Fascism Is as Fascism Does

Here's more for you Jake:

The Fascist State expresses the will to exercise power and to command. Here the Roman tradition is embodied in a conception of strength. Imperial power, as understood by the Fascist doctrine, is not only territorial, or military, or commercial; it is also spiritual and ethical. An imperial nation, that is to say a nation a which directly or indirectly is a leader of others, can exist without the need of conquering a single square mile of territory. Fascism sees in the imperialistic spirit -- i.e. in the tendency of nations to expand - a manifestation of their vitality. In the op*posite tendency, which would limit their interests to the home country, it sees a symptom of decadence. Peoples who rise or rearise are imperialistic; renunciation is characteristic of dying peoples. The Fascist doctrine is that best suited to the tendencies and feelings of a people which, like the Italian, after lying fallow during centuries of foreign servitude, are now reasserting itself in the world.​

--The Fascist Doctrine, Benito Mussolini, 1932

PC is so unrepresentative of American values and traditions that the mind boggles.

:lol: She is also an obvious failure as a professional blogger.

I am both a devotee and font of education. Those are American values. You.....?

Once again, unable to deny anything I have posted. But....so glad it gets under your skin......hey, isn't it time for your to be shedding same?

:lol: You are a corrupter of those values, deliberately so. The others hav emore than adequately exploded your points. Remember how easily your "if only we had fought in southeastern Europe and not invaded Normandy instead of loving Stalin" was debunked.

You 'work' will be held up in blogging and essay courses of how not to do this.

Simply, miss. You will not be allowed to misdefine terms, concepts, and narratives without your errors made manifest to all.

Sure. As if you possess the correct definitions. I doubt it. Now please show us the correct ones, in detail.

Your circumstantial ad hominem is legendary.
Like the fanatics have learned,push a negative so much it becomes a positive..but it still does not make it the truth..
Yes. Roosevelt was a fascist dictator. Whew! We barely survived his reign of terror!

What other president interned thousands of innocent people based on their skin, ancestry and language?

Surviving? Many of the victims of this egotistical mental and physical cripple did - indeed - NOT survive.

There is no reason to think that FDR would have been any better than Mussolini, given the chance.

Not to mention the fact that he did nothing when he knew in advance that Pearl Harbor was under imminent threat of attack. He needed that attack to take place as an excuse to enter WWII.

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies
And last but not least, Jake:

The problems surrounding greatness are of another kind. We have to liberate all of ancient Rome from the mediocre pests, but beside ancient and medieval Rome, we have to create the monumental Rome of the twentieth century. Rome cannot and must not be just a modern city,...it has to be a city worthy of its glory, and this glory has to be renewed incessantly, so it can be passed on, as a heritage of the Fascist era, to future generations.
Opera Omnia di Benito Mussolini, Duilio Susmel, 1951; Volume 20, page 235.
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Yes. Roosevelt was a fascist dictator. Whew! We barely survived his reign of terror!

What other president interned thousands of innocent people based on their skin, ancestry and language?

Surviving? Many of the victims of this egotistical mental and physical cripple did - indeed - NOT survive.

There is no reason to think that FDR would have been any better than Mussolini, given the chance.

Not to mention the fact that he did nothing when he knew in advance that Pearl Harbor was under imminent threat of attack. He needed that attack to take place as an excuse to enter WWII.

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

type less, learn more.

( thanks to the board member that said that, sorry I can't remember who you are, it's been awhile)
PC is so unrepresentative of American values and traditions that the mind boggles.

:lol: She is also an obvious failure as a professional blogger.

I am both a devotee and font of education.

Those are American values.


Once again, unable to deny anything I have posted.

But....so glad it gets under your skin......hey, isn't it time for your to be shedding same?

Somebody that is a historian does not attack so savagely a single person to demonize them when it is not due. You have no ability to be merely an observer/learner, you play assassin which shows your true intent on maligning only those from the democratic party, when you know that GOP presidents have their faults also, but you turn your blind eye to them and try to convince your audience that they were saints...

Through this process and the ability to reason by contrast of all and not just a minority..

1. "...does not attack so savagely a single person to demonize them when it is not due."

That's true.

What does that have to do with my exposure of the iniquities of Franklin Roosevelt?

2. Oh, no....now I have to teach English, too????

"..... your true intent on maligning..."

ma·lign [muh-lahyn] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame: to malign an honorable man.

