
Do you trust President-elect Trumps words & his duty to put our country as his #1 priority?

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The election proved demagoguery, hate and fear are sufficient to woe the votes of the biddable. Have you noticed how many common people have been nominated or appointed by the P-e? Has Trump drained the swamp, or has he reloaded it with the usual suspects; from, Wall Street, the 1%, the Military and former elected officials.
As if Hillary would have done anything different, other than the cronies would all have a "D" after their names or large "charity" donation checks.

Still, it remains to be seen how the Trump administration functions. He's not even sworn in yet and you're declaring his Presidency a failure. LOL

Hillary hasn't and won't nominate or appoint anyone, she lost the Presidency even though she received a clear mandate of a 3 million + or - votes more than Trump. That's a fact!

I haven't declared Trump's Presidency a failure. I have said and I will repeat that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, I've made that assessment by watching and listening to him closely, and by the facts that he has zero experience with governance, seems to have no sense of diplomacy, attacks persons not their argument, and has proved to me to be a classic demagogue, charlatan and narcissist.

Will his presidency be a failure? That is the question yet to be answered. Two points to consider:
  1. People in general either grow into a job, or they don't. We can hope and some might pray that Trump can learn he cannot succeed on tweets, lies, false pathos or promises. He must rely on others and listen to their counsel, he must try to understand other cultures and why some will tell him, NO! And he must hold his tongue (metaphorically, put the letter under his pillow and read it over the following day)
  2. And the question to be answered for anyone who first takes the oath of office of the President of the United States: Will he make history, or will history make him?
Anyone who believes Hillary is fit to be President is a dumbass or a douche bag or both. Your opinion can therefore be safely ignored.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
Having single term limits would get the cancer out of the politician that is the career... fact
That would certainly be a big help. No won should be allowed to become a career politician.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.

Sorry, but people who make a career in politics are douche bags. Just as there are no chaste hookers, there are no honest politicians.
The election proved demagoguery, hate and fear are sufficient to woe the votes of the biddable. Have you noticed how many common people have been nominated or appointed by the P-e? Has Trump drained the swamp, or has he reloaded it with the usual suspects; from, Wall Street, the 1%, the Military and former elected officials.
As if Hillary would have done anything different, other than the cronies would all have a "D" after their names or large "charity" donation checks.

Still, it remains to be seen how the Trump administration functions. He's not even sworn in yet and you're declaring his Presidency a failure. LOL

Hillary hasn't and won't nominate or appoint anyone, she lost the Presidency even though she received a clear mandate of a 3 million + or - votes more than Trump. That's a fact!

I haven't declared Trump's Presidency a failure. I have said and I will repeat that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, I've made that assessment by watching and listening to him closely, and by the facts that he has zero experience with governance, seems to have no sense of diplomacy, attacks persons not their argument, and has proved to me to be a classic demagogue, charlatan and narcissist.

Will his presidency be a failure? That is the question yet to be answered. Two points to consider:
  1. People in general either grow into a job, or they don't. We can hope and some might pray that Trump can learn he cannot succeed on tweets, lies, false pathos or promises. He must rely on others and listen to their counsel, he must try to understand other cultures and why some will tell him, NO! And he must hold his tongue (metaphorically, put the letter under his pillow and read it over the following day)
  2. And the question to be answered for anyone who first takes the oath of office of the President of the United States: Will he make history, or will history make him?
A mandate for what?

Yes Virginia, there are dumb questions.

Disagreed here. Regardless of numbers, a lot of pissed off West Coast liberals should not be allowed to dictate to the other 47-48 states who becomes President. That's why the Founders set up the system we have. If you want to change the system, you just had 8 years to do so. Why wait until after Hillary lost to bitch about it?

Owebo asked a question and you dodged it. I suspect because you know the answer: There is no "Hillary mandate". To even mention it is bullshit. It means nothing. Not only did the Democrats lose the White House, but they failed at retaking both Houses of Congress. THAT sounds like a mandate to me. Do you agree?

