Fascism Is as Fascism Does

The great fascist government in our history was that of George W. Bush, with the intermingling of government and business. The difference between Roosevelt and Bush's types of fascism were that the people won over business in FDR's administrations.

Trot along, PC. You truly do not have the tools necessary for a successful blogging career.

^ that

It truly is the end of history when it can be so easily boiled down into such incredibly wrong conclusions that persist despite volumes of available information to the contrary. When the last of the pre-internet generations die people will finally be free to wallow in self-made realities without anyone to contradict them.
Yes. Roosevelt was a fascist dictator. Whew! We barely survived his reign of terror!

What other president interned thousands of innocent people based on their skin, ancestry and language?

Surviving? Many of the victims of this egotistical mental and physical cripple did - indeed - NOT survive.

There is no reason to think that FDR would have been any better than Mussolini, given the chance.
1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

2. The bas-reliefs on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court, done by the architect Charles Gilbert in 1935, also feature fasces as one of seven symbols of justice’s manifold attributes.

3. The federal fasces have oddly escaped the notice of modern observers, but their story sheds light on the often curious histories of cultural symbols. How did the fasces get there? Stranger still, how did they escape effacement during our mid-century war with the Italian fascist regime?
And how should we think about them today?


You're late. We already got a good laugh over this when the insane Mr. Glenn Beck did it a few years ago:

Glenn Beck: Crack(ed) Symbologist

Glenn Beck, the conservative commentator and self-proclaimed “rodeo clown”, found a new hobby horse the other night — secretly “communist” and “fascist” art buried into the exterior design program of Rockefeller Center. In Beck’s rant he also managed to imply that “Rockefeller”, it’s not clear which Rockefeller he meant, was also somehow a secret communist. Or was it a fascist? Or maybe both.

But let’s get real, one of the several actual motives for Beck’s latest bug-eyed, comic-sinister monologue — other than to gain himself more publicity and to mash the words “progressive/fascist/communist” into a single loaded term — is to put it to NBC, arch-rival of Fox News and co-owner of MSNBC, which is headquartered at Rock Center. One of the first insidious works that Beck “discovers” are a pair of carved low-relief figures, called Industry and Agriculture, that flank the entrance of one of the low-rise buildings on the Center’s south end. That building will be vaguely familiar to many people because it opens onto the plaza where the Today show holds its outdoor summer concerts. The studio where Today broadcasts from is just across from it. Beck makes sure to mention the Today connection, leaving you with the vague impression that Matt Lauer is insidiously using Miley Cyrus to lure us into a trap set by Joe Stalin.

And what is it that inflames Beck about these carvings? One of the figures, Agriculture, holds a sickle. Meanwhile Industry leans on a hammer. Hammer. Sickle. Hammer and sickle! They’re not actually touching, much less crossing, but never mind — they’re secretly suggesting the communist symbol. Just think — Rockefeller Center is across the street from my office. I pass this terrifying radical fetish figure nearly every day without suspecting its malign intent.

Let’s put aside for a moment the fact that sickles and hammers were symbols of agriculture and labor long before the communists hit upon the idea of combining them as their symbol. And that workers and farmers were a standard theme in Art Deco. I had actually always thought the “hammer” Industry leans on was a shovel, buried partly in soil represented by the dark grey stone base of the building. That’s why the figure always looked less to me like a symbol of militant labor than a WPA road worker on a break. (At the feet of Agriculture grass grows from the same grey “soil”.) The Rockefeller Center website also describes the thing as a shovel. But images can be ambiguous and you can read it either way.

Meanwhile, it’s the siren song of Italian fascism that Beck hears in another artwork at the Center, a 10 by 16-ft. neoclassical glass wall sculpture by a little remembered Italian-American artist, Attilio Piccirilli. What it shows is a young man walking towards the sun in front a of chariot driven by a muscled figure. Beck takes it to be a fascist tableaux of youth leading humanity towards a bright future and ends up identifying the charioteer as Mussolini.



My advice to you...if you want to be a running joke on this forum, at least make the jokes fresh.

Glen Beck Takes on Rockefeller Center | TIME.com
You receive an F- for that stupid interpretation of the most perilous period in the last 100 years.

If you cannot see the political motivations behind the fascist images that dominated the era, then you must be anticipating minarets, and the magnificent Alhambra-like structures popping up in all of the seats of power.

