Family Court orders Dad not to take child to catholic church

Seriously. This thread reads like a chapter strait from the Vagina Monologues.

The daughter has been Jewish since her birth. She goes to a Jewish Pre-School and everything else. The father was under court order to not take her to the church.

What else was he expecting? He knew the amount of his actions, and the fact he was taunting with her previously seals it.

This is no different than a Islamic Father taking his son who was baptized at birth, and in a Christian preschool to the Islamic Equivalent.

I have a feeling if this wasn't a Christian church being restricted, we wouldn't hear so much discontent at the ruling.

The mother is the person who has primary care. As far as the law is concerned as I've always read, the mother chooses these sort of things. If the father wanted to take his daughter to church, he should of gone to court and fought there. Going behind her back and ignoring a court order was neither the smartest or most legal thing to do.

And none of you can deny that.

I can and will deny it. I think it atrocious that only the mother gets to decide such things. As if a mother is the only one who is capable of making these decisions.

Also, your first paragraph - the court order only pertains to the second time he took her to church....the first time there was no court order. Still think it outrageous that the judge put in such an order.

Can someone check the weather in hell, because I think it may have frozen over. I agree with Dr Gump.
My guess is that it is the norm elsewhere too. It just seems that it is so often the mother that gets custody with the father getting "visitation" rights. Coming from a man, that just does not seem fair to me.

Yes, it can be unfair. In cases where during the marriage the father provides the most attention and hands on care to the child then the father should be granted custody, IMO. This is rarely the case, however. Women still are the primary care givers of their children even when married.

Ya'll need to work on that.

No, I don't. I said that earlier.

BTW: It is Y'all... You need to work on that dere sout'ren accent o' yours! ;)

CrazyAuntPurl: Ya'll vs. y'all vs. all yall. Dammit.
Teaching your children about the religion is a parents right, and you just made yourself look like a fool. So I would said the "fail" was on your part.


That's my point exactly numbnuts!

Thanks for putting a sweet exclamation point on Ravi's fail for me though. :lol:
Ah, I get it. You are hung up on the religion or the man. You are biased to take his side because of his gender and his religion.

What it boils down to is that the man used his daughter as a pawn. Happily and gleefully with malice toward the mother. Any parent that would do that with a child will continue to do it for the balance of the child's life.

You get nothing, clearly. :thup:

Just more of your typical groundless inference.

Carry on.
if that is what my mate and i agreed to, then i'd abide by it.

if he changed the rules post marriage, then he has to abide by his prior agrement.

Once again Jillian the Father DENIES he EVER agreed to raise the child as a Jew. So I repeat are you going to pull a Dogbert and claim the Mother is not biased and the Father is on their conflicting claims?
Once again for the stupid: converting means he agreed to raise the child as a Jew.


Now go ahead and explain why that's legally binding, to the extent that he has forever waived his right to change his mind.
if that is what my mate and i agreed to, then i'd abide by it.

if he changed the rules post marriage, then he has to abide by his prior agrement.

Once again Jillian the Father DENIES he EVER agreed to raise the child as a Jew. So I repeat are you going to pull a Dogbert and claim the Mother is not biased and the Father is on their conflicting claims?
Once again for the stupid: converting means he agreed to raise the child as a Jew.
Yes, but supposedly he unconverted. You can do that with religion all the time. Get born again, all that sort of stuff. You can do anything so long as God told you it's okay. :lol:
If one goes with the fastest horse in this race then clearly one would surmise that this guy doesn't really care that much about his daugter's religion and he's just doing this to be a doucher.

But that is still not a fact. It is entirely possible that he has always been a devout Catholic at heart and he now wants to take the opportunity to share this with his daughter.

Maybe one day Ravi, Jillian et al will learn to tell the difference between fact and assumption.
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But that's not happening. She is indoctrinating her religion onto the daughter. And she is three now, and apparently he hasn't seen the daughter for 7 months, which suggests they have been split at least since the girl was two. My sons can't even remember being two or three years old.

Of course things changed when they split. People changing is probably the reason most people split up in the first place...

No. What is happening is that the father is trying to make sure that the child is not jewish in order to use religion to hurt the mother --- when he agreed on the child's religion when it was born -- probably before.

let me ask you something... i could marry someone non-jewish, no problem, right?

do you think for a single, solitary, second I would allow my child to be raised christian? And how badly would someone have to want to hurt me to do that? Not because I'm opposed to christianity. But because passing on my religion is important to me... it's important to many of us, particularly given how many family lines were destroyed.

seriously.... i know EXACTLY where this case comes from.
The child is no less "Jewish" because it was baptized , unless you think Christian baptisms are valid. :cuckoo: In which case I would question just how Jewish you are.

