False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

-But the fact is that the experts found to support the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 are predominantly those who profit from doing so.thats not to say that all these people were "part of the conspiracy" But they are,whether consciously or not,a part of the coverup.and that, of course, is the greater crime.The Bush administration employed a number of such credentialed experts to give us multiple explanations for the unprecedented destruction of three tall steel framed buildings at the world trade center.Unfortunately,all of those explanations have proven to be false,and this fact reminds us that acedemic credentials dont necessarily make a person capable of,or more likely to,tell the truth.
Exactly how they could find so many experts on the fire induced collapse of tall buildings is not immediately clear,considering such and event had never happened before.But it did help that the questions were quickly framed as being solely matters of structural engineering,a sub field of engineering because structural engineers cannot find work without continual government approvals.

Thats just an example of the things that Kevin Ryan goes on to say in the article as you'll see when you read that great article.Thats why I laugh my butt off when people like Big D and others worship Gene Corley as the ulitmate god on the collapse of the towers collapse cause Corley worked for the US DEPT OF DEFENSE through the Blast Mitigation For Structures Program for many years before 9/11 and was also involved in the coverup with FEMA in the OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING as well.Those are some of the little details that popular mechanics leaves out in their propagation of 9/11.as you can see at the bottom of the article there,it goes on to end the article saying-Kevin Ryan was a manager at Underwriters Laboratories who was terminated in 2004 for pointing out that UL certified the steel used in the WTC to withstand fires of 2000 degrees for six hours,therefore fire could not have caused the collapse.AMEN to that.
bukkshit you made a claim these people and their statements and petitions are a real,,,do you have ant proof of that ?
you lie again
i didnt say they were not real, i asked you to PROVE they are

Dude face it, you are just here because you get off on saying "nah ah, that's a lie", or "troofer site= not real" You crack me up, we have shown you enough evidence that produces very serious doubts about the official version of events yet you are too stubborn to even admit that. I feel sorry for your dumbass, really.


This about sums up people like you :lol:
That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.

Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

yes and also show us where the concrete was pulverized to dust and the newspaper articles of body parts scattered blocks away and witnesses saying they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off- something that has never happened in the history of mankind.all you got to do to know the 9/11 commission needs to be called the 9/11 COVERUP commission, is go to the top of some huge tall building sometime and drop off a slab of concrete on the street and see if it pulverizes to dust.it wont happen.It will break off into tiny chunks.

Hey sylverfoxx,Eots and mr jones,could you guys read that article on kevin ryan I just talked about and comment on it? I would like to hear your thoughts on it.Like i said,just go to google and google in-Kevin Ryans article on WTC collpase and read the article there that says-9/11 LOOKING FOR TRUTH IN CREDENTIALS:THE PECULIAR WTC EXPERTS.thanks. I would appreciate your thoughts on that article.

Hey sylverfoxx,Eots and mr jones,could you guys read that article on kevin ryan I just talked about and comment on it? I would like to hear your thoughts on it.Like i said,just go to google and google in-Kevin Ryans article on WTC collpase and read the article there that says-9/11 LOOKING FOR TRUTH IN CREDENTIALS:THE PECULIAR WTC EXPERTS.thanks. I would appreciate your thoughts on that article.
I actually posted part of that article somewhere in this long ass thread, but of course these guys don't want to read or hear anything that will tarnish the reputation of their mass murderer family member Uncle Sam. :lol:
yeah its hilarious how they say the fire weakened the towers steel and that caused them to collapse yet like you just posted,that building in China burned for several HOURS yesterday and the day before and yet that building never collapsed.:lol::lol:its hilarious the way they grasp at straws to avoid doing the mature thing by admitting they have been proven wrong.:lol:

That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.
Is it logical to believe, that only reinforced hirise buildings like WTC 7 can collapse at near freefall speed with the limited fires and damaged it sustained on 9-11, only in the United States? Can you honestly walk away from these facts after viewing and studying them, and still not even feel a twinge of skepticism?
That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.

Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

yes and also show us where the concrete was pulverized to dust and the newspaper articles of body parts scattered blocks away and witnesses saying they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off- something that has never happened in the history of mankind.all you got to do to know the 9/11 commission needs to be called the 9/11 COVERUP commission, is go to the top of some huge tall building sometime and drop off a slab of concrete on the street and see if it pulverizes to dust.it wont happen.It will break off into tiny chunks.