Jeremiah 5:21: ‘Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not’.

America has always had periodic classical revivals in architecture and our great buildings and monuments are adorned with things borrowed directly from Greeks and Romans because it looks cool, trying to translate that into politics is stupid, It's like saying our government is racist because many of our monuments are white in color.

1. Are you equating the Greek/Roman roots of Western Civilization with an attempt to align with Mussolini/Fascists?

2. Where is your response to this: '...you must be anticipating minarets, and the magnificent Alhambra-like structures popping up in all of the seats of power.'

3. "...trying to translate that into politics is stupid,..."

That's why I'm here....to educate you to the reality of life.

a. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today:
“that all life is "political."

Try to expand your understanding.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to•the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p. 48
I remember when Beck ran with this shit for a while but you know what? FDR did not end up being torn to pieces by an angry crowd and has a place in history as savior of the country. You can sully his memory all you want but the fact remains that he brought us through hell on earth and we came out better than ever on the other side.

actually it was Harry S. Truman..., (the only democRAT president i am proud of :up:) who brought U.S. out better on this side by bringing that war to an end.


1. On the national scene, Truman came under the sway of communists in government...but, unlike Roosevelt......he caught on to Stalin and communism.

It is actually possible to see into Truman's psyche, based on events as President. Having served under the Rooseveltian Stalin appeasement policies, Truman had to learn quickly. Even so, baby steps can be observed.

On May 23, 1945 (he became President on April 12, 1945), Truman sent Harry Hopkins, Averill Harriman, and Charles Bolen to see Stalin to smooth out some problems developing with Stalin...e.g., Army intelligence was finding out the truth about Stalin's massacres in the Katyn Forest.

At the same time, Truman sent the dunce, Joseph Davies, to Churchill to tell him that he, Truman, would continue to appease Stalin. But Truman was beginning to show the good judgment he became known for...and thus, the incipient Cold War was beginning.

a. Education continued for Truman: June 4, 1945, in a 15-minute meeting with General Carter W. Clarke, and Colonel Ernest Gibson, of Army intelligence, Truman was first informed about army codebreakers working on secret cables sent from Moscow to Washington- the Venona decrypts.
"Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," p. 111, Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter
You also get an F minus.

What's expected from a commie professor.

I'm no professor but I did pay attention in class and pumped my elders for information back when I was young. What FDR did to transform the south from what it was into what it eventually became alone qualifies the man for sainthood. The first decent paycheck a southern man ever got come because of him, the first electricity, the first car, the first immunizations, the list goes on. He finished reconstruction to the ire of northern republicans and now the south, surrounded by the fruits of his accomplishments bad mouth the man.

"...What FDR did to transform the south from what it was into what it eventually became alone qualifies the man for sainthood."


a. Hugo Black was FDR's first Supreme Court nominee, in 1937. This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.”
Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU

b. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."

The Democrats of the South always remained racists.
They were 'Dixiecrats,' not 'Dixiecans.'

You've been raised like a mushroom....in the dark, and fed you-know-what.

Bulletin: libraries are free.
If you cannot see the political motivations behind the fascist images that dominated the era, then you must be anticipating minarets, and the magnificent Alhambra-like structures popping up in all of the seats of power.

Jeremiah 5:21: ‘Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not’.

America has always had periodic classical revivals in architecture and our great buildings and monuments are adorned with things borrowed directly from Greeks and Romans because it looks cool, trying to translate that into politics is stupid, It's like saying our government is racist because many of our monuments are white in color.

1. Are you equating the Greek/Roman roots of Western Civilization with an attempt to align with Mussolini/Fascists?

2. Where is your response to this: '...you must be anticipating minarets, and the magnificent Alhambra-like structures popping up in all of the seats of power.'

3. "...trying to translate that into politics is stupid,..."

That's why I'm here....to educate you to the reality of life.

a. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today:
“that all life is "political."

Try to expand your understanding.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to•the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p. 48

1. No the author of your cut and paste is trying to do that by making classical imagery on our buildings into a full endorsement of Fascism by FDR, ridiculous.

2. I do not respond to utter bullshit as I have made it clear that I do not buy the connection between architectural symbolism and tyranny.

3. See number one and two.
1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

2. The bas-reliefs on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court, done by the architect Charles Gilbert in 1935, also feature fasces as one of seven symbols of justice’s manifold attributes.

