Fast food workers take to the streets

Typical liberal emotional bullshit. Think with your brain not your heart.

I wonder, why people are so eager to place tags...
But still, why thiking every salary should be big enough a person could survive on it is liberal bs?
Btw, that was how different civil rights movements started, when workers claimed for 8-hour working day, paid vacation and stuff like that. I wonder, if they called it liberal bs back then...

The shallow end of the gene pool.
You really need to stop FEELING and start thinking.
Way to go, morons. Automated tellers will be here to replace your stupid asses in no time.

That is the correct motorcycle. It would be easy to replace cashiers today (think self checkout at the grocery store), and it would take little time to automate the entire fast food preparation process. Sure, force the pay higher. That'll be great for the 2 people on each shift who call tech support if something breaks down. It's pure economics.
Can you make 45 000 per year at McDonald s in Denmark PunditFact

Lengthy evaluation of the claim "McDonald's workers in Denmark make $45,000" US equivilent, but worthwhile. Judgement was 'mostly true.'

"Here is some simple but not entirely accurate math about what each company would pay if its hourly minimum wage rose to $15. If 75% of the workers at both companies make $8 and the number rose to $15, Walmart’s expense increase would be $18 billion a year. McDonald’s would be $4.5 billion. In the case of McDonald’s, profits would be cut in half. Walmart’s profit would be cut by 80%.

Walmart’s worldwide revenue is $425 billion, and about two-thirds of that in the United States. McDonald’s is much smaller, with worldwide revenue of $28 billion.
What a Minimum Wage Hike to 15 an Hour Could Do to Walmart and McDonald s - 24 7 Wall St.

So McD's drops to 14 billion, and Wal-Mart's to 85 billion. Not exactly suffering compared to the employees who got em there who ARE suffering.

Time to care more about employees who make these companies profitable in the first place than your company's 'high score.'
Every McDonalds on the planet is wholly owned by a franchise. That's right every one!' The McDonalds corp earns it's revenue from a percentage the franchise pays the corporation. In return the corporation provides all the advertising and promotions. and the consumer studies and a thousand other things you're brain could not understand. Are you bright enough to understand this very simple fact?
If so then you may not equate Walmart with McDonalds. Am I going too fast?
'McDonalds' pays every one of their staff well above minimum wage.
We can not say the same for some White house employees. Many are women. Many only make minimum wage.
What's up with that BOBO?
Why don't you not buy that deck of Camels which you hide from 'MO' under a rock in the Rose garden and give the fucking money to the 'illegal' woman who cleans your toilet?
So McD's drops to 14 billion, and Wal-Mart's to 85 billion. Not exactly suffering compared to the employees who got em there who ARE suffering.

Great idea. Drop McD's revenue by 50% and WalMart's by 80%.
That'll help workers. LOL!

That's their profits shit-for-brains. After everyone's been paid, everything bought that's what's left over. If paying employees twice makes happier employees call it a morale boost if you like. But there's no business reason not to reinvest in your own workforce. Better to have longterm employees who are content than short-term ones you constantly have to train who aren't very good at it since there's no reason to try and become so if know your employers gives you the finger while having a 200 dollar lunch.

The minimum wage workforce can shut the country down anytime they want to. Wanna risk a general strike go ahead.
That there is funny. 99.99% of the "minimum wage" work force flips burgers and cleans bus station toilets.
Your problem pal is you have been inculcated by LIB indoctrination centers AKA school to believe 'everyone deserves a trophy'. They don't.
Maybe in some dumb ass stoned 'Utopian's' mind but not here on planet earth.
Been tried. Never worked. Why? B/c mankind did not get to where it is today by giving people 'free shit'.
No one is going to give some semi-literate low IQ person $15.00 an hour to habitually fuck up the burger order when a newly graduated dental assistant is paid the same.
Not going to happen.
There's an election in bit more than 60 days. All the minimum wage hoopla now is to get the dim's extremely low information/wage earners ginned up against the rich republican corporate folks in hopes it'll help get them to the polls. Period, as Barry would say.
Give them the $15/hour they want. It's unwise to upset the people who handle your food. I worked at 3 Taco Bells, and a McDonald's. Maybe a cockroach falls in the fryer, maybe it doesn't. How vigilant I am depends a lot on how well paid I am :)
Sadly things like that can still happen one way or another since bugs are so small that they can get into anywhere.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I think it's fantastic that so many Fast Food Workers are taking to the streets.

While watching the news this morning, I saw a great many Obese Fast Food Workers on the streets. They could use some exercise, so the marching around is very healthy indeed!
There's an election in bit more than 60 days. All the minimum wage hoopla now is to get the dim's extremely low information/wage earners ginned up against the rich republican corporate folks in hopes it'll help get them to the polls. Period, as Barry would say.
It could just piss off the millions who just want to grab a burger for lunch. It would be great if these protests would get bigger, in more places and maybe just a tad more violent. Take a good look at who is serving up those fries to little Johnny.
So McD's drops to 14 billion, and Wal-Mart's to 85 billion. Not exactly suffering compared to the employees who got em there who ARE suffering.

Great idea. Drop McD's revenue by 50% and WalMart's by 80%.
That'll help workers. LOL!

That's their profits shit-for-brains. After everyone's been paid, everything bought that's what's left over. If paying employees twice makes happier employees call it a morale boost if you like. But there's no business reason not to reinvest in your own workforce. Better to have longterm employees who are content than short-term ones you constantly have to train who aren't very good at it since there's no reason to try and become so if know your employers gives you the finger while having a 200 dollar lunch.

The minimum wage workforce can shut the country down anytime they want to. Wanna risk a general strike go ahead.

That's their profits

No, ya moron, WalMart's profit was 16.5 billion last year.
McD's was 5.6 billion.

But there's no business reason not to reinvest in your own workforce.

Doubling the pay of low-skilled workers is stupid and would wipe out their profits.
Sorry. If you were better at math, you'd be making more than minimum wage.
A general strike? Lol, the min wage workforce isn't exactly part of the necessary infrastructure of the country.

"Among those paid by the hour, 1.6 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.0 million had wages below the federal minimum.2 Together, these 3.6 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 4.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."
Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

Wanna find out what happens if 3.6 million people call in sick?

Their jobs get filled by 3.6 million low-skilled replacements?
It's a story that the non skilled or low skilled have always told themselves. The world could not function without them. They must inflate their importance. There is no harm in believing this way. It only becomes toxic when they demand that others believe it.
If you're an adult working in fast food, you better either be an owner, a supervisor, or someone who isn't the primary breadwinner in the family.

Otherwise, you're a loser.
Sadly, if prices went up, I'd have to reduce my McDonald's trips from 1-2x/month to 1x/every 1-2 months. :(

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