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Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb

I'd call you Captain Obvious, but you missed the obvious. No shit it's dumb, THAT'S THE POINT.

To argue Hitler hated socialists because he killed socialists is DUMB. As we've been discussing, socialists span from mob rule but relatively benign Scandinavians to Stalin.

The rest of your argument on this about why some socialists oppose him was just silly. Socialist is government control of the economy. Clearly Nazis controlled the economy. Nothing you said refuted that, it just went off into a discussion with the voices in your head, who interestingly agree with you. Who saw that coming?


If he didn't hate socialists he wouldn't have tossed them into concentration camps. Why did he do that? Because socialism is about more than just the economy.
505: Now you're arguing that authoritarian governments don't control the economy? WTF? You think the Nazis didn't control the economy? Name any authoritarian government that doesn't fascist or not. Authoritarian governments are all socialist left. Think about the term "authoritarian." How can that not cover the economy?

Authoritarian can be left or right. I don't know where you get the idea that the right can't possibly be authoritarian.
What makes an ideology left or right depend on a number of different factors, not just one

The fallacy you just committed is called "begging the question." You repeated your assertion as if true, you did not address my point.

Socialism is an economic policy, government control/ownership of industry. So by definition it's fiscal left. Now what if instead of repeating your assertion you answer the question? See the blue. Go ahead and name a right wing, non socialist government

I addressed your point by refuting your claim that authoritarian governments are all socialist left. How is that "begging the question"?

Not all government control or regulation of the economy is "socialist". In addition economy is NOT THE ONLY FACTOR that determines whether or not an ideology is LEFTWING or RIGHTWING.

noun: socialism
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Socialism is BOTH a political and economic theory. An authoritairan leader is not necessarily the community or acting for the community.

If you want an example of an authoritarian state where the government doesn't control the economy the entire economy (in addition to the Nazi's) look at Iran.
An authoritarian leadership would be fascist.
You seem to completely overlook overlook the ideological differences between the two - completely. You focus on one point: defining an ideology on the basis of economy alone. Far rightwing ideologies are characterized by authoritarianiasm; nativism; anti-communism (and belief in a natural class order)

I just stopped reading here because you're an ignorant bigot and that's all you want to be. I'm done wasting my time with you.

That Communists aren't left or aren't extreme, that the Soviets weren't nationalist, the only ones who say that are leftists with your hands down your pants.

The one who's expressing hate is you. Sure, I fuck with idiots when they prove they are idiots. What you're expressing is the real thing. You've been pummeled by the facts that Communists are all the things you say right wing are.

It's stupid. If you're stupid by choice or you're just stupid is something I'll leave to you.

Right wingers are bigots because left wingers say so. Yeah, powerful stuff. To an idiot
505: Now you're arguing that authoritarian governments don't control the economy? WTF? You think the Nazis didn't control the economy? Name any authoritarian government that doesn't fascist or not. Authoritarian governments are all socialist left. Think about the term "authoritarian." How can that not cover the economy?

Authoritarian can be left or right. I don't know where you get the idea that the right can't possibly be authoritarian.
What makes an ideology left or right depend on a number of different factors, not just one

The fallacy you just committed is called "begging the question." You repeated your assertion as if true, you did not address my point.

Socialism is an economic policy, government control/ownership of industry. So by definition it's fiscal left. Now what if instead of repeating your assertion you answer the question? See the blue. Go ahead and name a right wing, non socialist government

I addressed your point by refuting your claim that authoritarian governments are all socialist left. How is that "begging the question"?

Because I keep asking you to name an authoritarian government that doesn't control the economy and you keep ignoring that and repeating your view that they aren't without addressing it. That is in fact the definition of begging the question

Not all government control or regulation of the economy is "socialist". In addition economy is NOT THE ONLY FACTOR that determines whether or not an ideology is LEFTWING or RIGHTWING.

noun: socialism
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Socialism is BOTH a political and economic theory. An authoritairan leader is not necessarily the community or acting for the community.

If you want an example of an authoritarian state where the government doesn't control the economy the entire economy (in addition to the Nazi's) look at Iran.

