
Do you trust President-elect Trumps words & his duty to put our country as his #1 priority?

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My experience tells me you are what you hate.
You complain about "dimocrat" and are still using the term, "Tea bagger"?
Proves that political partisans are hypocritical asshats regardless of political affiliation.

It's odd to me how certain truths are overlooked by these hyper partisans. It has already been established that he man who wrote it is no doctor which should lead any rational person to question why he is calling himself that, it has already been established that his claiming fascists use an overreaction to "terrorism" is awfully convenient considering the word was hardly used in the 30s, and that, in fact, it was whipped up specifically to apply to GWB. The entire list was even lifted from a site designed for utter lunatics. Despite this, the thread goes on and on with the fundamentalists of the far left clinging to their dogma.

Can you just imagine if a similarly puerile poster tried to foster the notion that Obama is a communist and used some unaccredited laundry list of supposed reasons why? The same leftist authoritarians in this thread who are all over the Trump is a fascist silliness would be mocking the very notion.

I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.

Gee, you took Poli Sci courses at the U. A U. you didn't ID.

My undergrad degrees, earned at CAL, were in Poli Sci and US History from Reconstruction until the election of 1960. Politics live - which I observed close at hand since during my time at CAL - 65 & 66, and 70-72 (I spent the middle years on AD in the Navy) were instructive because of the events during my time at CAL & in the Navy.

I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?

Would it help if I offered you a safe space, there, Mario Savio?
My experience tells me you are what you hate.
You complain about "dimocrat" and are still using the term, "Tea bagger"?
Proves that political partisans are hypocritical asshats regardless of political affiliation.

It's odd to me how certain truths are overlooked by these hyper partisans. It has already been established that he man who wrote it is no doctor which should lead any rational person to question why he is calling himself that, it has already been established that his claiming fascists use an overreaction to "terrorism" is awfully convenient considering the word was hardly used in the 30s, and that, in fact, it was whipped up specifically to apply to GWB. The entire list was even lifted from a site designed for utter lunatics. Despite this, the thread goes on and on with the fundamentalists of the far left clinging to their dogma.

Can you just imagine if a similarly puerile poster tried to foster the notion that Obama is a communist and used some unaccredited laundry list of supposed reasons why? The same leftist authoritarians in this thread who are all over the Trump is a fascist silliness would be mocking the very notion.

I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.
Hey, take me outa the quote willya?


Mea culpa.
My experience tells me you are what you hate.
You complain about "dimocrat" and are still using the term, "Tea bagger"?
Proves that political partisans are hypocritical asshats regardless of political affiliation.

It's odd to me how certain truths are overlooked by these hyper partisans. It has already been established that he man who wrote it is no doctor which should lead any rational person to question why he is calling himself that, it has already been established that his claiming fascists use an overreaction to "terrorism" is awfully convenient considering the word was hardly used in the 30s, and that, in fact, it was whipped up specifically to apply to GWB. The entire list was even lifted from a site designed for utter lunatics. Despite this, the thread goes on and on with the fundamentalists of the far left clinging to their dogma.

Can you just imagine if a similarly puerile poster tried to foster the notion that Obama is a communist and used some unaccredited laundry list of supposed reasons why? The same leftist authoritarians in this thread who are all over the Trump is a fascist silliness would be mocking the very notion.

I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.

Gee, you took Poli Sci courses at the U. A U. you didn't ID.

My undergrad degrees, earned at CAL, were in Poli Sci and US History from Reconstruction until the election of 1960. Politics live - which I observed close at hand since during my time at CAL - 65 & 66, and 70-72 (I spent the middle years on AD in the Navy) were instructive because of the events during my time at CAL & in the Navy.

I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?
Can you get a refund?
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.



BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those whose support for the status quo. And, was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged and the infirm. Another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

The Tea Party was not ignorant nor callous, nor manipulated.

It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them.

That you are STILL using that term at this late date, completely undermines your attempt to present yourself as a reasonable human being and your judgements on those who disagree with you.

