False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

i'm convinced it is a serious mental illness that needs to be treated

and thats because your case is so weak it is all your left with...and the experience and credentials of the experts and signatory's of the petition make your statement ludicrous

exactly.well said.:clap2::clap2:If they ever bothered to pick up a book critisizing the Bush administration and the 9/11 investigation,they would know all these people that they go and say to you all the time-Eots these arent real people who really believe this.ect ect.if they ever bothered to pick one up such as griffiths DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING, AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY.they would know how much they look like idiots when they say that crap to you all the time cause their in so much denial.:rolleyes:
and thats because your case is so weak it is all your left with...and the experience and credentials of the experts and signatory's of the petition make your statement ludicrous

exactly.well said.:clap2::clap2:If they ever bothered to pick up a book critisizing the Bush administration and the 9/11 investigation,they would know all these people that they go and say to you all the time-Eots these arent real people who really believe this.ect ect.if they ever bothered to pick one up such as griffiths DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING, AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY.they would know how much they look like idiots when they say that crap to you all the time cause their in so much denial.:rolleyes:
grifith is a theologian
nothing more

and its you guys that look like idiots
latest polling shows less than 5% believe in your nonsense
thats a good sign that the more people actually look at the facts they are less likely to be idiots like you troofers
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Col. Ann Wright, U.S. Army (ret) – Retired Army officer and former U.S. Diplomat. Served 13 years on active duty with the U.S. Army and 16 years in the U.S. Army Reserves. She was a member of the International law team in Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada and served in Panama and Somalia. She joined the Foreign Service in 1987 and served as Deputy Chief of Mission of U.S. Embassies in Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Afghanistan. She helped reopen the US Embassy in Kabul in December, 2001. One of three U.S. State Department officials to publicly resign in direct protest of the invasion of Iraq in March, 2003.

Statement to this website 2/20/07:

"This isn't about party, it isn't about Bush Bashing. It's about our country, our constitution, and our future. ...

Your countrymen have been murdered and the more you delve into it the more it looks as though they were murdered by our government, who used it as an excuse to murder other people thousands of miles away.

If you ridicule others who have sincere doubts and who know factual information that directly contradicts the official report and who want explanations from those who hold the keys to our government, and have motive, means, and opportunity to pull off a 9/11, but you are too lazy or fearful, or ... to check into the facts yourself, what does that make you? Scholars for 9/11 truth have developed reams of scientific data. Michael Ruppert published an exhaustive account of the case from the viewpoint of a trained investigator. David Ray Griffin provides a context for the unanswered or badly answered questions that should nag at anyone who pretends to love this country.
Are you afraid that you will learn the truth and you can't handle it? ...

David L. Griscom, PhD – Research physicist, retired in 2001 from Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC, after 33 years service. Fellow of the American Physical Society. Fulbright-García Robles Fellow at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City (1997). Visiting professorships of research at the Universities of Paris and Saint-Etienne, France, and Tokyo Institute of Technology (2000 - 2003). Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona (2004 - 2005). Winner of the 1993 N. F. Mott Award sponsored by the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, the 1995 Otto Schott Award offered by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung (Germany), a 1996 Outstanding Graduate School Alumnus Award at Brown University, and the 1997 Sigma Xi Pure Science Award at NRL. Principal author of 109 of his 185 published works, a body of work which is highly cited by his peers. Officially credited with largest number of papers (5) by any author on list of 100 most cited articles authored at NRL between 1973 and 1988.
Personal blog 1/5/07: "David Ray Griffin has web-published a splendid, highly footnoted account of The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True: This scholarly work, rich in eyewitness accounts, includes 11 separate pieces of evidence that the World Trade Center towers 1, 2 [each 1300+ feet tall, 110 stories], and 7 were brought down by explosives. [Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its

Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ...

Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies either

A) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ...