Hey sylverfoxx,Eots and mr jones,could you guys read that article on kevin ryan I just talked about and comment on it? I would like to hear your thoughts on it.Like i said,just go to google and google in-Kevin Ryans article on WTC collpase and read the article there that says-9/11 LOOKING FOR TRUTH IN CREDENTIALS:THE PECULIAR WTC EXPERTS.thanks. I would appreciate your thoughts on that article.

Just the fact that Mr Ryan was terminated from UL for suggesting there was an alternate explanation for the collapse, other than "The Official Report", is enough to raise red flags. This alone, aside from the overwhelming evidence of a cover up, is enough to warrant a thorough independent investigation.
If there was nothing to hide, then there should be no objections.
Obviously, this is not the case though.
Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?
Neither they nor their nutlicking government experts can produce this, yet they trudge along with blinders on afraid to question the BS they have been told. :eusa_liar: :cuckoo:
You will either be with us, or with the corrupt government traitors, that have destroyed this country and what it stood for.

Id rather be with government traitors than you conspiracy wackos, any day of the week.

Hey sylverfoxx,Eots and mr jones,could you guys read that article on kevin ryan I just talked about and comment on it? I would like to hear your thoughts on it.Like i said,just go to google and google in-Kevin Ryans article on WTC collpase and read the article there that says-9/11 LOOKING FOR TRUTH IN CREDENTIALS:THE PECULIAR WTC EXPERTS.thanks. I would appreciate your thoughts on that article.
I actually posted part of that article somewhere in this long ass thread, but of course these guys don't want to read or hear anything that will tarnish the reputation of their mass murderer family member Uncle Sam. :lol:

when you posted it,was Big D there to comment on it? If so,what did HE have to say about it? if not,I sure hope one of his 9/11 apologist buddies pm's him and asks him to come over here and comment on it cause it was posted mainly for him since he worships Gene Corley and Thomas Edgar as the gods of truth on 9/11.:lol::lol: falls out of chair laughing. Edgar another one of BIG D's heroes he worships as the god of truth on 9/11, is obviously corrupt,the fact that he even particiapated in a NOVA series on PBS called HOW THE TOWERS FELL should ring fire alarms to BIG D cause PBS and NOVA have propagated that other fairy tale commission -the warren commissions lies of the kennedy assassination on their programs MANY times over the years.

One of their programs that PBS promoted once that oswald was the lone assassin,showed a photo of oswald in the marine corps by some soldiers of his in his unit.what they FAILED to mention about that photo was that David Ferry a known CIA asset,was right there in that photo next to oswald and that ferrie was oswalds commander in his unit and a known CIA asset for FBI man Guy Bannister.:lol: so much for the credibility of PBS and their WHY THE TOWERS FELL special.LOL
You will either be with us, or with the corrupt government traitors, that have destroyed this country and what it stood for.

Id rather be with government traitors than you conspiracy wackos, any day of the week.

the only conspiracy wackos are the conspiracy wackos who believe in the conspiracy THEORY of the 9/11 coverup commission report.
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Just the fact that Mr Ryan was terminated from UL for suggesting there was an alternate explanation for the collapse, other than "The Official Report", is enough to raise red flags. This alone, aside from the overwhelming evidence of a cover up, is enough to warrant a thorough independent investigation.
If there was nothing to hide, then there should be no objections.
Obviously, this is not the case though.

well you now at least have something you can show the CONSPIRACY WACKOS like Big D and GodBoy when they worship people such as gene corley and thomas edgar as the ultimate gods on the truth on 9/11.you can always refer that article to them now.;)

Your right about that.Its not only Kevin Ryan who has been fired for speaking out against the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission,but professors steven jones and Judy wood have also are some other ones I know of.God knows how many others have been fired as well that we DONT know about for not going along with the 9/11 coverup commission.Yeah like you said,if there was nothing to hide,then there should be no objections to them talking about it to students in class.

I pointed this out to Big D once when I thought he was serious about learning the facts of 9/11 when I told him that after I saw the movie JFK and realised the school system had lied to me my whole life about who killed kennedy and why,that I tracked down my high school american history teacher and said to him-Mr Evans,why did you lie to me and my classmates about the kennedy assassination when I was your student.you told me and the rest of us,that oswald killed kennedy when it was really the CIA.He then said-Oh I never did believe that. I then said-what that the CIA killed kennedy or that oswald did it? He said-That oswald did it.I then said-well if you never believed it that oswald killed kennedy then why did you lie to us and say he did? guess how he replied? he said-cause just between you and me if I had told you all the truth back then and the school learned about it,I would have been fired.