3. The federal fasces have oddly escaped the notice of modern observers, but their story sheds light on the often curious histories of cultural symbols. How did the fasces get there? Stranger still, how did they escape effacement during our mid-century war with the Italian fascist regime?
And how should we think about them today?


You're late. We already got a good laugh over this when the insane Mr. Glenn Beck did it a few years ago:

Glenn Beck: Crack(ed) Symbologist

Glenn Beck, the conservative commentator and self-proclaimed “rodeo clown”, found a new hobby horse the other night — secretly “communist” and “fascist” art buried into the exterior design program of Rockefeller Center. In Beck’s rant he also managed to imply that “Rockefeller”, it’s not clear which Rockefeller he meant, was also somehow a secret communist. Or was it a fascist? Or maybe both.

But let’s get real, one of the several actual motives for Beck’s latest bug-eyed, comic-sinister monologue — other than to gain himself more publicity and to mash the words “progressive/fascist/communist” into a single loaded term — is to put it to NBC, arch-rival of Fox News and co-owner of MSNBC, which is headquartered at Rock Center. One of the first insidious works that Beck “discovers” are a pair of carved low-relief figures, called Industry and Agriculture, that flank the entrance of one of the low-rise buildings on the Center’s south end. That building will be vaguely familiar to many people because it opens onto the plaza where the Today show holds its outdoor summer concerts. The studio where Today broadcasts from is just across from it. Beck makes sure to mention the Today connection, leaving you with the vague impression that Matt Lauer is insidiously using Miley Cyrus to lure us into a trap set by Joe Stalin.

And what is it that inflames Beck about these carvings? One of the figures, Agriculture, holds a sickle. Meanwhile Industry leans on a hammer. Hammer. Sickle. Hammer and sickle! They’re not actually touching, much less crossing, but never mind — they’re secretly suggesting the communist symbol. Just think — Rockefeller Center is across the street from my office. I pass this terrifying radical fetish figure nearly every day without suspecting its malign intent.

Let’s put aside for a moment the fact that sickles and hammers were symbols of agriculture and labor long before the communists hit upon the idea of combining them as their symbol. And that workers and farmers were a standard theme in Art Deco. I had actually always thought the “hammer” Industry leans on was a shovel, buried partly in soil represented by the dark grey stone base of the building. That’s why the figure always looked less to me like a symbol of militant labor than a WPA road worker on a break. (At the feet of Agriculture grass grows from the same grey “soil”.) The Rockefeller Center website also describes the thing as a shovel. But images can be ambiguous and you can read it either way.

Meanwhile, it’s the siren song of Italian fascism that Beck hears in another artwork at the Center, a 10 by 16-ft. neoclassical glass wall sculpture by a little remembered Italian-American artist, Attilio Piccirilli. What it shows is a young man walking towards the sun in front a of chariot driven by a muscled figure. Beck takes it to be a fascist tableaux of youth leading humanity towards a bright future and ends up identifying the charioteer as Mussolini.



My advice to you...if you want to be a running joke on this forum, at least make the jokes fresh.

Glen Beck Takes on Rockefeller Center | TIME.com

PoliChic is our chew toy :)
The great fascist government in our history was that of George W. Bush, with the intermingling of government and business. The difference between Roosevelt and Bush's types of fascism were that the people won over business in FDR's administrations.

Trot along, PC. You truly do not have the tools necessary for a successful blogging career.

The Low-T contingent checks in.

And....once again, unable to refer to any aspect of the OP.

Jakal.....You better hide, the garbage collector is coming!
1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

2. The bas-reliefs on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court, done by the architect Charles Gilbert in 1935, also feature fasces as one of seven symbols of justice’s manifold attributes.

3. The federal fasces have oddly escaped the notice of modern observers, but their story sheds light on the often curious histories of cultural symbols. How did the fasces get there? Stranger still, how did they escape effacement during our mid-century war with the Italian fascist regime?
And how should we think about them today?


You're late. We already got a good laugh over this when the insane Mr. Glenn Beck did it a few years ago:

Glenn Beck: Crack(ed) Symbologist

Glenn Beck, the conservative commentator and self-proclaimed “rodeo clown”, found a new hobby horse the other night — secretly “communist” and “fascist” art buried into the exterior design program of Rockefeller Center. In Beck’s rant he also managed to imply that “Rockefeller”, it’s not clear which Rockefeller he meant, was also somehow a secret communist. Or was it a fascist? Or maybe both.

