
Do you trust President-elect Trumps words & his duty to put our country as his #1 priority?

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No, most had no idea of the homosexual meaning. The degenrates own the left, why would the right know that? They don't live in that world. I certainly had no idea years after the TEA party movement began.
Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know......
What is your fetish with gays? A man can teabag a woman as most heterosexuals know. Are you in the closet, Correll? Weasel?

Urban Dictionary: teabag
To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth of another person
"Man, Brenda was all passed out with her mouth open and Billy teabagged her" by Rachel March 16, 2003

While you can plead ignorance as an excuse, the fact remains "tea bagging" was used first by the Tea Party and they knew exactly what it meant even if you both want to remain in the closet of ignorance that they did.

The way is was used as an INSULT by the left demonstrated that it was being used as a homo-erotic slur.

Accusing a man of accepting oral gratification from a woman, isn't really a very stinging insult, now is it?
No, most had no idea of the homosexual meaning. The degenrates own the left, why would the right know that? They don't live in that world. I certainly had no idea years after the TEA party movement began.
Not being up on homo erotic slang is not the same as being stupid. They did not know......
What is your fetish with gays? A man can teabag a woman as most heterosexuals know. Are you in the closet, Correll? Weasel?

Urban Dictionary: teabag
To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth of another person
"Man, Brenda was all passed out with her mouth open and Billy teabagged her" by Rachel March 16, 2003

While you can plead ignorance as an excuse, the fact remains "tea bagging" was used first by the Tea Party and they knew exactly what it meant even if you both want to remain in the closet of ignorance that they did.
You blow a LOT of flatulence with each and every post and think it looks smart. It doesn't. People don't live in your dank immoral world and to hold them to your standards is beyond ignorant. I'm positive there are many terms I am unfamiliar with and don't feel like going into the sewer to come down to your speed.
We're getting derailed on ...fetishes....let's get back to fascism.
My experience tells me you are what you hate.
It's odd to me how certain truths are overlooked by these hyper partisans. It has already been established that he man who wrote it is no doctor which should lead any rational person to question why he is calling himself that, it has already been established that his claiming fascists use an overreaction to "terrorism" is awfully convenient considering the word was hardly used in the 30s, and that, in fact, it was whipped up specifically to apply to GWB. The entire list was even lifted from a site designed for utter lunatics. Despite this, the thread goes on and on with the fundamentalists of the far left clinging to their dogma.

Can you just imagine if a similarly puerile poster tried to foster the notion that Obama is a communist and used some unaccredited laundry list of supposed reasons why? The same leftist authoritarians in this thread who are all over the Trump is a fascist silliness would be mocking the very notion.

I give what I get dogshit. You have no clue as to the academic and historical meaning of the terms you toss around - leftist, liberal, progressive, conservative, authoritarian and you even to fail to understand the use of irony as a rhetorical device. Rational and reasonable posters can expect a rational and reasonable response from me, I'm not always correct, have offered Mea Culpas when I'm proved wrong, but given the opposition that is rarely necessary.

As a piece of dogshit you have proved to be nothing but a pedestrian member of the echo chamber; someday offer your opinions on real issues: Abortion, sex ed. in schools, gun control, voting qualifications, border security, foreign and domestic policy, the UN, taxes, minimum wage, labor unions and the national debt.

I have on each of these and many more; the response from Trump supporters and Obama haters has been nothing substantive, and many times a phrase or single sentence which I call an Idiot-Gram. Putting more words on the page does not always prove to be substantive, as you've been able to prove several times.

BTW, calling the tea party members "tea baggers" and that they've renamed their caucus the Freedom Caucus is another example of extremists using words and phrases inappropriately, for the Tea Party was nothing more than a group of ignorant and callous people manipulated by those who supported for the status quo. And that was an effort by the Medical Establishment & Wall Street to continue to reap profit from the poor, the aged, the infirm and the Middle Class. This is another issue on which I've commented and one which deserves actual debate, not echoes of propaganda and a phrase or single sentence of foolishness.

I did not vote for Trump, child, and I took political science courses at a University you have absolutely no chance of ever attending.

It appears you have been reduced to incoherent blathering here in your desperation as you are now tossing out just about everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps you might try learning to organize your thoughts some day instead of just letting the spittle fly in these little tantrums of yours.

Gee, you took Poli Sci courses at the U. A U. you didn't ID.

My undergrad degrees, earned at CAL, were in Poli Sci and US History from Reconstruction until the election of 1960. Politics live - which I observed close at hand since during my time at CAL - 65 & 66, and 70-72 (I spent the middle years on AD in the Navy) were instructive because of the events during my time at CAL & in the Navy.

I also have a Master's Degree from SFSU. Do I now win the pissing contest, or does dogshit claim victory.?
Can you get a refund?

