False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

it DID take the path of least resistance
it did NOT fall straight down like Alex Jones keeps saying
how many times do you have to be told to stop listening to that fucking liar

you say Alex Jones even tho you know that is not the case .../the buildings indeed did fall all but straight down within seconeds...all this can be seen..no one has to tell you

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwjmqkjwnvQ&feature=related]YouTube - WTC7 - Incriminating evidence[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul3Eia4jPCM]YouTube - WTC7 Squibs[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmL9F-TSIes&NR=1]YouTube - 9/11 Building 7 Close Up[/ame]

straight down? is that why there were blocks of debris instead of a MOUND?

a better question is how all the concrete was pulverized to dust ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRCb8pB6iBg]YouTube - 911 WTC debris[/ame]
you say Alex Jones even tho you know that is not the case .../the buildings indeed did fall all but straight down within seconeds...all this can be seen..no one has to tell you

YouTube - wtc 7 collapse

YouTube - WTC7 - Incriminating evidence

YouTube - WTC7 Squibs

YouTube - 9/11 Building 7 Close Up

straight down? is that why there were blocks of debris instead of a MOUND?

a better question is how all the concrete was pulverized to dust ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRCb8pB6iBg]YouTube - 911 WTC debris[/ame]
which has nothing to do with WTC7
Also, I don't know how you can state anyone rambles when you have been on record of saying that Obama might have been informed of the attacks at the time when they happened when he happened to be just a state senator at the time.

Really? He said that? Are you kidding?


Yes, I understand that all state senators in every state were informed of the attacks. Hilarious.

BTW 9/11 inside job, when people wire a building for demolition it takes them weeks working full-time doing so. And that is for one building far smaller than the three WTC complexes. To wire the buildings at the WTC would have taken many, many people working all the time for weeks on end. Yet, they stealthily were able to do so with nary a person noticing. Amazing.

so THIS is your latest pitiful comeback to my challenge of watching those 47 videos at that canadawants the truth site and addressing those videos that prove explosives went off?:lol::lol: The 9/11 apologists like you and Big D ALWAYS have some kind of pitiful comeback to deny you have been proven wrong.I already explained how they did it without noticing,you just want to ignore it.

I didnt disagree about the many people-I said around 200.thats about right and I never said it didnt take weeks on end,I said it would take a couple months or so.That IS many weeks on end.plus your putting words in my mouth.Just because I said Obama MIGHT have been informed of the attacks when they happened,doesnt mean I believe EVERY state senator was informed.

Thats being completely ignorant to rule out the possiblity that Obama MIGHT have been informed about it as well especially when Clinton committed many autrocities as governor of arkansas that was suppressed by the CIA controlled media before he became president that most people did not know about.Cant believe you would listen to that dis in fo agent Big D when he is a proven liar that Kevin Ryan wasnt fired for speaking out against 9/11 when everybody in the research community knows he WAS.

What are you going to swallow next from Big D,the smear campaine lies the government has going against Wille Rodriguez who testified to the 9/11 commission and was backed up by co workers that explosives went off in the basements before the plane struck,that he is seeking only money for that and other 9/11 witnesses have discredited him when they havent? that and many other lies such as kevin ryan being fired by UL for a different reason other than saying 9/11 was an inside job are being churned out by dis in fo agents like Big D CONSTANTLY on message boards that you guys blindly gobble up.Like Eots just said and what I said before,go to a huge tall building sometime and drop a slab of concrete off the side and see if that slab PULVERIZES to dust.It wont happen.It will break off into tiny chunks for sure but it sure wont pulverize.:cuckoo:
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thanks for showing your in complete denial as usual.Bush admits it out of a slip of the tongue and like the 9/11 apologist you are, you STILL grasp at straws to convince yourself explosives never went off.how pitiful.Only in your fairy tale land do you have science on your side.In the REAL world you dont.AGAIN the REAL experts who built the towers designed the towers with that in mind of a jet aircraft accidently crashing into it at 600 mph and anticipated the fires.the airliners were clocked at speeds of 440 and 550.

John Skilling the lead designer said after the 93 bombing when interviewed about the towers that if an airliner struck the towers,there would be a great loss of life due to fires but the structure itself would remain standing. Not only THAT but there is a video out made in jan 2001 before 9/11 that was aired on the history channel called MODERN MARVELS where the on site manager Frank Demartini back then said that the towers were OVER DESIGNED to take a hit from a jet airliner.That the building could sustain MULTIPLE hits from airline and would STILL remain standing.I have posted if before and that frady cat divecon didnt even bother to watch it.so I know you wont either seeing how you dismiss the proof of what Bush said.

