Fast food workers take to the streets

If you're an adult working in fast food, you better either be an owner, a supervisor, or someone who isn't the primary breadwinner in the family.

Otherwise, you're a loser.

I have to agree with that, my eldest, who just graduated high school, is a manager at McDonalds. I personally wish he'd have skipped the crap job and stayed home to go to college full time, instead of part time, but he wanted to be all independent and shit. (Of course I say this right after he texts for help cause his car's acting up heh)
A couple of major news outlets last night gave the 'fast-food' walk-out about ten seconds.
Most didn't bother.
Not even Sharpton mentioned the walk-out.
Can you say 'like a popcorn fart in the wind?' That about sums up how 'important' the story is.
No sentient person believes paying an illiterate $15.00 an hour to habitually fuck up the burger order is going to happen.
Not even Sharpton.
Here s How the Price of Your Favorite Fast Food Would Change With a 15 Minimum Wage
Is this what you want?

Or does this sound better?
Momentum Machines Burger Robot - Business Insider

A company called Momentum Machines has built a robot that could radically change the fast-food industry and have some line cooks looking for new jobs.
The company's robot can "slice toppings like tomatoes and pickles immediately before it places the slice onto your burger, giving you the freshest burger possible." The robot is "more consistent, more sanitary, and can produce ~360 hamburgers per hour." That's one burger every 10 seconds.
The next generation of the device will offer "custom meat grinds for every single customer. Want a patty with 1/3 pork and 2/3 bison ground to order? No problem."
These mindless dregs can start their own hamburger joint and pay themselves the wages they merit.

Or just find employment at some utopian communist restaurant run by progressives...problem solved
There's an election in bit more than 60 days. All the minimum wage hoopla now is to get the dim's extremely low information/wage earners ginned up against the rich republican corporate folks in hopes it'll help get them to the polls. Period, as Barry would say.
That's the plan.
'War On Women' Who in their right mind would 'wage a war' on over 50% the electorate? The REPs. I don't' think so.
War on the middle class? It's the fuckimg middle class that is the REP's base for Christ sake!
War on Blacks? They don't vote REP anyway so what's the point of that? Plus they are doing a great job waging war on each other every fucking day in every inner city in the country. They don't need 'Whitey's' help.
BOBO is going to have to be more creative to get the Blacks to waddle off to the polls if he want's to keep the Senate.
UMMmmmm? 'War on watermelons'?
War on 'Free Shit'?' War On Velcro Trainers'?
Holder might be able to pull something off: 'War On .................?
He'll do his best.
Only an absolute idiot would think that giving FF workers $15/hour is a good idea.
BOBO is at the top of the list.
"America needs a raise!'.
Ya BOBO, you start a FF franchise and pay your illiterate employees $15.00 an hour.
Fast food workers take to the streets

Thousands of fast food workers are expected to stage protests Thursday outside of restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Domino’s in a coordinated push for higher pay.

Backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), fast food workers in 150 cities plan to walk off the job and pick up picket signs to demand that they be paid no less than $15 per hour. It will be the seventh strike organized by the Fast Food Forward campaign since November 2012, when the campaign began.

"At Thursday’s strike, fast food restaurants will see firsthand that workers are willing to do whatever it takes to win $15 and union rights,” said Kendall Fells, the organizing director at Fast Food Forward, which receives funding from the SEIU.

Read more: Fast food workers take to the streets TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

The only result the SEIU would have is increasing the prices of fast food so it would no longer be the deal it is today, pushing consumers away.

Looks like there may be job openings at the Fast Food places if anyone is interested...
Just a note: fast food like Burger King and McD's etc., is more expensive in Europe: possibly because employees are paid higher wages. Even so, these restaurants are always packed. If you don't want to pay for the food, don't go to those restaurants.
Fast food workers take to the streets

Thousands of fast food workers are expected to stage protests Thursday outside of restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Domino’s in a coordinated push for higher pay.

Backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), fast food workers in 150 cities plan to walk off the job and pick up picket signs to demand that they be paid no less than $15 per hour. It will be the seventh strike organized by the Fast Food Forward campaign since November 2012, when the campaign began.

"At Thursday’s strike, fast food restaurants will see firsthand that workers are willing to do whatever it takes to win $15 and union rights,” said Kendall Fells, the organizing director at Fast Food Forward, which receives funding from the SEIU.

Read more: Fast food workers take to the streets TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

The only result the SEIU would have is increasing the prices of fast food so it would no longer be the deal it is today, pushing consumers away.

