False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

this is REALLY a great video.The 9/11 apologists will of course say this video doesnt prove explosives went off.Its a known fact that half the ground zero workers have died from health problems and have experienced major breathing problems since 9/11 and that the white house phoned Gulliani to tell them the air was all right to breath and masks were not needed and that the air was clear and knew it wasnt and that bastard Gulliani went ahead and told all the new yorkers it was safe.of course they will live in their fantasys and come up with some ludicrous explantion to avoid admitting explosives were not planted cause their in so much denial as we both know.Pretty pathetic.

this is REALLY a great video.The 9/11 apologists will of course say this video doesnt prove explosives went off.Its a known fact that half the ground zero workers have died from health problems and have experienced major breathing problems since 9/11 and that the white house phoned Gulliani to tell them the air was all right to breath and masks were not needed and that the air was clear and knew it wasnt and that bastard Gulliani went ahead and told all the new yorkers it was safe.of course they will live in their fantasys and come up with some ludicrous explantion to avoid admitting explosives were not planted cause their in so much denial as we both know.Pretty pathetic.
why am i not surprised you would lie like that

typical troofer
This folks is why you are wasting your time bothering with Big D.At first i thought he was interested in learning the truth cause he was asking questions all the time but then when he started ignoring facts like the ones myself and you guys posted in the last three pages that prove explosives brought the towers down, like all the other 9/11 apologists do he ignored the facts,After that I realised he is just a dis info agent.
The others here are just plain ignorant.Him? He isnt ignorant.He knows explosives brought the towers down but he wont admit it cause he is a dis info agent.Now all the other 9/11 apologists that have posted here are just plain ignorant,I would expect THEM to stay in denial about it still after watching these videos after reading their posts.Big D though is smarter than them so I figured HE would be mature enough to admit the obvious that explosives brought the towers down after watching these videos.Obviously I was wrong.

Here of course is the link I supplied him not once,not twice,but THRICE a few weeks ago that has a bunch of videos you can watch where the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought the towers down,that only a complete idiot moron after watching these videos would say-"that proves nothing." of course Big D STILL cant admit it that I have proved that.THIS is why I wont bother with him anymore.the evidence in these videos as Eots has seen before,shows FACTS that prove explosives brought the towers down.here it is as you see.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

especially watch 9/11 mysteries and 9/11 in plane site.the link there to THOSE two videos doesnt work but you can google that in at youtube and watch them folks.

Like always,I post this video link for you 9/11 apologists to watch vidoes of and like always I never get a response from you guys about it saying you'll look at it or comment on it.I posted it many times for BIG D AND DIVECON to look at a month or so ago but they never looked at it cause they dont want to.nobody ever bothered to look at these videos either when i first joined an introduced myself in the welcome section and asked them to look at these videos.they just called me a bunch of names and crap like that cause like you guys,their afraid of the truth as well and also dont want to look at the truth by watching these videos.I proved you guys are afraid of the truth right there.I rest my case.
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This folks is why you are wasting your time bothering with Big D.At first i thought he was interested in learning the truth cause he was asking questions all the time but then when he started ignoring facts like the ones myself and you guys posted in the last three pages that prove explosives brought the towers down, like all the other 9/11 apologists do he ignored the facts,After that I realised he is just a dis info agent.
The others here are just plain ignorant.Him? He isnt ignorant.He knows explosives brought the towers down but he wont admit it cause he is a dis info agent.Now all the other 9/11 apologists that have posted here are just plain ignorant,I would expect THEM to stay in denial about it still after watching these videos after reading their posts.Big D though is smarter than them so I figured HE would be mature enough to admit the obvious that explosives brought the towers down after watching these videos.Obviously I was wrong.

Here of course is the link I supplied him not once,not twice,but THRICE a few weeks ago that has a bunch of videos you can watch where the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought the towers down,that only a complete idiot moron after watching these videos would say-"that proves nothing." of course Big D STILL cant admit it that I have proved that.THIS is why I wont bother with him anymore.the evidence in these videos as Eots has seen before,shows FACTS that prove explosives brought the towers down.here it is as you see.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

especially watch 9/11 mysteries and 9/11 in plane site.the link there to THOSE two videos doesnt work but you can google that in at youtube and watch them folks.

Like always,I post this video link for you 9/11 apologists to watch vidoes of and like always I never get a response from you guys about it saying you'll look at it or comment on it.I posted it many times for BIG D AND DIVECON to look at a month or so ago but they never looked at it cause they dont want to.nobody ever bothered to look at these videos either when i first joined an introduced myself in the welcome section and asked them to look at these videos.they just called me a bunch of names and crap like that cause like you guys,their afraid of the truth as well and also dont want to look at the truth by watching these videos.I proved you guys are afraid of the truth right there.I rest my case.
i have already watched your stupid fucking video
they are full of lies and twisted crap
i stopped doing it because you guys have ZERO credibility
Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?