But let’s get real, one of the several actual motives for Beck’s latest bug-eyed, comic-sinister monologue — other than to gain himself more publicity and to mash the words “progressive/fascist/communist” into a single loaded term — is to put it to NBC, arch-rival of Fox News and co-owner of MSNBC, which is headquartered at Rock Center. One of the first insidious works that Beck “discovers” are a pair of carved low-relief figures, called Industry and Agriculture, that flank the entrance of one of the low-rise buildings on the Center’s south end. That building will be vaguely familiar to many people because it opens onto the plaza where the Today show holds its outdoor summer concerts. The studio where Today broadcasts from is just across from it. Beck makes sure to mention the Today connection, leaving you with the vague impression that Matt Lauer is insidiously using Miley Cyrus to lure us into a trap set by Joe Stalin.

And what is it that inflames Beck about these carvings? One of the figures, Agriculture, holds a sickle. Meanwhile Industry leans on a hammer. Hammer. Sickle. Hammer and sickle! They’re not actually touching, much less crossing, but never mind — they’re secretly suggesting the communist symbol. Just think — Rockefeller Center is across the street from my office. I pass this terrifying radical fetish figure nearly every day without suspecting its malign intent.

Let’s put aside for a moment the fact that sickles and hammers were symbols of agriculture and labor long before the communists hit upon the idea of combining them as their symbol. And that workers and farmers were a standard theme in Art Deco. I had actually always thought the “hammer” Industry leans on was a shovel, buried partly in soil represented by the dark grey stone base of the building. That’s why the figure always looked less to me like a symbol of militant labor than a WPA road worker on a break. (At the feet of Agriculture grass grows from the same grey “soil”.) The Rockefeller Center website also describes the thing as a shovel. But images can be ambiguous and you can read it either way.

Meanwhile, it’s the siren song of Italian fascism that Beck hears in another artwork at the Center, a 10 by 16-ft. neoclassical glass wall sculpture by a little remembered Italian-American artist, Attilio Piccirilli. What it shows is a young man walking towards the sun in front a of chariot driven by a muscled figure. Beck takes it to be a fascist tableaux of youth leading humanity towards a bright future and ends up identifying the charioteer as Mussolini.



My advice to you...if you want to be a running joke on this forum, at least make the jokes fresh.

Glen Beck Takes on Rockefeller Center | TIME.com

PoliChic is our chew toy :)

Dog chews Korean? lol, that would be news.

It's pretty bad when you're recycling Glenn Beck as if you've discovered something profound
The symbolic use of 'fasces' predates Mussolini, predates the United States, predates the Roman Empire.

The idea that Roosevelt used fasces to copy Mussolini is, well,

Isn't PoliChic from north Korea? Is that why she hates this great nation so much :dunno:

The Koreans are one of the most racist people on earth, despite what offsetting merits they may possess;

I think we can excuse PC's intolerance for anyone who isn't exactly like her to a well entrenched nature/nurture cocktail.
America has always had periodic classical revivals in architecture and our great buildings and monuments are adorned with things borrowed directly from Greeks and Romans because it looks cool, trying to translate that into politics is stupid, It's like saying our government is racist because many of our monuments are white in color.

1. Are you equating the Greek/Roman roots of Western Civilization with an attempt to align with Mussolini/Fascists?

2. Where is your response to this: '...you must be anticipating minarets, and the magnificent Alhambra-like structures popping up in all of the seats of power.'

3. "...trying to translate that into politics is stupid,..."

That's why I'm here....to educate you to the reality of life.

a. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today:
“that all life is "political."

Try to expand your understanding.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to•the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p. 48

1. No the author of your cut and paste is trying to do that by making classical imagery on our buildings into a full endorsement of Fascism by FDR, ridiculous.

2. I do not respond to utter bullshit as I have made it clear that I do not buy the connection between architectural symbolism and tyranny.

3. See number one and two.


You won't believe it unless FDR himself tells you???


8. "In June 1933, as construction proceeded on the Department of Justice building, President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared his enthusiasm about Mussolini in a letter to the American ambassador in Rome: “I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.”

