False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

you have to realize that Bejing building was built AFTER 9/11
you dont think they took what happened on 9/11 into consideration in the design and construction?

you guys are fucking morons if you dont think they did
Yes your right. 2 things they probably did take into consideration. They made sure there were no cutter charges placed in the building, and Larry Silverstein didn't own and insure them. :lol: What a pathetic apologist you are. Don't you know that they wouldn't have to do anything different in its construction, as this is only a strange phenomena that only happens to buildings in the USA. :lol:


NIST’s explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.

Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building”.

But then goes on to argue:

“The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event”

In fact, the fires in WTC 7 were orders of magnitude less than other high-rise fires, which did not produce collapses.
NIST: “Then a Miracle Occurs”

If they told you that it was just discovered that there was an error in calculations the past few centuries, and told you that the Earth was actually flat, ( to justify another lie of course) you would be one of the first morons to dig into that bowl of bullshit with the biggest spoon. I can't believe we walk amongst idiots like yourself out there everyday. ROFLMAO :lol:

I bet none of those Chinamen standing by watching it burn, were even told to "run because if there is another explosion, the building will come down"
You are quick to pull an assumption out of your ass when it suits you, that they built this building differently because of what happened on 9-11, but despite all the glaring discrepancies and out right contradictions concerning the laws of science and physics, in the official conspiracy theory, you will not assume that the governments story is a flat out lie.
"And the fact that bush’s brother was running the company that was charged with security for the WT complex as well as Dulles airport and United airlines is just fate… or the fact that the bull-shit piece that Pop Mechs published had Michael Chertoff’s cousin in charge of research and info… or the BBc broadcasting the fall of WTC-7 32 mins before it falls, along with CNN…lets ask the six of nineteen suspects who have been proven to be …well not-dead, why none of their names are on any passenger list. Do you not have the comprehension skills to do the research? Willful ignorance is a glittering example of a lack of guts and integrity."
CEO citizens eyes open Reply:
February 11th, 2009 at 5:09 am
I couldn't have said it any better. :clap2:
I actually posted part of that article somewhere in this long ass thread, but of course these guys don't want to read or hear anything that will tarnish the reputation of their mass murderer family member Uncle Sam. :lol:

when you posted it,was Big D there to comment on it? If so,what did HE have to say about it? if not,I sure hope one of his 9/11 apologist buddies pm's him and asks him to come over here and comment on it cause it was posted mainly for him since he worships Gene Corley and Thomas Edgar as the gods of truth on 9/11.:lol::lol: falls out of chair laughing. Edgar another one of BIG D's heroes he worships as the god of truth on 9/11, is obviously corrupt,the fact that he even particiapated in a NOVA series on PBS called HOW THE TOWERS FELL should ring fire alarms to BIG D cause PBS and NOVA have propagated that other fairy tale commission -the warren commissions lies of the kennedy assassination on their programs MANY times over the years.

One of their programs that PBS promoted once that oswald was the lone assassin,showed a photo of oswald in the marine corps by some soldiers of his in his unit.what they FAILED to mention about that photo was that David Ferry a known CIA asset,was right there in that photo next to oswald and that ferrie was oswalds commander in his unit and a known CIA asset for FBI man Guy Bannister.:lol: so much for the credibility of PBS and their WHY THE TOWERS FELL special.LOL

Hey Mr Jones,you didn't answer my question I asked you here.
you have to realize that Bejing building was built AFTER 9/11
you dont think they took what happened on 9/11 into consideration in the design and construction?

you guys are fucking morons if you dont think they did
Yes your right. 2 things they probably did take into consideration. They made sure there were no cutter charges placed in the building, and Larry Silverstein didn't own and insure them. :lol: What a pathetic apologist you are. Don't you know that they wouldn't have to do anything different in its construction, as this is only a strange phenomena that only happens to buildings in the USA. :lol:


NIST’s explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.

Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building”.

