False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

Yeah I wonder what kind of laughable explanation that the 9/11 apologists like divecon, Big D and The Sarge are going to come up with to defend the official version that explosives did not go off after watching this video where Bush with the slip of the tongue like the idiot he is,admitted explosives being planted in the buildings.what they will come up with now after watching that.:lol::lol:

I stopped looking at the "troofers" links awhile back, but for shits and giggles i checked this one out. Its really no wonder you guys believe in the conspiracy, because if you are seeing some sort of proof in this video, youre insane.

Why is it that all your "proof" requires grasping at straws? Luckily for me, i have science on my side, and while retards and lunies wont understand that metal weakens when it gets hot, i know the truth and so does the scientific community.

Please, dont bother posting information about your loony conspiracy loving scientists, those guys are dumbasses too. You can find insane people in all walks of life, whether they are doctors, lawyers or scientists, but having credentials doesnt mean squat. The only thing that REALLY matters is if the scientific world agrees with you, and it does with me.

For every medal winning military officer eots finds that agrees with him, theres a thousand others even more qualified that disagree with him. I love how much emphasis he puts on the credentials of those clowns. How many posts has he made listing those idiots? Dr. Theodore Kaczynski has impeccable college credentials, yet he was fucking insane too. Credentials mean jack shit eots. The only thing that matters is if the educated world agrees with you, which of course in eots case, they do not.
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and again you go in to denial cant face the facts and deal with them... all your left with is a crazy unfounded conspiracy theory that the people on patriots do not exist or their service records and images and identity's have been stolen and are being used to collect donations unabated...why don't you turn them in diveconartist ?

I know his entertainment on denying these people exists is priceless entertainment.:lol:
except i havent once done such you moron
i asked HIM to prove they are what he claims they are
all he does is C&P bullshit from your nutter troofer sites

Yeah I wonder what kind of laughable explanation that the 9/11 apologists like divecon, Big D and The Sarge are going to come up with to defend the official version that explosives did not go off after watching this video where Bush with the slip of the tongue like the idiot he is,admitted explosives being planted in the buildings.what they will come up with now after watching that.:lol::lol:
except what you morons are claiming he said, he DIDNT say
thus more proof you guys are fucking LIARS

Yeah I wonder what kind of laughable explanation that the 9/11 apologists like divecon, Big D and The Sarge are going to come up with to defend the official version that explosives did not go off after watching this video where Bush with the slip of the tongue like the idiot he is,admitted explosives being planted in the buildings.what they will come up with now after watching that.:lol::lol:

I stopped looking at the "troofers" links awhile back, but for shits and giggles i checked this one out. Its really no wonder you guys believe in the conspiracy, because if you are seeing some sort of proof in this video, youre insane.

Why is it that all your "proof" requires grasping at straws? Luckily for me, i have science on my side, and while retards and lunies wont understand that metal weakens when it gets hot, i know the truth and so does the scientific community.

Please, dont bother posting information about your loony conspiracy loving scientists, those guys are dumbasses too. You can find insane people in all walks of life, whether they are doctors, lawyers or scientists, but having credentials doesnt mean squat. The only thing that REALLY matters is if the scientific world agrees with you, and it does with me.

For every medal winning military officer eots finds that agrees with him, theres a thousand others even more qualified that disagree with him. I love how much emphasis he puts on the credentials of those clowns. How many posts has he made listing those idiots? Dr. Theodore Kaczynski has impeccable college credentials, yet he was fucking insane too. Credentials mean jack shit eots. The only thing that matters is if the educated world agrees with you, which of course in eots case, they do not.

thanks for showing your in complete denial as usual.Bush admits it out of a slip of the tongue and like the 9/11 apologist you are, you STILL grasp at straws to convince yourself explosives never went off.how pitiful.Only in your fairy tale land do you have science on your side.In the REAL world you dont.AGAIN the REAL experts who built the towers designed the towers with that in mind of a jet aircraft accidently crashing into it at 600 mph and anticipated the fires.the airliners were clocked at speeds of 440 and 550.

