, wouldn't htye have gone all the way and just planted a few bombs somewhere in Iraq....They didn't and it proved our intel was wrong and made us look foolish.
4.they could simply flee to another nation and speak the truth.well all the lions share of research in other countries is funded by the us government.people from other countries come over here all the time because the jobs are higher paying here.
5.some of these people arent even being paid for their work,if they were,they could just write a book about it.Well they dont want to jeopordize future work from the government.they dont want to be labeled a future crackpot.you got to go with the prominent opinion if your trying to win future work and get lucritive contracts.
you mentioned-then it should be in one of the many archives.take your pick.Wouldnt someone by now have scanned the article and posted it on the internet?

I also tried searching the article for october 4th london times for Rudy Guliani and again came up short.LOl.Of course you came up short.I knew you would cause the article and the website has since been deleted from the files.Lol.thats how they operate.you also then asked-my question to you is how do you know this to be correct? do you get the london times? if so,then please scan and post it so we can see what you are talking about.No.I dont get the london times.I just do to 9/11 truth meetings and learn this.your not going to find EVERYTHING on the internet you know?LOL.Proof of that is you said you could find nowhere, anywhere that Ray Mcgovern a former CIA analysist has said that he believes 9/11 was an inside job.Well if you bothered to go to 9/11 truth meetings around the country,you would know he DOES believe it cause he told a crowd at a 9/11 convention meeting he did that I attended.so again your not going to find EVERYTHING on the internet.LOL.you got to outside the computer sometimes to find things.

And FINALLY you mentioned back there-so all these people are in on it? yes.I assume you include those at purdue university as well,the media "ALL OF THEM." yes.all MAINSTREAM MEDIA.it only the alternative newspapers such as MEDIA BYPASS,AMERICAN FREE PRESS,ROCK CREEK FREE PRESS that report REAL news who arent in on it.the mainstream media as I have mentioned many times before,has CIA plants in them.I guarantee Bill O'Reily is one of them.you then said-of course everyone in government elected or not? the government of the UK also? yes to all your questions. anytime a good elected congress person like cythia mckinney speaks out,they lose their jobs which is exactly what happened to her.so I think that pretty much covers it all.
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Love how 9/11 was an inside job to get us to go to war in Iraq

Hundreds of people would have been involved and everyone has kept mum about it

Then we go to war you think they would have planted a nuke in Iraq somewhere to make us look better

We fail at conspiracy follow throughs

wtf are you talking about ..ther are many operations that remained unspoken of for decades before being leaked or declassified so what you say is not in keeping with historical reality and you are assuming that planting nuclear devices in Iraq would of had the same effect as 911..it would not have...again there are other now declassified operations ..but if there where not yet admitted it would be easy to say well why didn't they just... blah blah.. blah...and call it debunked


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-DazmpdkF0]YouTube - US Elite tests secret Bio-Weapons in NEW YORK on U.S CItizens[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9etwimDFpeg]YouTube - History Channel Admits Army Tested Bioweapons on Americans[/ame]

exactly,they kept the indonisian war the CIA was involved in a secret from the american public a secret from them for over 40 years a secret.:cuckoo:they been doing things like that for years.It wasn't until recently in the 90's that we learned some of the secrets of world war "ONE" that went on because they hadn't been declassified for years.:lol:as I have said hundreds of times before,the CIA has made a living for YEARS on keeping secrets from the population of the world.we dont know half of what goes on in washington and around the world half the time till years later cause of their secrets they keep.:rolleyes: the majority of the public was in the dark that the CIA was behind the kennedy assassination for over 30 years,NOW over 80% no longer believe the fairy tale warren commission report.duh.
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can't view you tube at work


did we find any WMD's in Iraq?

If it truly were this huge conspiracy so we can go to war, wouldn't htye have gone all the way and just planted a few bombs somewhere in Iraq....They didn't and it proved our intel was wrong and made us look foolish.

well for one that clearly was not nresseary..or we would not be having this discussion..the logistics and risk involved in planting a nuclear weapon may also be greater than to allow and assist a existing terrorist organization to provide that pretext for war...to use dupes
and the psychological impact and the photo op of a spectacular event like 911 stirred the nation more on a blind emotion level than finding evidence of nuke programs ever could have
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This is for Toro if he decides to pop in here and look at this.Toro you also mentioned back on that 9/11 thread from a month ago that Eots had going that if it had been an explosion,seimographs would have picked up a spike and that according to seimographs at NYU there was no spike.thus,there was no conspiracy.well your dead wrong on that because thats obviously an altered chart of the seismographs that you posted back then because its a known FACT that Columbia university 21 miles out from the trade centers DID pick up seismographs that indicated explosives went off that day.Plus in the following days they even ANNOUNCED it on the mainstream news channels in the days afterwards,that they DID find seismographs that indicated explosives went off.