B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..." Captain Eric May

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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If you ridicule others who have sincere doubts and who know factual information that directly contradicts the official report and who want explanations from those who hold the keys to our government, and have motive, means, and opportunity to pull off a 9/11, but you are too lazy or fearful, or ... to check into the facts yourself, what does that make you? Scholars for 9/11 truth have developed reams of scientific data. Michael Ruppert published an exhaustive account of the case from the viewpoint of a trained investigator. David Ray Griffin provides a context for the unanswered or badly answered questions that should nag at anyone who pretends to love this country.
Are you afraid that you will learn the truth and you can't handle it? ...
snipped the rest of the C&P nonsense

i'm not afraid of the truth, because i KNOW the truth

you never post facts, you post complete bullshit
these are the factul statements of these people..something you can not deal wiith in a rational manner
for all you know they never made any such statement
you cant even prove they exist beyond your troofer sites
i've looked
and again you go in to denial cant face the facts and deal with them... all your left with is a crazy unfounded conspiracy theory that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated...why don't you turn them in diveconartist ?
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and again you go in to denial cant face the facts and deal with them... all your left with is a crazy unfounded conspiracy theory that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated...why don't you turn them in diveconartist ?
because it would be a waste of time
again, no one gives those sites any credibility beyond you nutters and thats less than 5% of the population

why dont you provide something thats NOT from a troofer site as proof
and again you go in to denial cant face the facts and deal with them... all your left with is a crazy unfounded conspiracy theory ...why don't you turn them in diveconartist ?
because it would be a waste of time
again, no one gives those sites any credibility beyond you nutters and thats less than 5% of the population

why dont you provide something thats NOT from a troofer site as proof

because any site or film that features these indivduals ..you deem as troofer sites
why dont you prove that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated
and again you go in to denial cant face the facts and deal with them... all your left with is a crazy unfounded conspiracy theory ...why don't you turn them in diveconartist ?
because it would be a waste of time
again, no one gives those sites any credibility beyond you nutters and thats less than 5% of the population

why dont you provide something thats NOT from a troofer site as proof

because any site or film that features these indivduals ..you deem as troofer sites
why dont you prove that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated
sorry, but one can not prove the negative, its up to you to prove the positive
bukkshit you made a claim these people and their statements and petitions are a real,,,do you have ant proof of that ?

Again RETARD You claim they are real, PROVE it. Divecon claims they are not real, he does not have to prove the negative, you have to prove that they exist. Further you have to prove they actually say the Government conspired to attack the Country. You have to prove they claimed there were explosives in the towers. You have to prove they claimed a missile hit the Pentagon.

While you are at it find one of your talking heads to explain exactly what kind of missile hit the Pentagon. None known of currently could cause the damage there. Not a single missile in known production can cause a hole as large as was punched in the REINFORCED wall at the Pentagon and Penetrated as many layers of reinforced walls as happened. There is no blast crater so no explosives were used. It would have had to be a static missile made of some incredibly hard material that also was pliable enough to disintegrate at the end of the penetration.

The rather then cut and paste to all your talking heads claiming they want a new investigation post a paper that explains in detail how the construction work and explosives could have been laid in the 3 buildings unseen to be used the day the planes hit. A paper that explains how the jarring hit of the airliners would not have destroyed or disrupted the intricate wiring needed to make the explosives go off as needed to drop the buildings straight down rather then off to the side from the explosion sites.

A paper that explains how the Government knew exactly what floors to lay explosives on for those planes to cover them up when set off. And why it was something like 90 minutes later that the towers collapsed with no pictures of explosions going off on any floors from outside the buildings. That explains how absolutely no wiring debris or explosive debris was ever found in the clean up and investigation. Explosives and wiring would have had to be laced in the basement and your pet theory that magically they policed it all up before anyone noticed does not work for those levels as they were under TONS of debris till the clean up got to them.

A Paper that explains why the Government waited HOURS before blowing up WTC7, rather then right away so as to claim it was destroyed by falling debris? How those explosives would have survived the raging fires in WTC7 for 8 hours to go off when needed?

We already know you can not explain where the Airliner from Washington DC went, nor why the passengers that DID call family from that plane reported descending and then were cut off at the time of the plane hitting the Pentagon. No calls about flying away from the city at all. No reports that non Arabs had hijacked the aircraft. Not a single shred of evidence the plane ever left the DC area. Well other then the lame excuse there never was a plane. I guess the Treasury Secretary's wife was murdered in her home and snuck out of town as well as the crew and passengers known to be on the non existant flight.
and again you go in to denial cant face the facts and deal with them... all your left with is a crazy unfounded conspiracy theory that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated...why don't you turn them in diveconartist ?