John Skilling the lead designer said after the 93 bombing when interviewed about the towers that if an airliner struck the towers,there would be a great loss of life due to fires but the structure itself would remain standing. Not only THAT but there is a video out made in jan 2001 before 9/11 that was aired on the history channel called MODERN MARVELS where the on site manager Frank Demartini back then said that the towers were OVER DESIGNED to take a hit from a jet airliner.That the building could sustain MULTIPLE hits from airline and would STILL remain standing.I have posted if before and that frady cat divecon didnt even bother to watch it.so I know you wont either seeing how you dismiss the proof of what Bush said.

The more you defend that fairy tale of the 9/11 commission report,the more you look foolish because you ignore what the experts said about the towers. again only in your fairy tale land does the scientific world agree with you.If you believe the fairy tale of the 9/11 report,you got to DISREGARD the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years known as the law of conservation of momentum,that they no longer apply anymore and that sir Issac newton was an idiot.You got to disregard the laws of physics that say the east tower which begins tilting towards the side as the top roof begins to fall sideways and should have continued to fall sideways cause of the laws of physics, no longer apply anymore.LOL.It could have only come back and fallen in only due to explosives.according to you,all those 110 witnesses who said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off are all liars.give it up kid and admit the truth that the truth scares you.

what MATTERS is what the experts who designed and built the towers said which I have proved that your in denial about cause like that frady cat divecon,your in denial about 9/11 as well.
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LOL nothing a moron like YOU could ever say that would cause me to do anything but laugh at your utter styupidity

Yeah I wonder what kind of laughable explanation that the 9/11 apologists like divecon, Big D and The Sarge are going to come up with to defend the official version that explosives did not go off after watching this video where Bush with the slip of the tongue like the idiot he is,admitted explosives being planted in the buildings.what they will come up with now after watching that.:lol::lol:

I stopped looking at the "troofers" links awhile back, but for shits and giggles i checked this one out. Its really no wonder you guys believe in the conspiracy, because if you are seeing some sort of proof in this video, youre insane.

Why is it that all your "proof" requires grasping at straws? Luckily for me, i have science on my side, and while retards and lunies wont understand that metal weakens when it gets hot, i know the truth and so does the scientific community.

Please, dont bother posting information about your loony conspiracy loving scientists, those guys are dumbasses too. You can find insane people in all walks of life, whether they are doctors, lawyers or scientists, but having credentials doesnt mean squat. The only thing that REALLY matters is if the scientific world agrees with you, and it does with me.

For every medal winning military officer eots finds that agrees with him, theres a thousand others even more qualified that disagree with him. I love how much emphasis he puts on the credentials of those clowns. How many posts has he made listing those idiots? Dr. Theodore Kaczynski has impeccable college credentials, yet he was fucking insane too. Credentials mean jack shit eots. The only thing that matters is if the educated world agrees with you, which of course in eots case, they do not.

Beijing Hotel Tower Is Destroyed by Fire - WSJ.com

Hmm ...... yet another 44 story building engulfed in flames ..... but ... mysteriously it does not collapse.
Now how in the world could that possibly be?????? Why is it that all these other buildings didn`t collapse into their own footprint from "heat weakened steel" ????
Maybe it`s because all these other bldgs were NOT owned by Larry Silverstein and were NOT the subject of an Israeli false flag attack !!!!
Now there`s some science for ya.
Yeah I wonder what kind of laughable explanation that the 9/11 apologists like divecon, Big D and The Sarge are going to come up with to defend the official version that explosives did not go off after watching this video where Bush with the slip of the tongue like the idiot he is,admitted explosives being planted in the buildings.what they will come up with now after watching that.:lol::lol:

I stopped looking at the "troofers" links awhile back, but for shits and giggles i checked this one out. Its really no wonder you guys believe in the conspiracy, because if you are seeing some sort of proof in this video, youre insane.

Why is it that all your "proof" requires grasping at straws? Luckily for me, i have science on my side, and while retards and lunies wont understand that metal weakens when it gets hot, i know the truth and so does the scientific community.

