Fast-food workers walk out of job

They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.
What really destroyed Detroit ? and it?s not globalisation | TODAYonline


The most obvious candidate is the city’s vast unfunded pension programmes, which have been running deficits for years. Fully 99.6 per cent of the city’s retiree healthcare liabilities are unfunded, and the programme generally pays 80 to 100 per cent of retirees’ medical costs.

From 2007 to 2012, the city’s two biggest pension programmes paid out US$3.3 billion (S$4 billion) more in benefits than they took in through contributions or investment income. Unfunded obligations account for US$9.2 billion of Detroit’s US$18 billion debt: US$3.5 billion comes from the pension part and US$5.7 billion comes from the retiree healthcare liability.

The individual pensions for public employees are fairly modest, averaging some US$18,000 a year, but they are spread over a huge past and present workforce. Detroit’s political establishment has long been based on patronage. Although the public workforce has shrunk in recent years, almost one in 15 residents still works for the city.

Salaries and benefits for current employees consume 36 per cent of the city’s revenue. Legacy obligations, which include pension contributions and benefit payments, take an additional 39 per cent of revenue. That leaves little to invest in the failing infrastructure.


Pensions are hardly Detroit’s only hurdle. The city throws plenty of money at its schools, which are beholden to the powerful Detroit Federation of Teachers, spending more than US$14,000 a student annually. Yet little value is received in return: In 2009, Detroit public-school students turned in the lowest scores ever recorded in the national math-proficiency test. More than a third of students fail to graduate.

In many ways, Detroit is a model of tax-and-spend liberalism. The city’s per-capita tax burden is the highest in Michigan. Detroit has the country’s highest property taxes on homes, the top commercial property tax and the second-highest industrial property tax.

The city’s income tax — 2.4 per cent for residents, 1.2 per cent for non-residents and 2 per cent for businesses — is the highest in Michigan. The income tax burden on residents is significantly higher than that for those who live in the surrounding area, which helps drive more affluent and successful residents out of the city. And Detroit is the only city in Michigan that has an excise tax on utility users.


Besides the anti-business taxes, there are the anti-business regulations. The city imposes a “living wage” of US$11.03 an hour (US$13.78 an hour if other benefits aren’t provided) for public employees, as well as on businesses that contract with the city.

This year, Detroit started a campaign against businesses that don’t meet the city’s voluminous licensing requirements, promising to shut some 1,500 “illegal” ventures such as tire shops and second-hand appliance stores operating out of abandoned warehouses. This sector makes up almost a 10th of businesses operating in the city and serves almost 70 per cent of residents. The official policy is to crush these operations.

A few years ago, the non-partisan Bay Area Center for Voting Research rated Detroit as the most liberal city in America. The city’s own choices, not free markets and limited government, are really responsible for Detroit’s failure. BLOOMBERG
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

So What??????????

Does that change the price of rice in China?

You keep jacking up pay rates and prices go up as a result. Those in the middle suffer as their wages don't grow as well so there money doesn't go as far. The CPI keeps rising and you haven't done anything more than inflate the prices.

They need to look to other areas of employment, or stop whining and move to where they can have a better life if it isn't cutting it there. I work with some displaced from Detroit who moved down here to get a job and a life and they are happy they did so, except the underwater mortgages left in Detroit. A CITY DESTROYED BY LIBERALISM.
Its selfishness. Getting your employees to do the hard work, while you sit back and pocket the fruits of their labor.

You are so full of it! 99% of all business owners worked, sweated and stayed up trying to make sure they made it. They risk everything, feel responsible for their workers. So spare me your liberal greedy mentality.

And now that they have 'made it' they think they can sit back, work their employees into the ground for little pay, and then fire them when they go on strike.

They can. What about that don't you get? If you don't like it get another job where you are the boss.
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

DUH! Perhaps that is why professionals have enough sense not to walk off their jobs.
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

Big difference, yes a Lawyer is replaceable but you can't just walk out onto the street and find someone with a law degree. As far as fast food worker I can comb the local high school for replacements.
Its selfishness. Getting your employees to do the hard work, while you sit back and pocket the fruits of their labor.

You are so full of it! 99% of all business owners worked, sweated and stayed up trying to make sure they made it. They risk everything, feel responsible for their workers. So spare me your liberal greedy mentality.

And now that they have 'made it' they think they can sit back, work their employees into the ground for little pay, and then fire them when they go on strike.

More leftist, victim hood bullshit. Business owners don't sit back and think they "made it". Sorry, businesses today watch and move toward trends. No business feels they made it, all know it can disappear tomorrow.

You seem like a bitter employee, that has little future, other than playing a victim to the big bad businesses.
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

Big difference, yes a Lawyer is replaceable but you can't just walk out onto the street and find someone with a law degree. As far as fast food worker I can comb the local high school for replacements.

I have a couple at work that have become a couple, if it goes bad, I already know who I'll replace. One is the receptionist, the other a mechanic. Guess which one I keep.
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

When my office was open and I felt that the employees were unhappy for some reason, I would punish them, severely, by taking a few days off myself. Within two days they were in a panic. They could be replaced, in an hour, without me, there was no job for anyone.

It was enough to settle them down for months.
When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

Big difference, yes a Lawyer is replaceable but you can't just walk out onto the street and find someone with a law degree. As far as fast food worker I can comb the local high school for replacements.

I have a couple at work that have become a couple, if it goes bad, I already know who I'll replace. One is the receptionist, the other a mechanic. Guess which one I keep.

My guess is the mechanic because they are exceedingly hard to come by.
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

The funny thing is if the fast industry did decide to pay their workers $15.00 an hour, there would still be people on welfare collecting something for nothing. Higher wages at fast food isn't going to motivate the folks sponging off of welfare.
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

I'm sure you won't find an unemployed lawyer on welfare either.
When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.
Of course they are, but to different degrees of pain.

Fast food worker walks off the job you grab someone with a pulse and can have them mostly up to speed in one shift. That isn't the case with many professional jobs.
When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.

Big difference, yes a Lawyer is replaceable but you can't just walk out onto the street and find someone with a law degree. As far as fast food worker I can comb the local high school for replacements.

I have a couple at work that have become a couple, if it goes bad, I already know who I'll replace. One is the receptionist, the other a mechanic. Guess which one I keep.

The mechanic.
When you think about it, everyone is replaceable. You can be a lawyer, you are replaceable - there is always going to be someone else out there with that degree who can take over your job.
Of course they are, but to different degrees of pain.

Fast food worker walks off the job you grab someone with a pulse and can have them mostly up to speed in one shift. That isn't the case with many professional jobs.

It's not an organized strike if there not unionized.

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