False Flag Expert Debunks 911 Arab Myth

I've seen those graphs on the conspiracist sites. They purport to show that spikes did occur. However, the spike was measured on a graph over days, which makes it look like there was a spike. The confusion is in the time frame because if you look at the graph in seconds, not days, you can see there was a wave 15-20 seconds after the WTC collapsed, which is consistent with a falling structure. On the graph where the time frame is in seconds, there is no spike.

the seismograph thing is really not all that important, just wanted to bring that up since it was a point I said I would address before I stopped addressing anything more back there.As I said before,if your interested in the truth, all you really need to do it look at those 47 videos from the canada wants the truth site I posted a couple pages back.
Anybody with a brain in their head after looking at those videos, can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought those towers down.

You have these steel girders that weigh tons, ejecting and flying hundreds of feet through the air you can see photos of doing this,which were found blocks away slammed into other buildings,body parts found on roofs of buildings over the last several years,people reporting seeing coworkers incinerate right before their eyes behind them as they were running.these people have nothing to gain by lying.all of that IMPOSSIBLE as anyone with a brain knows,to have happened from a mere collapse of a building.Not to mention they were lied to by that bastard Gulianai about the air being safe to breath with almost all the firemen and policemen having died from respiratory problems they have experienced since then.

after you get totally PWN3D you say it wasnt that important
OMG you nutters are a laugh
2005 07 25

By Steve Davis | Rense.com

The seismographic analysis of WTC 911 is still undergoing research. From the initial reports that these seismographs were recording the buildings as they were hit by the planes and as they hit the ground, to more recent intense scrutiny of events, videos, eyewitnesses by experts and other researchers, a more complex sequence of events and causes for these collapses is developing.

Steve Davis on Jeff Rense - WTC Seismic Analysis Towers Were Blown
4.they could simply flee to another nation and speak the truth.well all the lions share of research in other countries is funded by the us government.people from other countries come over here all the time because the jobs are higher paying here.
5.some of these people arent even being paid for their work,if they were,they could just write a book about it.Well they dont want to jeopordize future work from the government.they dont want to be labeled a future crackpot.you got to go with the prominent opinion if your trying to win future work and get lucritive contracts.
you mentioned-then it should be in one of the many archives.take your pick.Wouldnt someone by now have scanned the article and posted it on the internet?

I also tried searching the article for october 4th london times for Rudy Guliani and again came up short.LOl.Of course you came up short.I knew you would cause the article and the website has since been deleted from the files.Lol.thats how they operate.you also then asked-my question to you is how do you know this to be correct? do you get the london times? if so,then please scan and post it so we can see what you are talking about.No.I dont get the london times.I just do to 9/11 truth meetings and learn this.your not going to find EVERYTHING on the internet you know?LOL.Proof of that is you said you could find nowhere, anywhere that Ray Mcgovern a former CIA analysist has said that he believes 9/11 was an inside job.Well if you bothered to go to 9/11 truth meetings around the country,you would know he DOES believe it cause he told a crowd at a 9/11 convention meeting he did that I attended.so again your not going to find EVERYTHING on the internet.LOL.you got to outside the computer sometimes to find things.

And FINALLY you mentioned back there-so all these people are in on it? yes.I assume you include those at purdue university as well,the media "ALL OF THEM." yes.all MAINSTREAM MEDIA.it only the alternative newspapers such as MEDIA BYPASS,AMERICAN FREE PRESS,ROCK CREEK FREE PRESS that report REAL news who arent in on it.the mainstream media as I have mentioned many times before,has CIA plants in them.I guarantee Bill O'Reily is one of them.you then said-of course everyone in government elected or not? the government of the UK also? yes to all your questions. anytime a good elected congress person like cythia mckinney speaks out,they lose their jobs which is exactly what happened to her.so I think that pretty much covers it all.

