Fast food workers take to the streets

Sad whats happening to the youth of America.
The ole "I'll work harder when you pay me more" rather than working harder to EARN more pay.
And now we have extortion for better pay. Even Gen Xers make these clowns look bad.

Ya, because our grandparents certainly never sought decent pay or anything like that (rolls eyes)
Mostly because our grandparents did not stay at dead end jobs. They improved their skill sets and changed jobs/companies and made more money.
Sad whats happening to the youth of America.
The ole "I'll work harder when you pay me more" rather than working harder to EARN more pay.
And now we have extortion for better pay. Even Gen Xers make these clowns look bad.

Ya, because our grandparents certainly never sought decent pay or anything like that (rolls eyes)

But they were willing to actually work for more money.
I know,it's a foreign concept to todays youth. But a concept they'd do well to learn.
Way to go, morons. Automated tellers will be here to replace your stupid asses in no time.
Picture if you will, Wal-Marts and fast food chains that are global if a general strike occured in the US. Wanna see the power of the poor on Wall Street as markets tank? Everything's connected now, can't screw over people in one place without people someplace else reacting. And these greedy companies have already put the noose around their own necks. By screwing over developing nations' workers even more than us in the US, they'll strike along with us demanding the same bump in pay (adjusted for locality of course.)

ISIS might be a future threat, but poor workers are a threat today. If they ask for modest pay hikes let them have it. Want "Oliver Twist" cartoons showing rich companies sitting at a high table and ethnic workers as Oliver, "Please sir, I'd like some more."

This could get really bad, really quick. People only take it for so long before they remind you who's really in charge.
Way to go, morons. Automated tellers will be here to replace your stupid asses in no time.

Nah...obammy will just bring in more illegals willing to work for less.
Thats the dem plan. Get everyone on subsistence wages making them totally reliant on government for everything else.

That gravy train won't last forever. Good thing I grow my own food.
Picture if you will, Wal-Marts and fast food chains that are global if a general strike occured in the US. Wanna see the power of the poor on Wall Street as markets tank? Everything's connected now, can't screw over people in one place without people someplace else reacting. And these greedy companies have already put the noose around their own necks. By screwing over developing nations' workers even more than us in the US, they'll strike along with us demanding the same bump in pay (adjusted for locality of course.)

ISIS might be a future threat, but poor workers are a threat today. If they ask for modest pay hikes let them have it. Want "Oliver Twist" cartoons showing rich companies sitting at a high table and ethnic workers as Oliver, "Please sir, I'd like some more."

This could get really bad, really quick. People only take it for so long before they remind you who's really in charge.

Maybe if we stopped flooding the country with ignorant illegals who increase competition for those very jobs the min wage would go up?
Absolutely true. Not even making that up. To that end, anyone buying fast food while this is all going on, be sure to flatter and tell the people who take your order, and loud enough so the people in the back you can't see can hear you how much you hope thye get the bump in pay. ...Your food will be better. :)
The food will be no different. 15 per hour is fucking absurd for a job a 13 year old could do. Want better money? Get a better job....duh
We condemn people who want to get decent salary for their job, and then we get surprised that thousand of aliens come to take their place. People, we need to be logical and responsible.

Way to go, morons. Automated tellers will be here to replace your stupid asses in no time.

We've have automat eateries for over a hundred years. If automation was gonna replace human workers it'd have happened long ago.
Yeah, I'm sure we've had these for over a hundred years in our minimum wage facilities. This is the future. Low-skill pissants who think they deserve a living wage working fast food are the past.

I have a simple question - how many of the strikers actually took time off from work to go to the streets?

How many were actually bused in from somewhere else and paid by a variety of unions to be there?
Picture if you will, Wal-Marts and fast food chains that are global if a general strike occured in the US. Wanna see the power of the poor on Wall Street as markets tank? Everything's connected now, can't screw over people in one place without people someplace else reacting. And these greedy companies have already put the noose around their own necks. By screwing over developing nations' workers even more than us in the US, they'll strike along with us demanding the same bump in pay (adjusted for locality of course.)

ISIS might be a future threat, but poor workers are a threat today. If they ask for modest pay hikes let them have it. Want "Oliver Twist" cartoons showing rich companies sitting at a high table and ethnic workers as Oliver, "Please sir, I'd like some more."

This could get really bad, really quick. People only take it for so long before they remind you who's really in charge.

And then we will see the end results of the glorious revolution!!! The dictatorship of the Proletariat!!!
Typical liberal emotional bullshit. Think with your brain not your heart.

I wonder, why people are so eager to place tags...
But still, why thiking every salary should be big enough a person could survive on it is liberal bs?
Btw, that was how different civil rights movements started, when workers claimed for 8-hour working day, paid vacation and stuff like that. I wonder, if they called it liberal bs back then...
Creating careers out of low skilled work is what is destroying Europe. The economic stream is that people in low skilled work or no skill work move up. This opens the entry level job for a young person just entering the work force. In Europe where entry level jobs are lifetime careers there is no job opening at the lower level. When 40 year old burger flippers can afford to support their families on their wages as burger flippers they never advance. If they don't advance and leave that job, there is no job available. Youth unemployment in Europe approaches 50% in some countries. Younger workers literally have to wait until someone dies before there's an opening. The dynamisim of the economy is stifled.

Low skilled or non skilled workers don't care if the economy is stifled. They are interested in getting the most amount of money for the least amount of effort. Growing out of burger flipping doesn't advance that interest. The way technology is growing, the burger flippers are about to go the way of the buggy whip so they better figure out an alternative soon.
Typical liberal emotional bullshit. Think with your brain not your heart.

I wonder, why people are so eager to place tags...
But still, why thiking every salary should be big enough a person could survive on it is liberal bs?
Btw, that was how different civil rights movements started, when workers claimed for 8-hour working day, paid vacation and stuff like that. I wonder, if they called it liberal bs back then...
Because you're not supposed to survive on a fast food job. If you're an adult working in fast food you're an idiot.

Creating careers out of low skilled work is what is destroying Europe. The economic stream is that people in low skilled work or no skill work move up. This opens the entry level job for a young person just entering the work force. In Europe where entry level jobs are lifetime careers there is no job opening at the lower level. When 40 year old burger flippers can afford to support their families on their wages as burger flippers they never advance. If they don't advance and leave that job, there is no job available. Youth unemployment in Europe approaches 50% in some countries. Younger workers literally have to wait until someone dies before there's an opening. The dynamisim of the economy is stifled.

Low skilled or non skilled workers don't care if the economy is stifled. They are interested in getting the most amount of money for the least amount of effort. Growing out of burger flipping doesn't advance that interest. The way technology is growing, the burger flippers are about to go the way of the buggy whip so they better figure out an alternative soon.

Nicely said. Now get ready for the inane BS as a counter point.

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