Looks like there may be job openings at the Fast Food places if anyone is interested...
Just a note: fast food like Burger King and McD's etc., is more expensive in Europe: possibly because employees are paid higher wages. Even so, these restaurants are always packed. If you don't want to pay for the food, don't go to those restaurants.

They pay more for everything. Thats not the kind of place I want to live.
I've actually been having much this same discussion with some buddies on FB the past couple/few days. One of them brought up the point about the number of jobs that would have their value destroyed by paying FF workers $15/h. They exampled CNA's making on average $12/h. Why go get CNA training if you'd make less than a FF worker, right? So the CNA's would have to get a raise, which means the RN's need a raise, etc. The ultimate costs to maintain employment value would be in the billions of dollars.

My personal experience just doesn't fit with this situation or the min wage thing - My middle son graduated HS last fall, worked at McD's for 6months, and got promoted to manager. My eldest graduated HS 2 years ago, he worked full time as a busser making $10/h, and part time as a mechanic's lacky for $15/h his first summer after; He's now working full time in mechanics and making $19/h plus they said they'd pay for his certifications and stuff after he had the required experience time. Hell my 13 year old got a job in customer service making $9/h last summer.

I personally just don't get why these folks are working low pay fast food if they're trying to support a family (or min wage trying to raise a family) and I can't help feeling that they are doing something wrong/poorly/etc. at work. What is preventing them from getting a better paying job?
Fast food workers take to the streets

Thousands of fast food workers are expected to stage protests Thursday outside of restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Domino’s in a coordinated push for higher pay.

Backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), fast food workers in 150 cities plan to walk off the job and pick up picket signs to demand that they be paid no less than $15 per hour. It will be the seventh strike organized by the Fast Food Forward campaign since November 2012, when the campaign began.

"At Thursday’s strike, fast food restaurants will see firsthand that workers are willing to do whatever it takes to win $15 and union rights,” said Kendall Fells, the organizing director at Fast Food Forward, which receives funding from the SEIU.

Read more: Fast food workers take to the streets TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

The only result the SEIU would have is increasing the prices of fast food so it would no longer be the deal it is today, pushing consumers away.

Looks like there may be job openings at the Fast Food places if anyone is interested...
Just a note: fast food like Burger King and McD's etc., is more expensive in Europe: possibly because employees are paid higher wages. Even so, these restaurants are always packed. If you don't want to pay for the food, don't go to those restaurants.
Tell that to pretty much every inner city Black who lives on salt/fat/carbonated sugar water and MSG. They are the majority of customers. Fast food franchise owners could write an encyclopedia on the 'inner city' politics' of who to hire and who not to hire IF they don't want their businesses looted and burned.
Let's see what happens to the franchise when a group of 'young Black men' descend on their nearest McDonalds and orders a Big Mac with fries and drink and the cashier tells them "that will be fifteen dollars" LOL!
"Well we have to charge that amount. Your second cousin over there behind the frieri is now making $15.00 an hour."
Good fucking luck with that pal.
Fast food workers take to the streets

Thousands of fast food workers are expected to stage protests Thursday outside of restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Domino’s in a coordinated push for higher pay.

Backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), fast food workers in 150 cities plan to walk off the job and pick up picket signs to demand that they be paid no less than $15 per hour. It will be the seventh strike organized by the Fast Food Forward campaign since November 2012, when the campaign began.

"At Thursday’s strike, fast food restaurants will see firsthand that workers are willing to do whatever it takes to win $15 and union rights,” said Kendall Fells, the organizing director at Fast Food Forward, which receives funding from the SEIU.

Read more: Fast food workers take to the streets TheHill
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

The only result the SEIU would have is increasing the prices of fast food so it would no longer be the deal it is today, pushing consumers away.

Looks like there may be job openings at the Fast Food places if anyone is interested...
Just a note: fast food like Burger King and McD's etc., is more expensive in Europe: possibly because employees are paid higher wages. Even so, these restaurants are always packed. If you don't want to pay for the food, don't go to those restaurants.
Tell that to pretty much every inner city Black who lives on salt/fat/carbonated sugar water and MSG. They are the majority of customers. Fast food franchise owners could write an encyclopedia on the 'inner city' politics' of who to hire and who not to hire IF they don't want their businesses looted and burned.
Let's see what happens to the franchise when a group of 'young Black men' descend on their nearest McDonalds and orders a Big Mac with fries and drink and the cashier tells them "that will be fifteen dollars" LOL!
"Well we have to charge that amount. Your second cousin over there behind the frieri is now making $15.00 an hour."
Good fucking luck with that pal.
My God, what a racist you are. Don't direct any more posts to me because I don't talk to racists. You're sick as hell.
I've actually been having much this same discussion with some buddies on FB the past couple/few days. One of them brought up the point about the number of jobs that would have their value destroyed by paying FF workers $15/h. They exampled CNA's making on average $12/h. Why go get CNA training if you'd make less than a FF worker, right? So the CNA's would have to get a raise, which means the RN's need a raise, etc. The ultimate costs to maintain employment value would be in the billions of dollars.