In another letter, he praised Mussolini as “that admirable Italian gentleman.” That same year, FDR asked Harry Hopkins to visit Italy to “look over the housing and social insurance schemes. . . . [Y]ou might pick up some ideas useful to us in developing our own American plan for security.”

9. As for the fasces on federal architecture, they appear not to have attracted any controversy, or even notice, in recent memory. The Department of Justice has published several pamphlets about its building. Only the most recent, a brochure published in celebration of the building’s 50th anniversary, mentions the fasces at all—and then, only in passing, as “traditional emblems of authority.”

10. This indifference continues, ironically, in an era of campaigns and lawsuits targeting everything from “Indian”-themed sports teams and school mascots to displays of Confederate flags and religious symbolism in the public square. The fasces have survived not just the Second World War but also, thus far, the Culture Wars. "
When Fasces Aren't Fascist by Eugene Kontorovich, City Journal Spring 2014

And, here is an excellent opportunity to remind all of the fact that not just the New Deal, Mussolini's Fascism, the National Socialism of Germany were interrelated.....but so was Stalin's Soviet empire:

...the Harry Hopkins mentioned by Roosevelt, the adviser who actually lived in the White House...
"Harry Hopkins,- FDR's alter ego, co-president, or Rasputin, "...the closest and most influential adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, was a Soviet agent." and “the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States.”
The Treachery Of Harry Hopkins
The Treachery Of Harry Hopkins

Isn't it astounding how much history the government schools "forgot" to inform you of???
The great fascist government in our history was that of George W. Bush, with the intermingling of government and business. The difference between Roosevelt and Bush's types of fascism were that the people won over business in FDR's administrations.

Trot along, PC. You truly do not have the tools necessary for a successful blogging career.

Really? If you want to get down to the nitty gritty, both governments were the same. Essentially because of the fact that Democrats had control over key parts of the government in the 1930s, and from 2006-10. After 2006, when Democrats took control of both houses of Congress, spending jumped dramatically, and dependence on government welfare programs skyrocketed. Well, I guess it goes even further back than 2006, when FDR though executive orders and the Democrats via Congress enacted the New Deal. Since then, dependence has only gone up from there.

You heard me right, FDR DICTATED part of the New Deal to America. You must understand that FDR dictated parts of the New Deal via executive orders, executive orders themselves could be deemed as fascist, since they are inherently authoritarian in nature.

Do you do any research before you post?
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1. "...structures that bear actual fascist symbols—those of the United States government, no less. Bizarre as it seems, many federal buildings in Washington were designed prominently with fasces, the emblem of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s twentieth-century regime. Even more surprisingly, these structures were erected in the 1920s and 1930s—just as Mussolini was ornamenting Italy’s government buildings with the same symbol.

and where did Mussolini get the symbolic fasces from??? Ancient Rome..it is a symbol of authority..
America has always had periodic classical revivals in architecture and our great buildings and monuments are adorned with things borrowed directly from Greeks and Romans because it looks cool, trying to translate that into politics is stupid, It's like saying our government is racist because many of our monuments are white in color.

1. Are you equating the Greek/Roman roots of Western Civilization with an attempt to align with Mussolini/Fascists?

2. Where is your response to this: '...you must be anticipating minarets, and the magnificent Alhambra-like structures popping up in all of the seats of power.'

3. "...trying to translate that into politics is stupid,..."

That's why I'm here....to educate you to the reality of life.

a. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today:
“that all life is "political."

Try to expand your understanding.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to•the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p. 48

1. No the author of your cut and paste is trying to do that by making classical imagery on our buildings into a full endorsement of Fascism by FDR, ridiculous.

2. I do not respond to utter bullshit as I have made it clear that I do not buy the connection between architectural symbolism and tyranny.

3. See number one and two.

1. You can't even acknowledge that the construction of some of our government buildings coincided with the Mussolini's rise to power and were built by those admires such a rise to power by paying homage, if not downright endorsing the concept of fascism here in the United States. Where was our government during that time? If it had not been fascist, it would have demanded other types of imagery to reflect it's stances on how to maintain the citizenry.

2. No, you respond to bullshit with bullshit. But in this case the OP isn't bullshit, and discerning simple facts for you is like trying to deduce Quantum Mechanics, simply too complicated. It isn't hard to read, or do research.

3. See number one and two.
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