The more you defend that fairy tale of the 9/11 commission report,the more you look foolish because you ignore what the experts said about the towers. again only in your fairy tale land does the scientific world agree with you.If you believe the fairy tale of the 9/11 report,you got to DISREGARD the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years known as the law of conservation of momentum,that they no longer apply anymore and that sir Issac newton was an idiot.You got to disregard the laws of physics that say the east tower which begins tilting towards the side as the top roof begins to fall sideways and should have continued to fall sideways cause of the laws of physics, no longer apply anymore.LOL.It could have only come back and fallen in only due to explosives.according to you,all those 110 witnesses who said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off are all liars.give it up kid and admit the truth that the truth scares you.

what MATTERS is what the experts who designed and built the towers said which I have proved that your in denial about cause like that frady cat divecon,your in denial about 9/11 as well.

since you ignored this post before Toro,here it is for you again.and please dont come back with that lame ass explanation about wiring when I already addressed that for you.That comeback doesnt disprove those 9/11 videos from that canada wants the truth site I have posted COUNTLESS numbers of times in the past and a couple of times here on this thread at LEAST twice that you 9/11 apologists never watch or address.
Has anyone ever actually heard a concrete foundation give way. I have. I used to tear down old barns with a couple friends as a business to rescue the old barn boards, which were used to make some very cool furniture. But we'd topple the skeleton of the barn and then burn it, and I've heard a couple of the old cement foundations buckle, and when they do, it's a loud pop or boom that could very well be mistaken for an explosion. Now multiply that sound by thousands because of the difference in size and weight of a fifty story high building, and when that concrete in the bottom gives way, it's going to give off a REALLY loud bang or boom. That's what people heard, and that's why the 9/11 conspiracy people say "the government blew up the building," which is about the most absurd thing I think I've ever heard in the way of conspiracy theories.
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so another 9/11 apologist in denial I see.watch these 47 videos,watch at least one a day here at this site-
Canadians Demand 9/11 Truth and you will see how idiotic it is to defend the fairy tale 9/11 commission report.Plus you didnt even bother looking at my last post.
so another 9/11 apologist in denial I see.watch these 47 videos,watch at least one a day here at this site-
Canadians Demand 9/11 Truth and you will see how idiotic it is to defend the fairy tale 9/11 commission report.Plus you didnt even bother looking at my last post.
the thing you nutters miss is that not one of us are defending the 9/11 commission
you are a fucking moron to keep claiming that
So let me get this straight. You are saying that Bush and his cronies made a plan to blow up buildings in New York, and when their demolitions expert planned the collapse of the buildings, he decided to make it a picture perfect demolition? We all have seen how perfectly the buildings fell, so my question is...why would they make THAT part of their plan? Why not make them collapse by falling to the side in devastating fashion? Why would they give people any reasons to question it?

You guys seem to lack the ability to apply logic to these situations. I already know none of you will have a reasnable answer to those questions, so you really dont have to bother trying, im just pointing it out on the off chance you come to your senses. I wont hold my breath though.
So let me get this straight. You are saying that Bush and his cronies made a plan to blow up buildings in New York, and when their demolitions expert planned the collapse of the buildings, he decided to make it a picture perfect demolition? We all have seen how perfectly the buildings fell, so my question is...why would they make THAT part of their plan? Why not make them collapse by falling to the side in devastating fashion? Why would they give people any reasons to question it?

You guys seem to lack the ability to apply logic to these situations. I already know none of you will have a reasnable answer to those questions, so you really dont have to bother trying, im just pointing it out on the off chance you come to your senses. I wont hold my breath though.

Well said. If you're trying to set up 9/11, Why not put explosives at the bottom? Why use planes at all? Why not set it up so that the buildings topple over?? Why not implicate Iraqis?
Thats being completely ignorant to rule out the possiblity that Obama MIGHT have been informed about it as well especially when Clinton committed many autrocities as governor of arkansas that was suppressed by the CIA controlled media before he became president that most people did not know about.

Well, that says it all, doesn't it?