I only speak truth.
What hurts you is that you cannot deny what I post.

3. "....only those from the democratic party, when you know that GOP presidents have their faults also,...."

What am I, Scrubbing Bubbles..."we work hard so you don't have to...."

You lazy little bottom-barer!!!

Do your own work....if you are capable.

4. "...and try to convince your audience that they were saints..."

Let's see you prove that.

5. "....you ruin your chances at ever being a scholar...."

So very kind of you to connect me with that term......I blush.
Your point? It would do you well to read the rest of the OP, Moonie.

The Roman Government wasn't a Republic at first. They were the Roman Kingdom. A kingdom is a form of monarchism, or authoritarianism. The Roman Republic happened later. Fascism is a form of raw authoritarianism, as seen by the appointments of Chiefs by the Roman Kingdom before its overthrow.

Your understanding of the monarchy and the rule of Law in Italy is very obvious.

Do some basic reading in Italian history from about 1880 to 1943.

I have. Mussolini drew his inspirations from that of the Ancient Roman Kingdom, plus facets of the Roman Republic. As is seen in his complete works:

"Fascism’s revived consciousness of the ancient glories of Italy, of the Roman Empire...continuation of this tradition by...the Fascisti struggle for a new Imperial Rome."

--Edoardo e Duilio Susmel, who drafted the Complete works of Benito Mussolini (or the Opera Omnia) during the Fascist movement in Italy.

1. Starting around 1950, a new literature of political analysis of the totalitarian passions of the twentieth century, centered around the work of such authors as Orwell, Camus, Koestler, Andre Gide…One example is the compilation “The God That Failed,” by six who explained their disillusionment with communism. While they began as enemies of fascism and the extreme right, every one of them began to notice that, not only was communism in the age of Stalin just as scary, but that fascism and communism, were oddly similar…and related: both were tentacles of a single, larger monster!
Berman, "Terror and Liberalism," chapter two

2. “Hitler used many of the methods of Stalin and Mussolini to build a totalitarian state in Germany.”
In many ways, communist and fascist movements had opposing ideologies but both ended up being repressive political systems based on the control of a single leader. While communism is based around a theory of economic equality, fascism is based around the glory of the state and strength displayed through violence and conquest. Both communism and fascism originated in Europe and gained popularity in the early to mid 20th century..

pretty much shot down your analogy and reasoning doesn't it? .... assuming you were capable of reasoning.

Obama isn't a single leader unless you rule out the Republicans in Congress which you can't.


1. Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race...
Communism....international socialism.

2. The difference between [socialism and fascism] is superficial and purely formal, but it is significant psychologically: it brings the authoritarian nature of a planned economy crudely into the open. The main characteristic of socialism (and of communism) is public ownership of the means of production, and, therefore, the abolition of private property. The right to property is the right of use and disposal. Under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds total power over its use and disposal.
Ayn Rand.

a. And, another based on statism, big government: Liberalis/Progressivism/ whatever you choose to call it today.

3. "Given his impetuous temperament, it comes as no surprise that Roosevelt had little regard for the limits the Constitution imposed on the presidency. In the United Mine Workers strike in 1902, Roosevelt threatened to order the army to run the coal mines.

Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!" Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."

Roosevelt's disregard for the Constitution carried over to his conduct of foreign affairs. Woods explains in detail the way in which Roosevelt in 1905 arrogated to himself the power to reach a binding agreement with the Dominican Republic to administer that country's customs collections. The Constitution clearly requires that treaties be submitted to the Senate for its approval, but Roosevelt at first refused to submit the agreement to the Senate. Faced with protests, he at last did submit the treaty; but when the Senate did not act on it, Roosevelt was not deterred.

Exasperated, Roosevelt simply defied the senate, drawing up what we would today call an executive agreement, the foreign policy equivalent of an executive order. (p. 141)
The Mises Review: 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Leads right up to FDR, doesn't it......

maybe in your mind skewed with warped logic, not mine.

basically every foreign power has been compared to Obama to no avail when FACTS enter the picture.

Simple to explain....yours is the prime example of an uneducated mind.

I'm certain some adult will help you obtain a library card.
Like the fanatics have learned,push a negative so much it becomes a positive..but it still does not make it the truth..

Speaking of truth....have you ascertained anything I've posted that isn't so?