I know his entertainment on denying these people exists is priceless entertainment.:lol:
because any site or film that features these indivduals ..you deem as troofer sites
why dont you prove that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated

whats really hilarious about his rants is you provide him videos that show black smoke rising from the basement levels of the towers and the sounds of explosives going off below and he always goes and calls them a troofer site.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol:
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bukkshit you made a claim these people and their statements and petitions are a real,,,do you have ant proof of that ?

Again RETARD You claim they are real, PROVE it. Divecon claims they are not real, he does not have to prove the negative, you have to prove that they exist. Further you have to prove they actually say the Government conspired to attack the Country. You have to prove they claimed there were explosives in the towers. You have to prove they claimed a missile hit the Pentagon.

While you are at it find one of your talking heads to explain exactly what kind of missile hit the Pentagon. None known of currently could cause the damage there. Not a single missile in known production can cause a hole as large as was punched in the REINFORCED wall at the Pentagon and Penetrated as many layers of reinforced walls as happened. There is no blast crater so no explosives were used. It would have had to be a static missile made of some incredibly hard material that also was pliable enough to disintegrate at the end of the penetration.

The rather then cut and paste to all your talking heads claiming they want a new investigation post a paper that explains in detail how the construction work and explosives could have been laid in the 3 buildings unseen to be used the day the planes hit. A paper that explains how the jarring hit of the airliners would not have destroyed or disrupted the intricate wiring needed to make the explosives go off as needed to drop the buildings straight down rather then off to the side from the explosion sites.

A paper that explains how the Government knew exactly what floors to lay explosives on for those planes to cover them up when set off. And why it was something like 90 minutes later that the towers collapsed with no pictures of explosions going off on any floors from outside the buildings. That explains how absolutely no wiring debris or explosive debris was ever found in the clean up and investigation. Explosives and wiring would have had to be laced in the basement and your pet theory that magically they policed it all up before anyone noticed does not work for those levels as they were under TONS of debris till the clean up got to them.

A Paper that explains why the Government waited HOURS before blowing up WTC7, rather then right away so as to claim it was destroyed by falling debris? How those explosives would have survived the raging fires in WTC7 for 8 hours to go off when needed?

We already know you can not explain where the Airliner from Washington DC went, nor why the passengers that DID call family from that plane reported descending and then were cut off at the time of the plane hitting the Pentagon. No calls about flying away from the city at all. No reports that non Arabs had hijacked the aircraft. Not a single shred of evidence the plane ever left the DC area. Well other then the lame excuse there never was a plane. I guess the Treasury Secretary's wife was murdered in her home and snuck out of town as well as the crew and passengers known to be on the non existant flight.

Like i said earlier,if you actually bothered to read books out there on 9/11 and did some research, you would find that out for yourself that they are real people who have made these statements.:cuckoo: If you bothered to listen to alex jones or look at his website,you would know that all these people he is talking about are real.they have been guests on his show before and have written books about it.Your hilarious,no Airliner can crash into that tower and bring it down like it did.A plane is made of aluminum.Aluminum slamming against steel is the same thing as a car crashing into a bridge.the bridge will stay there intack but the car is a mess.same thing here kid.:lol:

Bush had his brother and cousin in charge of the security for the towers in the several months prior to 9/11.It only requires a couple hundred people a couple months to plant the explosives.Bush Sr used to be the former director of the CIA,when you got the son of a former CIA director running the country and his brother and cousin in charge of the towers security, its simple as pie to plant the explosives.:lol::lol: Your only going by what the government has told you.A few civilians found explosive residue and thermite in the debris,your just not hearing about that from the government and the corporate controlled media who you worship as the gospel truth. Nobody has claimed to have all the answers to the questions your asking, but the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought down those towers. You also havent watched 9/11 mysteries cause if you had,you would see the photos DO show explosives going off in the floors below from outside the towers bringing down the towers.:cuckoo:
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Yeah I wonder what kind of laughable explanation that the 9/11 apologists like divecon, Big D and The Sarge are going to come up with to defend the official version that explosives did not go off after watching this video where Bush with the slip of the tongue like the idiot he is,admitted explosives being planted in the buildings.what they will come up with now after watching that.:lol::lol:

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