My personal experience just doesn't fit with this situation or the min wage thing - My middle son graduated HS last fall, worked at McD's for 6months, and got promoted to manager. My eldest graduated HS 2 years ago, he worked full time as a busser making $10/h, and part time as a mechanic's lacky for $15/h his first summer after; He's now working full time in mechanics and making $19/h plus they said they'd pay for his certifications and stuff after he had the required experience time. Hell my 13 year old got a job in customer service making $9/h last summer.

I personally just don't get why these folks are working low pay fast food if they're trying to support a family (or min wage trying to raise a family) and I can't help feeling that they are doing something wrong/poorly/etc. at work. What is preventing them from getting a better paying job?
The answer, to be blunt, is they are not mentally capable to accomplish anything but the most simple task. Even that is a stretch.
Hence 'Affirmative Action'.
Jesus Christ! Look who the 'OJ jury put in the White house? The first 'AA' President in history'
Look what a fuck-up he's been.
All he want's to do is fucking golf. And even at that he's basically a failure.
Ever hear any of his fucking MSNBS sycophants brag how good a golfer BOBO is? NOPE.
I've actually been having much this same discussion with some buddies on FB the past couple/few days. One of them brought up the point about the number of jobs that would have their value destroyed by paying FF workers $15/h. They exampled CNA's making on average $12/h. Why go get CNA training if you'd make less than a FF worker, right? So the CNA's would have to get a raise, which means the RN's need a raise, etc. The ultimate costs to maintain employment value would be in the billions of dollars.

My personal experience just doesn't fit with this situation or the min wage thing - My middle son graduated HS last fall, worked at McD's for 6months, and got promoted to manager. My eldest graduated HS 2 years ago, he worked full time as a busser making $10/h, and part time as a mechanic's lacky for $15/h his first summer after; He's now working full time in mechanics and making $19/h plus they said they'd pay for his certifications and stuff after he had the required experience time. Hell my 13 year old got a job in customer service making $9/h last summer.

I personally just don't get why these folks are working low pay fast food if they're trying to support a family (or min wage trying to raise a family) and I can't help feeling that they are doing something wrong/poorly/etc. at work. What is preventing them from getting a better paying job?
I don't think fast food workers should make as much as CNAs. Being a CNA is a skilled profession and much harder work than working in a fast food joint. I used to work for a company that placed medical workers, including CNAs. Those people are trained and work very hard. It's a job I wouldn't want to do for any amount of pay.
The answer, to be blunt, is they are not mentally capable to accomplish anything but the most simple task. Even that is a stretch.
Hence 'Affirmative Action'.
Jesus Christ! Look who the 'OJ jury put in the White house? The first 'AA' President in history'
Look what a fuck-up he's been.
All he want's to do is fucking golf. And even at that he's basically a failure.
Ever hear any of his fucking MSNBS sycophants brag how good a golfer BOBO is? NOPE.

Eh I disagree with your racial undertones there, but I do think there is a systemic issue of 'incompetence' that is running rampant in the country these days. Showing up and [barely] doing the work you're being paid to do is minimum wage worthy, you get what you're worth to the company. It's gotten to the point where employees are so lazy and whiny that I frankly don't understand why employees bother hanging on to them - its like the chicky-poo who's too busy texting to check on her tables at a restaurant, the twit at Subway who's too busy playing grab-ass with her co-workers to take a customers order, or the dip-stick drive through worker who 'corrects' me on what "I" am ordering. Just ridiculous. And they all want raises? My patience wears very thin...

I don't think fast food workers should make as much as CNAs. Being a CNA is a skilled profession and much harder work than working in a fast food joint. I used to work for a company that placed medical workers, including CNAs. Those people are trained and work very hard. It's a job I wouldn't want to do for any amount of pay.

I agree 100%, and there are a lot of other skilled jobs that would be affected. To be blunt, what can we expect from low-skill burger flippers who have no concept past wanting to be able to buy all the latest cell phones, buy a car, and raise 3 fucking kids on their min. wage pay. There seems to be a bit of a disconnect to reality if you ask me.

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