You are full of shit. Socialism is purely economics. Socialist Sweden and Soviet Russia both control their economy, but they are politically very different.

Economics goes from one extreme capitalism to the other extreme socialism

Politics goes from one extreme libertarian to the other extreme authoritarian.

"Conservative" is ambiguous. It can mean fiscally right or socially right. Here's the stupid trick liberals like to play:

Social Conservatives can be anti-gay

So you say conservatives are anti-gay removing the "can be" and the "social" parts, so you can ...

... then you apply it to fiscal conservatives by calling them "conservatives" using the same name to describe different groups. And whola, you have Republicans of whom only a small percentage are anti-gay being ... presto ... anti gay.

You're intellectual children. You're childish. It's about winning

Speaking of "full of shit": you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I've provided numerous examples of definitions and sources showing socialism is not just an economic system, you just keep stating the same thing over and over again and lobbing ad homs.

Whatever dude.

Your definitions are full of idiocies like that socialism isn't government owning all industry, it's the people. Show how an actual country runs that way where "the people" isn't a euphemism for government
Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb

I'd call you Captain Obvious, but you missed the obvious. No shit it's dumb, THAT'S THE POINT.

To argue Hitler hated socialists because he killed socialists is DUMB. As we've been discussing, socialists span from mob rule but relatively benign Scandinavians to Stalin.

The rest of your argument on this about why some socialists oppose him was just silly. Socialist is government control of the economy. Clearly Nazis controlled the economy. Nothing you said refuted that, it just went off into a discussion with the voices in your head, who interestingly agree with you. Who saw that coming?


If he didn't hate socialists he wouldn't have tossed them into concentration camps. Why did he do that? Because socialism is about more than just the economy.

Again this is why I'm just tired of you. Your own quotes said he killed socialists WHO OPPOSED HIM. And you keep ignoring that and repeating your canard he killed them because they were socialists, not because they opposed him.

Never have you presented a quote from him saying he hates socialism.

It's irrelevant anyway since he controlled the economy and was by definition a socialist
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.
No ma'am. The revisionism occurred back sixty and more years ago when the fabians convinced the world that you could have left wing socialism, and right wing socialism. The common denominator being socialism. We are merely trying to set the record straight. There can be only TWO government types. Collectivist, and individualist. That is simple logic. The question about socialist vs fascist is merely the degree along the teeter totter you have traveled.

I think we are bound to disagree on this one....as, I see it squarely on the right side of the teeter with the fascists themselves even stating they were right wing ;)

Except for that "socialism" part in the very name of their Party. Just sayin....
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

People's Republic of China.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

None of those are/were Republics by any stretch of the imagination. A name means nothing, but actions mean everything.

Wrong, actually, we don't need a mix. Socialism provides nothing that individuals can't provide for themselves.
Yes, we do. Pure capitalism does not work any better than pure socialism.

All the evidence indicates that it works a lot better. The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom shows that the less government interferes in the economy, the faster it grow. Our history shows that the bigger government grows, the slower the economy grows.

The evidence is pretty close to being irrefutable. There certainly isn't any evidence that the mixed economy is superior.
what do you mean by "free"? we had a Third World economy before FDR, we cruised right past the second world due to litigation and war, and now we have a First World economy, where the right alleges that the poor are, too free to do what they want.

No we didn't. We had the biggest economy on earth. You're peddling a leftwing myth. Who do you imaging purchased 20 million Model T's before FDR ascended to the throne?
We also had, 1929. Capitalism died and socialism has been picking up the slack, ever since.
Where? In Russia? China? Is that why both have resorted to capitalist ventures?
your point? true AnCaps Only exist in the third world. We zoomed past the second world on our way to the first world, with FDR.
FDR put our economy on hold for 12 years. We didn't "zoom past" anything.
I see trump as more of a Stalinist. He's already getting business to kowtow to his wishes. Though I suppose that is also a form of fascism.

ROFL You vote for Hillary and Obama, but Trump is the Stalinist?

You make it apparent that a fundamental requirement for being a leftist is a capacity for entirely ignoring reality.
capitalists can make rules in our republic, simply by having enough capital.