The mandate I spoke of was not a Hillary Mandate, per se, it was the fact the people who voted for her listened to Trump, watched the debates and understood that experience, temperament and maturity mattered. Generally, a vote for Trump was one based on emotion, and a vote for Clinton based on reason. in my considered opinion.

We spent 8-years hearing nothing but bitterness directed at she and her husband, and then 8-years hearing bitterness directed at Obama and his spouse. Lies, rumors, innuendos and character assassination filled the airways and the halls of Congress. You may claim that the Congress and White House won, and I will claim that a nation run Ryan, McConnell and Trump will prove that the hoi polloi will have lost.
...I haven't declared Trump's Presidency a failure. I have said and I will repeat that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, I've made that assessment by watching and listening to him closely, and by the facts that he has zero experience with governance, seems to have no sense of diplomacy, attacks persons not their argument, and has proved to me to be a classic demagogue, charlatan and narcissist....
Not in so many words, but, as you opened with, clearly you and your fellow far Left friends, are so highly antagonistic toward Trump, you aren't even allowing him his first 100 days to see what happens.

Three thoughts:
1) Ronald Reagan, the actor, became President. Yes, he had governor experience, but his salient talent was surrounding himself with good people and letting them do their jobs. He was very good at putting the nation first.

2) George W. Bush also had governor experience but his main failing was putting loyalty to friends first over the needs of the nation.

3) Barack Obama's resume lacked executive office. He was a community organizer, a state senator and a 3+ year Congressional Senator. His first year or two in office were plagued by rookie mistakes but LWers kept saying "give him a chance".

4) Regardless of all the squawking from the Left, Trump will become President. Is it too much to ask to give him the same chance LWers asked for Obama?

A. I'm not a left winger. I'm a middle of the road socially liberal and fiscally responsible home owner, married for 43 years with two sons, have owned dogs and cats and driven mini vans since their creation. I'm a Vietnam Era - no combat experience - vet of the Navy and spent a career of 32 years in LE.

1. Ronald Reagan understood compromise, he learned on the job and used the skill of an actor win the hearts, if not the minds, of the nation.
2. GWB seems to be a nice guy, as POTUS he was a failure. He should have had a career as an artist.
3. Barack Obama was never given a chance, he was hated by the establishment GOP for taking away their White House and his coat tails gave the D's a majority in both chambers of Congress.
4. Yep, Trump will become president on Jan. 20th. Godspeed, he will need it.
As if Hillary would have done anything different, other than the cronies would all have a "D" after their names or large "charity" donation checks.

Still, it remains to be seen how the Trump administration functions. He's not even sworn in yet and you're declaring his Presidency a failure. LOL

Hillary hasn't and won't nominate or appoint anyone, she lost the Presidency even though she received a clear mandate of a 3 million + or - votes more than Trump. That's a fact!

I haven't declared Trump's Presidency a failure. I have said and I will repeat that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, I've made that assessment by watching and listening to him closely, and by the facts that he has zero experience with governance, seems to have no sense of diplomacy, attacks persons not their argument, and has proved to me to be a classic demagogue, charlatan and narcissist.

Will his presidency be a failure? That is the question yet to be answered. Two points to consider:
  1. People in general either grow into a job, or they don't. We can hope and some might pray that Trump can learn he cannot succeed on tweets, lies, false pathos or promises. He must rely on others and listen to their counsel, he must try to understand other cultures and why some will tell him, NO! And he must hold his tongue (metaphorically, put the letter under his pillow and read it over the following day)
  2. And the question to be answered for anyone who first takes the oath of office of the President of the United States: Will he make history, or will history make him?
A mandate for what?

Yes Virginia, there are dumb questions.