He claims to have a masters degree, yet is completely unable to recognize the nature of the Rense site he uses to form his political opinions.

He's quite the legend in his own mind.

You yourself have used hate sites, Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy for one. I hardly think you are in a good position to lecture another poster on using hate sites (you know, glass houses and all that). It's easy to make a mistake and pick an article without researching the site. It's more telling if the person defends the site and I don't think Wry has done that, he's just saying look at the article.

The article Wry chose is hard to source elsewhere however - at least I can't find much of anything on the author, perhaps we can look at fascism through other sources instead. Many of them echo some of the same points Wry's article made and come from respectable sources.
Since you invented my emotion for me in an attempt to look better that proves the emotion is all yours. The only one you fooled here is you.
Dude, your emotional tantrums are all over this thread and elsewhere on the forum.

You should have a master's degree in STFU because you do your cause a disservice.
You blow a LOT of flatulence with each and every post....
...Another non point from the divine gasbag. He worked awfully hard for a guy that didn't think he could win. You are completely full of shit. I guess that's where the divine wind comes from.
None of those insults has anything to do with fascism, your lack of veracity nor your ability to calmly discuss the topic at hand. It's just typical partisan dog piling.

Fascism is RWed, but has elements of LW as proved several times above. It has as much to do with socialism as North Korea has to do with Democratic Republic.
Most college book stores have small booklets on ideologies, some more elaborate than others, but all seem to agree that fascism is a right wing belief. Of course, there are those posters that like to create their own ideologies to fit their own politics.
Since you invented my emotion for me in an attempt to look better that proves the emotion is all yours. The only one you fooled here is you.
Dude, your emotional tantrums are all over this thread and elsewhere on the forum.

You should have a master's degree in STFU because you do your cause a disservice.
You blow a LOT of flatulence with each and every post....
...Another non point from the divine gasbag. He worked awfully hard for a guy that didn't think he could win. You are completely full of shit. I guess that's where the divine wind comes from.
None of those insults has anything to do with fascism, your lack of veracity nor your ability to calmly discuss the topic at hand. It's just typical partisan dog piling.

Fascism is RWed, but has elements of LW as proved several times above. It has as much to do with socialism as North Korea has to do with Democratic Republic.
So, using hitler as the example, you're saying he ran a small government to achieve his fascist state?
Since you invented my emotion for me in an attempt to look better that proves the emotion is all yours. The only one you fooled here is you.
Dude, your emotional tantrums are all over this thread and elsewhere on the forum.

You should have a master's degree in STFU because you do your cause a disservice.
You blow a LOT of flatulence with each and every post....
...Another non point from the divine gasbag. He worked awfully hard for a guy that didn't think he could win. You are completely full of shit. I guess that's where the divine wind comes from.
None of those insults has anything to do with fascism, your lack of veracity nor your ability to calmly discuss the topic at hand. It's just typical partisan dog piling.

Fascism is RWed, but has elements of LW as proved several times above. It has as much to do with socialism as North Korea has to do with Democratic Republic.
I said you're full of flatulence. You have to lie about others to make your shit smell a little better. It doesn't. No where have I thrown a tantrum, you're just trying to deflect from me pointing out that you regularly are making statements you can't support.

You can't speak for the operation of others' minds with any credibility, yet you do. Conservatives don't live in the same deranged world homosexual perverts do, how would they know what their terminology was? It isn't common knowledge, nor should it be.
I find it awfully ironic that this article is printed on Rense.com -- a viciously antisemitic conspiracy hate site.

You didn't vote, and you replied with an opinion not affirmed by evidence.

I did not vote because you are promoting an antisemitic hate site.

Perhaps you should ask somebody to explain European fascism to you some day, because they ALSO hated Jews.

....but, hey, if you want to reference a site that has an annual Hitler birthday celebration day, go for it. Just don't try to claim you are somehow AGAINST fascism, here.

He is promoting Breitbart?
Not accepting the results of a democratic election is fascism, as is political correctness.
How many times have we heard about Obama "He is not my president?"

and Trump himself said he was unsure he would accept the election results if he lost


you people cannot win with that douche as your leader
Most college book stores have small booklets on ideologies, some more elaborate than others, but all seem to agree that fascism is a right wing belief. Of course, there are those posters that like to create their own ideologies to fit their own politics.
Most colleges also agree that there are 71 genders. Anyone who believes the bullshit leftwing universities pump out only marks himself as a sucker.
Not accepting the results of a democratic election is fascism, as is political correctness.
How many times have we heard about Obama "He is not my president?"

and Trump himself said he was unsure he would accept the election results if he lost


you people cannot win with that douche as your leader
Don't know RAG. I don't recall people saying he's not their president. It's a fascist streak on the left that leads to that meme

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