But then goes on to argue:

“The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event”

In fact, the fires in WTC 7 were orders of magnitude less than other high-rise fires, which did not produce collapses.
NIST: “Then a Miracle Occurs”

If they told you that it was just discovered that there was an error in calculations the past few centuries, and told you that the Earth was actually flat, ( to justify another lie of course) you would be one of the first morons to dig into that bowl of bullshit with the biggest spoon. I can't believe we walk amongst idiots like yourself out there everyday. ROFLMAO :lol:

I bet none of those Chinamen standing by watching it burn, were even told to "run because if there is another explosion, the building will come down"
You are quick to pull an assumption out of your ass when it suits you, that they built this building differently because of what happened on 9-11, but despite all the glaring discrepancies and out right contradictions concerning the laws of science and physics, in the official conspiracy theory, you will not assume that the governments story is a flat out lie.
"And the fact that bush’s brother was running the company that was charged with security for the WT complex as well as Dulles airport and United airlines is just fate… or the fact that the bull-shit piece that Pop Mechs published had Michael Chertoff’s cousin in charge of research and info… or the BBc broadcasting the fall of WTC-7 32 mins before it falls, along with CNN…lets ask the six of nineteen suspects who have been proven to be …well not-dead, why none of their names are on any passenger list. Do you not have the comprehension skills to do the research? Willful ignorance is a glittering example of a lack of guts and integrity."
CEO citizens eyes open Reply:
February 11th, 2009 at 5:09 am
I couldn't have said it any better. :clap2:

LOL. great post.especially The first paragragh.that was priceless mr jones.LOL.I know.He is hysterical.He NEVER considers any of that stuff.Like you said so well,if the government officials all of a sudden told him that the they made an error in their calculations and the earth was actually flat,he would be the first idiot in line spoon fork and plate swallowing it immediately with no questions to them.:lol::lol:
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well you now at least have something you can show the CONSPIRACY WACKOS like Big D and GodBoy when they worship people such as gene corley and thomas edgar as the ultimate gods on the truth on 9/11.you can always refer that article to them now.;)

As I have said to you before, I do not “worship” them. I have placed more of my faith in other experts that you insulted and when I asked what was wrong why you think so little of them you ignore the question.

Your right about that.Its not only Kevin Ryan who has been fired for speaking out against the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission,but professors steven jones and Judy wood have also are some other ones I know of.God knows how many others have been fired as well that we DONT know about for not going along with the 9/11 coverup commission.Yeah like you said,if there was nothing to hide,then there should be no objections to them talking about it to students in class.

I have read that Kevin Ryan wasn’t fired for that and in fact he NEVER worked in the division that certified the WTC steel. Even according to the conspiracy websites, he worked in their water testing division. That is not impressive at all.

Here is a link for someone who worked at UL and agrees with the official story of 9/11: http://www.ul.com/regulators/WTC.pdf

As oppose to Kevin Ryan, this guy is an actual engineer. I think his opinion is more impressive.

I pointed this out to Big D once when I thought he was serious about learning the facts of 9/11 when I told him that after I saw the movie JFK and realised the school system had lied to me my whole life about who killed kennedy and why,that I tracked down my high school american history teacher and said to him-Mr Evans,why did you lie to me and my classmates about the kennedy assassination when I was your student.you told me and the rest of us,that oswald killed kennedy when it was really the CIA.He then said-Oh I never did believe that. I then said-what that the CIA killed kennedy or that oswald did it? He said-That oswald did it.I then said-well if you never believed it that oswald killed kennedy then why did you lie to us and say he did? guess how he replied? he said-cause just between you and me if I had told you all the truth back then and the school learned about it,I would have been fired.

Yes, you stated this AFTER insulting the experts I posted that had an opposing view. I got the impression that you just simply changed your story because it seemed you had no response to the amount of experts that I posted.

As I said before, I will admit that this is a good explanation why these people would go forward stating they believe it was an inside job. However, the engineering/demolition/psychic experts have come forward with papers stating that the planes were the cause of the collapse. NOBODY is forcing them to write papers on the fall of the towers.

I tried to explain this to Big D since he is about the only one who has ever engaged in a conversation with me about 9/11 without engaging in name calling that thats why these universitys in the country and around the world tell the lie cause thats what will happen to them.i tried to explain that to him and he came back with some stupid nonsense in response cause he is in denial of it of course.

It is interesting how you are critical of other of name calling but you have insulted me a few times in this post alone. I have no idea why you would taking into account that you admit I never did it to you.