Disagreed here. Regardless of numbers, a lot of pissed off West Coast liberals should not be allowed to dictate to the other 47-48 states who becomes President. That's why the Founders set up the system we have. If you want to change the system, you just had 8 years to do so. Why wait until after Hillary lost to bitch about it?

Owebo asked a question and you dodged it. I suspect because you know the answer: There is no "Hillary mandate". To even mention it is bullshit. It means nothing. Not only did the Democrats lose the White House, but they failed at retaking both Houses of Congress. THAT sounds like a mandate to me. Do you agree?

The mandate I spoke of was not a Hillary Mandate, per se, it was the fact the people who voted for her listened to Trump, watched the debates and understood that experience, temperament and maturity mattered. Generally, a vote for Trump was one based on emotion, and a vote for Clinton based on reason. in my considered opinion.

We spent 8-years hearing nothing but bitterness directed at she and her husband, and then 8-years hearing bitterness directed at Obama and his spouse. Lies, rumors, innuendos and character assassination filled the airways and the halls of Congress. You may claim that the Congress and White House won, and I will claim that a nation run Ryan, McConnell and Trump will prove that the hoi polloi will have lost.

They voted for hilary because she was a woman......if she hadn't been a woman, married to bill the rapist, she would never have been elected to the Senate in New York...as two failed Presidential runs show....she had nothing...and has achieved nothing....
...I haven't declared Trump's Presidency a failure. I have said and I will repeat that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, I've made that assessment by watching and listening to him closely, and by the facts that he has zero experience with governance, seems to have no sense of diplomacy, attacks persons not their argument, and has proved to me to be a classic demagogue, charlatan and narcissist....
Not in so many words, but, as you opened with, clearly you and your fellow far Left friends, are so highly antagonistic toward Trump, you aren't even allowing him his first 100 days to see what happens.

Three thoughts:
1) Ronald Reagan, the actor, became President. Yes, he had governor experience, but his salient talent was surrounding himself with good people and letting them do their jobs. He was very good at putting the nation first.

2) George W. Bush also had governor experience but his main failing was putting loyalty to friends first over the needs of the nation.

3) Barack Obama's resume lacked executive office. He was a community organizer, a state senator and a 3+ year Congressional Senator. His first year or two in office were plagued by rookie mistakes but LWers kept saying "give him a chance".

4) Regardless of all the squawking from the Left, Trump will become President. Is it too much to ask to give him the same chance LWers asked for Obama?

A. I'm not a left winger. I'm a middle of the road socially liberal and fiscally responsible home owner, married for 43 years with two sons, have owned dogs and cats and driven mini vans since their creation. I'm a Vietnam Era - no combat experience - vet of the Navy and spent a career of 32 years in LE.

1. Ronald Reagan understood compromise, he learned on the job and used the skill of an actor win the hearts, if not the minds, of the nation.
2. GWB seems to be a nice guy, as POTUS he was a failure. He should have had a career as an artist.
3. Barack Obama was never given a chance, he was hated by the establishment GOP for taking away their White House and his coat tails gave the D's a majority in both chambers of Congress.
4. Yep, Trump will become president on Jan. 20th. Godspeed, he will need it.
No...you're a LWNJ....
...I haven't declared Trump's Presidency a failure. I have said and I will repeat that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, I've made that assessment by watching and listening to him closely, and by the facts that he has zero experience with governance, seems to have no sense of diplomacy, attacks persons not their argument, and has proved to me to be a classic demagogue, charlatan and narcissist....
Not in so many words, but, as you opened with, clearly you and your fellow far Left friends, are so highly antagonistic toward Trump, you aren't even allowing him his first 100 days to see what happens.

Three thoughts:
1) Ronald Reagan, the actor, became President. Yes, he had governor experience, but his salient talent was surrounding himself with good people and letting them do their jobs. He was very good at putting the nation first.

2) George W. Bush also had governor experience but his main failing was putting loyalty to friends first over the needs of the nation.