That's a defect of democracy, not capitalism. If government didn't have anything to sell, then capitalists couldn't buy it.
Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb

I'd call you Captain Obvious, but you missed the obvious. No shit it's dumb, THAT'S THE POINT.

To argue Hitler hated socialists because he killed socialists is DUMB. As we've been discussing, socialists span from mob rule but relatively benign Scandinavians to Stalin.

The rest of your argument on this about why some socialists oppose him was just silly. Socialist is government control of the economy. Clearly Nazis controlled the economy. Nothing you said refuted that, it just went off into a discussion with the voices in your head, who interestingly agree with you. Who saw that coming?

Their argument is that MS-13 is not a drug gang because they kill members of other drug gangs.....they are so stupid....and they still try to use that argument...

If it wasn't for logical fallacies, what arguments would they have? I've swatted down these idiocies time after time after time, but after they've tried the last of them, they just go back to the first one they tried and then you take another trip on their wheel of circular logic.
Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb

I'd call you Captain Obvious, but you missed the obvious. No shit it's dumb, THAT'S THE POINT.

To argue Hitler hated socialists because he killed socialists is DUMB. As we've been discussing, socialists span from mob rule but relatively benign Scandinavians to Stalin.

The rest of your argument on this about why some socialists oppose him was just silly. Socialist is government control of the economy. Clearly Nazis controlled the economy. Nothing you said refuted that, it just went off into a discussion with the voices in your head, who interestingly agree with you. Who saw that coming?


If he didn't hate socialists he wouldn't have tossed them into concentration camps. Why did he do that? Because socialism is about more than just the economy.

Stalin tossed plenty of socialists into concentration camps. Your "logic" is bogus and idiotic.
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.
His opinion is fact based. Your's is ignorance and idiocy based. When you can commit logic, let us know.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.
His opinion is fact based. Your's is ignorance and idiocy based. When you can commit logic, let us know.
Disagreed on all counts. You post a lot of opinion, but no links backing up your opinion. Why? Is it because you don't want to give other people ammunition to shoot down your opinions?

I think we are bound to disagree on this one....as, I see it squarely on the right side of the teeter with the fascists themselves even stating they were right wing ;)

Except for that "socialism" part in the very name of their Party. Just sayin....
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

People's Republic of China.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

None of those are/were Republics by any stretch of the imagination. A name means nothing, but actions mean everything.

Wrong, actually, we don't need a mix. Socialism provides nothing that individuals can't provide for themselves.
Yes, we do. Pure capitalism does not work any better than pure socialism.

All the evidence indicates that it works a lot better. The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom shows that the less government interferes in the economy, the faster it grow. Our history shows that the bigger government grows, the slower the economy grows.

The evidence is pretty close to being irrefutable. There certainly isn't any evidence that the mixed economy is superior.
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.
His opinion is fact based. Your's is ignorance and idiocy based. When you can commit logic, let us know.
Disagreed on all counts. You post a lot of opinion, but no links backing up your opinion. Why? Is it because you don't want to give other people ammunition to shoot down your opinions?

Except for that "socialism" part in the very name of their Party. Just sayin....
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

People's Republic of China.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

None of those are/were Republics by any stretch of the imagination. A name means nothing, but actions mean everything.

Wrong, actually, we don't need a mix. Socialism provides nothing that individuals can't provide for themselves.
Yes, we do. Pure capitalism does not work any better than pure socialism.

All the evidence indicates that it works a lot better. The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom shows that the less government interferes in the economy, the faster it grow. Our history shows that the bigger government grows, the slower the economy grows.

The evidence is pretty close to being irrefutable. There certainly isn't any evidence that the mixed economy is superior.
More ignorance and idiocy.
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.

Right, I need to engage in a fact base discussion with your chorus of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist.

Fuck you, cock sucking dick. There is nothing fact based about you. Liberals are intellectually vacuous, that's why you and Coyote and the rest of you need to engage in the endless stupid shit that you pull.

I've known Republicans and Democrats all my life. I was a Republican until about 1990. I've seen zero evidence Republicans are more racist than you are. That while you drown in race whoring subjugating blacks.

I'm sick of it. I'd love to debate politics, but crack whore babies like you with your endless racism, sexism, homophobia kill any and all discussion with that stupid shit, and you never shut up.