Family is family regardless of religion. My own embraces several and we are no less family just because many of us disagree on religious matters.

If your child chose to be a Christian would you deny him/her that choice?

Many try to force their own religion on their kids, only to destroy it for their kids.
so.. it's OK for the jewish mother to be as tenacious about passing on her faith to the child...

....but the christian father is just shit out of luck...


Like I said.. one could summarize this thread into a Cosmopolitan article. How to be a petty bitch in 10 days.
But that's not happening. She is indoctrinating her religion onto the daughter. And she is three now, and apparently he hasn't seen the daughter for 7 months, which suggests they have been split at least since the girl was two. My sons can't even remember being two or three years old.

Of course things changed when they split. People changing is probably the reason most people split up in the first place...

No. What is happening is that the father is trying to make sure that the child is not jewish in order to use religion to hurt the mother --- when he agreed on the child's religion when it was born -- probably before.

let me ask you something... i could marry someone non-jewish, no problem, right?

do you think for a single, solitary, second I would allow my child to be raised christian? And how badly would someone have to want to hurt me to do that? Not because I'm opposed to christianity. But because passing on my religion is important to me... it's important to many of us, particularly given how many family lines were destroyed.

seriously.... i know EXACTLY where this case comes from.
The child is no less "Jewish" because it was baptized , unless you think Christian baptisms are valid. :cuckoo: In which case I would question just how Jewish you are.

Family is family regardless of religion. My own embraces several and we are no less family just because many of us disagree on religious matters.

If your child chose to be a Christian would you deny him/her that choice?

Many try to force their own religion on their kids, only to destroy it for their kids.

I have to spread some rep around so I could not rep this.

You are right the child is no less Jewish because she was baptized and I do believe that Christian baptisms are valid. Simply because one is Baptized does not mean that they are saved. The father cannot simply baptize his daughter and then walk away from her expecting her faith to grow without any help.

Jillian, I would ask a question. Passing on your faith is important to you as it should be. Why can you not see that it might also be important to me as a Christian to pass my faith on to my children and extending that to the father in this case?

I agree that in this case, it appears that the father is using his daughter to get back at the mother and that is wrong, but he should have the right to expose his daughter to his faith and thus to his own upbringing. Don't you agree?

Once again Jillian the Father DENIES he EVER agreed to raise the child as a Jew. So I repeat are you going to pull a Dogbert and claim the Mother is not biased and the Father is on their conflicting claims?
Once again for the stupid: converting means he agreed to raise the child as a Jew.


Now go ahead and explain why that's legally binding, to the extent that he has forever waived his right to change his mind.
No one said he doesn't have a right to change his mind. Although he's pretty much out of luck since he doesn't have custody...

An agreement is an agreement and that is why this agreement will become part of the divorce proceedings.
If one goes with the fastest horse in this race then clearly one would surmise that this guy doesn't really care that much about his daugter's religion and he's just doing this to be a doucher.

But that is still not a fact. It is entirely possible that he has always been a devout Catholic at heart and he now wants to take the opportunity to share this with his daughter.

Maybe one day Ravi, Jillian et al will learn to tell the difference between fact and assumption.
Uh huh...if that were true he would never have converted.:cuckoo:
If one goes with the fastest horse in this race then clearly one would surmise that this guy doesn't really care that much about his daugter's religion and he's just doing this to be a doucher.

But that is still not a fact. It is entirely possible that he has always been a devout Catholic at heart and he now wants to take the opportunity to share this with his daughter.

Maybe one day Ravi, Jillian et al will learn to tell the difference between fact and assumption.
Uh huh...if that were true he would never have converted.:cuckoo:

riiiight.. because no one has ever made choices to compromise personal standards for the sake of a relationship... I'm pretty sure that if this case had the woman bending her faith in order to acclimate to HIS family you wouldn't even be able to climb out of screaming bloody fucking murder to address the religious exposure to the child.
If one goes with the fastest horse in this race then clearly one would surmise that this guy doesn't really care that much about his daugter's religion and he's just doing this to be a doucher.

But that is still not a fact. It is entirely possible that he has always been a devout Catholic at heart and he now wants to take the opportunity to share this with his daughter.

Maybe one day Ravi, Jillian et al will learn to tell the difference between fact and assumption.
Uh huh...if that were true he would never have converted.:cuckoo:

riiiight.. because no one has ever made choices to compromise personal standards for the sake of a relationship... I'm pretty sure that if this case had the woman bending her faith in order to acclimate to HIS family you wouldn't even be able to climb out of screaming bloody fucking murder to address the religious exposure to the child.
Your well known bias against Jews pretty much excludes you from the discussion.

