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No, it doesn't. The common denominator is the systems are AUTHORITARIAN. You can't get past that simple fact.
Never denied they were authoritarian. Only denying your black and white view of the world as either Authoritarian or, according to the scale above, Libertarian.

I am claiming that the circular government system fed to you by the Fabian socialists is a lie. A lie designed to make you accept that there are only two forms of acceptable government, left wing socialism, or right wing socialism. The common denominator is SOCIALISM. They don't care which form of socialism wins, because so long as some form of socialism wins, so do they.
I am claiming that the circular government system fed to you by the Fabian socialists is a lie. A lie designed to make you accept that there are only two forms of acceptable government, left wing socialism, or right wing socialism. The common denominator is SOCIALISM. They don't care which form of socialism wins, because so long as some form of socialism wins, so do they.
Dude, you need to let go of your socialism fetish. It's blinding you. Where did I ever say anything like that? In fact, didn't I say this?:

I disagree. The best countries in the world, for the citizenry, have a healthy mix of capitalist, and socialist policies. That is a fact.
Agreed. A Constitutional Republic with regulated Capitalism (e.g. you can't sell rat poison and call it a health supplement) with a socialist safety net for the sick, elderly and minors seems to work best.

I backed it up in the posts following your question. If you disagreed with my answer, that is not my problem.

Bullshit, you never answered once my question, which is where Hitler was against SOCIALISM You keep arguing he killed socialists. You seriously don't understand the difference?

Explain how the blacks in Chicago who kill blacks aren't black. That he kills socialists doesn't prove shit.

And you keep ignoring my question to name any real differences between Fascist Germany and Communist Russia completely

Bullshit is right. I brought up multiple points.

You repeatedly presented quotes that didn't say what you said they said and then kept repeating that you provided it as if you had.

I've asked you this at least 20 times and you ran away every time, "name any real differences between Fascist Germany and Communist Russia."

If you actually answered it, man up to a post #

Post #451, 505, 738, for a start. I'm not going to look any further but multiple times I outlined the differences. Just because YOU don't think they are differences doesn't mean I haven't answered your question. But, just to make it absolutely clear - I have now posted yet another post.

Three would work if they answered the question. Here's the problem:

451: You said fascism is "survival of the fittest, strict social order, authoritarian leadership. You're saying Communist Russia isn't that? You can't be serious

Yes. I am serious. In terms of ideology - there is nothing in communism that calls for authoritarianism (it just happens that is what Stalin imposed). In terms of ideology - fascism is an authoritarian ideology. Stalinist Soviet Union became authoritarian because of Stalin, not because of the ideology.

As far as survival of the fittest - this sort of Darwinian view of humanity is central to fascism and to Hitlers "racial superiority" visions. There is nothing of that in socialist or communist ideology.

505: Now you're arguing that authoritarian governments don't control the economy? WTF? You think the Nazis didn't control the economy? Name any authoritarian government that doesn't fascist or not. Authoritarian governments are all socialist left. Think about the term "authoritarian." How can that not cover the economy?

Authoritarian can be left or right. I don't know where you get the idea that the right can't possibly be authoritarian.
What makes an ideology left or right depend on a number of different factors, not just one.

738: All that says is Hitler killed socialists. Again, blacks kill blacks in Chicago. Tell me how that makes them not black. That he killed the socialist ... who opposed him ... is your dumbest argument. Seriously, you think he killed them because they were socialists, not because they opposed him?

Blacks kill blacks in Chicago becuase that is the dominant racial make up in the areas where it happens - so what sort of comparison is that? It's not. It's dumb.

Hitler killed socialists because they opposed him. Why did they oppose him? Well, for one thing, because he refused to go along with the far more socialist program that the Strassers faction was pushing for. Both Strassers were strong advocatesfor the socialist wing of the party and thought that the national revolution should also tackle poverty, build support among the working class and remove (through revolution) the elites from power. Hitler killed one, and the other fled, became a writer and bitterly denounced Hitler's betrayal of the socialists.

His attitudes towards the socialists (and socialism) is also reflected in who he sent to the concentration camps.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? Debunking a Historical Myth
Before 1934 some in the party did promote anti-capitalist and socialist ideas, such as profit-sharing, nationalization and old-age benefits, but these were merely tolerated by Hitler as he gathered support, dropped once he secured power and often later executed, such as Gregor Strasser. There was no socialist redistribution of wealth or land under Hitler – although some property changed hands thanks to looting and invasion - and while both industrialists and workers were courted, it was the former who benefitted and the latter who found themselves the target of empty rhetoric. Indeed, Hitler became convinced that socialism was intimately connected to his even more long standing hatred - the Jews – and thus hated it even more. Socialists were the first to be locked up in concentration camps. More on the Nazi rise to power and creation of the dictatorship.
I disagree. The best countries in the world, for the citizenry, have a healthy mix of capitalist, and socialist policies. That is a fact.
Agreed. A Constitutional Republic with regulated Capitalism (e.g. you can't sell rat poison and call it a health supplement) with a socialist safety net for the sick, elderly and minors seems to work best.