So you answer a question with a question ............. typical.

And you do not answer the question.

Here was the process to destroy the world's largest building to be demolished at the time.

CDI’s 12 person loading crew took twenty four days to place 4,118 separate charges in 1,100 locations on columns on nine levels of the complex. Over 36,000 ft of detonating cord and 4,512 non-electric delay elements were installed in CDI’s implosion initiation system, some to create the 36 primary implosion sequence and another 216 micro-delays to keep down the detonation overpressure from the 2,728 lb of explosives which would be detonated during the demolition.

Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Buildings

Yet, supposedly, over a weekend, a group of people nobody saw went in and planted enough charges to destroy two of the largest free standing structures in the world.
Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?

So you answer a question with a question ............. typical.

And you do not answer the question.

Here was the process to destroy the world's largest building to be demolished at the time.

CDI’s 12 person loading crew took twenty four days to place 4,118 separate charges in 1,100 locations on columns on nine levels of the complex. Over 36,000 ft of detonating cord and 4,512 non-electric delay elements were installed in CDI’s implosion initiation system, some to create the 36 primary implosion sequence and another 216 micro-delays to keep down the detonation overpressure from the 2,728 lb of explosives which would be detonated during the demolition.

Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Buildings

Yet, supposedly, over a weekend, a group of people nobody saw went in and planted enough charges to destroy two of the largest free standing structures in the world.
and dont forget a 3rd 47 story building as well
You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

yes I have.Just because your in complete denial and dont want to look at those videos or our posts doesnt mean I havent proved it.who said anything about a weekend? It DOES take a couple of months to plan with only a couple hundred people to do so.when you got Bush running the country and his brother and cousin in charge of the security of the towers,thats all you need for Bush's CIA buddies to go in there and plant the explosives.:rolleyes:Not EVERYBODY left the towers.the witnesses testimonys and the videos disprove your theory that explosives were not set off in the sub level basements as well.Im glad you at least dont go into long insane ramblings like Big D does and ask the same questions over and over again after they were answered previously.thank god for small favors.

Back to the insults I see. It is funny that this is your response to my post. Instead of defending yourself and refuting my points you just simply insult me. You are the one who keeps repeating himself over and over. As I said, I refuted your response to my questions on a number of issues and we never hear from you again. Then when I bring up the issue again, you state that it has been responded to. Also, I don't know how you can state anyone rambles when you have been on record of saying that Obama might have been informed of the attacks at the time when they happened when he happened to be just a state senator at the time.
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This folks is why you are wasting your time bothering with Big D.At first i thought he was interested in learning the truth cause he was asking questions all the time but then when he started ignoring facts like the ones myself and you guys posted in the last three pages that prove explosives brought the towers down, like all the other 9/11 apologists do he ignored the facts,After that I realised he is just a dis info agent.
The others here are just plain ignorant.Him? He isnt ignorant.He knows explosives brought the towers down but he wont admit it cause he is a dis info agent.Now all the other 9/11 apologists that have posted here are just plain ignorant,I would expect THEM to stay in denial about it still after watching these videos after reading their posts.Big D though is smarter than them so I figured HE would be mature enough to admit the obvious that explosives brought the towers down after watching these videos.Obviously I was wrong.

Here of course is the link I supplied him not once,not twice,but THRICE a few weeks ago that has a bunch of videos you can watch where the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought the towers down,that only a complete idiot moron after watching these videos would say-"that proves nothing." of course Big D STILL cant admit it that I have proved that.THIS is why I wont bother with him anymore.the evidence in these videos as Eots has seen before,shows FACTS that prove explosives brought the towers down.here it is as you see.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

especially watch 9/11 mysteries and 9/11 in plane site.the link there to THOSE two videos doesnt work but you can google that in at youtube and watch them folks.

Like always,I post this video link for you 9/11 apologists to watch vidoes of and like always I never get a response from you guys about it saying you'll look at it or comment on it.I posted it many times for BIG D AND DIVECON to look at a month or so ago but they never looked at it cause they dont want to.nobody ever bothered to look at these videos either when i first joined an introduced myself in the welcome section and asked them to look at these videos.they just called me a bunch of names and crap like that cause like you guys,their afraid of the truth as well and also dont want to look at the truth by watching these videos.I proved you guys are afraid of the truth right there.I rest my case.