I tried to explain this to Big D since he is about the only one who has ever engaged in a conversation with me about 9/11 without engaging in name calling that thats why these universitys in the country and around the world tell the lie cause thats what will happen to them.i tried to explain that to him and he came back with some stupid nonsense in response cause he is in denial of it of course.after I saw that he ignored facts and didnt bother watching any of the 9/11 videos I posted for him that proves bombs went off,then i stopped i stopped wasting my time with him.He is not an idiot like all these others are cause he can at least discuss it without getting into name calling,but he IS obviously a dis in fo agent.what was hilarious is he asked me how I knew he didnt watch the videos I referred to him to watch saying do you have a video watching me in my room? No its just its obvious he didnt watch the videos because the vidoes prove bombs went off.:lol::lol: He can be amusing to listen to when he grasps at straws to defend the 9/11 coverup commission.:lol::lol:
Yeah well they can't explain this latest Chineese hirise fire away. As more time goes by and more things come to light that contradict the BS conspiracy theories of the government, the more people will realize they have been deceived all along. It is just a matter of time.

To any sane and rational observer, which of these buildings would have been the most likely to collapse?




And yet it was WTC 7 which collapsed within 7 seconds into its own footprint on 9/11. The Beijing skyscraper, though gutted by fire damage, remains standing.

How do the debunkers explain away this one? How come NIST’s newly invented “phenomenon” of “thermal expansion” didn’t put paid to the skyscraper in Beijing? Does fire have different properties in China compared to the U.S.? Does it behave in different ways depending on what country it’s in? :eek: :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

Remember that WTC 7 was structurally reinforced and suffered limited fires across just 8 floors.

The core of NIST’s explanation, that an “extraordinary event” called “thermal expansion” was to blame for the sudden total collapse of WTC 7 is of course on the face of it a fraud when one considers the innumerable number of buildings that have suffered roaring fires across the majority of their floors and remained standing, whereas WTC 7 suffered limited fire damage across a handful of floors.

The Beijing skyscraper fire provides yet more comparable evidence to illustrate the monolithic hoax that fire damage alone can cause buildings to collapse implosion style, adding more weight to the argument that both WTC 7 and the twin towers were destroyed by explosives that were seen and heard by dozens of eyewitnesses who were at ground zero.
Still Standing: The Building That Proves WTC 7 Was Imploded
How do the debunkers explain away this one? How come NIST’s newly invented “phenomenon” of “thermal expansion” didn’t put paid to the skyscraper in Beijing? Does fire have different properties in China compared to the U.S.? Does it behave in different ways depending on what country it’s in?

Fire does indeed behave differently, depending on whether it`s being investigated by a Zionist shill, trying to hide something, or if it`s being investigated by someone interested in the TRUTH.
Fire can behave in mysterious ways when it is intended to cover up the truth.
you have to realize that Bejing building was built AFTER 9/11
you dont think they took what happened on 9/11 into consideration in the design and construction?

you guys are fucking morons if you dont think they did
you have to realize that Bejing building was built AFTER 9/11
you dont think they took what happened on 9/11 into consideration in the design and construction?

you guys are fucking morons if you dont think they did

do have any proof of this ? any credible link.. any new construction laws or standards due to 911

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW6Oez7pag0]YouTube - "How the Towers Fell" (1 of 13)-Architect Richard Gage[/ame]
yeah its hilarious how they say the fire weakened the towers steel and that caused them to collapse yet like you just posted,that building in China burned for several HOURS yesterday and the day before and yet that building never collapsed.:lol::lol:its hilarious the way they grasp at straws to avoid doing the mature thing by admitting they have been proven wrong.:lol:

That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.

Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?
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Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

Can you show me another building that stood beside 2 110-story towers that were hit with airplanes causing them to collapse unto themselves?

And can you show me a building that was half as tall as the twin towers that were demolished with charges planted over a weekend by very few people - which is the theory of the conspiracists - even though large buildings that are demolished take many weeks to plant explosives and done so by hundreds of people?

so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.
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so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.
uh, where did you prove that
you did no such thing
because it wasnt

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