False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

Exactly! It took a demolition company about a month to wire up one building far smaller than one of the WTC buildings. Plus, this was obviously empty and the company never had to worry about hiding the wires or any of the demolition equipment. To wire up the WTC buildings, a team might even had to take years while hiding all equipment. Meanwhile, nobody has came forward with evidence of this. Wouldn't anyone think that someone would find something? As I said there would be miles upon miles of cords at the debris and since cameras were rolling 24/7 it is impossible to have this not be shown.

there would of been wires of all kinds in such a building this is a ridiculous statement
miles of all kinds of wires..unless specifically looking for such evidence ..it would not be noticed...the rest is all assumptions..we know the official story can not be true...so what caused those 3 buildings to fall that day is the only real question
so you think they used wires other than demo wires?
You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

Exactly! It took a demolition company about a month to wire up one building far smaller than one of the WTC buildings. Plus, this was obviously empty and the company never had to worry about hiding the wires or any of the demolition equipment. To wire up the WTC buildings, a team might even had to take years while hiding all equipment. Meanwhile, nobody has came forward with evidence of this. Wouldn't anyone think that someone would find something? As I said there would be miles upon miles of cords at the debris and since cameras were rolling 24/7 it is impossible to have this not be shown.

there would of been wires of all kinds in such a building this is a ridiculous statement
miles of all kinds of wires..unless specifically looking for such evidence ..it would not be noticed...the rest is all assumptions..we know the official story can not be true...so what caused those 3 buildings to fall that day is the only real question

When he says "wire up," he's not meaning there aren't any wires in the building. What he is saying is that the explosives are all wired to each other. I have lots of wires underneath my table but none of them are wires to destroy my house.

I don't think you work in an office environment, but I do, and when there are people doing any maintenance or construction work, it is very evident. If someone was wiring the building, it would have taken far longer than a weekend and people would have noticed it.

And I'll state again, had the building been wired, demolitionists wire buildings in the lower floors. They do not wire the buildings mid-way up, which is where the alleged explosions occurred.
That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.

Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?

So you answer a question with a question ............. typical.

Well , maybe you can explain why WTC 1 didn`t collapse from the 1975 fire which burned for three hours ............ as opposed to the fifty six minute fire on 911.
According to the NYT it was an "intense" fire involving 10 or more floors and at the time there was no sprinkler system installed.
Firefighters report "It was like fighting a blow torch".
Hmmm ..... same building, same peril (fire), different outcome. Perhaps some other factors were involved on 911? Surely not. Because the "official" report said so. What a pathetic joke. And you idiots bought it hook line and sinker.

The World Trade Center Fires.

(Link may not work) ?
Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?

So you answer a question with a question ............. typical.

Well , maybe you can explain why WTC 1 didn`t collapse from the 1975 fire which burned for three hours ............ as opposed to the fifty six minute fire on 911.
According to the NYT it was an "intense" fire involving 10 or more floors and at the time there was no sprinkler system installed.
Firefighters report "It was like fighting a blow torch".
Hmmm ..... same building, same peril (fire), different outcome. Perhaps some other factors were involved on 911? Surely not. Because the "official" report said so. What a pathetic joke. And you idiots bought it hook line and sinker.

The World Trade Center Fires.

(Link may not work) ?
because in 75 it didnt have a plane crash in the center of it and take out the structual integrity
Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?

So you answer a question with a question ............. typical.

Well , maybe you can explain why WTC 1 didn`t collapse from the 1975 fire which burned for three hours ............ as opposed to the fifty six minute fire on 911.
According to the NYT it was an "intense" fire involving 10 or more floors and at the time there was no sprinkler system installed.
Firefighters report "It was like fighting a blow torch".
Hmmm ..... same building, same peril (fire), different outcome. Perhaps some other factors were involved on 911? Surely not. Because the "official" report said so. What a pathetic joke. And you idiots bought it hook line and sinker.

The World Trade Center Fires.

(Link may not work) ?
because in 75 it didnt have a plane crash in the center of it and take out the structual integrity

ah shit....details..........
So you answer a question with a question ............. typical.

Well , maybe you can explain why WTC 1 didn`t collapse from the 1975 fire which burned for three hours ............ as opposed to the fifty six minute fire on 911.
According to the NYT it was an "intense" fire involving 10 or more floors and at the time there was no sprinkler system installed.
Firefighters report "It was like fighting a blow torch".
Hmmm ..... same building, same peril (fire), different outcome. Perhaps some other factors were involved on 911? Surely not. Because the "official" report said so. What a pathetic joke. And you idiots bought it hook line and sinker.

The World Trade Center Fires.

