Farm Bill or Food Stamp Bill?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Senate-Passed Farm Bill Is 80 Percent Food Stamps

Nearly 80 percent of the nearly $1 trillion Farm Bill will fund an expanded food stamp program that is projected to offer increased benefits long after economists expect the economy will have recovered.

The bill, which passed the Senate June 21 on a 64-35 vote, would cost $969 billion over the next decade – mostly for food stamps.

Food stamps – formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – account for $768 billion of the bill’s ten-year total, or 79 percent of the Senate bill’s total funding. “In total, CBO estimates that enacting the [SNAP] provisions…would cost $768.2 billion,” The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said in a June estimate of the bill.

The remaining 11 percent goes to fund the myriad of federal farm subsidies that give the Farm Bill its name, such as wetland conservation programs, price supports, and crop insurance.

The bill also locks in higher food stamp spending long after the recession is likely to have ended – keeping spending higher than its pre-recession levels.

Senate-Passed Farm Bill Is 80 Percent Food Stamps |
Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

Food Stamp Cell Phone

Many food stamp recipients are unaware of the free food stamp cell phone service that they are eligible for. Receiving food stamps is one of several criteria that qualifies individuals to receive free cell phone service. It is made possible by the Lifeline program, a program created in 1983 by the Federal Communications Commission. This program was designed to enable low-income households receive basic telephone service. Free The free cell phone with food stamps include a free cell phone and up to 250 free monthly minutes.

Food Stamp Cell Phone | Free Cell Phone With Food Stamps - Apply Now
Farm Bill or Food Stamp Bill?

The Food Stamp program is administered by the USDA, hence a provision of the Farm bill.

Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

A sound and appropriate policy, as many receiving Food Stamps are also receiving unemployment and need a phone to search for work. Most employers won’t consider applicants who don’t have a phone number.

In addition, those disabled and elderly receiving SSI are eligible for Food Stamps, they need phones to set up routine medical appointments or to use in the event of a medical emergency.
It's impossible to raise a family on minimum wage without food stamps. The majority of those who get food stamps are children. The majority of those families who get food stamps are working.

Republicans want to cut school lunches. The seem to care so much about the fetus, but when it comes to children? Not so much.
Farm Bill or Food Stamp Bill?

The Food Stamp program is administered by the USDA, hence a provision of the Farm bill.

Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

A sound and appropriate policy, as many receiving Food Stamps are also receiving unemployment and need a phone to search for work. Most employers won’t consider applicants who don’t have a phone number.

In addition, those disabled and elderly receiving SSI are eligible for Food Stamps, they need phones to set up routine medical appointments or to use in the event of a medical emergency.

We're not talking about disabled and elderly here, unless they increased by the millions...Oh yeah they have..

5.4 Million Join Disability Rolls Under Obama

Food Stamps: Getting Help from Mexico to Increase Government Dependency

According to the report, the USDA has been partnering with the Mexican government since 2004 to ensure “that the Mexican Embassy and Mexican consulates in the U.S. provide USDA nutrition assistance program information to Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals working in America and migrant communities.”

Rather than looking for ways to effectively eliminate poverty for those on both sides of the border, the USDA’s partnership with the Mexican government encourages dependence. But government dependence seems to be the goal of the Obama Administration.

We already know that having one in seven Americans on food stamps doesn’t seem to be enough for the Obama Administration. Not only has food stamp spending doubled since Obama came to office, but total welfare spending on the now nearly 80 federal welfare programs has jumped by more than 30 percent. Most egregiously, as of last Thursday the Department of Health and Human Services issued a directive to gut the successful welfare reform act of 1996 of its work requirements.

If the Obama Administration is serious about reducing poverty, it would not be spending precious resources to promote government dependence. If they were serious about reducing and eliminating poverty, rather than abolishing work requirements, their policies would embrace the principles of work and personal responsibility, upon which the successful 1996 welfare reforms were established.

Spending on welfare programs continues its upward climb. It is crucial that the U.S. reverse course. Instead of encouraging Americans to get onto the government dole, policies should promote self-reliance.

Food Stamps: Getting Help from Mexico to Increase Government Dependency
Farm Bill or Food Stamp Bill?

The Food Stamp program is administered by the USDA, hence a provision of the Farm bill.

Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

A sound and appropriate policy, as many receiving Food Stamps are also receiving unemployment and need a phone to search for work. Most employers won’t consider applicants who don’t have a phone number.

In addition, those disabled and elderly receiving SSI are eligible for Food Stamps, they need phones to set up routine medical appointments or to use in the event of a medical emergency.

Is that how the left thinks?

"By God, give them cell phones, food stamps and health insurance, but don't you dare ask them to present an ID when they vote!"

Oh no! A fox news link!

Corporate welfare in the federal budget costs taxpayers almost $100 billion a year in direct subsidies, tax breaks, and all kinds of creative loan programs.