However, a devout Catholic would never convert to another religion for any reason whatsoever. Ditto with any devout believer. Jesus freaks don't turn their backs on Jesus and claim he isn't the Lord.

Uh huh...if that were true he would never have converted.:cuckoo:

riiiight.. because no one has ever made choices to compromise personal standards for the sake of a relationship... I'm pretty sure that if this case had the woman bending her faith in order to acclimate to HIS family you wouldn't even be able to climb out of screaming bloody fucking murder to address the religious exposure to the child.
Your well known bias against Jews pretty much excludes you from the discussion.

However, a devout Catholic would never convert to another religion for any reason whatsoever. Ditto with any devout believer. Jesus freaks don't turn their backs on Jesus and claim he isn't the Lord.


this isn't about who is jewish. She could be rastafarian and it would still be a fact that the FATHER should be viable in the life of is child.

hell, I have a reputation for harpooning christians too but, in your limited fallopian tube logic, you seem to have missed how easy you'd become a punchline.


Your opinion of what a "devout catholic" would never do means about as much to this thread as the Fresco Menu does to you during the dinner happy hour, Ravi. Love causes people to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. It's great that you found a guy who likes large women but, in another situation, even you might limit your caloric intake for the sake of love.
riiiight.. because no one has ever made choices to compromise personal standards for the sake of a relationship... I'm pretty sure that if this case had the woman bending her faith in order to acclimate to HIS family you wouldn't even be able to climb out of screaming bloody fucking murder to address the religious exposure to the child.
Your well known bias against Jews pretty much excludes you from the discussion.

However, a devout Catholic would never convert to another religion for any reason whatsoever. Ditto with any devout believer. Jesus freaks don't turn their backs on Jesus and claim he isn't the Lord.


this isn't about who is jewish. She could be rastafarian and it would still be a fact that the FATHER should be viable in the life of is child.

hell, I have a reputation for harpooning christians too but, in your limited fallopian tube logic, you seem to have missed how easy you'd become a punchline.


Your opinion of what a "devout catholic" would never do means about as much to this thread as the Fresco Menu does to you during the dinner happy hour, Ravi. Love causes people to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. It's great that you found a guy who likes large women but, in another situation, even you might limit your caloric intake for the sake of love.
*ahem* you are the one going on about his devoutness.

You are correct in saying the religion doesn't matter. What matters is that by converting he agreed to raise his daughter as a Jew. Until the divorce proceedings are through he is not free to do as he pleases with his child and use her as a pawn.

That's all there is to it. If the woman suddenly converted to a Buddhist she would also be obligated to live by the prior agreement until a judgment is made unless they could work out their differences on their own. Which they apparently cannot.
Your well known bias against Jews pretty much excludes you from the discussion.

However, a devout Catholic would never convert to another religion for any reason whatsoever. Ditto with any devout believer. Jesus freaks don't turn their backs on Jesus and claim he isn't the Lord.


this isn't about who is jewish. She could be rastafarian and it would still be a fact that the FATHER should be viable in the life of is child.

hell, I have a reputation for harpooning christians too but, in your limited fallopian tube logic, you seem to have missed how easy you'd become a punchline.


Your opinion of what a "devout catholic" would never do means about as much to this thread as the Fresco Menu does to you during the dinner happy hour, Ravi. Love causes people to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. It's great that you found a guy who likes large women but, in another situation, even you might limit your caloric intake for the sake of love.
*ahem* you are the one going on about his devoutness.

You are correct in saying the religion doesn't matter. What matters is that by converting he agreed to raise his daughter as a Jew. Until the divorce proceedings are through he is not free to do as he pleases with his child and use her as a pawn.

That's all there is to it. If the woman suddenly converted to a Buddhist she would also be obligated to live by the prior agreement until a judgment is made unless they could work out their differences on their own. Which they apparently cannot.

Indeed. And you are the one trying to sidestep valid observations about his role as a father based on nothing more than what YOU think a good catholic would never do. And, again, I'll remind you that love makes people do things that they may not want to do. Especially if some goyim husband wanted desperately to find acceptance amongst some jewish mafia-type family peppering their displeasure at their princess getting hitched to a non-chosen.

That he gets the child baptized means two things: jack and shit. It's not as if the kid will now rebuke the mother's jewish teachings like water and oil. It's not as if 5 years from now that child will NOT identify with her jewish heritage since we both know that the mother, and mother's family, will now be exponentially vindictive about saturating the child's formative years with all things of and only jewish. so the kid got some sprinkled water on her forehead. Clearly, someone should call to session another fucking Nuremberg trial.