Like DiveCon said, many of you guys will believe any conspiracy theory that comes down the pike, no matter how implausible.

Hey look, it wasn't a plane that hit the WTC. It was a hologram!


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So let me get this straight. You are saying that Bush and his cronies made a plan to blow up buildings in New York, and when their demolitions expert planned the collapse of the buildings, he decided to make it a picture perfect demolition? We all have seen how perfectly the buildings fell, so my question is...why would they make THAT part of their plan? Why not make them collapse by falling to the side in devastating fashion? Why would they give people any reasons to question it?

You guys seem to lack the ability to apply logic to these situations. I already know none of you will have a reasnable answer to those questions, so you really dont have to bother trying, im just pointing it out on the off chance you come to your senses. I wont hold my breath though.

Well said. If you're trying to set up 9/11, Why not put explosives at the bottom? Why use planes at all? Why not set it up so that the buildings topple over?? Why not implicate Iraqis?
Thats being completely ignorant to rule out the possiblity that Obama MIGHT have been informed about it as well especially when Clinton committed many autrocities as governor of arkansas that was suppressed by the CIA controlled media before he became president that most people did not know about.

Well, that says it all, doesn't it?

Like DiveCon said, many of you foilers will believe any conspiracy theory that comes down the pike, no matter how implausible.
i told ya
What are you going to swallow next from Big D,the smear campaine lies the government has going against Wille Rodriguez who testified to the 9/11 commission and was backed up by co workers that explosives went off in the basements before the plane struck,that he is seeking only money for that and other 9/11 witnesses have discredited him when they havent? that and many other lies such as kevin ryan being fired by UL for a different reason other than saying 9/11 was an inside job are being churned out by dis in fo agents like Big D CONSTANTLY on message boards that you guys blindly gobble up.

I didn't say either of those two things. I said the people who have supported the hoax have profited from showing this point of view. Don't you think that Alex Jones is better off now than he was beforehand. Previously, he was unable to win the republican nomination for office and then was fired from one radio gig. I also never said kevin ryan was never fired by UL. I do not know nor care if he was. What I said was the ONLY place I could find this info was on the conspirators website and I pointed out one site that said he was not fired at all for his view on 9/11.

With that being said, I think the two of us should bury the hatchet. What do you say?
What are you going to swallow next from Big D,the smear campaine lies the government has going against Wille Rodriguez who testified to the 9/11 commission and was backed up by co workers that explosives went off in the basements before the plane struck,that he is seeking only money for that and other 9/11 witnesses have discredited him when they havent? that and many other lies such as kevin ryan being fired by UL for a different reason other than saying 9/11 was an inside job are being churned out by dis in fo agents like Big D CONSTANTLY on message boards that you guys blindly gobble up.

I didn't say either of those two things. I said the people who have supported the hoax have profited from showing this point of view. Don't you think that Alex Jones is better off now than he was beforehand. Previously, he was unable to win the republican nomination for office and then was fired from one radio gig.

the real perpetrators of the 911 official hoax made billion..snot to mention in was great boom for a outdated magazine like popular mechanics..alex is a excellent broadcaster and interviewer as well as a decent film maker he could do very well with his talents in mainstream media if money was his objective...the things you speak of occurred in his twenty's he is only in his early thirty's now..its hardly anything for a man in his twenty's to be ashamed of ,,just the opposite really

I also never said kevin ryan was never fired by UL. I do not know nor care if he was. What I said was the ONLY place I could find this info was on the conspirators website and I pointed out one site that said he was not fired at all for his view on 9/11.

that would be a denier website...so it doesnt count..

With that being said, I think the two of us should bury the hatchet. What do you say?

I say seek the truth..and recognize the reality a real and fact driven investigation of the events of 911 is required and has never been done in a satisfactory way or to the standards such a crime deserves...
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I didn't say either of those two things. I said the people who have supported the hoax have profited from showing this point of view. Don't you think that Alex Jones is better off now than he was beforehand. Previously, he was unable to win the republican nomination for office and then was fired from one radio gig.

the real perpetrators of the 911 official hoax made billion..snot to mention in was great boom for a outdated magazine like popular mechanics..alex is a excellent broadcaster and interviewer as well as a decent film maker he could do very well with his talents in mainstream media if money was his objective...the things you speak of occurred in his twenty's he is only in his early thirty's now..its hardly anything for a man in his twenty's to be ashamed of ,,just the opposite really

I can believe all that stuff about alex jones, but one thing is for sure and that is he has cashed in on the tragedy.