You bring up good points, but what you fail to see is that NOBODY is forcing them to write these papers on 9/11. Obviously the majority of the majority of the engineering community haven't comprised articles on the subject. Yet, nothing has happened to them. If these people believed that explosions destroyed the buildings then they simply could keep their mouth shuts and keep their jobs. Just like how you said your history teacher did after confronting him about the JFK conspiracy. You make it seem that the people who have written these papers are being forced to do so or else they will be fired. Next, if they did believe this, all these professors could simply stick together and all come forward and say it was an inside job together. The govt cannot get rid of everyone. In that thread you are talking about I showed a poll where a good number of the people in India believe in the conspiracy. Yet, as I also showed you, there was an engineering professor there that wrote a paper giving his opinion that it was not an inside job. He could have certainly got away with stating it was an inside job and not been reprimanded as a lot of the people in his country agree with him. I know you claim that he still might be getting funding from the US, but I never heard of an instance where our govt gave money to a foreign school. Also, even if they did, his paper was in very much opposition to the NIST report. They both agree that the towers were brought down by the planes, but they are in great disagreement elsewhere. I have a hard time believing our govt coaxed him into writing this paper since it was so far apart from our own.

I also don't know why it would be bad if they lose their jobs for speaking out against the govt. Many people have done it and now making a living off of it. You dont think that Alex Jones or David Ray Griffin is doing well for themselves? I am not saying that they make these claims only because they wish to make money, but the incentive is certainly there.

Also, you might be right about Ray McGovern believing that it was an inside job. I made the points beforehand that I was unable to find it and all what I could find is that he said the govt let it happen.

Next, your response about the Guiliani article doesn't make sense. If the govt is controlling the media then why would they have let that article out in the first place?

Lastly, your point about the massive people that you believe were in on the attacks. If all these people were in on it, then how come nobody has came forward saying that our govt had them wire the WTC buildings up for demolition? How come nobody has came forward saying that they helped the govt hit the pentagon with a missile?

I am not going to look up to ensure this is correct, but don't you all think that the WTC buildings were LOADED with security cameras and that this was viewed continually? If the govt did blow up the towers then these cameras would have shown people setting explosives and therefore it would have been on tape. Yet, there is no footage anywhere that this is true.

And what do ya say, lets bury the hatchet?
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4.they could simply flee to another nation and speak the truth.well all the lions share of research in other countries is funded by the us government.people from other countries come over here all the time because the jobs are higher paying here.
5.some of these people arent even being paid for their work,if they were,they could just write a book about it.Well they dont want to jeopordize future work from the government.they dont want to be labeled a future crackpot.you got to go with the prominent opinion if your trying to win future work and get lucritive contracts.
you mentioned-then it should be in one of the many archives.take your pick.Wouldnt someone by now have scanned the article and posted it on the internet?

I also tried searching the article for october 4th london times for Rudy Guliani and again came up short.LOl.Of course you came up short.I knew you would cause the article and the website has since been deleted from the files.Lol.thats how they operate.you also then asked-my question to you is how do you know this to be correct? do you get the london times? if so,then please scan and post it so we can see what you are talking about.No.I dont get the london times.I just do to 9/11 truth meetings and learn this.your not going to find EVERYTHING on the internet you know?LOL.Proof of that is you said you could find nowhere, anywhere that Ray Mcgovern a former CIA analysist has said that he believes 9/11 was an inside job.Well if you bothered to go to 9/11 truth meetings around the country,you would know he DOES believe it cause he told a crowd at a 9/11 convention meeting he did that I attended.so again your not going to find EVERYTHING on the internet.LOL.you got to outside the computer sometimes to find things.

And FINALLY you mentioned back there-so all these people are in on it? yes.I assume you include those at purdue university as well,the media "ALL OF THEM." yes.all MAINSTREAM MEDIA.it only the alternative newspapers such as MEDIA BYPASS,AMERICAN FREE PRESS,ROCK CREEK FREE PRESS that report REAL news who arent in on it.the mainstream media as I have mentioned many times before,has CIA plants in them.I guarantee Bill O'Reily is one of them.you then said-of course everyone in government elected or not? the government of the UK also? yes to all your questions. anytime a good elected congress person like cythia mckinney speaks out,they lose their jobs which is exactly what happened to her.so I think that pretty much covers it all.

