Farrakhan says blacks should have their own legal system

If they need their own legal system, then they will need their own state. Give them california.
Black gays should be afraid , very afraid, along with the rest if us who see the hate and racism in this guy
Well who didn't see THIS COMING?

Farrakhan is an evil man who should be shunned

Nothing he want's is good for us as and our Country
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Notice libs who attend his speeches abet condemned? Can you imagine if a republican attended a David duke speech?

Makes more sense in the context of a speech to fellow NoI members. In that sense he actually has a valid point. Religious courts exist in many countries alongside secular ones. And that's what he's proposing.

Would be derelict here not to remind everyone Nation of Islam is NOT actual Islam. It was founded here in the US in circa 1930, and as such is much like the Mormons in that it differs significantly from 'Arabic' Islam, just as Mormonism differs significantly from traditional Christianity. Most notably, and compared to traditional Islam,

"Beliefs and Practices

The Nation of Islam deviates considerably from the teachings of orthodox Islam. Their idea of black racial superiority and whites as evil is contradictory to the teachings of racial equality found in Orthodox Islam."
Notice libs who attend his speeches abet condemned? Can you imagine if a republican attended a David duke speech?

Ya actually...:)

"In 2006, as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hosted an international gathering of Holocaust deniers, Duke was the most well-known American in attendance."

[1] Member of the Democratic Party prior to 1989, switched to Republican.
David Duke
Farrakhan says blacks should have their own legal system
Quoting Farrakhan is the same as quoting Pat Robertson. Nut job is a nut job, just at opposite ends of the spectrum.
This isn't new. Many blacks feel that non blacks should never judge black people at all. Recently there was an incident of black students protesting because a professor corrected spelling and grammar. That was just another incident of the way some black people feel. Non blacks are never qualified to judge a black person.
Was a lot more to that story than spelling and grammar.

And this one isn't 'blacks shouldn't judged by non-blacks' so much as 'ultra religious communities should have their own religious courts.'
Was a lot more to that story than spelling and grammar.

And this one isn't 'blacks shouldn't judged by non-blacks' so much as 'ultra religious communities should have their own religious courts.'

Many do now. We have Jewish courts and Sharia courts.
If they need their own legal system, then they will need their own state. Give them california.

They need their own country! In the Us there is one legal system, Oh wait, there's US justice, then there's Eric holder.
Don't forget, he's the head of The Nation of Islam!


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