Fans "boo" moment of national unity

You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.

I did. You can address what I said or just keep on asking the same question over and over.

That's the first time I asked you that question. What are you talking about?

There is NOTHING stopping a state from giving people picture I.D.'s as voter registration cards. Nothing. Why aren't states doing so? Politicians have no interest in doing it.

It's a good idea. But the question remains as to why it is seemingly so difficult for blacks to get an ID. Also, photo ID is required to get voter ID in the first place.

I already covered all of this. It is not.

If it's not difficult for them then what is the fucking problem?
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.

I did. You can address what I said or just keep on asking the same question over and over.

That's the first time I asked you that question. What are you talking about?

There is NOTHING stopping a state from giving people picture I.D.'s as voter registration cards. Nothing. Why aren't states doing so? Politicians have no interest in doing it.

It's a good idea. But the question remains as to why it is seemingly so difficult for blacks to get an ID. Also, photo ID is required to get voter ID in the first place.

I already covered all of this. It is not.

If it's not difficult for them then what is the fucking problem?

Wash, rinse, repeat.
This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
Between people legally authorized to vote and all others not entitled to vote.

With a voter I.D. card anyone is entitled to vote.

Voter ID is not photo ID - at least, not where I live - So you need photo ID to prove you're the person whose name is on the voter ID.

Spin all you want. Deflect all you want. Ignore what I said all you want.

Spin? Deflect? I'm not the one spinning the narrative that blacks are helpless, incapable and incompetent, you are. Your position on this issue is quite frankly, insulting to blacks. If I was black, I wouldn't be asking why I'm required to have ID to vote, I would be asking you why you think I am so stupid that I am incapable of performing the simple task of filling out a form and sitting for a picture.

Having said that, I have to show my voter registration card AND my driver's license every time I vote. I've had to do so every single time I voted since I registered to vote in my early twenties (I'm 57).

I am honestly and completely baffled as to why this is such an issue for people like you.

I've addressed it over and over. If you want people to vote with a picture I.D. give them one when they register to vote.

Why can they not get a picture ID NOW?

Voting is one of the most important rights acknowledged in this country. What you are wanting is for people to have to go through another step now to vote even though they already did everything they are required to do to vote.

What other step are you referring to? It's the same steps everyone else had to do to be able to vote. They're not being asked to do anything that everybody else is not required to do.

They already should have photo ID to do the things that I and others here pointed out anyway: Drive a car, buy a car, open a bank account, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc. If they had the photo ID to do all these things then it is beyond me as to why this is a problem.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.

I did. You can address what I said or just keep on asking the same question over and over.

That's the first time I asked you that question. What are you talking about?

There is NOTHING stopping a state from giving people picture I.D.'s as voter registration cards. Nothing. Why aren't states doing so? Politicians have no interest in doing it.

It's a good idea. But the question remains as to why it is seemingly so difficult for blacks to get an ID. Also, photo ID is required to get voter ID in the first place.

I already covered all of this. It is not.

If it's not difficult for them then what is the fucking problem?

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Meaning: I have no adequate rebuttal.
This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
Between people legally authorized to vote and all others not entitled to vote.

With a voter I.D. card anyone is entitled to vote.

Voter ID is not photo ID - at least, not where I live - So you need photo ID to prove you're the person whose name is on the voter ID.

Spin all you want. Deflect all you want. Ignore what I said all you want.

Spin? Deflect? I'm not the one spinning the narrative that blacks are helpless, incapable and incompetent, you are. Your position on this issue is quite frankly, insulting to blacks. If I was black, I wouldn't be asking why I'm required to have ID to vote, I would be asking you why you think I am so stupid that I am incapable of performing the simple task of filling out a form and sitting for a picture.

Having said that, I have to show my voter registration card AND my driver's license every time I vote. I've had to do so every single time I voted since I registered to vote in my early twenties (I'm 57).

I am honestly and completely baffled as to why this is such an issue for people like you.

I've addressed it over and over. If you want people to vote with a picture I.D. give them one when they register to vote.