What does that suggest?
Much of what you post, PC, becomes facile and superficial in your analysis.

You are right to be afraid of fascism and communism, and so you should be far right wing authoritarianism, which you appear to celebrate.
Much of what you post, PC, becomes facile and superficial in your analysis.

You are right to be afraid of fascism and communism, and so you should be far right wing authoritarianism, which you appear to celebrate.

Would you mind quoting her on that? Where is she specifically 'celebrating' right wing authoritarianism? At any rate, right wing authoritarianism is just a fancy phrase for right wing fascism. You use the word 'fascism' without knowing what it truly means.
Much of what you post, PC, becomes facile and superficial in your analysis.

You are right to be afraid of fascism and communism, and so you should be far right wing authoritarianism, which you appear to celebrate.

Everything I post is true.

"You are right to be afraid of fascism and communism,...."

Afraid? Aware!

You should stick to words you understand....."authoritarianism," case in point.
It applies to fascism, communism, socialism, liberalism, progressivism.....every totalist faith....and Franklin Roosevelt is its poster-boy.

This applies to fascism, communism, socialism, liberalism, progressivism.....every totalist faith:

The new morality did away with the old-fashioned insistence on distinguishing between the guilty and the innocent. What an advance, what progress in the search for freedom!

Lenin’s orders: “Shoot more professors!” (Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,”p.43)…even Saint-Just had never given such an order!

Bolsheviks willingness to put to death random crowds without knowing their political view….why, they were merely following Baudelaire’s directive, ‘In politics, the true saint is the man who uses his whip and kills the people for their own good.” The Atheist Conservative: » The cultivation of evil, the sickness of Europe

Have you noticed that every one of them is opposed to a belief in God?

Franklin Roosevelt identified with, yearned to be one with, the dictators of his time.

Here's what I "celebrate": individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Stay tuned....I'll provide the education you seem to have slept through.
As Tori Amos once said:

"...by the way I don't believe you're leaving cause me and Charles Manson like the same ice cream..."

So.......you are unaware of the close correspondence between Franklin Roosevelt and the fascist ruler of Italy?

Seems to be so very many things of which you are unaware.

Now, take notes:

11. Let's continue to remind you of how close Franklin Roosevelt and Il Duce were.

English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one.

And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union. The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property.

a. Mussolini wrote a book review of Roosevelt’s “Looking Forward,” in which he said “…[as] Roosevelt here calls his readers to battle, is reminiscent of the ways and means by which Fascism awakened the Italian people.”
Popolo d’Italia, July 7, 1933.

b. In 1934, Mussolini wrote a review of “New Frontiers,” by FDR’s Sec’y of Agriculture, later Vice-President, Henry Wallace:
“Wallace’s answer to what America wants is as follows: anything but a return to the free-market, i.e., anarchistic economy. Where is America headed? This book leaves no doubt that it is on the road to corporatism, the economic system of the current century.” Marco Sedda, Il politico, vol. 64, p. 263.

12. " As an economic system, fascism is SOCIALISM with a capitalist veneer. ... In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful COMPETITION, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary MARXISM, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.

Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.....

.... Mussolini praised the New Deal as “boldly . . . interventionist in the field of economics,” and Roosevelt complimented Mussolini for his “honest purpose of restoring Italy” and acknowledged that he kept “in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.”

Also, Hugh Johnson, head of the National Recovery Administration, was known to carry a copy of Raffaello Viglione’s pro-Mussolini book, The Corporate State, with him, presented a copy to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, and, on retirement, paid tribute to the Italian dictator."
Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

So....it seems they had far more in common than their enjoyment of Gelato......you dope.
Much of what you post, PC, becomes facile and superficial in your analysis.

You are right to be afraid of fascism and communism, and so you should be far right wing authoritarianism, which you appear to celebrate.

she's a caricature of herself. She's cried wolf so many times :tomato: that people, RIGHTLY, write her :tinfoil: rw, fear-mongering off :eusa_hand:
I remember when Beck ran with this shit for a while but you know what? FDR did not end up being torn to pieces by an angry crowd and has a place in history as savior of the country. You can sully his memory all you want but the fact remains that he brought us through hell on earth and we came out better than ever on the other side.

The mob never attacks the winners, only the losers. FDR's economic policies were no different than Mussolini's.

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