At FIRST,they denied it but when evidenced was produced that proved they were wrong,they admitted it right there on the air that seismographs proved explosives went off,they only announced it once and then you never heard it again.thats how the mainstream corporate controlled media operates,they will mention something like that like at 3am in the morning when everyone is asleep or during the day when everyone is at work and never repeat it again.But some people were there to hear them say that and caugh the mainstream media saying that right there on the news once.oh and you brought up something earlier on this thread which was actually a good point that I wanted to go into further detail about but cant today but promise I will do so in the next couple of days or so.
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can't view you tube at work


did we find any WMD's in Iraq?

If it truly were this huge conspiracy so we can go to war, wouldn't htye have gone all the way and just planted a few bombs somewhere in Iraq....They didn't and it proved our intel was wrong and made us look foolish.

well for one that clearly was not nresseary..or we would not be having this discussion..the logistics and risk involved in planting a nuclear weapon may also be greater than to allow and assist a existing terrorist organization to provide that pretext for war...to use dupes
and the psychological impact and the photo op of a spectacular event like 911 stirred the nation more on a blind emotion level than finding evidence of nuke programs ever could have

thats so wrong on so many levels.

You're saying in the great conspiracy government we live in...we couldn't go into Iraq topple it...and in those weeks when we were searching for WMD's the military or CIA couldn't plant something and the next day it was found???

Finding WMD's in Iraq would have justified the war and Bush wouldn't have taken the flack.

So it would have served great purpose...yet they didn't becuase THERE IS NO FUCKING CONSPIRACY!
Love how 9/11 was an inside job to get us to go to war in Iraq

Hundreds of people would have been involved and everyone has kept mum about it

Then we go to war you think they would have planted a nuke in Iraq somewhere to make us look better

We fail at conspiracy follow throughs

wtf are you talking about ..there are many operations that remained unspoken of for decades before being leaked or declassified so what you say is not in keeping with historical reality and you are assuming that planting nuclear devices in Iraq would of had the same effect as 911..it would not have...again there are other now declassified operations ..but if there where not yet admitted it would be easy to say well why didn't they just... blah blah.. blah...and call it debunked


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-DazmpdkF0]YouTube - US Elite tests secret Bio-Weapons in NEW YORK on U.S CItizens[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9etwimDFpeg]YouTube - History Channel Admits Army Tested Bioweapons on Americans[/ame]

wow! great videos there.further proof how the government has a history of committing crimes agains their own people and we dont know about it for years.
This is for Toro if he decides to pop in here and look at this.Toro you also mentioned back on that 9/11 thread from a month ago that Eots had going that if it had been an explosion,seimographs would have picked up a spike and that according to seimographs at NYU there was no spike.thus,there was no conspiracy.well your dead wrong on that because thats obviously an altered chart of the seismographs that you posted back then because its a known FACT that Columbia university 21 miles out from the trade centers DID pick up seismographs that indicated explosives went off that day.Plus in the following days they even ANNOUNCED it on the mainstream news channels in the days afterwards,that they DID find seismographs that indicated explosives went off.

At FIRST,they denied it but when evidenced was produced that proved they were wrong,they admitted it right there on the air that seismographs proved explosives went off,they only announced it once and then you never heard it again.thats how the mainstream corporate controlled media operates,they will mention something like that like at 3am in the morning when everyone is asleep or during the day when everyone is at work and never repeat it again.But some people were there to hear them say that and caugh the mainstream media saying that right there on the news once.oh and you brought up something earlier on this thread which was actually a good point that I wanted to go into further detail about but cant today but promise I will do so in the next couple of days or so.

I've seen those graphs on the conspiracist sites. They purport to show that spikes did occur. However, the spike was measured on a graph over days, which makes it look like there was a spike. The confusion is in the time frame because if you look at the graph in seconds, not days, you can see there was a wave 15-20 seconds after the WTC collapsed, which is consistent with a falling structure. On the graph where the time frame is in seconds, there is no spike.
I've seen those graphs on the conspiracist sites. They purport to show that spikes did occur. However, the spike was measured on a graph over days, which makes it look like there was a spike. The confusion is in the time frame because if you look at the graph in seconds, not days, you can see there was a wave 15-20 seconds after the WTC collapsed, which is consistent with a falling structure. On the graph where the time frame is in seconds, there is no spike.

the seismograph thing is really not all that important, just wanted to bring that up since it was a point I said I would address before I stopped addressing anything more back there.As I said before,if your interested in the truth, all you really need to do it look at those 47 videos from the canada wants the truth site I posted a couple pages back.
Anybody with a brain in their head after looking at those videos, can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought those towers down.

You have these steel girders that weigh tons, ejecting and flying hundreds of feet through the air you can see photos of doing this,which were found blocks away slammed into other buildings,body parts found on roofs of buildings over the last several years,people reporting seeing coworkers incinerate right before their eyes behind them as they were running.these people have nothing to gain by lying.all of that IMPOSSIBLE as anyone with a brain knows,to have happened from a mere collapse of a building.Not to mention they were lied to by that bastard Gulianai about the air being safe to breath with almost all the firemen and policemen having died from respiratory problems they have experienced since then.

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