Please, dont bother posting information about your loony conspiracy loving scientists, those guys are dumbasses too. You can find insane people in all walks of life, whether they are doctors, lawyers or scientists, but having credentials doesnt mean squat. The only thing that REALLY matters is if the scientific world agrees with you, and it does with me.

For every medal winning military officer eots finds that agrees with him, theres a thousand others even more qualified that disagree with him. I love how much emphasis he puts on the credentials of those clowns. How many posts has he made listing those idiots? Dr. Theodore Kaczynski has impeccable college credentials, yet he was fucking insane too. Credentials mean jack shit eots. The only thing that matters is if the educated world agrees with you, which of course in eots case, they do not.

Beijing Hotel Tower Is Destroyed by Fire - WSJ.com

Hmm ...... yet another 44 story building engulfed in flames ..... but ... mysteriously it does not collapse.
Now how in the world could that possibly be?????? Why is it that all these other buildings didn`t collapse into their own footprint from "heat weakened steel" ????
Maybe it`s because all these other bldgs were NOT owned by Larry Silverstein and were NOT the subject of an Israeli false flag attack !!!!
Now there`s some science for ya.
different construction

also the building was unoccupied
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I stopped looking at the "troofers" links awhile back, but for shits and giggles i checked this one out. Its really no wonder you guys believe in the conspiracy, because if you are seeing some sort of proof in this video, youre insane.

Why is it that all your "proof" requires grasping at straws? Luckily for me, i have science on my side, and while retards and lunies wont understand that metal weakens when it gets hot, i know the truth and so does the scientific community.

Please, dont bother posting information about your loony conspiracy loving scientists, those guys are dumbasses too. You can find insane people in all walks of life, whether they are doctors, lawyers or scientists, but having credentials doesnt mean squat. The only thing that REALLY matters is if the scientific world agrees with you, and it does with me.

For every medal winning military officer eots finds that agrees with him, theres a thousand others even more qualified that disagree with him. I love how much emphasis he puts on the credentials of those clowns. How many posts has he made listing those idiots? Dr. Theodore Kaczynski has impeccable college credentials, yet he was fucking insane too. Credentials mean jack shit eots. The only thing that matters is if the educated world agrees with you, which of course in eots case, they do not.

Beijing Hotel Tower Is Destroyed by Fire - WSJ.com

Hmm ...... yet another 44 story building engulfed in flames ..... but ... mysteriously it does not collapse.
Now how in the world could that possibly be?????? Why is it that all these other buildings didn`t collapse into their own footprint from "heat weakened steel" ????
Maybe it`s because all these other bldgs were NOT owned by Larry Silverstein and were NOT the subject of an Israeli false flag attack !!!!
Now there`s some science for ya.
different construction

also the building was unoccupied

moron liar..deniar lol
Beijing Hotel Tower Is Destroyed by Fire - WSJ.com

Hmm ...... yet another 44 story building engulfed in flames ..... but ... mysteriously it does not collapse.
Now how in the world could that possibly be?????? Why is it that all these other buildings didn`t collapse into their own footprint from "heat weakened steel" ????
Maybe it`s because all these other bldgs were NOT owned by Larry Silverstein and were NOT the subject of an Israeli false flag attack !!!!
Now there`s some science for ya.

yeah its hilarious how they say the fire weakened the towers steel and that caused them to collapse yet like you just posted,that building in China burned for several HOURS yesterday and the day before and yet that building never collapsed.:lol::lol:its hilarious the way they grasp at straws to avoid doing the mature thing by admitting they have been proven wrong.:lol:
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yeah its hilarious how they say the fire weakened the towers steel and that caused them to collapse yet like you just posted,that building in China burned for several HOURS yesterday and the day before and yet that building never collapsed.:lol::lol:its hilarious the way they grasp at straws to avoid doing the mature thing by admitting they have been proven wrong.:lol:

That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.
I pray that in my lifetime that for every treasonous bastard that sold out his country and murdered his own people, followed by the participation in the cover up, and lying about the air at ground zero, which enabled the deaths of some of our finest patriots and citizens, and who participated in the fomenting of the insane government conspiracy lie, that is hung, shot or jailed, I will propose we do the same to the willfully ignorant traitors, enablers, and accomplices of these criminals, both in the public, and the media.
You will either be with us, or with the corrupt government traitors, that have destroyed this country and what it stood for. If or when it comes to that, I'll be locked, loaded and waiting, you fuckballs.
Increasing Number of States Declaring Sovereignty

The Betrayal » New Hampshire talks Civil War against feds!