The term is a pejorative, used as dramatic irony, to describe how those "normal Middle class American types" dressed and behaved during the summer of 2010. That maybe a bit to abstract for you. Suffice it to say, these "normal Middle class American types" were manipulated by the propaganda (IT's SOCIALISM!!!) by those who benefited from the status quo, and Pol's who had been displaced during the 2008 election lusting for the power they lost.

1. It was not used in dramatic irony, it was simply the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule using a homophobic slur.

2. Your need to dismiss those normal Middle Class Americans as being "manipulated" so that you can marginalize them and thus sideline them from the political process is a process in your head that does not reflect negatively on those good people at all.

3. Your continued use of that homophobic slur at this point in time, reveals you to be the unreasonable partisan and demolishes your credibility when it comes to your judgement about people who disagree with you, such as your targets with this smear thread of yours.
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.



Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know.

This was all about the Left being asses. It was funny for a WEEKEND. After that it was just the left being asses.
My experience tells me you are what you hate.
Proves that political partisans are hypocritical asshats regardless of political affiliation.

It's odd to me how certain truths are overlooked by these hyper partisans. It has already been established that he man who wrote it is no doctor which should lead any rational person to question why he is calling himself that, it has already been established that his claiming fascists use an overreaction to "terrorism" is awfully convenient considering the word was hardly used in the 30s, and that, in fact, it was whipped up specifically to apply to GWB. The entire list was even lifted from a site designed for utter lunatics. Despite this, the thread goes on and on with the fundamentalists of the far left clinging to their dogma.

Can you just imagine if a similarly puerile poster tried to foster the notion that Obama is a communist and used some unaccredited laundry list of supposed reasons why? The same leftist authoritarians in this thread who are all over the Trump is a fascist silliness would be mocking the very notion.

I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.

Gee, you took Poli Sci courses at the U. A U. you didn't ID.

My undergrad degrees, earned at CAL, were in Poli Sci and US History from Reconstruction until the election of 1960. Politics live - which I observed close at hand since during my time at CAL - 65 & 66, and 70-72 (I spent the middle years on AD in the Navy) were instructive because of the events during my time at CAL & in the Navy.

I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?
Can you get a refund?

He claims to have a masters degree, yet is completely unable to recognize the nature of the Rense site he uses to form his political opinions.

He's quite the legend in his own mind.
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.



Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know.

This was all about the Left being asses. It was funny for a WEEKEND. After that it was just the left being asses.

True, being stupid is being biddable, and not thinking critically. Something concrete thinkers like you can't comprehend. It's not your fault, sagacious thinking requires some training, some practice and a latent ability.
Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know.


I didn't know what it meant before that.

I was probably too busy making sure I was not caught in public with that telltale white smear on my face from my last twinkie.
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.


No, most had no idea of the homosexual meaning. The degenrates own the left, why would the right know that? They don't live in that world. I certainly had no idea years after the TEA party movement began.
My experience tells me you are what you hate.
It's odd to me how certain truths are overlooked by these hyper partisans. It has already been established that he man who wrote it is no doctor which should lead any rational person to question why he is calling himself that, it has already been established that his claiming fascists use an overreaction to "terrorism" is awfully convenient considering the word was hardly used in the 30s, and that, in fact, it was whipped up specifically to apply to GWB. The entire list was even lifted from a site designed for utter lunatics. Despite this, the thread goes on and on with the fundamentalists of the far left clinging to their dogma.

Can you just imagine if a similarly puerile poster tried to foster the notion that Obama is a communist and used some unaccredited laundry list of supposed reasons why? The same leftist authoritarians in this thread who are all over the Trump is a fascist silliness would be mocking the very notion.

I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.

Gee, you took Poli Sci courses at the U. A U. you didn't ID.

My undergrad degrees, earned at CAL, were in Poli Sci and US History from Reconstruction until the election of 1960. Politics live - which I observed close at hand since during my time at CAL - 65 & 66, and 70-72 (I spent the middle years on AD in the Navy) were instructive because of the events during my time at CAL & in the Navy.