Why can they not get a picture ID NOW?

I answered that. You ignored it. They have already done what was required of them to vote. You now want to tell them they can not vote unless they do something additional. No.

States could even create a photo ID for them when they go and vote. Easy. They get to vote and get a photo ID. Why isn't this happening?

Voting is one of the most important rights acknowledged in this country. What you are wanting is for people to have to go through another step now to vote even though they already did everything they are required to do to vote.

What other step are you referring to? It's the same steps everyone else had to do to be able to vote. They're not being asked to do anything that everybody else is not required to do.

They already should have photo ID to do the things that I and others here pointed out anyway: Drive a car, buy a car, open a bank account, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc. If they had the photo ID to do all these things then it is beyond me as to why this is a problem.

I've not been asked to do anything additional. Nor would I do anything additional. I've already done what was required.

But ask again.
Government programs aren't jobs. Nothing beats employment and contributing to society. You Democrats are takers and users We are builders.
Correction: government programs are services, and those services may involve jobs.

The OP is about the NFL demonstration (not protest) during the national anthem. That is a private service in a private setting.
Government jobs don't generate revenue. Idiot.
Of course they do. Revenue for the companies and for the workers. This has nothing to do with the demonstrations during the NFL national anthem. Tell me how they hook up, please.
I'm responding to your point about government programs. You brought it up.
Tell us how you hooked company revenue, workers, and the NFL players demonstration during the national anthem. You wrongly state government jobs don't generate revenue when they obviously do.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.

I did. You can address what I said or just keep on asking the same question over and over.

That's the first time I asked you that question. What are you talking about?

There is NOTHING stopping a state from giving people picture I.D.'s as voter registration cards. Nothing. Why aren't states doing so? Politicians have no interest in doing it.

It's a good idea. But the question remains as to why it is seemingly so difficult for blacks to get an ID. Also, photo ID is required to get voter ID in the first place.

I already covered all of this. It is not.

If it's not difficult for them then what is the fucking problem?

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Meaning: I have no adequate rebuttal.
You are right: you don't. Government voting IDs have nothing to with the OP. The fans were booing the opposing team not national unity.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
they need an ID to register,,,,

They do. And? It can be a birth certificate and utility bill in their name showing their residence. What is your point?

How did they get utility services in the first place without ID?

By calling and getting it.
Tell me how a Black person buys liquor without a photo ID.

I don't imagine they all do but we are not discussing buying liquor are we?
So why can't Black people produce a photo ID to vote?
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.
Exactly. There are Black nations in Africa that require photo ID to vote. It's racist to promote the idea that Black people are not able to acquire a photo ID if other humans can.
No, it is not racist, which has nothing to do with the national unity protest by the Chiefs.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
they need an ID to register,,,,

They do. And? It can be a birth certificate and utility bill in their name showing their residence. What is your point?

How did they get utility services in the first place without ID?

By calling and getting it.
Tell me how a Black person buys liquor without a photo ID.
Immaterial to voting ID cards or the NFL national unity demonstration during the national anthem.
Government programs aren't jobs. Nothing beats employment and contributing to society. You Democrats are takers and users We are builders.
Correction: government programs are services, and those services may involve jobs.

The OP is about the NFL demonstration (not protest) during the national anthem. That is a private service in a private setting.
Government jobs don't generate revenue. Idiot.
Of course they do. Revenue for the companies and for the workers. This has nothing to do with the demonstrations during the NFL national anthem. Tell me how they hook up, please.
I'm responding to your point about government programs. You brought it up.
Tell us how you hooked company revenue, workers, and the NFL players demonstration during the national anthem. You wrongly state government jobs don't generate revenue when they obviously do.
No, they don't. Government workers are paid with revenue raised by taxation and they don't sell a product. You can't be this stupid.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.
Exactly. There are Black nations in Africa that require photo ID to vote. It's racist to promote the idea that Black people are not able to acquire a photo ID if other humans can.
No, it is not racist, which has nothing to do with the national unity protest by the Chiefs.
The Chiefs are protesting National unity? I thought Nationalists are fascist and nazis?
Government programs aren't jobs. Nothing beats employment and contributing to society. You Democrats are takers and users We are builders.
Correction: government programs are services, and those services may involve jobs.