3) Barack Obama's resume lacked executive office. He was a community organizer, a state senator and a 3+ year Congressional Senator. His first year or two in office were plagued by rookie mistakes but LWers kept saying "give him a chance".

4) Regardless of all the squawking from the Left, Trump will become President. Is it too much to ask to give him the same chance LWers asked for Obama?

A. I'm not a left winger. I'm a middle of the road socially liberal and fiscally responsible home owner, married for 43 years with two sons, have owned dogs and cats and driven mini vans since their creation. I'm a Vietnam Era - no combat experience - vet of the Navy and spent a career of 32 years in LE.

1. Ronald Reagan understood compromise, he learned on the job and used the skill of an actor win the hearts, if not the minds, of the nation.
2. GWB seems to be a nice guy, as POTUS he was a failure. He should have had a career as an artist.
3. Barack Obama was never given a chance, he was hated by the establishment GOP for taking away their White House and his coat tails gave the D's a majority in both chambers of Congress.
4. Yep, Trump will become president on Jan. 20th. Godspeed, he will need it.
No...you're a LWNJ....

At least you and 2aguy are nothing more than inarticulate fools, count your blessings you're not as fucked up as bripat.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
Yes, the cash in politics and the cost of reelections is a problem, but "career" politicians seem to be more interested in consolidating power than in doing what they were elected to do. Do you think we should repeal the 22nd Amendment? I don't, but I also think we need election reform. Not just about the cash but to put a reasonable limit, say 2-3 terms for Senators (12-18 years total), apples-to-apples, 6-9 terms for the House (12-18 years total). I know many would like to make it shorter, but we have to realize that most Congress critters would fight this by inaction if it was too short.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
There is no lower life form on the face of the earth than a career politician...
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
Yes, the cash in politics and the cost of reelections is a problem, but "career" politicians seem to be more interested in consolidating power than in doing what they were elected to do. Do you think we should repeal the 22nd Amendment? I don't, but I also think we need election reform. Not just about the cash but to put a reasonable limit, say 2-3 terms for Senators (12-18 years total), apples-to-apples, 6-9 terms for the House (12-18 years total). I know many would like to make it shorter, but we have to realize that most Congress critters would fight this by inaction if it was too short.

That's way too long. 18 years is almost a career. One term in the Senate and three in the House is plenty.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

Bad bad example

The US of A is a gargantuan FASCIST bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

It is now, but prior to FDR it was a passably free country.
what do you mean by "free"? we had a Third World economy before FDR, we cruised right past the second world due to litigation and war, and now we have a First World economy, where the right alleges that the poor are, too free to do what they want.

No we didn't. We had the biggest economy on earth. You're peddling a leftwing myth. Who do you imaging purchased 20 million Model T's before FDR ascended to the throne?
better capitalists than we can muster now?
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

Bad bad example

The US of A is a gargantuan FASCIST bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

It is now, but prior to FDR it was a passably free country.
what do you mean by "free"? we had a Third World economy before FDR, we cruised right past the second world due to litigation and war, and now we have a First World economy, where the right alleges that the poor are, too free to do what they want.

No we didn't. We had the biggest economy on earth. You're peddling a leftwing myth. Who do you imaging purchased 20 million Model T's before FDR ascended to the throne?
We also had, 1929. Capitalism died and socialism has been picking up the slack, ever since.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
There is no lower life form on the face of the earth than a career politician...
Agreed......and so do many others: Honesty/Ethics in Professions
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
Yes, the cash in politics and the cost of reelections is a problem, but "career" politicians seem to be more interested in consolidating power than in doing what they were elected to do. Do you think we should repeal the 22nd Amendment? I don't, but I also think we need election reform. Not just about the cash but to put a reasonable limit, say 2-3 terms for Senators (12-18 years total), apples-to-apples, 6-9 terms for the House (12-18 years total). I know many would like to make it shorter, but we have to realize that most Congress critters would fight this by inaction if it was too short.