The “nonsense” you speak of is what I just responded to. I elaborated on great detail why I believe this is not to be true in that other thread and you never responded to it.

after I saw that he ignored facts and didnt bother watching any of the 9/11 videos I posted for him that proves bombs went off,then i stopped i stopped wasting my time with him.

You keep making this point yet never back it up. What did I ignore? I have said countless times that I have read everything you posted, you just didn’t convince me.

He is not an idiot like all these others are cause he can at least discuss it without getting into name calling,but he IS obviously a dis in fo agent.what was hilarious is he asked me how I knew he didnt watch the videos I referred to him to watch saying do you have a video watching me in my room? No its just its obvious he didnt watch the videos because the vidoes prove bombs went off.:lol::lol: He can be amusing to listen to when he grasps at straws to defend the 9/11 coverup commission.:lol::lol:

NOTHING you posted was proof. Give me actual proof that there were bombs and I will change my stance. It's interesting how you criticized me over and over again when you picked and choose which arguments of my to go up against and completely ignore many points of my own.
This was posted in another thread but i never got around to responding to it. I thought that it was best to tackle it here.

Ok fellas, I can appreciate the questions you all ask, and I readily admit, they are pretty good questions, ie: how the devices were planted, and the amount of people necessary to pull the event off. What I like about those questions is that it at least shows that you guys are thinking about this and in turn makes me think and look into it more. Debate is good and necessary, something experts on both sides need to do, in a public forum, hell if a debate were to be televised with both sides bringing their opinions and hypotheses I bet the ratings would shoot through the roof. But damn it you can't expect one side to have all the answers, the government hasn't even provided what we want or need to know. I think we should change course a bit and see what we DO agree with concerning 9-11. Like, do all agree that this was the first time in history that 3 buildings were totally demolished by fire? Can we agree that the gov has changed its story of the events? Can we agree that there are a shit load of very suspicious or coincidental things that occurred before and after the wtc came down. And can we agree that many documented televised interviews with survivors say that they heard explosions coming from the basements of these buildings?
I'm just throwing this suggestion out there because we seem to get sidetracked and bounce from one thing to another and it makes it hard to stay focused. I want you all to keep this in mind regarding 9-11 about me personally, I initially believed the official story was plausible, but I kept viewing the videos of the destruction, and it It looks like there is a tremendous amount of energy exploding out ward, and the thing that most makes me skeptical of the govs version is the FACT that the towers came down at free fall speed with the bottom solid structure providing nearly NO resistance!! So what if anything CAN we agree on about all this and let's go from there? Your thoughts?? :cool:

First of all I will admit that everyone whom I have debated has brought up a number of good points, just not enough for me to change my standpoint. However, I believe that the difference between the conspiracy theorists believers and the skeptics are the way we seem to look at an issue. Take the demolition theory of the WTC buildings for example. I seem to get the impression that the conspiracy theorists (I don't mean to point out Eots, 9/11 inside job, or yourself in particular) believe that the buildings were brought down through a controlled demolition because people thought they heard explosions and other reasons. Meanwhile, the skeptics look at the issue from a different stand point. Instead of looking at it like, "the towers fell because people heard explosions." Meanwhile, we seem to look at it like, "IF the towers were blown up then workers had to place explosives and wires and nobody has came forward to show evidence of this nor that it was in the debris." In my own opinion, ALL areas of this issue have to be proven BEFORE we make the claim that explosives brought down the towers or the argument isn't going to hold much weight.
you have to realize that Bejing building was built AFTER 9/11
you dont think they took what happened on 9/11 into consideration in the design and construction?

you guys are fucking morons if you dont think they did
Yes your right. 2 things they probably did take into consideration. They made sure there were no cutter charges placed in the building, and Larry Silverstein didn't own and insure them. :lol: What a pathetic apologist you are. Don't you know that they wouldn't have to do anything different in its construction, as this is only a strange phenomena that only happens to buildings in the USA. :lol:


NIST’s explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.

Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building”.