Now you keep saying that I am ignoring the videos you posted. I DID indeed watch a number of them. In fact, I have spent HOURS viewing the information that you and others have posted. As I keep saying, this is not fact but speculation. Throughout the entire loose change videos claims were made that were not backed up. I bet they only said the words "according to" less than ten times throughout the two hour film. They also leave out numerous things issues and are more of the skeptics stronger points.
This folks is why you are wasting your time bothering with Big D.At first i thought he was interested in learning the truth cause he was asking questions all the time but then when he started ignoring facts like the ones myself and you guys posted in the last three pages that prove explosives brought the towers down, like all the other 9/11 apologists do he ignored the facts,After that I realised he is just a dis info agent.
The others here are just plain ignorant.Him? He isnt ignorant.He knows explosives brought the towers down but he wont admit it cause he is a dis info agent.Now all the other 9/11 apologists that have posted here are just plain ignorant,I would expect THEM to stay in denial about it still after watching these videos after reading their posts.Big D though is smarter than them so I figured HE would be mature enough to admit the obvious that explosives brought the towers down after watching these videos.Obviously I was wrong.

Here of course is the link I supplied him not once,not twice,but THRICE a few weeks ago that has a bunch of videos you can watch where the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought the towers down,that only a complete idiot moron after watching these videos would say-"that proves nothing." of course Big D STILL cant admit it that I have proved that.THIS is why I wont bother with him anymore.the evidence in these videos as Eots has seen before,shows FACTS that prove explosives brought the towers down.here it is as you see.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

especially watch 9/11 mysteries and 9/11 in plane site.the link there to THOSE two videos doesnt work but you can google that in at youtube and watch them folks.

Like always,I post this video link for you 9/11 apologists to watch vidoes of and like always I never get a response from you guys about it saying you'll look at it or comment on it.I posted it many times for BIG D AND DIVECON to look at a month or so ago but they never looked at it cause they dont want to.nobody ever bothered to look at these videos either when i first joined an introduced myself in the welcome section and asked them to look at these videos.they just called me a bunch of names and crap like that cause like you guys,their afraid of the truth as well and also dont want to look at the truth by watching these videos.I proved you guys are afraid of the truth right there.I rest my case.

Now you keep saying that I am ignoring the videos you posted. I DID indeed watch a number of them. In fact, I have spent HOURS viewing the information that you and others have posted. As I keep saying, this is not fact but speculation. Throughout the entire loose change videos claims were made that were not backed up. I bet they only said the words "according to" less than ten times throughout the two hour film. They also leave out numerous things issues and are more of the skeptics stronger points.

yeah, just "minor fires"
Also, I don't know how you can state anyone rambles when you have been on record of saying that Obama might have been informed of the attacks at the time when they happened when he happened to be just a state senator at the time.

Really? He said that? Are you kidding?


Yes, I understand that all state senators in every state were informed of the attacks. Hilarious.

BTW 9/11 inside job, when people wire a building for demolition it takes them weeks working full-time doing so. And that is for one building far smaller than the three WTC complexes. To wire the buildings at the WTC would have taken many, many people working all the time for weeks on end. Yet, they stealthily were able to do so with nary a person noticing. Amazing.
Like always,I post this video link for you 9/11 apologists to watch vidoes of and like always I never get a response from you guys about it saying you'll look at it or comment on it.I posted it many times for BIG D AND DIVECON to look at a month or so ago but they never looked at it cause they dont want to.nobody ever bothered to look at these videos either when i first joined an introduced myself in the welcome section and asked them to look at these videos.they just called me a bunch of names and crap like that cause like you guys,their afraid of the truth as well and also dont want to look at the truth by watching these videos.I proved you guys are afraid of the truth right there.I rest my case.

Now you keep saying that I am ignoring the videos you posted. I DID indeed watch a number of them. In fact, I have spent HOURS viewing the information that you and others have posted. As I keep saying, this is not fact but speculation. Throughout the entire loose change videos claims were made that were not backed up. I bet they only said the words "according to" less than ten times throughout the two hour film. They also leave out numerous things issues and are more of the skeptics stronger points.

yeah, just "minor fires"

yes those fires are minor and do not explain the collapse of wtc 7
Now you keep saying that I am ignoring the videos you posted. I DID indeed watch a number of them. In fact, I have spent HOURS viewing the information that you and others have posted. As I keep saying, this is not fact but speculation. Throughout the entire loose change videos claims were made that were not backed up. I bet they only said the words "according to" less than ten times throughout the two hour film. They also leave out numerous things issues and are more of the skeptics stronger points.

yeah, just "minor fires"

yes those fires are minor and do not explain the collapse of wtc 7
you are a fucking JOKE if you call those "small fires"
it was an inferno
also that video showed the other damage
it totally blows all your bullshit out of the water
those fires where nothing relative to other building fires ....but you just keep pretending
you are just brain dead
it wasnt JUST the fires asshole
it was the way the building was built combined with the damage done by the north tower falling into it and the fires

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