That's way too long. 18 years is almost a career. One term in the Senate and three in the House is plenty.
Regardless if I agree or not, fat chance passing it through Congress.
I have found in my life experiences that most people are morons and uneducated about the world around them.
Most people have no clue what Fascism is and where it lies on the political spectrum. It is PURE LEFTIST IDEOLOGY.
Bad bad example

The US of A is a gargantuan FASCIST bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

It is now, but prior to FDR it was a passably free country.
what do you mean by "free"? we had a Third World economy before FDR, we cruised right past the second world due to litigation and war, and now we have a First World economy, where the right alleges that the poor are, too free to do what they want.

No we didn't. We had the biggest economy on earth. You're peddling a leftwing myth. Who do you imaging purchased 20 million Model T's before FDR ascended to the throne?
We also had, 1929. Capitalism died and socialism has been picking up the slack, ever since.
Where? In Russia? China? Is that why both have resorted to capitalist ventures?
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

Bad bad example

The US of A is a gargantuan FASCIST bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

It is now, but prior to FDR it was a passably free country.
what do you mean by "free"? we had a Third World economy before FDR, we cruised right past the second world due to litigation and war, and now we have a First World economy, where the right alleges that the poor are, too free to do what they want.

No we didn't. We had the biggest economy on earth. You're peddling a leftwing myth. Who do you imaging purchased 20 million Model T's before FDR ascended to the throne?
better capitalists than we can muster now?
I asked you who bought them, not who made them.

We have plenty of good capitalists now. Unfortunately, because of the massive increase in government regulations, it's 100 times harder to start a business or a major construction project now than it was in the 1920s.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
Yes, the cash in politics and the cost of reelections is a problem, but "career" politicians seem to be more interested in consolidating power than in doing what they were elected to do. Do you think we should repeal the 22nd Amendment? I don't, but I also think we need election reform. Not just about the cash but to put a reasonable limit, say 2-3 terms for Senators (12-18 years total), apples-to-apples, 6-9 terms for the House (12-18 years total). I know many would like to make it shorter, but we have to realize that most Congress critters would fight this by inaction if it was too short.

That's way too long. 18 years is almost a career. One term in the Senate and three in the House is plenty.
Regardless if I agree or not, fat chance passing it through Congress.
True. That's why we need the convention of states.
We have 200+ years of history of career politicians fucking over citizens, why would anyone trust the career politician?

Would you go to a barber to remove a burst appendix? What's wrong with Congress and state/local legislative bodies is not "career politicians", it is the cash that is necessary for each of them to remain in elective office.
Yes, the cash in politics and the cost of reelections is a problem, but "career" politicians seem to be more interested in consolidating power than in doing what they were elected to do. Do you think we should repeal the 22nd Amendment? I don't, but I also think we need election reform. Not just about the cash but to put a reasonable limit, say 2-3 terms for Senators (12-18 years total), apples-to-apples, 6-9 terms for the House (12-18 years total). I know many would like to make it shorter, but we have to realize that most Congress critters would fight this by inaction if it was too short.

That's way too long. 18 years is almost a career. One term in the Senate and three in the House is plenty.
Regardless if I agree or not, fat chance passing it through Congress.
True. That's why we need the convention of states.
That's long been a dream of those on the right, but the odds are against it for the same reason the election was so close; the country is fairly evenly divided. In such an environment getting 34 states to call a convention and 38 to ratify an amendment giving term limits to Congress would be difficult at best. If it did happen, I strongly doubt the required majority would ratify single terms for Senators. Three two-year terms for Representatives would be dicey too. All for the same reason some states keep reelecting the same people to office.

That said, a CoS isn't a magic wand. The human dynamics would remain the same; corporate and other well-monied interests would still be power players. The same loud-mouthed, politically active, but relative minority, groups would still exert influence. Delegates would be elected, and I suspect most would be proportional to state citizens, not necessarily "winner take all" like the Electoral College.

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