But then goes on to argue:

“The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event”

In fact, the fires in WTC 7 were orders of magnitude less than other high-rise fires, which did not produce collapses.
NIST: “Then a Miracle Occurs”

If they told you that it was just discovered that there was an error in calculations the past few centuries, and told you that the Earth was actually flat, ( to justify another lie of course) you would be one of the first morons to dig into that bowl of bullshit with the biggest spoon. I can't believe we walk amongst idiots like yourself out there everyday. ROFLMAO :lol:

I bet none of those Chinamen standing by watching it burn, were even told to "run because if there is another explosion, the building will come down"
You are quick to pull an assumption out of your ass when it suits you, that they built this building differently because of what happened on 9-11, but despite all the glaring discrepancies and out right contradictions concerning the laws of science and physics, in the official conspiracy theory, you will not assume that the governments story is a flat out lie.
"And the fact that bush’s brother was running the company that was charged with security for the WT complex as well as Dulles airport and United airlines is just fate… or the fact that the bull-shit piece that Pop Mechs published had Michael Chertoff’s cousin in charge of research and info… or the BBc broadcasting the fall of WTC-7 32 mins before it falls, along with CNN…lets ask the six of nineteen suspects who have been proven to be …well not-dead, why none of their names are on any passenger list. Do you not have the comprehension skills to do the research? Willful ignorance is a glittering example of a lack of guts and integrity."
CEO citizens eyes open Reply:
February 11th, 2009 at 5:09 am
I couldn't have said it any better. :clap2:
only there is ZERO evidence of such charges in WTC7
and none anywhere on the WTC site
you have to realize that Bejing building was built AFTER 9/11
you dont think they took what happened on 9/11 into consideration in the design and construction?

you guys are fucking morons if you dont think they did
Yes your right. 2 things they probably did take into consideration. They made sure there were no cutter charges placed in the building, and Larry Silverstein didn't own and insure them. :lol: What a pathetic apologist you are. Don't you know that they wouldn't have to do anything different in its construction, as this is only a strange phenomena that only happens to buildings in the USA. :lol:


NIST’s explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.

Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building”.

But then goes on to argue:

“The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event”

In fact, the fires in WTC 7 were orders of magnitude less than other high-rise fires, which did not produce collapses.
NIST: “Then a Miracle Occurs”

If they told you that it was just discovered that there was an error in calculations the past few centuries, and told you that the Earth was actually flat, ( to justify another lie of course) you would be one of the first morons to dig into that bowl of bullshit with the biggest spoon. I can't believe we walk amongst idiots like yourself out there everyday. ROFLMAO :lol:

I bet none of those Chinamen standing by watching it burn, were even told to "run because if there is another explosion, the building will come down"
You are quick to pull an assumption out of your ass when it suits you, that they built this building differently because of what happened on 9-11, but despite all the glaring discrepancies and out right contradictions concerning the laws of science and physics, in the official conspiracy theory, you will not assume that the governments story is a flat out lie.
"And the fact that bush’s brother was running the company that was charged with security for the WT complex as well as Dulles airport and United airlines is just fate… or the fact that the bull-shit piece that Pop Mechs published had Michael Chertoff’s cousin in charge of research and info… or the BBc broadcasting the fall of WTC-7 32 mins before it falls, along with CNN…lets ask the six of nineteen suspects who have been proven to be …well not-dead, why none of their names are on any passenger list. Do you not have the comprehension skills to do the research? Willful ignorance is a glittering example of a lack of guts and integrity."
CEO citizens eyes open Reply:
February 11th, 2009 at 5:09 am
I couldn't have said it any better. :clap2:
only there is ZERO evidence of such charges in WTC7
and none anywhere on the WTC site

do you have proof of this claim ?
Yes your right. 2 things they probably did take into consideration. They made sure there were no cutter charges placed in the building, and Larry Silverstein didn't own and insure them. :lol: What a pathetic apologist you are. Don't you know that they wouldn't have to do anything different in its construction, as this is only a strange phenomena that only happens to buildings in the USA. :lol:


NIST’s explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11th follows the logic in the cartoon above.

Specifically, NIST claims that the collapse of building 7 is “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building”.