You bring up good points, but what you fail to see is that NOBODY is forcing them to write these papers on 9/11. Obviously the majority of the majority of the engineering community haven't comprised articles on the subject. Yet, nothing has happened to them. If these people believed that explosions destroyed the buildings then they simply could keep their mouth shuts and keep their jobs. Just like how you said your history teacher did after confronting him about the JFK conspiracy. You make it seem that the people who have written these papers are being forced to do so or else they will be fired. Next, if they did believe this, all these professors could simply stick together and all come forward and say it was an inside job together. The govt cannot get rid of everyone.

I also don't know why it would be bad if they lose their jobs for speaking out against the govt. Many people have done it and now making a living off of it. You dont think that Alex Jones or David Ray Griffin is doing well for themselves?

Also, you might be right about Ray McGovern believing that it was an inside job. I made the points beforehand that I was unable to find it and all what I could find is that he said the govt let it happen.

Next, your response about the Guiliani article doesn't make sense. If the govt is controlling the media then why would they have let that article out in the first place?

Lastly, your point about the massive people that you believe were in on the attacks. If all these people were in on it, then how come nobody has came forward saying that our govt had them wire the WTC buildings up for demolition? How come nobody has came forward saying that they helped the govt hit the pentagon with a missile?

I am not going to look up to ensure this is correct, but don't you all think that the WTC buildings were LOADED with security cameras and that this was viewed continually? If the govt did blow up the towers then these cameras would have shown people setting explosives and therefore it would have been on tape. Yet, there is no footage anywhere that this is true.

And what do ya say, lets bury the hatchet?

what do you know about security at wtc ? or where and what cameras where monitored continually ? or what wittinesses have reported...fire does not cause 3 buildings to fall in one day...buildings don't collapse at free fall speed ....jet fuel and office furniture do not burn hot enough to melt steel...so all your story's and assumptions mean not
what do you know about security at wtc ? or where and what cameras where monitored continually ?

I don't what about the security of the WTC buildings and where they placed the cameras. However, I just find it odd that I am suppose to agree with your point of view when there are no videos of people planting demolition or wiring up the building. According to Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Press Release, which is about a demolition of a MUCH smaller building than any of the WTC, "Over 36,000 ft. of detonating cord and 4,512 non-electric delay devices were installed in CDI's implosion initiation system. As the implosion required the detonation of a total of 2,728 lb. of explosives." Yet, there is no record of this being present in the buildings.

or what wittinesses have reported...

There have been no reports that someone claimed to have been working with the govt on the attacks. If this was true, there would have been thousands of people that came forward.

fire does not cause 3 buildings to fall in one day..

Not according to the engineering experts that I have shown you in the past. They claimed if fell from the heat. Not the fires not the blow from the planes.

buildings don't collapse at free fall speed

They did not. It was close, but it was not free fall speed. Even a number of the conspiracy videos agree with this. Look at the graph on page six of this report: http://www.911myths.com/WTCREPORT.pdf

....jet fuel and office furniture do not burn hot enough to melt steel...

The steel didn't melt, it weakened.

so all your story's and assumptions mean not

Unless you can give me actual proof how our govt could have planted explosives throughout buildings that had almost 30 million visitors through it each year, your assumptions mean nothing.
buildings don't collapse at free fall speed

Oh yeah? What other speed could they fall at? Have you ever seen a building fall at any other speed than a free fall or near free fall? I havent.

jet fuel and office furniture do not burn hot enough to melt steel

Youre still stuck on this one eh? You realize that metal doesnt have to melt in order to become weak, right? You should stop worrying about what temperature steel melts at, and find out what temperature steel weakens and bends at, because that would happen LONG before the steel melted.
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buildings don't collapse at free fall speed

Oh yeah? What other speed could they fall at? Have you ever seen a building fall at any other speed than a free fall or near free fall? I havent.