I also never said kevin ryan was never fired by UL. I do not know nor care if he was. What I said was the ONLY place I could find this info was on the conspirators website and I pointed out one site that said he was not fired at all for his view on 9/11.

that would be a denier website...so it doesnt count..

Why wouldn't it count? Is it because it has a different point of view from your own?
With that being said, I think the two of us should bury the hatchet. What do you say?

I say seek the truth..and recognize the reality a real and fact driven investigation of the events of 911 is required and has never been done in a satisfactory way or to the standards such a crime deserves...

Like I said, I have watched hours of the videos on the conspirators websites. I am not convinced because it leaves out the skeptics toughest arguments, takes countless statements of others way out of context, and it doesn't back up a great number of it claims.
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the real perpetrators of the 911 official hoax made billion..snot to mention in was great boom for a outdated magazine like popular mechanics..alex is a excellent broadcaster and interviewer as well as a decent film maker he could do very well with his talents in mainstream media if money was his objective...the things you speak of occurred in his twenty's he is only in his early thirty's now..its hardly anything for a man in his twenty's to be ashamed of ,,just the opposite really

that would be a denier website...so it doesnt count..

y seek the truth..and recognize the reality a real and fact driven investigation of the events of 911 is required and has never been done in a satisfactory way or to the standards such a crime deserves...

hell yeah the real perpetraters made billions.as I have said many times before,cheney and bush profited in the millions from this.that has been documented everywhere.

It wouldnt be a deniar website,it would actually be a disinformation website.theres a major disinformation campaine going on by the government to discredit people like alex jones and willie rodriguez.they wont kill alex jones cause they know if they do,everybody in the nation that follows him will know the government was behind it.when they cant kill you like they cant with Jones,they try to discredit you, which is what their trying to do with jones right now, only it backfires because their lies dont stand up to the facts so they make themselves look like fools in the process.Jones,has been given death threats to him and his family many times before.

hell yeah the truth needs to be seeked because we have only been given lies and coverups by our government investigation into this.
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The Case of American and United Airlines
by Elias Davidsson
GlobalResearch.ca - Centre for Research on Globalization 20 November 2004
The URL of this article is: Participants in the Cover-Up of 9/11: The Case of American and United Airlines,


According to the official account, 19 Arabs hijacked four passenger planes on September 11, 2001 and crashed these planes with passengers and crew onto the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Two of the aircraft belonged to American Airlines and two to United Airlines.

In view of the huge losses incurred by these airlines in terms of human lives and assets, one would have expected them to help shed light on the criminal events.

As will be shown below, the airlines have, on the contrary, refused to disclose crucial evidence to the families of the victims and to the public in general and continue to do so. One of the immediate worries of American Airlines on September 11, 2001, was how to mould information flow to the general public and prevent "rumors" and wrong "theories" to leak out.

A prestigious public-relations agency was put on the scene by AA "minutes after the first crash" to help carry out that communications task. Concurrent to such public-relations efforts, both airlines refused and continue to refuse to disclose the most fundamental data in their possession regarding the murderous events, such as passenger lists and access to eye-witnesses. This evidence suggests airlines’ complicity in covering up the truth on 9/11.
Participants in the Cover-Up of 9/11: The Case of American and United Airlines,
awesome video there Eots.more proof the 9/11 apologists cant prove that the Bush administration didnt have prior knowledge that there were plans to fly planes into buildings into new york.Condi Rice and Bush are caught as freaking liars saying-Nobody could have predicted they would have used an airplane as a missle flying it into those e buildings cause as everybody knows,they had war games excercises going on that day stimulating aircrafts used as missles to fly into the trade center towers and the pentagan and General Myers in charge of Norad says there-it enhanced our ability to respond yet that bastard who should have been fired from Norad for allegedly being incompetent which is what the governments explanation is for NORAD not responding like they should have,he doesnt get fired from being General like someone should be for allegedly being incompetent like they say NORAD was,instead Bush goes and PROMOTES him.Not even a slap on the wrist to him.funny how alex jones knew two months prior to 9/11, there were going to be terrorists attacks against the towers as well yet the military didnt huh? of course the 9/11 apologists wont admit they have been proven wrong that it was an inside job.
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