But then goes on to argue:

“The fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event”

In fact, the fires in WTC 7 were orders of magnitude less than other high-rise fires, which did not produce collapses.
NIST: “Then a Miracle Occurs”

If they told you that it was just discovered that there was an error in calculations the past few centuries, and told you that the Earth was actually flat, ( to justify another lie of course) you would be one of the first morons to dig into that bowl of bullshit with the biggest spoon. I can't believe we walk amongst idiots like yourself out there everyday. ROFLMAO :lol:

I bet none of those Chinamen standing by watching it burn, were even told to "run because if there is another explosion, the building will come down"
You are quick to pull an assumption out of your ass when it suits you, that they built this building differently because of what happened on 9-11, but despite all the glaring discrepancies and out right contradictions concerning the laws of science and physics, in the official conspiracy theory, you will not assume that the governments story is a flat out lie.
"And the fact that bush’s brother was running the company that was charged with security for the WT complex as well as Dulles airport and United airlines is just fate… or the fact that the bull-shit piece that Pop Mechs published had Michael Chertoff’s cousin in charge of research and info… or the BBc broadcasting the fall of WTC-7 32 mins before it falls, along with CNN…lets ask the six of nineteen suspects who have been proven to be …well not-dead, why none of their names are on any passenger list. Do you not have the comprehension skills to do the research? Willful ignorance is a glittering example of a lack of guts and integrity."
CEO citizens eyes open Reply:
February 11th, 2009 at 5:09 am
I couldn't have said it any better. :clap2:
only there is ZERO evidence of such charges in WTC7
and none anywhere on the WTC site

do you have proof of this claim ?
you have it backwards again
its up to you to provide proof there was
As I have said to you before, I do not “worship” them. I have placed more of my faith in other experts that you insulted and when I asked what was wrong why you think so little of them you ignore the question.

I have read that Kevin Ryan wasn’t fired for that and in fact he NEVER worked in the division that certified the WTC steel. Even according to the conspiracy websites, he worked in their water testing division. That is not impressive at all.

Here is a link for someone who worked at UL and agrees with the official story of 9/11: http://www.ul.com/regulators/WTC.pdf

As oppose to Kevin Ryan, this guy is an actual engineer. I think his opinion is more impressive.

Yes, you stated this AFTER insulting the experts I posted that had an opposing view. I got the impression that you just simply changed your story because it seemed you had no response to the amount of experts that I posted.

As I said before, I will admit that this is a good explanation why these people would go forward stating they believe it was an inside job. However, the engineering/demolition/psychic experts have come forward with papers stating that the planes were the cause of the collapse. NOBODY is forcing them to write papers on the fall of the towers.

It is interesting how you are critical of other of name calling but you have insulted me a few times in this post alone. I have no idea why you would taking into account that you admit I never did it to you.

The “nonsense” you speak of is what I just responded to. I elaborated on great detail why I believe this is not to be true in that other thread and you never responded to it.

after I saw that he ignored facts and didnt bother watching any of the 9/11 videos I posted for him that proves bombs went off,then i stopped i stopped wasting my time with him.

You keep making this point yet never back it up. What did I ignore? I have said countless times that I have read everything you posted, you just didn’t convince me.

NOTHING you posted was proof. Give me actual proof that there were bombs and I will change my stance. It's interesting how you criticized me over and over again when you picked and choose which arguments of my to go up against and completely ignore many points of my own.

I swore i would not read another one of your posts but I cant resist this one time.THIS will be the last time.see you lie as usual.I told you many times what was wrong with them and you ignored it.I told you what was wrong with gene corley and i saw you STILL going on later with others about how he is the gospel truth to how the towers came down with people on this thread.LOL.

again you swallowed the disinformation and lies they spoonfed you like you always do NOW about Ryan.many others around the country have been fired for the same reason.

of course that guy is going to state that cause he doesnt want to get fired like Ryan.duh.

I said this earlier. google this in KEVIN RYANS LETTER and look at that third link at the bottom there about how he talked about how people who defend the 9/11 commission report have a lot to lose if they dont,thats WHY they cant be trusted.

of course those engineering and demolition experts are coming forth stating that the planes were the cause of the collapse,they want to keep getting paid and dont want to lose future work.Thats just naive on your part believing they are not being forced.

yeah I have insulted you here because like i said back then,you blatently ignored FACTS of posts of mine and EOTS back there that proved that the towers were brought down by explosives just like the rest of the 9/11 apologists here have on this thread cause just like them,you dont want to see the truth.That is annoying as hell.Throughout that thread I never did insult you until now on this thread and that was because like i said back then,you blantantly ignored FACTS that prove the explosives brought the towers down.