jet fuel and office furniture do not burn hot enough to melt steel

Youre still stuck on this one eh? You realize that metal doesnt have to melt in order to become weak, right? You should stop worrying about what temperature steel melts at, and find out what temperature steel weakens and bends at, because that would happen LONG before the steel melted.
i guess he missed that bridge that collapsed when a fuel truck burned up under it
buildings don't collapse at free fall speed

Oh yeah? What other speed could they fall at? Have you ever seen a building fall at any other speed than a free fall or near free fall? I havent.

jet fuel and office furniture do not burn hot enough to melt steel

Youre still stuck on this one eh? You realize that metal doesnt have to melt in order to become weak, right? You should stop worrying about what temperature steel melts at, and find out what temperature steel weakens and bends at, because that would happen LONG before the steel melted.
i guess he missed that bridge that collapsed when a fuel truck burned up under it

That was a conspiracy. It never happened. Or at least not how you THINK it happened.
I mentioned this before a month ago on EOTS 9/11 thread he had going on back then but will do so again.That photo the government always propagates as the truth when they say that photo they said the CIA found a couple months later after 9/11 where it shows a guy with a beard that looks and acts nothing like the real Osama Bin Laden is obviously not Bin Laden,the overwhelming proof that that photo IS not Bin Laden is not only is the guys beard a lot darker than the real Bin Ladens is as photos show of the real Bin Laden,but that photo shows that guy writing right handed and its a known fact that Bin Laden is LEFT HANDED,plus the guy is seen with a ring on his hand wearing a gold watch and everybody who knows anything about muslims knows that it is against their religion to wear jewelery.did Bin laden all of a sudden decide to be a rebel?:rolleyes: I dont think so.also as I proved back there,Bin Laden was interviewed a couple weeks later in a newspaper overseas saying he DIDNT do it.a fact ignored by the mainstream media here in the states.
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Youre still stuck on this one eh? You realize that metal doesnt have to melt in order to become weak, right? You should stop worrying about what temperature steel melts at, and find out what temperature steel weakens and bends at, because that would happen LONG before the steel melted.
i guess he missed that bridge that collapsed when a fuel truck burned up under it[/QUOTE]

That was a conspiracy. It never happened. Or at least not how you THINK it happened.[/QUOTE]

Godboy you have obviously never have taken any science classes before because fires have to get to the point of at LEAST 2700 degrees Farenheit before they can even begin to weaken steel.Jet fuels only burn at 1800 degrees.:cuckoo: FACT not theory.I know because my friend is a certified steel worker who was in construction and built buildings for a living till he retired recently.so until you and that other 9/11 apologists Diamond Dave take those science classes,do yourselfs a favor and keep quiet cause you guys are just talking out of the sides of your asses now.and stop being afraid of the truth and watch those cananda wants the truth videos you know you cant debunk which is why you wont watch them.

Toro,you brought up a good point on this thread not too long ago I wanted to address even further than I did before.You mentioned that if explosives were used,then it would not have gone unnoticed by people in the buildings cause they would have to wire the buildings.good point but as i said before,Marvin Bush was the head of the security towers for the towers in the prior months before 9/11.so was Bush jr's cousin-Wirt Walker.Because of that,they were able to keep the coworkers from seeing what they were really doing.They brought in dumpsters all the time with the explosives hidden in them obviously.we know they brought dumpsters in the towers prior to 9/11 cause many workers saw them and saw construction workers coming in and out of the towers.

As I said before,they weren't real construction workers though.They were CIA operatives disguised as construction workers.again BUSH SR was the former director of that evil organization the CIA back in the 70's.His son was running the country and his brother was in charge of the security for the towers.Havent you ever been to a construction site before and seen where they have fences and signs that say-hard hat area,keep out? and dont allow anybody other than the construction workers to enter in there?I have.I have worked before in temp jobs doing construction before.I saw it quite a few times while doing that kind of work. well thats what was going on then.They had service elevators that only the construction workers-CIA plants,could use to get to these floors and wire them.the workers said that they heard a lot of unusual constuction work going on and the elevaters THEY used,would not allow them to stop and enter on certain floors.they had no access to them.