"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.

No, there is loads of evidence that it does.
Really? Post some of it.
The Right Wing supports the elites, think Monarchy
The Left Wing supports the hoi polloi, think democracy

It's really that simple.

Both wings can become radicalized, the RW reactionary and resistant to change, the LW revolutionary and seeking immediate change.
What leftists have in common is big government. Name a leftist country that doesn't. Democracy is two lions and a lamb deciding on dinner. That's why freedom loving countries are into republics.

The right wing here damn sure doesn't support the elites. This election should have served as an education but apparently you are beyond it.

The election proved demagoguery, hate and fear are sufficient to woe the votes of the biddable. Have you noticed how many common people have been nominated or appointed by the P-e? Has Trump drained the swamp, or has he reloaded it with the usual suspects; from, Wall Street, the 1%, the Military and former elected officials.
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
Good thing TR didn't meddle in the economy, I mean him being a Republican and all.
The election proved demagoguery, hate and fear are sufficient to woe the votes of the biddable. Have you noticed how many common people have been nominated or appointed by the P-e? Has Trump drained the swamp, or has he reloaded it with the usual suspects; from, Wall Street, the 1%, the Military and former elected officials.
As if Hillary would have done anything different, other than the cronies would all have a "D" after their names or large "charity" donation checks.

Still, it remains to be seen how the Trump administration functions. He's not even sworn in yet and you're declaring his Presidency a failure. LOL
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
Good thing TR didn't meddle in the economy, I mean him being a Republican and all.

Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive.....today that means he was a left winger....
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
Good thing TR didn't meddle in the economy, I mean him being a Republican and all.
TR's meddling didn't amount to a hill of beans compared to what the federal government commonly does today. It's like the difference between a row boat and a super tanker.
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

Bad bad example

The US of A is a gargantuan FASCIST bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
Good thing TR didn't meddle in the economy, I mean him being a Republican and all.
TR's meddling didn't amount to a hill of beans compared to what the federal government commonly does today. It's like the difference between a row boat and a super tanker.

So was Teddy the super tanker or the rowboat? In any case he's rated higher than poor Reagan.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
Good thing TR didn't meddle in the economy, I mean him being a Republican and all.
TR's meddling didn't amount to a hill of beans compared to what the federal government commonly does today. It's like the difference between a row boat and a super tanker.

So was Teddy the super tanker or the rowboat? In any case he's rated higher than poor Reagan.

That is because people don't know that he was a nut and believed in eugenics......if more people knew that Teddy wouldn't have the status that he has.....
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

I'd suggest courses on the Economic History of the United States and The Diplomatic History of the US, but since they are mostly taught by professors, and your side of the aisle believes them to be liberal brain washers you would not be inclined to do so. There are books on both subjects, annotated with bibliographies and cites to primary sources. But I doubt you would waster your time

You didn't vote, and you replied with an opinion not affirmed by evidence.

You voted for Hillary 9 times, and started a thread driven by butthurt. :dunno:

I voted once for HRC and once for each Democratic candidate on the ballot. Clinton was not a demagogue and not a charlatan, she was a weak candidate and lost to a snake oil salesman. Sect. Clinton had ideas and experience, Trump had a nostrum he sold to you as a panacea.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.
But that's not what we've had since 1789.
We had it until FDR ascended the throne. What you are calling a blend of socialism and capitalism, if it were proposed by Donald Trump, you would call "dog eat dog" darwinian "survival of the fittest" laissez faire capitalism.
Good thing TR didn't meddle in the economy, I mean him being a Republican and all.
TR's meddling didn't amount to a hill of beans compared to what the federal government commonly does today. It's like the difference between a row boat and a super tanker.

So was Teddy the super tanker or the rowboat? In any case he's rated higher than poor Reagan.
Obviously, Teddy is the rowboat, moron. He's also a gigantic statist douche bag. Historians are little more than state propagandists. Their opinions can safely be ignored.
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

I'd suggest courses on the Economic History of the United States and The Diplomatic History of the US, but since they are mostly taught by professors, and your side of the aisle believes them to be liberal brain washers you would not be inclined to do so. There are books on both subjects, annotated with bibliographies and cites to primary sources. But I doubt you would waster your time.

I would suggest that you're a brainwashed moron. I've read hundred of books about American history, especially it's economic history.

You, on the other hand, don't know your ass for a hole in the ground. Everything you think you know is a lie.
"Seems to work best?" Obviously you don't have any actual evidence that it works best.
The United States of America. Perhaps you can give the name of a country which is better.....in your opinion.
The United States of America is the evidence that limiting government meddling to the maximum extent possible is what works best.

Bad bad example

The US of A is a gargantuan FASCIST bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

It is now, but prior to FDR it was a passably free country.

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