ANOTHER one of your lies as well.I responded to everything you said back there until the very end of that thread when I got to the part where I said I wasnt going to read your ramblings anymore cause you ignored the proof I posted with those canada wants the truth link I showed you where those videos prove explosives brought the towers down.You obviously did not watch those cause only an idiot would watch those and say explosives were not used.

yes I DID back it up that explosives went off because I showed them to you and asked you to watch them and you obviously never watched them because anybody with a brain can see from those videos, that explosives brought down the towers. I did NOT choose which arguments to go up against.As i said back there,I brought up many points that YOU chose to ignore.THATS how I know you lie when you say you read everything I posted caused you ignored them.Like i said back then,you just repeated the same questions over and over again to me and Eots that we already addressed and answered for you which is why after this,I for SURE wont bother with you again since you can never remember half the answers posted to you when given to you and have to ask them again.Maybe EOTS wants to waste his time with you but not me.Im done with you ignoring FACTS that prove explosives went off.just because you dont want to see the truth doesnt mean I didnt prove it to you.:rolleyes:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9qEIlNVl5s&feature=related]YouTube - 911 Molten Metal - Who is lying? FDNY eyewitnesses or NIST?[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-99CLdHWCc&feature=related]YouTube - Ground Zero ironworkers on 9/11 anomalies[/ame]
This folks is why you are wasting your time bothering with Big D.At first i thought he was interested in learning the truth cause he was asking questions all the time but then when he started ignoring facts like the ones myself and you guys posted in the last three pages that prove explosives brought the towers down, like all the other 9/11 apologists do he ignored the facts,After that I realised he is just a dis info agent.
The others here are just plain ignorant.Him? He isnt ignorant.He knows explosives brought the towers down but he wont admit it cause he is a dis info agent.Now all the other 9/11 apologists that have posted here are just plain ignorant,I would expect THEM to stay in denial about it still after watching these videos after reading their posts.Big D though is smarter than them so I figured HE would be mature enough to admit the obvious that explosives brought the towers down after watching these videos.Obviously I was wrong.

Here of course is the link I supplied him not once,not twice,but THRICE a few weeks ago that has a bunch of videos you can watch where the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought the towers down,that only a complete idiot moron after watching these videos would say-"that proves nothing." of course Big D STILL cant admit it that I have proved that.THIS is why I wont bother with him anymore.the evidence in these videos as Eots has seen before,shows FACTS that prove explosives brought the towers down.here it is as you see.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

especially watch 9/11 mysteries and 9/11 in plane site.the link there to THOSE two videos doesnt work but you can google that in at youtube and watch them folks.
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so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.

You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.
so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.

You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

If they had been controlled demolitions, the debris would have made a mound-shape. They wouldn't have gone God knows how many blocks down the street. And if the government was behind the attack, why not implicate Iraqis?
As I have said to you before, I do not “worship” them. I have placed more of my faith in other experts that you insulted and when I asked what was wrong why you think so little of them you ignore the question.

I have read that Kevin Ryan wasn’t fired for that and in fact he NEVER worked in the division that certified the WTC steel. Even according to the conspiracy websites, he worked in their water testing division. That is not impressive at all.

Here is a link for someone who worked at UL and agrees with the official story of 9/11: http://www.ul.com/regulators/WTC.pdf

As oppose to Kevin Ryan, this guy is an actual engineer. I think his opinion is more impressive.

Yes, you stated this AFTER insulting the experts I posted that had an opposing view. I got the impression that you just simply changed your story because it seemed you had no response to the amount of experts that I posted.

As I said before, I will admit that this is a good explanation why these people would go forward stating they believe it was an inside job. However, the engineering/demolition/psychic experts have come forward with papers stating that the planes were the cause of the collapse. NOBODY is forcing them to write papers on the fall of the towers.

It is interesting how you are critical of other of name calling but you have insulted me a few times in this post alone. I have no idea why you would taking into account that you admit I never did it to you.