That you seem to think that a penis wielder should have no input regarding his progeny speaks volumes. This isn't about how he took his kid to a fucking strip bar and did lines of coke off of her bah bah. You might as well go ahead and throw your vajayjay at a man and get it over with.
this isn't about who is jewish. She could be rastafarian and it would still be a fact that the FATHER should be viable in the life of is child.

hell, I have a reputation for harpooning christians too but, in your limited fallopian tube logic, you seem to have missed how easy you'd become a punchline.


Your opinion of what a "devout catholic" would never do means about as much to this thread as the Fresco Menu does to you during the dinner happy hour, Ravi. Love causes people to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. It's great that you found a guy who likes large women but, in another situation, even you might limit your caloric intake for the sake of love.
*ahem* you are the one going on about his devoutness.

You are correct in saying the religion doesn't matter. What matters is that by converting he agreed to raise his daughter as a Jew. Until the divorce proceedings are through he is not free to do as he pleases with his child and use her as a pawn.

That's all there is to it. If the woman suddenly converted to a Buddhist she would also be obligated to live by the prior agreement until a judgment is made unless they could work out their differences on their own. Which they apparently cannot.

Indeed. And you are the one trying to sidestep valid observations about his role as a father based on nothing more than what YOU think a good catholic would never do. And, again, I'll remind you that love makes people do things that they may not want to do. Especially if some goyim husband wanted desperately to find acceptance amongst some jewish mafia-type family peppering their displeasure at their princess getting hitched to a non-chosen.

That he gets the child baptized means two things: jack and shit. It's not as if the kid will now rebuke the mother's jewish teachings like water and oil. It's not as if 5 years from now that child will NOT identify with her jewish heritage since we both know that the mother, and mother's family, will now be exponentially vindictive about saturating the child's formative years with all things of and only jewish. so the kid got some sprinkled water on her forehead. Clearly, someone should call to session another fucking Nuremberg trial.

That you seem to think that a penis wielder should have no input regarding his progeny speaks volumes. This isn't about how he took his kid to a fucking strip bar and did lines of coke off of her bah bah. You might as well go ahead and throw your vajayjay at a man and get it over with.
Oops...I forgot about your well known bias against women.

The parent with custody has more authority...that's the way it is and the way it should be. He used his daughter for a pawn. There is nothing admirable or defensible about that no matter how you pretend otherwise.

You might want to look up the definition of devout.
*ahem* you are the one going on about his devoutness.

You are correct in saying the religion doesn't matter. What matters is that by converting he agreed to raise his daughter as a Jew. Until the divorce proceedings are through he is not free to do as he pleases with his child and use her as a pawn.

That's all there is to it. If the woman suddenly converted to a Buddhist she would also be obligated to live by the prior agreement until a judgment is made unless they could work out their differences on their own. Which they apparently cannot.

Indeed. And you are the one trying to sidestep valid observations about his role as a father based on nothing more than what YOU think a good catholic would never do. And, again, I'll remind you that love makes people do things that they may not want to do. Especially if some goyim husband wanted desperately to find acceptance amongst some jewish mafia-type family peppering their displeasure at their princess getting hitched to a non-chosen.

That he gets the child baptized means two things: jack and shit. It's not as if the kid will now rebuke the mother's jewish teachings like water and oil. It's not as if 5 years from now that child will NOT identify with her jewish heritage since we both know that the mother, and mother's family, will now be exponentially vindictive about saturating the child's formative years with all things of and only jewish. so the kid got some sprinkled water on her forehead. Clearly, someone should call to session another fucking Nuremberg trial.

That you seem to think that a penis wielder should have no input regarding his progeny speaks volumes. This isn't about how he took his kid to a fucking strip bar and did lines of coke off of her bah bah. You might as well go ahead and throw your vajayjay at a man and get it over with.
Oops...I forgot about your well known bias against women.

The parent with custody has more authority...that's the way it is and the way it should be. He used his daughter for a pawn. There is nothing admirable or defensible about that no matter how you pretend otherwise.

You might want to look up the definition of devout.

I'm sure reflexively crying that the falling sky makes you a victim works at the ani defranco concert but you'll have to color me unimpressed given which of us was the first to start talking shit.

true story.

and, shocker, you think the woman should have more authority. I'm flabbergasted! Indeed, that you'd ignore the mother using the child as a pawn over something as laughably petty as water sprinkled on the child's head speaks volumes.

and, you might want to remember what it was like to be in love with a person instead of a bucket of chicken, Ravi. Like I said, given the right circumstance even you might skip the 20 piece for a 12 for the sake of love. Devout, indeed.

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