The OP is about the NFL demonstration (not protest) during the national anthem. That is a private service in a private setting.
Government jobs don't generate revenue. Idiot.
Of course they do. Revenue for the companies and for the workers. This has nothing to do with the demonstrations during the NFL national anthem. Tell me how they hook up, please.
I'm responding to your point about government programs. You brought it up.
Tell us how you hooked company revenue, workers, and the NFL players demonstration during the national anthem. You wrongly state government jobs don't generate revenue when they obviously do.
No, they don't. Government workers are paid with revenue raised by taxation and they don't sell a product. You can't be this stupid.
Police create police protection, governments create municipal operations, city utilities provide services, and they all are products.

How about that?

And your comments have nothing to do with the topic of the Chiefs' national unity demonstration during the anthem.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
they need an ID to register,,,,

They do. And? It can be a birth certificate and utility bill in their name showing their residence. What is your point?

How did they get utility services in the first place without ID?

By calling and getting it.
Tell me how a Black person buys liquor without a photo ID.
Immaterial to voting ID cards or the NFL national unity demonstration during the national anthem.
So why does a Black person have to show a picture ID to buy liquor, but not to vote?
Government programs aren't jobs. Nothing beats employment and contributing to society. You Democrats are takers and users We are builders.
Correction: government programs are services, and those services may involve jobs.

The OP is about the NFL demonstration (not protest) during the national anthem. That is a private service in a private setting.
Government jobs don't generate revenue. Idiot.
Of course they do. Revenue for the companies and for the workers. This has nothing to do with the demonstrations during the NFL national anthem. Tell me how they hook up, please.
I'm responding to your point about government programs. You brought it up.
Tell us how you hooked company revenue, workers, and the NFL players demonstration during the national anthem. You wrongly state government jobs don't generate revenue when they obviously do.
No, they don't. Government workers are paid with revenue raised by taxation and they don't sell a product. You can't be this stupid.
Police create police protection, governments create municipal operations, city utilities provide services, and they all are products.

How about that?

And your comments have nothing to do with the topic of the Chiefs' national unity demonstration during the anthem.
You're not getting it. The taxpayer pays for those services. There is no revenue from those services.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.
Exactly. There are Black nations in Africa that require photo ID to vote. It's racist to promote the idea that Black people are not able to acquire a photo ID if other humans can.
No, it is not racist, which has nothing to do with the national unity protest by the Chiefs.
The Chiefs are protesting National unity? I thought Nationalists are fascist and nazis?
Thank you for getting back on topic.

You capitalized the letter "N" to get a silly twist on national unity. Do you think a national set of ideals and precepts based on the Constitution is somehow National Fascism? Really??
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.
Exactly. There are Black nations in Africa that require photo ID to vote. It's racist to promote the idea that Black people are not able to acquire a photo ID if other humans can.
No, it is not racist, which has nothing to do with the national unity protest by the Chiefs.
The Chiefs are protesting National unity? I thought Nationalists are fascist and nazis?
Thank you for getting back on topic.

You capitalized the letter "N" to get a silly twist on national unity. Do you think a national set of ideals and precepts based on the Constitution is somehow National Fascism? Really??
No, but you twits keep lecturing us about white supremacists being Nationalist. Consistency isn't a Democrat virtue, is it.
This is nothing more than a way to divide people.
Between people legally authorized to vote and all others not entitled to vote.

With a voter I.D. card anyone is entitled to vote.

Voter ID is not photo ID - at least, not where I live - So you need photo ID to prove you're the person whose name is on the voter ID.

Spin all you want. Deflect all you want. Ignore what I said all you want.

Spin? Deflect? I'm not the one spinning the narrative that blacks are helpless, incapable and incompetent, you are. Your position on this issue is quite frankly, insulting to blacks. If I was black, I wouldn't be asking why I'm required to have ID to vote, I would be asking you why you think I am so stupid that I am incapable of performing the simple task of filling out a form and sitting for a picture.