(Link may not work) ?
because in 75 it didnt have a plane crash in the center of it and take out the structual integrity

ah shit....details..........
funny how that is
because in 75 it didnt have a plane crash in the center of it and take out the structual integrity

ah shit....details..........
funny how that is

So in order for "thermal expansion" to take place there must first be structural damage.
Oh that clears it all up ........... three buildings collapse into themselves in the exact same manor. Two sustained structural damage....... one did not.
If WTC 7 had not been involved then the theory might have been plausible but thats where the wheels fell off the whole bullshit story.
Ya can`t have it both ways.
If fire is what caused the implosion of WTC 7 then fire would also have caused WTC 1 to implode in 1975.
Bottom line is the whole thing is a bullshit cover up and none of it happened as the "official" report states.
ah shit....details..........
funny how that is

So in order for "thermal expansion" to take place there must first be structural damage.
Oh that clears it all up ........... three buildings collapse into themselves in the exact same manor. Two sustained structural damage....... one did not.
If WTC 7 had not been involved then the theory might have been plausible but thats where the wheels fell off the whole bullshit story.
Ya can`t have it both ways.
If fire is what caused the implosion of WTC 7 then fire would also have caused WTC 1 to implode in 1975.
Bottom line is the whole thing is a bullshit cover up and none of it happened as the "official" report states.
WTC7 had structural damage from the other towers FALLING into it
you guys are fucking morons that continue with this bullshit
funny how that is

So in order for "thermal expansion" to take place there must first be structural damage.
Oh that clears it all up ........... three buildings collapse into themselves in the exact same manor. Two sustained structural damage....... one did not.
If WTC 7 had not been involved then the theory might have been plausible but thats where the wheels fell off the whole bullshit story.
Ya can`t have it both ways.
If fire is what caused the implosion of WTC 7 then fire would also have caused WTC 1 to implode in 1975.
Bottom line is the whole thing is a bullshit cover up and none of it happened as the "official" report states.
WTC7 had structural damage from the other towers FALLING into it
you guys are fucking morons that continue with this bullshit

If you honestly believe that WTC 7 could collapse into itself from debris falling into it then I`m afraid you`re the fucking moron.
So in order for "thermal expansion" to take place there must first be structural damage.
Oh that clears it all up ........... three buildings collapse into themselves in the exact same manor. Two sustained structural damage....... one did not.
If WTC 7 had not been involved then the theory might have been plausible but thats where the wheels fell off the whole bullshit story.
Ya can`t have it both ways.
If fire is what caused the implosion of WTC 7 then fire would also have caused WTC 1 to implode in 1975.
Bottom line is the whole thing is a bullshit cover up and none of it happened as the "official" report states.
WTC7 had structural damage from the other towers FALLING into it
you guys are fucking morons that continue with this bullshit

If you honestly believe that WTC 7 could collapse into itself from debris falling into it then I`m afraid you`re the fucking moron.
it was from a COMBINATION of events

this is why you morons get CALLED morons
WTC7 had structural damage from the other towers FALLING into it
you guys are fucking morons that continue with this bullshit

If you honestly believe that WTC 7 could collapse into itself from debris falling into it then I`m afraid you`re the fucking moron.
it was from a COMBINATION of events

this is why you morons get CALLED morons

You`re damned right it was from a COMBINATION of events.

It`s called "Controlled Demolition" or as you dipshit Zionists would say "We made the decision to PULL the building" .
If you honestly believe that WTC 7 could collapse into itself from debris falling into it then I`m afraid you`re the fucking moron.
it was from a COMBINATION of events

this is why you morons get CALLED morons

You`re damned right it was from a COMBINATION of events.

It`s called "Controlled Demolition" or as you dipshit Zionists would say "We made the decision to PULL the building" .
another thing, you guys lie so fucking much

why would Silverstien be telling the fire marshall to blow up the building?
in fire fighter terms to "pull the building" mean to get EVERYONE the fuck out
it comes from the days before radios when they would "pull the hose" as a warning
so stop your lying about that
Still trying to teach the loonies, eh DiveCon? That must be a difficult job when your teaching people who dont understand what "facts" are, regardless how many times you go over it with them. This shouldnt be called the "Conspiracy Zone", it should be the "Slow Learners Who Suffer From Insanity Zone".
If you honestly believe that WTC 7 could collapse into itself from debris falling into it then I`m afraid you`re the fucking moron.
it was from a COMBINATION of events

this is why you morons get CALLED morons

You`re damned right it was from a COMBINATION of events.

It`s called "Controlled Demolition" or as you dipshit Zionists would say "We made the decision to PULL the building" .

take things out of context much?
You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

yes I have.Just because your in complete denial and dont want to look at those videos or our posts doesnt mean I havent proved it.who said anything about a weekend? It DOES take a couple of months to plan with only a couple hundred people to do so.when you got Bush running the country and his brother and cousin in charge of the security of the towers,thats all you need for Bush's CIA buddies to go in there and plant the explosives.:rolleyes:Not EVERYBODY left the towers.the witnesses testimonys and the videos disprove your theory that explosives were not set off in the sub level basements as well.Im glad you at least dont go into long insane ramblings like Big D does and ask the same questions over and over again after they were answered previously.thank god for small favors.
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thanks for all the 9/11 videos you post Eots.I know "I" really appreciate them.The others obviously never watch them just like they never watched any of my canadawantsthetruth videos but just know that people like myself who dont let the government brainwash them with their lies and propaganda really appreciate them.Also, thanks for those kennedy videos as well on that other thread.
thanks for all the 9/11 videos you post Eots.I know "I" really appreciate them.The others obviously never watch them just like they never watched any of my canadawantsthetruth videos but just know that people like myself who dont let the government brainwash them with their lies and propaganda really appreciate them.Also, thanks for those kennedy videos as well on that other thread.

thank you..my Friend..
thank you..my Friend..
your welcome.by chance,have you seen ALL of those videos from that link of the
canadawantsthetruth site that I posted here yesterday and on that other 9/11 thread of yours that I posted many times that the 9/11 apologists never watch after I post it for them to see, just like they never watch your videos you post that prove it all?

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