They didnt use regular elevators so thats how the workers there didnt know what was going on.They didnt know that Marvin Bush was a criminal or his cousin.They just thought they were real construction workers working there doing what they told them they were OFFICIALLY doing which was putting in new floor panels.they were told that and thats what they just assumed.They couldnt just go in there and look at what was going on,they call security on you for that if you do something like that.you know that.Obviously your in denial here and never watched any of those canada wants the truth videos that I postred countless numbers ot times here cause if you had,you would have seen that video where those workers there that survived,talked about seeing them bring in dumpsters and hearing loud construction work going on in the floors above them and hearing a dumpster being moved around on the floors above them.as far as them doing the unprecedented thing of saying there was a power outage that weekend,well they obviously didnt get all that work done in just one weekend,it took them a few months obviously.

Now this IS a theory of why they had the power outage happen that weekend "which never had happened there before." according to some workers who had been there 20 plus years,my theory for why they had it was they just wanted to get the CIA plants to take a quick scan of the towers and make sure the explosives were all set where they had to be and everything was ready to go.unti a new investigation is opened up,thats all we can do is speculate about that.but like i said,anybody who has a brain who watches those canada wants the truth videos can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought the towers down.
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the seismograph thing is really not all that important, just wanted to bring that up since it was a point I said I would address before I stopped addressing anything more back there.As I said before,if your interested in the truth, all you really need to do it look at those 47 videos from the canada wants the truth site I posted a couple pages back.
Anybody with a brain in their head after looking at those videos, can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought those towers down.

You have these steel girders that weigh tons, ejecting and flying hundreds of feet through the air you can see photos of doing this,which were found blocks away slammed into other buildings,body parts found on roofs of buildings over the last several years,people reporting seeing coworkers incinerate right before their eyes behind them as they were running.these people have nothing to gain by lying.all of that IMPOSSIBLE as anyone with a brain knows,to have happened from a mere collapse of a building.Not to mention they were lied to by that bastard Gulianai about the air being safe to breath with almost all the firemen and policemen having died from respiratory problems they have experienced since then.

okay now that I proved that explosives brought the towers down with this post and the last post and that it has now been established thats what happened-I have proven that countless of times here on this thread-"with the help of others as well of course." its now time for me to leave this thread since its been proven now that it was an inside job.that being said,before I go,the last thing I have to say on this thread is you have two choices here.you can either do A-Be a patriot and and watch those 47 canada wants the truth videos and then email all your friends that link to that site and have them watch it-come on guys stop living in denial,be a patriot. or

B-continue being afraid of the truth and dont watch those videos and continue living in a fairly tale land letting them the corporate controlled media brainwash you with their lies and propaganda that muslins and Bin Laden were behind the terrorists attacks.Its your choice.nuff said.Now its time for me to go on and look at some other threads here.
Godboy you have obviously never have taken any science classes before because fires have to get to the point of at LEAST 2700 degrees Farenheit before they can even begin to weaken steel.Jet fuels only burn at 1800 degrees.:cuckoo: FACT not theory.I know because my friend is a certified steel worker who was in construction and built buildings for a living till he retired recently.so until you and that other 9/11 apologists Diamond Dave take those science classes,do yourselfs a favor and keep quiet cause you guys are just talking out of the sides of your asses now.and stop being afraid of the truth and watch those cananda wants the truth videos you know you cant debunk which is why you wont watch them.

Toro,you brought up a good point on this thread not too long ago I wanted to address even further than I did before.You mentioned that if explosives were used,then it would not have gone unnoticed by people in the buildings cause they would have to wire the buildings.good point but as i said before,Marvin Bush was the head of the security towers for the towers in the prior months before 9/11.so was Bush jr's cousin-Wirt Walker.Because of that,they were able to keep the coworkers from seeing what they were really doing.They brought in dumpsters all the time with the explosives hidden in them obviously.we know they brought dumpsters in the towers prior to 9/11 cause many workers saw them and saw construction workers coming in and out of the towers.