Corporate Welfare Costing Taxpayers $100B a Year - Blog - The Willis Report with Gerri Willis - Fox Business

Social welfare is a drop in the bucket compaired to all the give a ways to the corporations. But in the minds of the radical right:

A few pennies to the poor = Baaaaaaaaaad

A boatload of taxpayer money to the richest of the rich = Goooooooood
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Wow this is good...

Mr. Sessions also tried to end the preposterous federal policy of paying some $500 million in bonuses to states that sign up more people for food stamps. This is the way government becomes a permanent feedback loop promoting even bigger government. That amendment lost 58-41, with every self-described Democratic "deficit hawk" opposed.

Still to come is an amendment on another egregious practice that lets some 15 states automatically enroll families for food stamps if they get federal home-heating subsidies. Some states mail heating subsidy checks of as little as $1 a month so families can qualify for federal food stamp benefits of as much as $130 a month. That amendment too is expected to fail
I'm guessing Republicans are saying they want the poor helpless, hungry and by cutting education, they should "stay in their place".
I'm guessing Republicans are saying they want the poor helpless, hungry and by cutting education, they should "stay in their place".

Republicans want reform, school vouchers not teacher’s union payoffs. Democrats love poor people and they want to keep them that way:eusa_shifty:
Yeah, 17% of charter schools are an improvement, and you get to screw the workers! Pffft! (Not covered on Fox, etc)...

BTW, you're a brainwashed fool for the greedy rich- see sig pp1 for the results of voodoo, dumbazz.
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They had to hide welfare.

And thats all this is. When I first discovered this I was at Hannityland. I went nuts on this because basically you are talking about a farm bill certain members who are now members of both boards screaming their asses off that farmers needed assistance and all a farm bill is about is freaking welfare.

Farmers get jack shit. The rest is welfare.
Yeah, 17% of charter schools are an improvement, and you get to screw the workers! Pffft! (Not covered on Fox, etc)...

BTW, you're a brainwashed fool for the greedy rich- see sig pp1 for the results of voodoo, dumbazz.


you never cease to amaze me.
Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

Food Stamp Cell Phone

Many food stamp recipients are unaware of the free food stamp cell phone service that they are eligible for. Receiving food stamps is one of several criteria that qualifies individuals to receive free cell phone service. It is made possible by the Lifeline program, a program created in 1983 by the Federal Communications Commission. This program was designed to enable low-income households receive basic telephone service. Free The free cell phone with food stamps include a free cell phone and up to 250 free monthly minutes.

Food Stamp Cell Phone | Free Cell Phone With Food Stamps - Apply Now

So? Your own quote states that this is a service for low income families. They may be able to afford a landline phone, and EVERYONE needs a phone.
Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

Food Stamp Cell Phone

Many food stamp recipients are unaware of the free food stamp cell phone service that they are eligible for. Receiving food stamps is one of several criteria that qualifies individuals to receive free cell phone service. It is made possible by the Lifeline program, a program created in 1983 by the Federal Communications Commission. This program was designed to enable low-income households receive basic telephone service. Free The free cell phone with food stamps include a free cell phone and up to 250 free monthly minutes.

Food Stamp Cell Phone | Free Cell Phone With Food Stamps - Apply Now

So? Your own quote states that this is a service for low income families. They may be able to afford a landline phone, and EVERYONE needs a phone.

What part of this should not be in a farm bill?
Farm Bill or Food Stamp Bill?

The Food Stamp program is administered by the USDA, hence a provision of the Farm bill.

Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

A sound and appropriate policy, as many receiving Food Stamps are also receiving unemployment and need a phone to search for work. Most employers won’t consider applicants who don’t have a phone number.

In addition, those disabled and elderly receiving SSI are eligible for Food Stamps, they need phones to set up routine medical appointments or to use in the event of a medical emergency.

We're not talking about disabled and elderly here, unless they increased by the millions...Oh yeah they have..

5.4 Million Join Disability Rolls Under Obama


I know someone who is truly disabled. Getting on disability took nearly two years for this woman. The shit she had to go through to get on disability was unbelievable. It's not like you just sign up for disability and they ask you how much you want.
Farm Bill or Food Stamp Bill?

The Food Stamp program is administered by the USDA, hence a provision of the Farm bill.

Free cell phone with your food stamps?...Apply here

A sound and appropriate policy, as many receiving Food Stamps are also receiving unemployment and need a phone to search for work. Most employers won’t consider applicants who don’t have a phone number.

In addition, those disabled and elderly receiving SSI are eligible for Food Stamps, they need phones to set up routine medical appointments or to use in the event of a medical emergency.

Is that how the left thinks?

"By God, give them cell phones, food stamps and health insurance, but don't you dare ask them to present an ID when they vote!"


But they can't get the health insurance without an ID card. I would think people need some sort of ID to get the welfare and phones, too or does government just dispense tax payer money simply for the asking?

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