The “nonsense” you speak of is what I just responded to. I elaborated on great detail why I believe this is not to be true in that other thread and you never responded to it.

I swore i would not read another one of your posts but I cant resist this one time.THIS will be the last time.see you lie as usual.I told you many times what was wrong with them and you ignored it.I told you what was wrong with gene corley and i saw you STILL going on later with others about how he is the gospel truth to how the towers came down with people on this thread.LOL.

again you swallowed the disinformation and lies they spoonfed you like you always do NOW about Ryan.many others around the country have been fired for the same reason.

of course that guy is going to state that cause he doesnt want to get fired like Ryan.duh.

I said this earlier. google this in KEVIN RYANS LETTER and look at that third link at the bottom there about how he talked about how people who defend the 9/11 commission report have a lot to lose if they dont,thats WHY they cant be trusted.

of course those engineering and demolition experts are coming forth stating that the planes were the cause of the collapse,they want to keep getting paid and dont want to lose future work.Thats just naive on your part believing they are not being forced.

yeah I have insulted you here because like i said back then,you blatently ignored FACTS of posts of mine and EOTS back there that proved that the towers were brought down by explosives just like the rest of the 9/11 apologists here have on this thread cause just like them,you dont want to see the truth.That is annoying as hell.Throughout that thread I never did insult you until now on this thread and that was because like i said back then,you blantantly ignored FACTS that prove the explosives brought the towers down.

ANOTHER one of your lies as well.I responded to everything you said back there until the very end of that thread when I got to the part where I said I wasnt going to read your ramblings anymore cause you ignored the proof I posted with those canada wants the truth link I showed you where those videos prove explosives brought the towers down.You obviously did not watch those cause only an idiot would watch those and say explosives were not used.

yes I DID back it up that explosives went off because I showed them to you and asked you to watch them and you obviously never watched them because anybody with a brain can see from those videos, that explosives brought down the towers. I did NOT choose which arguments to go up against.As i said back there,I brought up many points that YOU chose to ignore.THATS how I know you lie when you say you read everything I posted caused you ignored them.Like i said back then,you just repeated the same questions over and over again to me and Eots that we already addressed and answered for you which is why after this,I for SURE wont bother with you again since you can never remember half the answers posted to you when given to you and have to ask them again.Maybe EOTS wants to waste his time with you but not me.Im done with you ignoring FACTS that prove explosives went off.just because you dont want to see the truth doesnt mean I didnt prove it to you.:rolleyes:

Here is the problem with arguing with you: First, you will completely dismiss an article that disagrees with you. For example, I state the individual from UL that wrote the paper that disagrees with Kevin Ryan. Your response is that I am gullible. You do not refute his article, just make insults. You did the same thing in another thread. You touted David Ray Griffins book and I reply with an article that refuted his points. Instead of combating the argument, you just simply supply more insults. Then you have the audacity to say that you never insulted me until this thread. I can post you the link where you have done it before if you like.

Like I have said COUNTLESS times I have shown you MANY more experts that have written papers that disagree with you. Meanwhile you keep saying I put my faith in Corley and Edgar.

Secondly, you continually make the claim that the experts that I have used are saying what they do because they are afraid of getting fired. I have responded to this numerous times and you never touch my response. I remember in the last thread I posted a poll that showed a good amount of people from India believe 9/11 was an inside job therefore showing that someone from that nation could get away with stating it was an inside job. Then, I posted an article written by an engineering professor from Edinburgh (one of the top engineering schools in the world) that is from that nation and this showed he believed the towers were brought down by the planes. Your response is that our government paid him to write that article. I then respond by stating that his report was far off the NIST report and it would be silly for our govt to pay him to fabricate an article that is so far off from the govt's belief. I also asked if you could back up your statement and I am still waiting for a reply. Plus, if you want to talk about be acting because of financial reasons, just look at the 9/11 hoax believers. Most of these people have cashed in on selling books for their cause. If there is someone to believe that they are lying then it would be them.