Declaration of Intent to Restore the Republic of the united States of America
That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.
why dont you read my previous posts here before this one before quoting me on THIS one so I dont have to repeat myself again?sheesh.also if you bothered to watch EOTS video he just posted, you would see how stupid the 9/11 apologists look in defending the official version.

Dude I wasnt saying that just because THAT building didnt collapse due to fire that it means the twin towers didn't collapse.I was only using that as an example.

You want to look at false logic, you need to look at the false logic you 9/11 apologists have that the towers fell due to the fires despite the fact that no steel framed building in the history of mankind has ever collapsed due to fires before 9/11.:rolleyes:

As I just said,the designers who actually built the towers built the towers anticipating the jet airliner slamming into it and anticipating the fires.as I said,John Skilling the lead designer and engineer of the towers "who died in 98." said back in 93 after the first world trade center bombing when asked what would happen if a jet airliner slammed into the towers and a fire started,said-We anticipated that.There would be a great loss of life but the structure itself would remain standing.

Plus Like i said before,the on site construction manager Frank Demartini in jan 2001 before 9/11, in a show on the history channel MODERN MARVELS said-They were overdesigned to take a hit from a jet airliner.That they could take MULTIPLE hits from airliners and would STILL remain standing.I have shown that video before where Demartini says that to people like Big D and Divecon but those two frady cats always ignored it.:rolleyes:
I pray that in my lifetime that for every treasonous bastard that sold out his country and murdered his own people, followed by the participation in the cover up, and lying about the air at ground zero, which enabled the deaths of some of our finest patriots and citizens, and who participated in the fomenting of the insane government conspiracy lie, that is hung, shot or jailed, I will propose we do the same to the willfully ignorant traitors, enablers, and accomplices of these criminals, both in the public, and the media.
You will either be with us, or with the corrupt government traitors, that have destroyed this country and what it stood for. If or when it comes to that, I'll be locked, loaded and waiting, you fuckballs.
Increasing Number of States Declaring Sovereignty

The Betrayal » New Hampshire talks Civil War against feds!

Declaration of Intent to Restore the Republic of the united States of America

yeah the people who defend the official version cause their in so much denial about this do a disservice to the over 3000 people in those towers who lost their lives.
This is something I have been wanting to post for a long time that was an article in ROCK CREEK FREE PRESS but was thinking I had to pick the right day to do it cause i did not think the article was out there on the internet and it would take an hour or so to post.But thankfully I discovered it IS on the internet so i wont have to print it out and make multiple posts of it. thank god.Its an article written by Kevin Ryan.Eots showed a video of him talking not too long ago so now is a great time to refer people to a link where he talked about the so called "EXPERTS" from popular mechanics who are sellouts to the american people.If you go to google and google in-Kevin Ryans article on WTC collapse and go to the eigth article,the third one from the bottom that says 9/11: LOOKING FOR TRUTH IN CREDENTIALS:THE PECULIAR WTC "EXPERTS" as you can see from that article, Kevin Ryan goes on to say-
yeah its hilarious how they say the fire weakened the towers steel and that caused them to collapse yet like you just posted,that building in China burned for several HOURS yesterday and the day before and yet that building never collapsed.:lol::lol:its hilarious the way they grasp at straws to avoid doing the mature thing by admitting they have been proven wrong.:lol:

That is false logic. Simply because one building does not collapse does not mean another will not.

Can you show another building, in the history of sky scrapers, that has fallen into itself like WT7 did, due to anything other than a controlled demolition?

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