And now you lost and your butt hurt is completely out of control. This isn't your country to rule, dick wad
Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb

I'd call you Captain Obvious, but you missed the obvious. No shit it's dumb, THAT'S THE POINT.

To argue Hitler hated socialists because he killed socialists is DUMB. As we've been discussing, socialists span from mob rule but relatively benign Scandinavians to Stalin.

The rest of your argument on this about why some socialists oppose him was just silly. Socialist is government control of the economy. Clearly Nazis controlled the economy. Nothing you said refuted that, it just went off into a discussion with the voices in your head, who interestingly agree with you. Who saw that coming?

Their argument is that MS-13 is not a drug gang because they kill members of other drug gangs.....they are so stupid....and they still try to use that argument...

If it wasn't for logical fallacies, what arguments would they have? I've swatted down these idiocies time after time after time, but after they've tried the last of them, they just go back to the first one they tried and then you take another trip on their wheel of circular logic.

Sometimes I just get so tired of it, like now. That is their plan. To engage in and endless tag team of lies and deceit until we give up and quit. It's a lot easier to continue to operate on that level of stupid when they are as stupid as they are
Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb

I'd call you Captain Obvious, but you missed the obvious. No shit it's dumb, THAT'S THE POINT.

To argue Hitler hated socialists because he killed socialists is DUMB. As we've been discussing, socialists span from mob rule but relatively benign Scandinavians to Stalin.

The rest of your argument on this about why some socialists oppose him was just silly. Socialist is government control of the economy. Clearly Nazis controlled the economy. Nothing you said refuted that, it just went off into a discussion with the voices in your head, who interestingly agree with you. Who saw that coming?


If he didn't hate socialists he wouldn't have tossed them into concentration camps. Why did he do that? Because socialism is about more than just the economy.

Stalin tossed plenty of socialists into concentration camps. Your "logic" is bogus and idiotic.

Did she prove that the blacks who kill blacks in Chicago aren't black yet? I must have missed that
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.
His opinion is fact based. Your's is ignorance and idiocy based. When you can commit logic, let us know.
Disagreed on all counts. You post a lot of opinion, but no links backing up your opinion. Why? Is it because you don't want to give other people ammunition to shoot down your opinions?

Except for that "socialism" part in the very name of their Party. Just sayin....
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

People's Republic of China.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

None of those are/were Republics by any stretch of the imagination. A name means nothing, but actions mean everything.

Wrong, actually, we don't need a mix. Socialism provides nothing that individuals can't provide for themselves.
Yes, we do. Pure capitalism does not work any better than pure socialism.

All the evidence indicates that it works a lot better. The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom shows that the less government interferes in the economy, the faster it grow. Our history shows that the bigger government grows, the slower the economy grows.

The evidence is pretty close to being irrefutable. There certainly isn't any evidence that the mixed economy is superior.

Again, the point isn't how stupid you are. It's that everyone should be able to present their views, no matter how stupid yours are
Race whores are a joke. What a fucking dick. People like you are destroying America. The Hillary loving butt hurt rages on.
LOL. Kaz, as cracked as the Liberty Bell. When you finally develop a coherent, fact-based opinion on the subject, please let me know.

Right, I need to engage in a fact base discussion with your chorus of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist, of you're a racist.

Fuck you, cock sucking dick. There is nothing fact based about you. Liberals are intellectually vacuous, that's why you and Coyote and the rest of you need to engage in the endless stupid shit that you pull.

I've known Republicans and Democrats all my life. I was a Republican until about 1990. I've seen zero evidence Republicans are more racist than you are. That while you drown in race whoring subjugating blacks.

I'm sick of it. I'd love to debate politics, but crack whore babies like you with your endless racism, sexism, homophobia kill any and all discussion with that stupid shit, and you never shut up.

And now you lost and your butt hurt is completely out of control. This isn't your country to rule, dick wad

I don't know what spawned all this. I thought we were having a decent discussion - we just disagreed. I haven't called you a racist. Nor do I think you are a racist. I haven't insulted you or called you names. I've provided sources for my points. If you can't handle disagreement, then I'm sorry.

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