As I said before,they weren't real construction workers though.They were CIA operatives disguised as construction workers.again BUSH SR was the former director of that evil organization the CIA back in the 70's.His son was running the country and his brother was in charge of the security for the towers.Havent you ever been to a construction site before and seen where they have fences and signs that say-hard hat area,keep out? and dont allow anybody other than the construction workers to enter in there?I have.I have worked before in temp jobs doing construction before.I saw it quite a few times while doing that kind of work. well thats what was going on then.They had service elevators that only the construction workers-CIA plants,could use to get to these floors and wire them.the workers said that they heard a lot of unusual constuction work going on and the elevaters THEY used,would not allow them to stop and enter on certain floors.they had no access to them.

They didnt use regular elevators so thats how the workers there didnt know what was going on.They didnt know that Marvin Bush was a criminal or his cousin.They just thought they were real construction workers working there doing what they told them they were OFFICIALLY doing which was putting in new floor panels.they were told that and thats what they just assumed.They couldnt just go in there and look at what was going on,they call security on you for that if you do something like that.you know that.Obviously your in denial here and never watched any of those canada wants the truth videos that I postred countless numbers ot times here cause if you had,you would have seen that video where those workers there that survived,talked about seeing them bring in dumpsters and hearing loud construction work going on in the floors above them and hearing a dumpster being moved around on the floors above them.as far as them doing the unprecedented thing of saying there was a power outage that weekend,well they obviously didnt get all that work done in just one weekend,it took them a few months obviously.

Now this IS a theory of why they had the power outage happen that weekend "which never had happened there before." according to some workers who had been there 20 plus years,my theory for why they had it was they just wanted to get the CIA plants to take a quick scan of the towers and make sure the explosives were all set where they had to be and everything was ready to go.unti a new investigation is opened up,thats all we can do is speculate about that.but like i said,anybody who has a brain who watches those canada wants the truth videos can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought the towers down.
again you claim lies as fact
it doesnt have to reach 2700° to weaken steel, it only has to reach 540°C to weaken
and thats only 1004°F
so stop your lies

doh, i see you lied again in the same post
Bush's cousin was not head of security you moron
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First of all that poor woman was standing at the VERY edge of the building were the temperature would be at it's lowest. Secondly, if the footage of the woman in that video wasn't in a loop then you would see that it would not be too much longer till she would jump off the edge of the building. Obviously, showing that the heat was so unbearable that she decided to end her life. Thirdly, hair-straighteners go all the way up to 450 degrees. Therefore, hair will obviously melt at a much higher temperature which would be within the range of the heat in that area-if it didn't melt at all. We cannot get a clear shot of the woman and cannot see her hair. Lastly, the post impact temperature was a lot lower than when the planes originally hit the towers. We can only guess of the temperature of where she was at. This video doesn't prove anything.
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First of all that poor woman was standing at the VERY edge of the building were the temperature would be at it's lowest. Secondly, if the footage of the woman in that video wasn't in a loop then you would see that it would not be too much longer till she would jump off the edge of the building. Obviously, showing that the heat was so unbearable that she decided to end her life. Thirdly, hair-straighteners go all the way up to 450 degrees. Therefore, hair will obviously melt at a much higher temperature which would be within the range of the heat in that area-if it didn't melt at all. We cannot get a clear shot of the woman and cannot see her hair. Lastly, the post impact temperature was a lot lower than when the planes originally hit the towers. We can only guess of the temperature of where she was at. This video doesn't prove anything.
none of Eots videos prove anything
thats why i dont bother to watch them anymore
no you don't watch them because your a moron..that likes to offer opinions without any information or facts
you have yet to post anything that proves your stupid theories
you post nothing but moronic alex jones bullshit videos
they never even come close to backing up the claim in the titles, and they are a waste of time

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