Having said that, I have to show my voter registration card AND my driver's license every time I vote. I've had to do so every single time I voted since I registered to vote in my early twenties (I'm 57).

I am honestly and completely baffled as to why this is such an issue for people like you.

I've addressed it over and over. If you want people to vote with a picture I.D. give them one when they register to vote.

Why can they not get a picture ID NOW?

I answered that. You ignored it. They have already done what was required of them to vote. You now want to tell them they can not vote unless they do something additional. No.

That does not answer the question. My question was not what it is about getting a photo ID that you and they don't like, my question is why they can't get photo ID now. So, why can't they?

States could even create a photo ID for them when they go and vote. Easy. They get to vote and get a photo ID. Why isn't this happening?

Or, they could go and get photo ID for themselves until that happens. Easy.

Voting is one of the most important rights acknowledged in this country. What you are wanting is for people to have to go through another step now to vote even though they already did everything they are required to do to vote.

What other step are you referring to? It's the same steps everyone else had to do to be able to vote. They're not being asked to do anything that everybody else is not required to do.

They already should have photo ID to do the things that I and others here pointed out anyway: Drive a car, buy a car, open a bank account, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc. If they had the photo ID to do all these things then it is beyond me as to why this is a problem.

I've not been asked to do anything additional. Nor would I do anything additional. I've already done what was required.

Because you already have photo ID dumbass.

The real question here is: If they don't have photo ID then WHY don't they have photo ID? A followup question would be: How were they able to do things like drive and buy liquor and tobacco without it?

If they have been able to do things like drive and buy liquor without photo ID all this time then there is a much bigger problem in the black community than the minor inconvenience of acquiring a photo ID.

But ask again.

Ask what again?
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.
Exactly. There are Black nations in Africa that require photo ID to vote. It's racist to promote the idea that Black people are not able to acquire a photo ID if other humans can.
No, it is not racist, which has nothing to do with the national unity protest by the Chiefs.
The Chiefs are protesting National unity? I thought Nationalists are fascist and nazis?
Thank you for getting back on topic.

You capitalized the letter "N" to get a silly twist on national unity. Do you think a national set of ideals and precepts based on the Constitution is somehow National Fascism? Really??
No, but you twits keep lecturing us about white supremacists being Nationalist. Consistency isn't a Democrat virtue, is it.
The consistency is that national unity transcends what supremacism and BLM is the point, my friend.
You seem very confused. We are talking about player protests not voting ID requirements.
You and RealDave claim voter suppression and I asked you to tell me why requiring a picture id represents minority voter suppression

which you have so far failed to explain

Why? Because no one actually believes in it or they would have instituted it already. There is nothing to stop a state from giving out a photo voter I.D. card when people register to vote.

Maybe, maybe not. But the point is, no one got a photo ID when they registered to vote but for some reason, getting one seems to be a hardship for many in the black community. Or so many on the left claim. And no one has been able to adequately and logically explain why acquiring ID is a hardship for blacks, especially given that many of them drive, buy vehicles, open bank accounts, buy liquor and tobacco products, etc.

This is nothing more than a way to divide people.

Explain to us how requiring everyone to have a photo ID to vote divides us.
Exactly. There are Black nations in Africa that require photo ID to vote. It's racist to promote the idea that Black people are not able to acquire a photo ID if other humans can.
No, it is not racist, which has nothing to do with the national unity protest by the Chiefs.
The Chiefs are protesting National unity? I thought Nationalists are fascist and nazis?
Thank you for getting back on topic.

You capitalized the letter "N" to get a silly twist on national unity. Do you think a national set of ideals and precepts based on the Constitution is somehow National Fascism? Really??
No, but you twits keep lecturing us about white supremacists being Nationalist. Consistency isn't a Democrat virtue, is it.
The consistency is that national unity transcends what supremacism and BLM is the point, my friend.
Did you reach that conclusion through transcendental meditation?

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