I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?
Can you get a refund?

He claims to have a masters degree, yet is completely unable to recognize the nature of the Rense site he uses to form his political opinions.

He's quite the legend in his own mind.

The only nature of Rense - who or whatever that is - has come from your repeated spamming on this issue. If you matriculated at a U. - which you claim - it was remiss in failing to teach you how to produce an expository essay.
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.


No, most had no idea of the homosexual meaning. The degenrates own the left, why would the right know that? They don't live in that world. I certainly had no idea years after the TEA party movement began.

Have you ever had an idea? Ideas intimidate you:

.....I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?
If you are truly that educated, then you should be familiar with the fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam. I have an MS in International Relations from Troy University. What does that mean other than accomplishing a program of education? Nothing if I cannot back up any discussion on this forum with facts.
My experience tells me you are what you hate.
I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.

Gee, you took Poli Sci courses at the U. A U. you didn't ID.

My undergrad degrees, earned at CAL, were in Poli Sci and US History from Reconstruction until the election of 1960. Politics live - which I observed close at hand since during my time at CAL - 65 & 66, and 70-72 (I spent the middle years on AD in the Navy) were instructive because of the events during my time at CAL & in the Navy.

I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?
Can you get a refund?

He claims to have a masters degree, yet is completely unable to recognize the nature of the Rense site he uses to form his political opinions.

He's quite the legend in his own mind.

The only nature of Rense - who or whatever that is - has come from your repeated spamming on this issue. If you matriculated at a U. - which you claim - it was remiss in failing to teach you how to produce an expository essay.

That's so cute -- You are trying SO hard to sound like a grownup.
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.


No, most had no idea of the homosexual meaning. The degenrates own the left, why would the right know that? They don't live in that world. I certainly had no idea years after the TEA party movement began.

Have you ever had an idea? Ideas intimidate you:

...and then he posts a video in an attempt to explain his.

LOL, what a precious jewel we have in Wry. I hope no other forum naps him.
No, most had no idea of the homosexual meaning. The degenrates own the left, why would the right know that? They don't live in that world. I certainly had no idea years after the TEA party movement began.
Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know......
What is your fetish with gays? A man can teabag a woman as most heterosexuals know. Are you in the closet, Correll? Weasel?

Urban Dictionary: teabag
To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth of another person
"Man, Brenda was all passed out with her mouth open and Billy teabagged her" by Rachel March 16, 2003

While you can plead ignorance as an excuse, the fact remains "tea bagging" was used first by the Tea Party and they knew exactly what it meant even if you both want to remain in the closet of ignorance that they did.
....It was renamed because as normal Middle American types they were not up on homo-erotic slang and did not realize that "Tea Bagging" had a obscure secondary meaning that vile leftists would use to smear them......
Wrong again. They knew exactly what it meant. They were not all fucking stupid. What they didn't know was that it would be flipped back on them.



Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know.

This was all about the Left being asses. It was funny for a WEEKEND. After that it was just the left being asses.

True, being stupid is being biddable, and not thinking critically. Something concrete thinkers like

you can't comprehend. It's not your fault, sagacious thinking requires some training, some practice and a latent ability.

All you did there was tell yourself how smart you are.

Being like that OPENS YOURSELF up to being manipulated by people who tell you that you are smart or that other people are dumb.

AND just because someone might not be as smart as you, nor "trained" as you are, does not mean that they do not have a valid issue that should be addressed that you missed or dismissed due to your biases or ideological commitment.
Americans knew by 1933 that Hitler's National Socialist party was not socialist. Time magazine in that year wrote a number of insights into the party saying: "Essentially Nationalists and patrioteers, the Nazi insert "Socialist" into their party name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Socialism was key to hitlers fascism. He chose not to own industry but rather, own the people of industry (the workers and owners) to control industry. This was a cornerstone of his rule and he created a monstrous government to achieve his goals.
Socialism was his KEY TO THE PEOPLE. Once he got into power he shed that pretense.

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