Next, you keep making the claim that I am ignoring your posts meanwhile I have read everything you said. You stated a few posts ago that I ignored the facts you posted that proved the WTC was brought down by demolition. You didn't post facts you posted speculation. Even in your best argument you leave out MANY topics how the WTC was brought down by explosives. As I have said, there would be miles and miles of cord found at the WTC debris and of course it has been seven years later and nobody has evidence that this was there. You never refuted this but I am suppose to agree with you.

This quote takes the cake:
ANOTHER one of your lies as well.I responded to everything you said back there until the very end of that thread

I have said a number of items in this post alone where I am still waiting for a reply from you. I can also remember a time in another thread where you said that according to the London Times mayor rudy Guliani was the first person to make a call to the services that WTC was hit. I then went on their site and searched for this but it wasn't in their archives. Then, I posted this and you said that the article has been modified. DiveCon posted a link for newspaper archives where you should be able to find it. Again, we are still waiting for your response. Where is it?
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so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.

You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

Exactly! It took a demolition company about a month to wire up one building far smaller than one of the WTC buildings. Plus, this was obviously empty and the company never had to worry about hiding the wires or any of the demolition equipment. To wire up the WTC buildings, a team might even had to take years while hiding all equipment. Meanwhile, nobody has came forward with evidence of this. Wouldn't anyone think that someone would find something? As I said there would be miles upon miles of cords at the debris and since cameras were rolling 24/7 it is impossible to have this not be shown.
so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.

You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

Exactly! It took a demolition company about a month to wire up one building far smaller than one of the WTC buildings. Plus, this was obviously empty and the company never had to worry about hiding the wires or any of the demolition equipment. To wire up the WTC buildings, a team might even had to take years while hiding all equipment. Meanwhile, nobody has came forward with evidence of this. Wouldn't anyone think that someone would find something? As I said there would be miles upon miles of cords at the debris and since cameras were rolling 24/7 it is impossible to have this not be shown.
well, of course, they had to use the WiFi explosives

so THATS your pitiful comeback? THATS the best you can do?:lol: I already proved in the last three pages with the help of Eots, sylverfoxx and mr jones explosives brought the towers down.If your not going to read my posts that I made then Im not going to repeat myself for you just cause you choose to do that.

You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

Exactly! It took a demolition company about a month to wire up one building far smaller than one of the WTC buildings. Plus, this was obviously empty and the company never had to worry about hiding the wires or any of the demolition equipment. To wire up the WTC buildings, a team might even had to take years while hiding all equipment. Meanwhile, nobody has came forward with evidence of this. Wouldn't anyone think that someone would find something? As I said there would be miles upon miles of cords at the debris and since cameras were rolling 24/7 it is impossible to have this not be shown.

there would of been wires of all kinds in such a building this is a ridiculous statement
miles of all kinds of wires..unless specifically looking for such evidence ..it would not be noticed...the rest is all assumptions..we know the official story can not be true...so what caused those 3 buildings to fall that day is the only real question
You have proven no such thing.

Demolition of a large building is an enormously complex task which can take months or even years to plan and execute. Yet, we are to believe that over a weekend, when the buildings were "powered down," people whom no one witnessed entered the building and supposedly planted charges in both buildings, a task which can take weeks or even months to implement in a 20 or 30 story building. Not only that, these demolition experts not only were able to do what usually takes weeks if not months to wire not one but two of the largest free standing structures in the world, they did so incorrectly since the alleged charges were set halfway up the buildings, not at the lower levels were demolition experts wire structures to be destroyed.

Exactly! It took a demolition company about a month to wire up one building far smaller than one of the WTC buildings. Plus, this was obviously empty and the company never had to worry about hiding the wires or any of the demolition equipment. To wire up the WTC buildings, a team might even had to take years while hiding all equipment. Meanwhile, nobody has came forward with evidence of this. Wouldn't anyone think that someone would find something? As I said there would be miles upon miles of cords at the debris and since cameras were rolling 24/7 it is impossible to have this not be shown.

there would of been wires of all kinds in such a building this is a ridiculous statement
miles of all kinds of wires..unless specifically looking for such evidence ..it would not be noticed...the rest is all assumptions..we know the official story can not be true...so what caused those 3 buildings to fall that day is the only real question

Like I said there video recording of the debris would have shown this. It would be all over the internet by now.

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